index 3ebf18287..5445e86ab 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Type: Package
 Package: landscapemetrics
 Title: Landscape Metrics for Categorical Map Patterns
-Version: 2.0.0
+Version: 2.1.0
 Authors@R: c(person("Maximilian H.K.", "Hesselbarth",
              role = c("aut", "cre"),
              email = "mhk.hesselbarth@gmail.com",
index 0aaacbc7c..65b036d38 100644
@@ -15,11 +15,17 @@ export(construct_buffer)
@@ -160,6 +166,7 @@ export(matrix_to_raster)
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 684c5efde..b74ac25d4 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,3 +1,30 @@
+# landscapemetrics 2.1.0
+* Improvements
+    * Many performance improvements. Most visible are in
+    `calculate_lsm` (all metrics: more than 5 times faster with 70% less memory 
+    allocation for `augusta_nlcd`; larger increases were found for smaller data)
+    and `window_lsm` (a single metric: more than 6 times faster for `augusta_nlcd`; 
+    larger increases were found for smaller data)
+    * Some performance improvements are related to the new "extras" mechanism, in which several objects 
+    are precalculated in `calculate_lsm`
+    * Creates an internal `extras_df` object that lists which extras are needed by
+    each metric
+    * Replaces the use of `tibble::tibble()` with `tibble::new_tibble(list())` in most functions.
+    This change is partially responsible for improvements of the `window_lsm` speed
+    * Replaces `raster_to_points` with `get_points` in several places. 
+    The `get_points` function is based on the column and row numbers multiplied by
+    the resolution, not actual coordinates.
+    * Replaces `table` with (faster) `tabulate` in `lsm_p_core`
+* New functions
+    * Adds a few internal helper functions and documents them, including `prepare_extras`,
+    `get_area_patches`, `get_class_patches`, `get_complexity`, `get_enn_patch`, 
+    `get_points`, and `get_perimeter_patch`
+* Bugfixes
+    * Fixes `window_lsm` behaviour for situations with NAs values and non-square windows
+* Various
+    * Fixes several typos and improves documentation in many places
+    * Uses object references in most rcpp functions
 # landscapemetrics 2.0.0
 * Improvements
     * `terra` and `sf` instead of `raster` and `sp` as underlying frameworks
@@ -8,10 +35,10 @@
 * Bugfixes
     * There was a bug introduced previously in the calculation of SHEI
     * `extract_lsm` returned an no-needed warning message
-    * Minor bug in shape index fixed
+    * The shape index now follows exactly the definition of the FRAGSTATS manual
     * Minor bug in clumpy index fixed
 * Various 
-    * Updated FRAGSTATS reference (thanks to  Oto Kaláb @kalab-oto)
+    * Updated FRAGSTATS reference (thanks to Oto Kaláb @kalab-oto)
     * Update FRAGSTATS tests
 # landscapemetrics 1.5.6
diff --git a/R/calculate_lsm.R b/R/calculate_lsm.R
index baa572119..3fc16161d 100644
--- a/R/calculate_lsm.R
+++ b/R/calculate_lsm.R
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ calculate_lsm_internal <- function(landscape,
                     call. = FALSE)
+    landscape <- terra::as.int(landscape)
     # get name of metrics
     metrics <- list_lsm(level = level, metric = metric, name = name,
@@ -162,18 +163,14 @@ calculate_lsm_internal <- function(landscape,
     # how many metrics need to be calculated?
     number_metrics <- length(metrics_calc)
-    # get coordinates of cells
-    points <- raster_to_points(landscape)[, 2:4]
-    # resolution of original raster
+    # prepare extras
     resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
-    # convert to matrix
     landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+    extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape, directions, neighbourhood,
+                                        ordered, base, resolution)
     result <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(metrics_calc), FUN = function(current_metric) {
-        # print progess using the non-internal name
+        # print progress using the non-internal name
         if (progress) {
             cat("\r> Progress metrics: ", current_metric, "/", number_metrics)
@@ -185,25 +182,31 @@ calculate_lsm_internal <- function(landscape,
         arguments <- names(formals(foo))
         # run function
-        tryCatch(do.call(what = foo,
+        #start_time = Sys.time()
+        resultint <- tryCatch(do.call(what = foo,
                          args = mget(arguments, envir = parent.env(environment()))),
                  error = function(e){
+        #end_time = Sys.time()
+        #resultint$time <- as.numeric(difftime(end_time, start_time, units = "secs"))
+        resultint
     if (full_name == TRUE) {
         col_ordering <- c("level", "class", "id", "metric", "value",
-                          "name", "type", "function_name")
+                          "name", "type", "function_name"#,"time"
+                          )
         result <- merge(x = result,
                         y = lsm_abbreviations_names,
                         by = c("level", "metric"),
                         all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE, suffixes = c("", ""))
-        result <- tibble::as_tibble(result[,col_ordering])
+        result <- tibble::as_tibble(result[, col_ordering])
     if (progress) {
diff --git a/R/construct_buffer.R b/R/construct_buffer.R
index d2a44f149..97be7b3a9 100644
--- a/R/construct_buffer.R
+++ b/R/construct_buffer.R
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
 #' @description Internal function to construct plot area around coordinates
-#' @param coords SpatialPoints or 2-column matrix with coordinates of sample points
+#' @param coords SpatVector, sf object or 2-column matrix with coordinates of sample points
 #' @param shape String specifying plot shape. Either "circle" or "square"
 #' @param size Size of sample plot. Equals the radius for circles or the
-#' side-length for squares in mapunits
-#' @param return_vec If true, vector objects are returned.
+#' side-length for squares in map units
+#' @param return_vec If TRUE, vector objects are returned.
 #' @param verbose Print warning messages.
 #' @return
-#' matrix or sf objecct
+#' matrix or SpatVector object
 #' @examples
 #' coords <- matrix(c(10, 5, 25, 15, 5, 25), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
diff --git a/R/data.R b/R/data.R
index 24e19a32e..38693fb63 100644
--- a/R/data.R
+++ b/R/data.R
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #' @source http://maps.elie.ucl.ac.be/CCI/viewer/
 #' Tibble of abbreviations coming from FRAGSTATS
 #' A single tibble for every abbreviation of every metric that is
diff --git a/R/data_info.R b/R/data_info.R
index 24fa11b42..2aad5380d 100644
--- a/R/data_info.R
+++ b/R/data_info.R
@@ -39,5 +39,5 @@ data_info <- function(landscape){
                         yes = "integer",
                         no = "non-integer"))
-    tibble::tibble(class = class, n_classes = length(landscape_values))
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(class = class, n_classes = length(landscape_values)))
diff --git a/R/get_boundaries.R b/R/get_boundaries.R
index a241acd6f..e25c01cfa 100644
--- a/R/get_boundaries.R
+++ b/R/get_boundaries.R
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #' cell or a cell with a different value than itself. Non-boundary cells only
 #' neighbour cells with the same value than themself.
-#' @return List with RasterLayer or matrix
+#' @return List with SpatRaster or matrix
 #' @examples
 #' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
diff --git a/R/get_centroids.R b/R/get_centroids.R
index cfe3fbc58..d500e50c2 100644
--- a/R/get_centroids.R
+++ b/R/get_centroids.R
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ get_centroids <- function(landscape, directions = 8, cell_center = FALSE,
     if (return_vec) {
-        result <- terra::vect(result, geom=c("x", "y"), crs = crs)
+        result <- terra::vect(result, geom = c("x", "y"), crs = crs)
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ get_centroids_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center, verbose) {
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch"),
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               y = as.double(NA),
                               y = as.double(NA)))
-    # get uniuqe class id
+    # get unique class id
     classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = verbose)
     centroid <- do.call(rbind,
@@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ get_centroids_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center, verbose) {
                             # set ID from class ID to unique patch ID
                             points[, 3] <- landscape_labeled[!is.na(landscape_labeled)]
-                            # # conver to tibble
+                            # # convert to tibble
                             points <- stats::setNames(object = data.frame(points),
                                                       nm = c("x", "y", "id"))
-                            # calcuale the centroid of each patch (mean of all coords)
+                            # calculate the centroid of each patch (mean of all coords)
                             centroid_temp <- stats::aggregate(points[, c(1, 2)],
                                                               by = list(id = points[, 3]),
                                                               FUN = mean)
@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@ get_centroids_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center, verbose) {
-    tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("patch", nrow(centroid)),
                    class = as.integer(centroid$class),
-                   id = as.integer(id),
+                   id = as.integer(centroid$id),
                    x = as.double(centroid$x),
-                   y = as.double(centroid$y))
+                   y = as.double(centroid$y)))
diff --git a/R/get_circumscribingcircle.R b/R/get_circumscribingcircle.R
index 41e8821ab..870644dab 100644
--- a/R/get_circumscribingcircle.R
+++ b/R/get_circumscribingcircle.R
@@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ get_circumscribingcircle_calc <- function(landscape, level, directions) {
         # resulting tibble
-        circle <- tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        circle <- tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("patch", nrow(circle)),
                                  class = as.integer(circle$class),
                                  id = as.integer(seq_len(nrow(circle))),
                                  value = circle$circle_diameter,
                                  center_x = circle$circle_center_x,
-                                 center_y = circle$circle_center_y)
+                                 center_y = circle$circle_center_y))
     # class level (no labeling)
@@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ get_circumscribingcircle_calc <- function(landscape, level, directions) {
         circle_class <- rcpp_get_circle(landscape, resolution_xy = resolution[1])
         # resulting tibble
-        circle <- tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        circle <- tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(circle_class)), 
                                  class = as.integer(circle_class$patch_id),
-                                 id = as.integer(NA),
+                                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(circle_class)),
                                  value = circle_class$circle_diameter,
                                  center_x = circle_class$circle_center_x,
-                                 center_y = circle_class$circle_center_y)
+                                 center_y = circle_class$circle_center_y))
     # shift the coordinates to the original coordinate system
diff --git a/R/get_nearestneighbour.R b/R/get_nearestneighbour.R
index a724ff958..191cd8c23 100644
--- a/R/get_nearestneighbour.R
+++ b/R/get_nearestneighbour.R
@@ -46,14 +46,16 @@ get_nearestneighbour <- function(landscape, return_id = FALSE) {
-get_nearestneighbour_calc <- function(landscape, return_id,
+get_nearestneighbour_calc <- function(landscape, return_id, resolution,
                                       points = NULL) {
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
         # get coordinates and values of all cells
-        points <- raster_to_points(landscape)[, 2:4]
+        points <- get_points(landscape, resolution = resolution)
         # convert to matrix
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
@@ -79,12 +81,12 @@ get_nearestneighbour_calc <- function(landscape, return_id,
     num <- seq_along(ord)
     rank <- match(num, ord)
-    res <- rcpp_get_nearest_neighbor(terra::as.matrix(points, wide= TRUE)[ord, ])
+    res <- rcpp_get_nearest_neighbor(as.matrix(points)[ord, ])
-    min_dist <- tibble::tibble(cell = num,
+    min_dist <- tibble::new_tibble(list(cell = num,
                                dist = res[rank, 1],
                                id_focal = points[, 3],
-                               id_neighbour = res[rank, 2])
+                               id_neighbour = res[rank, 2]))
     min_dist_aggr <- stats::setNames(stats::aggregate(x = min_dist$dist,
                                                       by = list(min_dist$id_focal),
diff --git a/R/get_patches.R b/R/get_patches.R
index 18a429218..211977b98 100644
--- a/R/get_patches.R
+++ b/R/get_patches.R
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 #' algorithm based on immersion simulations. IEEE Transactions on Pattern
 #' Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 13 (6), 583-598
-#' @return List
+#' @return List of SpatRaster
 #' @examples
 #' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
diff --git a/R/get_unique_values.R b/R/get_unique_values.R
index 76d970ef4..4610c9e90 100644
--- a/R/get_unique_values.R
+++ b/R/get_unique_values.R
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ get_unique_values <- function(x, simplify = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
-get_unique_values_int <- function(landscape, verbose) {
+get_unique_values_int <- function(landscape, verbose = FALSE) {
     if (inherits(x = landscape, what = "SpatRaster")) {
diff --git a/R/landscape_as_list.R b/R/landscape_as_list.R
index a70f7248c..d31321cf2 100644
--- a/R/landscape_as_list.R
+++ b/R/landscape_as_list.R
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ landscape_as_list <- function(landscape) UseMethod("landscape_as_list")
 #' @name landscape_as_list
 #' @export
 landscape_as_list.SpatRaster <- function(landscape) {
     landscape <- terra::as.list(landscape)
diff --git a/R/landscapemetrics-package.R b/R/landscapemetrics-package.R
index 0b2f80f5e..55df97dd2 100644
--- a/R/landscapemetrics-package.R
+++ b/R/landscapemetrics-package.R
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
 #' @keywords internal
-globalVariables(c("label", "lsm_abbreviations_names", "metric_1", "metric_2", "value", "values", "x", "y"))
+globalVariables(c(".data", "label", "lsm_abbreviations_names", "metric_1", "metric_2", "value", "values", "x", "y"))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_ai.R b/R/lsm_c_ai.R
index 7d8a965d0..b6135edf3 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_ai.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_ai.R
@@ -54,20 +54,21 @@ lsm_c_ai <- function(landscape) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_ai_calc <- function(landscape) {
+lsm_c_ai_calc <- function(landscape, extras = NULL) {
-    # convert to raster to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_c_ai"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "ai",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get coocurrence matrix of like_adjacencies
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ lsm_c_ai_calc <- function(landscape) {
                                                          directions = as.matrix(4)) / 2
     # get number of cells each class
-    cells_class <- rcpp_get_composition_vector(landscape)
+    cells_class <- extras$composition_vector
     # calculate maximum adjacencies
     n <- trunc(sqrt(cells_class))
@@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ lsm_c_ai_calc <- function(landscape) {
     # max_adj can be zero if only one cell is present; set to NA
     ai[is.nan(ai)] <- NA
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", length(ai)),
                           class = as.integer(names(like_adjacencies)),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "ai",
-                          value = as.double(ai)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(ai)),
+                          metric = rep("ai", length(ai)),
+                          value = as.double(ai))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_area_cv.R b/R/lsm_c_area_cv.R
index 5dc5e8df2..1fbac9b15 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_area_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_area_cv.R
@@ -58,29 +58,30 @@ lsm_c_area_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
-lsm_c_area_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_area_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # get area of patches
     area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(area$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "area_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate cv
     area_cv <- stats::aggregate(area[, 5], by = area[, 2],
                                 FUN = function(x) stats::sd(x) / mean(x) * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(area_cv)),
                           class = as.integer(area_cv$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "area_cv",
-                          value = as.double(area_cv$value)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(area_cv)),
+                          metric = rep("area_cv", nrow(area_cv)),
+                          value = as.double(area_cv$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_area_mn.R b/R/lsm_c_area_mn.R
index b44c62927..bd659c5f9 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_area_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_area_mn.R
@@ -59,28 +59,29 @@ lsm_c_area_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_area_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_area_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # get area of patches
     area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(area$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "area_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate mean
     area_mean <- stats::aggregate(area[, 5], by = area[, 2], FUN = mean)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(area_mean)),
                           class = as.integer(area_mean$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "area_mn",
-                          value = as.double(area_mean$value)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(area_mean)),
+                          metric = rep("area_mn", nrow(area_mean)),
+                          value = as.double(area_mean$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_area_sd.R b/R/lsm_c_area_sd.R
index 575814662..60377f3f4 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_area_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_area_sd.R
@@ -59,28 +59,29 @@ lsm_c_area_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_area_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_area_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # get area of patches
     area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(area$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "area_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate sd
     area_sd <- stats::aggregate(area[, 5], by = area[, 2], FUN = stats::sd)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(area_sd)),
                           class = as.integer(area_sd$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "area_sd",
-                          value = as.double(area_sd$value)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(area_sd)),
+                          metric = rep("area_sd", nrow(area_sd)),
+                          value = as.double(area_sd$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_ca.R b/R/lsm_c_ca.R
index da66b0ac7..1ab3d748d 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_ca.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_ca.R
@@ -58,28 +58,29 @@ lsm_c_ca <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_ca_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_ca_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # calculate core area for each patch
     core_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(core_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "ca",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise for each class
     ca <- stats::aggregate(x = core_patch[, 5], by = core_patch[, 2], FUN = sum)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(ca)),
                           class = as.integer(ca$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "ca",
-                          value = as.double(ca$value)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(ca)),
+                          metric = rep("ca", nrow(ca)),
+                          value = as.double(ca$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_cai_cv.R b/R/lsm_c_cai_cv.R
index 242574afd..9b3256618 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_cai_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_cai_cv.R
@@ -68,29 +68,31 @@ lsm_c_cai_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE, e
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_cai_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth){
+lsm_c_cai_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # calculate core area index for each patch
     cai <- lsm_p_cai_calc(landscape,
                           directions = directions,
                           consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
-                          edge_depth = edge_depth)
+                          edge_depth = edge_depth,
+                          resolution = resolution,
+                          extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(cai$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "cai_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise for classes
     cai_cv <- stats::aggregate(x = cai[, 5], by = cai[, 2], FUN = function(x) stats::sd(x) / mean(x) * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(cai_cv)),
                           class = as.integer(cai_cv$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "cai_cv",
-                          value = as.double(cai_cv$value)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(cai_cv)),
+                          metric = rep("cai_cv", nrow(cai_cv)),
+                          value = as.double(cai_cv$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_cai_mn.R b/R/lsm_c_cai_mn.R
index cd1afe5af..144d4e895 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_cai_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_cai_mn.R
@@ -66,29 +66,31 @@ lsm_c_cai_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE, e
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_cai_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth){
+lsm_c_cai_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # calculate core area index for each patch
     cai <- lsm_p_cai_calc(landscape,
                           directions = directions,
                           consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
-                          edge_depth = edge_depth)
+                          edge_depth = edge_depth,
+                          resolution = resolution,
+                          extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(cai$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "cai_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise for each class
     cai_mean <- stats::aggregate(x = cai[, 5], by = cai[, 2], FUN = mean)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(cai_mean)),
                           class = as.integer(cai_mean$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "cai_mn",
-                          value = as.double(cai_mean$value)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(cai_mean)),
+                          metric = rep("cai_mn", nrow(cai_mean)),
+                          value = as.double(cai_mean$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_cai_sd.R b/R/lsm_c_cai_sd.R
index 05e2c4fbe..3346c8937 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_cai_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_cai_sd.R
@@ -68,29 +68,31 @@ lsm_c_cai_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE, e
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_cai_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth){
+lsm_c_cai_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # calculate core area index for each patch
     cai <- lsm_p_cai_calc(landscape,
                           directions = directions,
                           consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
-                          edge_depth = edge_depth)
+                          edge_depth = edge_depth,
+                          resolution = resolution,
+                          extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(cai$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "cai_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise for classes
     cai_sd <- stats::aggregate(x = cai[, 5], by = cai[, 2], FUN = stats::sd)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(cai_sd)),
                           class = as.integer(cai_sd$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "cai_sd",
-                          value = as.double(cai_sd$value)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(cai_sd)),
+                          metric = rep("cai_sd", nrow(cai_sd)),
+                          value = as.double(cai_sd$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_circle_cv.R b/R/lsm_c_circle_cv.R
index 688901daf..076e54b78 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_circle_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_circle_cv.R
@@ -68,30 +68,32 @@ lsm_c_circle_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_circle_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_circle_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # calculate circumscribing circle for each patch
     circle <- lsm_p_circle_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions,
-                                resolution = resolution)
+                                resolution = resolution,
+                                extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(circle$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "circle_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise for classes
     circle_cv <- stats::aggregate(x = circle[, 5], by = circle[, 2],
                                   FUN = function(x) stats::sd(x) / mean(x) * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(circle_cv$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "circle_cv",
-                          value = as.double(circle_cv$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(circle_cv)),
+        class = as.integer(circle_cv$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(circle_cv)),
+        metric = rep("circle_cv", nrow(circle_cv)),
+        value = as.double(circle_cv$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_circle_mn.R b/R/lsm_c_circle_mn.R
index 37f5faa82..01a57c30a 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_circle_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_circle_mn.R
@@ -66,29 +66,31 @@ lsm_c_circle_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_circle_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_circle_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # calculate circumscribing circle for each patch
     circle <- lsm_p_circle_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions,
-                                resolution = resolution)
+                                resolution = resolution,
+                                extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(circle$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "circle_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise for classes
     circle_mn <- stats::aggregate(x = circle[, 5], by = circle[, 2], FUN = mean)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(circle_mn$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "circle_mn",
-                          value = as.double(circle_mn$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(circle_mn)),
+        class = as.integer(circle_mn$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(circle_mn)),
+        metric = rep("circle_mn", nrow(circle_mn)),
+        value = as.double(circle_mn$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_circle_sd.R b/R/lsm_c_circle_sd.R
index 052377ee4..47e445915 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_circle_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_circle_sd.R
@@ -66,29 +66,32 @@ lsm_c_circle_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_circle_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_circle_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # calculate circumscribing circle for each patch
     circle <- lsm_p_circle_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions,
-                                resolution = resolution)
+                                resolution = resolution,
+                                extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(circle$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "circle_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise for classes
     circle_sd <- stats::aggregate(x = circle[, 5], by = circle[, 2], FUN = stats::sd)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(circle_sd$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "circle_sd",
-                          value = as.double(circle_sd$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(circle_sd)),
+        class = as.integer(circle_sd$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(circle_sd)),
+        metric = rep("circle_sd", nrow(circle_sd)),
+        value = as.double(circle_sd$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_clumpy.R b/R/lsm_c_clumpy.R
index 594afe941..7ccb9dc64 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_clumpy.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_clumpy.R
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ lsm_c_clumpy <- function(landscape) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_clumpy_calc <- function(landscape, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_clumpy_calc <- function(landscape, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # pad landscape to also include adjacencies at landscape boundary
     landscape_padded <- pad_raster_internal(landscape,
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ lsm_c_clumpy_calc <- function(landscape, resolution = NULL){
     # all values NA
     if (all(landscape_padded %in% c(NA, -999))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "clumpy",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get coocurrence
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ lsm_c_clumpy_calc <- function(landscape, resolution = NULL){
     }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", length(clumpy)),
                           class = as.integer(names(g_i)),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "clumpy",
-                          value = as.double(clumpy)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(clumpy)),
+                          metric = rep("clumpy", length(clumpy)),
+                          value = as.double(clumpy))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_cohesion.R b/R/lsm_c_cohesion.R
index 8691926c7..8c06c9955 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_cohesion.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_cohesion.R
@@ -59,22 +59,24 @@ lsm_c_cohesion <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_cohesion_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_cohesion_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # convert to raster to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_c_cohesion"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "cohesion",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get number of cells (only not NAs)
@@ -83,15 +85,17 @@ lsm_c_cohesion_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     # get patch area
     patch_area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # get number of cells for each patch -> area = n_cells * res / 10000
     patch_area$ncells <- patch_area$value * 10000 / prod(resolution)
     # get perim of patch
     perim_patch <- lsm_p_perim_calc(landscape,
                                     directions = directions,
-                                    resolution = resolution)
+                                    resolution = resolution,
+                                    extras = extras)
     # calculate denominator of cohesion
     perim_patch$denominator <- perim_patch$value * sqrt(patch_area$ncells)
@@ -107,9 +111,11 @@ lsm_c_cohesion_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     cohesion$value <- (1 - (cohesion$value / denominator$denominator)) *
         ((1 - (1 / sqrt(ncells_landscape))) ^ -1) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(cohesion$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "cohesion",
-                          value = as.double(cohesion$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(cohesion)),
+        class = as.integer(cohesion$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(cohesion)),
+        metric = rep("cohesion", nrow(cohesion)),
+        value = as.double(cohesion$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_contig_cv.R b/R/lsm_c_contig_cv.R
index 969e9c17c..f210d731c 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_contig_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_contig_cv.R
@@ -71,25 +71,27 @@ lsm_c_contig_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_contig_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
+lsm_c_contig_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, extras = NULL) {
-    contig <- lsm_p_contig_calc(landscape, directions = directions)
+    contig <- lsm_p_contig_calc(landscape, directions = directions, extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(contig$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "contig_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     contig_cv <- stats::aggregate(x = contig[, 5], by = contig[, 2],
                                   FUN = function(x) stats::sd(x) / mean(x) * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(contig_cv$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "contig_cv",
-                          value = as.double(contig_cv$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(contig_cv)),
+        class = as.integer(contig_cv$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(contig_cv)),
+        metric = rep("contig_cv", nrow(contig_cv)),
+        value = as.double(contig_cv$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_contig_mn.R b/R/lsm_c_contig_mn.R
index 3fdfe4ea3..ac357cdf6 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_contig_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_contig_mn.R
@@ -70,25 +70,27 @@ lsm_c_contig_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_contig_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
+lsm_c_contig_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, extras = NULL) {
-    contig <- lsm_p_contig_calc(landscape, directions = directions)
+    contig <- lsm_p_contig_calc(landscape, directions = directions, extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(contig$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "contig_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     contig_mn <- stats::aggregate(x = contig[, 5], by = contig[, 2],
                                   FUN = mean)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(contig_mn$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "contig_mn",
-                          value = as.double(contig_mn$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(contig_mn)),
+        class = as.integer(contig_mn$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(contig_mn)),
+        metric = rep("contig_mn", nrow(contig_mn)),
+        value = as.double(contig_mn$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_contig_sd.R b/R/lsm_c_contig_sd.R
index 10c866595..630f69499 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_contig_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_contig_sd.R
@@ -71,25 +71,27 @@ lsm_c_contig_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_contig_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
+lsm_c_contig_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, extras = NULL) {
-    contig <- lsm_p_contig_calc(landscape, directions = directions)
+    contig <- lsm_p_contig_calc(landscape, directions = directions, extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(contig$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "contig_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     contig_sd <- stats::aggregate(x = contig[, 5], by = contig[, 2],
                                   FUN = stats::sd)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(contig_sd$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "contig_sd",
-                          value = as.double(contig_sd$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(contig_sd)),
+        class = as.integer(contig_sd$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(contig_sd)),
+        metric = rep("contig_sd", nrow(contig_sd)),
+        value = as.double(contig_sd$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_core_cv.R b/R/lsm_c_core_cv.R
index 9832698d6..3132b649e 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_core_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_core_cv.R
@@ -63,31 +63,34 @@ lsm_c_core_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_core_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_core_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # calculate core for each patch
     core <- lsm_p_core_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
                             consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                             edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(core$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "core_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise for class
     core_cv <- stats::aggregate(x = core[, 5], by = core[, 2],
                                 FUN = function(x) stats::sd(x) / mean(x) * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(core_cv$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "core_cv",
-                          value = as.double(core_cv$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(core_cv)),
+        class = as.integer(core_cv$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(core_cv)),
+        metric = rep("core_cv", nrow(core_cv)),
+        value = as.double(core_cv$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_core_mn.R b/R/lsm_c_core_mn.R
index c16489839..7707ee6b5 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_core_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_core_mn.R
@@ -62,30 +62,33 @@ lsm_c_core_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_core_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_core_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     core <- lsm_p_core_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
                             consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                             edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(core$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "core_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise for class
     core_mean <- stats::aggregate(x = core[, 5], by = core[, 2],
                                   FUN = mean)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(core_mean$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "core_mn",
-                          value = as.double(core_mean$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(core_mean)),
+        class = as.integer(core_mean$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(core_mean)),
+        metric = rep("core_mn", nrow(core_mean)),
+        value = as.double(core_mean$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_core_sd.R b/R/lsm_c_core_sd.R
index a904f484e..ca360ca8d 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_core_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_core_sd.R
@@ -64,30 +64,33 @@ lsm_c_core_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_core_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_core_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     core <- lsm_p_core_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
                             consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                             edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(core$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "core_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise for class
     core_sd <- stats::aggregate(x = core[, 5], by = core[, 2],
                                 FUN = stats::sd)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(core_sd$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "core_sd",
-                          value = as.double(core_sd$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(core_sd)),
+        class = as.integer(core_sd$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(core_sd)),
+        metric = rep("core_sd", nrow(core_sd)),
+        value = as.double(core_sd$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_cpland.R b/R/lsm_c_cpland.R
index fa90f6c3e..f71849e7a 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_cpland.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_cpland.R
@@ -60,28 +60,31 @@ lsm_c_cpland <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE, e
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_cpland_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_cpland_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
-    # conver to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_c_cpland"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "cpland",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate patch area
     area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # total landscape area
     area <- sum(area$value)
@@ -90,8 +93,9 @@ lsm_c_cpland_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_dep
     core_area <- lsm_p_core_calc(landscape,
                                  directions = directions,
                                  consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
-                                 edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                 resolution = resolution)
+                                 edge_depth = edge_depth, 
+                                 resolution = resolution,
+                                 extras = extras)
     # summarise core area for classes
     core_area <- stats::aggregate(x = core_area[, 5], by = core_area[, 2], FUN = sum)
@@ -99,9 +103,9 @@ lsm_c_cpland_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_dep
     # relative core area of each class
     core_area$value <- core_area$value / area * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(core_area)),
                           class = as.integer(core_area$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "cpland",
-                          value = as.double(core_area$value)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(core_area)),
+                          metric = rep("cpland", nrow(core_area)),
+                          value = as.double(core_area$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_dcad.R b/R/lsm_c_dcad.R
index 1c1027f36..5b8c68704 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_dcad.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_dcad.R
@@ -64,24 +64,24 @@ lsm_c_dcad <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE, edg
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_dcad_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
-                            resolution = NULL, points = NULL){
+lsm_c_dcad_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # get patch area
     area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # summarise to total area
     area <- sum(area$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(area)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "dcad",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get number of core area
@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ lsm_c_dcad_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth
                              directions = directions,
                              consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                              edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                             points = points)
+                             resolution = resolution,
+                             extras = extras)
     # summarise for classes
     ndca <- stats::aggregate(x = ndca[, 5], by = ndca[, 2], FUN = sum)
@@ -97,9 +98,9 @@ lsm_c_dcad_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth
     # calculate relative value
     ndca$value <- ndca$value / area * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(ndca)),
                           class = as.integer(ndca$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "dcad",
-                          value = as.double(ndca$value)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(ndca)),
+                          metric = rep("dcad", nrow(ndca)),
+                          value = as.double(ndca$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_dcore_cv.R b/R/lsm_c_dcore_cv.R
index b01492c98..7953d0fde 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_dcore_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_dcore_cv.R
@@ -67,30 +67,32 @@ lsm_c_dcore_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_dcore_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
-                                points = NULL){
+lsm_c_dcore_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     dcore <- lsm_p_ncore_calc(landscape,
                               directions = directions,
                               consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                               edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                              points = points)
+                              resolution = resolution,
+                              extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(dcore$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "dcore_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     dcore_cv <- stats::aggregate(x = dcore[, 5], by = dcore[, 2],
                                  FUN = function(x) stats::sd(x) / mean(x) * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(dcore_cv$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "dcore_cv",
-                          value = as.double(dcore_cv$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(dcore_cv)),
+        class = as.integer(dcore_cv$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(dcore_cv)),
+        metric = rep("dcore_cv", nrow(dcore_cv)),
+        value = as.double(dcore_cv$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_dcore_mn.R b/R/lsm_c_dcore_mn.R
index b806363f2..fb3fc2e9f 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_dcore_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_dcore_mn.R
@@ -65,28 +65,30 @@ lsm_c_dcore_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_dcore_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
-                                points = NULL){
+lsm_c_dcore_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     dcore <- lsm_p_ncore_calc(landscape,
                               directions = directions,
                               consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                               edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                              points = points)
+                              resolution = resolution,
+                              extras = extras)
     if (all(is.na(dcore$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "dcore_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     dcore_mn <- stats::aggregate(x = dcore[, 5], by = dcore[, 2], FUN = mean)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(dcore_mn$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "dcore_mn",
-                          value = as.double(dcore_mn$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(dcore_mn)),
+        class = as.integer(dcore_mn$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(dcore_mn)),
+        metric = rep("dcore_mn", nrow(dcore_mn)),
+        value = as.double(dcore_mn$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_dcore_sd.R b/R/lsm_c_dcore_sd.R
index ff5aefbf0..df02bdb18 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_dcore_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_dcore_sd.R
@@ -68,28 +68,30 @@ lsm_c_dcore_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_dcore_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
-                                points = NULL){
+lsm_c_dcore_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     dcore <- lsm_p_ncore_calc(landscape,
                               directions = directions,
                               consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                               edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                              points = points)
+                              resolution = resolution,
+                              extras = extras)
     if (all(is.na(dcore$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "dcore_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     dcore_sd <- stats::aggregate(x = dcore[, 5], by = dcore[, 2], FUN = stats::sd)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(dcore_sd$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "dcore_sd",
-                          value = as.double(dcore_sd$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(dcore_sd)),
+        class = as.integer(dcore_sd$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(dcore_sd)),
+        metric = rep("dcore_sd", nrow(dcore_sd)),
+        value = as.double(dcore_sd$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_division.R b/R/lsm_c_division.R
index 35add0628..14b5de6ec 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_division.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_division.R
@@ -58,23 +58,24 @@ lsm_c_division <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_division_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_division_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # get patch area
     patch_area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # get total area
     total_area <- sum(patch_area$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(total_area)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "division",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate division for each patch
@@ -86,9 +87,11 @@ lsm_c_division_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     division$value <- 1 - division$value
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(division$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "division",
-                          value = as.double(division$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(division)),
+        class = as.integer(division$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(division)),
+        metric = rep("division", nrow(division)),
+        value = as.double(division$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_ed.R b/R/lsm_c_ed.R
index 834d11d02..7e62b0107 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_ed.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_ed.R
@@ -63,28 +63,31 @@ lsm_c_ed <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_ed_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_ed_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_c_ed"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "ed",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get patch area
     area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # summarise to total area
     area <- sum(area$value)
@@ -93,13 +96,14 @@ lsm_c_ed_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, directions, resolution = NU
     edge_class <- lsm_c_te_calc(landscape,
                                 count_boundary = count_boundary,
                                 directions = directions,
-                                resolution = resolution)
+                                resolution = resolution,
+                                extras = extras)
     edge_class$value <- edge_class$value / area
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(edge_class)),
                           class = as.integer(edge_class$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "ed",
-                          value = as.double(edge_class$value)))
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(edge_class)),
+                          metric = rep("ed", nrow(edge_class)), 
+                          value = as.double(edge_class$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_enn_cv.R b/R/lsm_c_enn_cv.R
index ceff77d19..af928d5cd 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_enn_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_enn_cv.R
@@ -66,29 +66,30 @@ lsm_c_enn_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8, verbose = TRUE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_enn_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose,
-                              points = NULL) {
+lsm_c_enn_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     enn <- lsm_p_enn_calc(landscape,
                           directions = directions,
                           verbose = verbose,
-                          points = points)
+                          resolution = resolution, extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(enn$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "enn_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     enn_cv <- stats::aggregate(x = enn[, 5], by = enn[, 2],
                                FUN = function(x) stats::sd(x) / mean(x) * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(enn_cv$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "enn_cv",
-                          value = as.double(enn_cv$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(enn_cv)),
+        class = as.integer(enn_cv$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(enn_cv)),
+        metric = rep("enn_cv", nrow(enn_cv)),
+        value = as.double(enn_cv$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_enn_mn.R b/R/lsm_c_enn_mn.R
index e56641241..f5ce2e18d 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_enn_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_enn_mn.R
@@ -68,28 +68,29 @@ lsm_c_enn_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8, verbose = TRUE) {
-lsm_c_enn_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose,
-                              points = NULL) {
+lsm_c_enn_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     enn <- lsm_p_enn_calc(landscape,
                           directions = directions,
                           verbose = verbose,
-                          points = points)
+                          resolution = resolution, extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(enn$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "enn_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     enn_mn <- stats::aggregate(x = enn[, 5], by = enn[, 2], FUN = mean)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(enn_mn$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "enn_mn",
-                          value = as.double(enn_mn$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(enn_mn)),
+        class = as.integer(enn_mn$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(enn_mn)),
+        metric = rep("enn_mn", nrow(enn_mn)),
+        value = as.double(enn_mn$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_enn_sd.R b/R/lsm_c_enn_sd.R
index 94c38187d..7a8795905 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_enn_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_enn_sd.R
@@ -68,28 +68,29 @@ lsm_c_enn_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8, verbose = TRUE) {
-lsm_c_enn_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose,
-                              points = NULL) {
+lsm_c_enn_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     enn <- lsm_p_enn_calc(landscape,
                           directions = directions,
                           verbose = verbose,
-                          points = points)
+                          resolution = resolution, extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(enn$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "enn_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     enn_sd <- stats::aggregate(x = enn[, 5], by = enn[, 2], FUN = stats::sd)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(enn_sd$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "enn_sd",
-                          value = as.double(enn_sd$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(enn_sd)),
+        class = as.integer(enn_sd$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(enn_sd)),
+        metric = rep("enn_sd", nrow(enn_sd)),
+        value = as.double(enn_sd$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_frac_cv.R b/R/lsm_c_frac_cv.R
index 3e4d5dd87..d7b665f5a 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_frac_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_frac_cv.R
@@ -63,27 +63,30 @@ lsm_c_frac_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_frac_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_frac_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     frac <- lsm_p_frac_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(frac$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "frac_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     frac_cv <- stats::aggregate(x = frac[, 5], by = frac[, 2],
                                 FUN = function(x) stats::sd(x) / mean(x) * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(frac_cv$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "frac_cv",
-                          value = as.double(frac_cv$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(frac_cv)),
+        class = as.integer(frac_cv$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(frac_cv)),
+        metric = rep("frac_cv", nrow(frac_cv)),
+        value = as.double(frac_cv$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_frac_mn.R b/R/lsm_c_frac_mn.R
index 17bd5ec50..28bb550ca 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_frac_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_frac_mn.R
@@ -61,26 +61,29 @@ lsm_c_frac_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_frac_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_frac_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     frac <- lsm_p_frac_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(frac$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "frac_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     frac_mean <- stats::aggregate(x = frac[, 5], by = frac[, 2], FUN = mean)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(frac_mean$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "frac_mn",
-                          value = as.double(frac_mean$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(frac_mean)),
+        class = as.integer(frac_mean$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(frac_mean)),
+        metric = rep("frac_mn", nrow(frac_mean)),
+        value = as.double(frac_mean$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_frac_sd.R b/R/lsm_c_frac_sd.R
index e15b5eba6..0ea48d781 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_frac_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_frac_sd.R
@@ -63,27 +63,30 @@ lsm_c_frac_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_frac_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_frac_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     frac <- lsm_p_frac_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(frac$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "frac_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     frac_sd <- stats::aggregate(x = frac[, 5], by = frac[, 2],
                                 FUN = stats::sd)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(frac_sd$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "frac_sd",
-                          value = as.double(frac_sd$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(frac_sd)),
+        class = as.integer(frac_sd$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(frac_sd)),
+        metric = rep("frac_sd", nrow(frac_sd)),
+        value = as.double(frac_sd$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_gyrate_cv.R b/R/lsm_c_gyrate_cv.R
index 7874b4e06..a65829ef5 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_gyrate_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_gyrate_cv.R
@@ -72,29 +72,31 @@ lsm_c_gyrate_cv <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_gyrate_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center,
-                                 points = NULL) {
+lsm_c_gyrate_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     gyrate <- lsm_p_gyrate_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions,
                                 cell_center = cell_center,
-                                points = points)
+                                resolution = resolution,
+                                extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(gyrate$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "gyrate_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     gyrate_cv <- stats::aggregate(x = gyrate[, 5], by = gyrate[, 2],
                                   FUN = function(x) stats::sd(x) / mean(x) * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(gyrate_cv$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "gyrate_cv",
-                          value = as.double(gyrate_cv$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(gyrate_cv)),
+        class = as.integer(gyrate_cv$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(gyrate_cv)),
+        metric = rep("gyrate_cv", nrow(gyrate_cv)),
+        value = as.double(gyrate_cv$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_gyrate_mn.R b/R/lsm_c_gyrate_mn.R
index 274377a24..f2294edd7 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_gyrate_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_gyrate_mn.R
@@ -71,29 +71,31 @@ lsm_c_gyrate_mn <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_gyrate_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center,
-                                 points = NULL) {
+lsm_c_gyrate_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     gyrate <- lsm_p_gyrate_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions,
                                 cell_center = cell_center,
-                                points = points)
+                                resolution = resolution,
+                                extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(gyrate$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "gyrate_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     gyrate_mn <-  stats::aggregate(x = gyrate[, 5], by = gyrate[, 2],
                                    FUN = mean)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(gyrate_mn$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "gyrate_mn",
-                          value = as.double(gyrate_mn$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(gyrate_mn)),
+        class = as.integer(gyrate_mn$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(gyrate_mn)),
+        metric = rep("gyrate_mn", nrow(gyrate_mn)),
+        value = as.double(gyrate_mn$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_gyrate_sd.R b/R/lsm_c_gyrate_sd.R
index ed31426c3..4ff1b76f9 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_gyrate_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_gyrate_sd.R
@@ -71,29 +71,31 @@ lsm_c_gyrate_sd <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_gyrate_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center,
-                                 points = NULL) {
+lsm_c_gyrate_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     gyrate <- lsm_p_gyrate_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions,
                                 cell_center = cell_center,
-                                points = points)
+                                resolution = resolution, 
+                                extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(gyrate$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "gyrate_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     gyrate_sd <-  stats::aggregate(x = gyrate[, 5], by = gyrate[, 2],
                                    FUN = stats::sd)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(gyrate_sd$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "gyrate_sd",
-                          value = as.double(gyrate_sd$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(gyrate_sd)),
+        class = as.integer(gyrate_sd$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(gyrate_sd)),
+        metric = rep("gyrate_sd", nrow(gyrate_sd)),
+        value = as.double(gyrate_sd$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_iji.R b/R/lsm_c_iji.R
index 2fc45fd18..cb2d14c7d 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_iji.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_iji.R
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ lsm_c_iji <- function(landscape, verbose = TRUE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_iji_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
+lsm_c_iji_calc <- function(landscape, verbose, extras = NULL) {
     # conver to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
@@ -67,15 +67,18 @@ lsm_c_iji_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "iji",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    adjacencies <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape,
-                                               as.matrix(4))
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        adjacencies <- extras$neighbor_matrix
+    } else {
+        adjacencies <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape, as.matrix(4))
+    }
     classes <- rownames(adjacencies)
@@ -85,11 +88,11 @@ lsm_c_iji_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
             warning("Number of classes must be >= 3, IJI = NA.", call. = FALSE)
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", length(classes)),
                               class = as.integer(classes),
-                              id = as.integer(NA),
-                              metric = "iji",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(classes)),
+                              metric = rep("iji", length(classes)),
+                              value = rep(as.double(NA), length(classes)))))
     else {
@@ -103,10 +106,12 @@ lsm_c_iji_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
         iji <- (class_sums / log(ncol(adjacencies) - 1)) * 100
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                              class = as.integer(classes),
-                              id = as.integer(NA),
-                              metric = "iji",
-                              value = as.double(iji)))
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+            level = rep("class", length(iji)),
+            class = as.integer(classes),
+            id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(iji)),
+            metric = rep("iji", length(iji)),
+            value = as.double(iji)
+        )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_lpi.R b/R/lsm_c_lpi.R
index 4f9275c51..83a131f86 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_lpi.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_lpi.R
@@ -55,20 +55,21 @@ lsm_c_lpi <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_lpi_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_lpi_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # get patch area
     patch_area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(patch_area$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "lpi",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise to total area
@@ -80,9 +81,9 @@ lsm_c_lpi_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     # summarise for each class
     lpi <- stats::aggregate(x = patch_area[, 5], by = patch_area[, 2], FUN = max)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(lpi$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "lpi",
-                          value = as.double(lpi$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(lpi)),
+                              class = as.integer(lpi$class),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(lpi)),
+                              metric = rep("lpi", nrow(lpi)),
+                              value = as.double(lpi$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_lsi.R b/R/lsm_c_lsi.R
index 1da2d8e80..7144bf4b2 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_lsi.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_lsi.R
@@ -55,37 +55,35 @@ lsm_c_lsi <- function(landscape) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_lsi_calc <- function(landscape) {
+lsm_c_lsi_calc <- function(landscape, extras = NULL) {
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "nlsi",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # cells at the boundary of the landscape need neighbours to calculate perim
-    landscape <- pad_raster_internal(landscape, pad_raster_value = NA,
+    landscape_pad <- pad_raster_internal(landscape, pad_raster_value = NA,
                                      pad_raster_cells = 1, global = FALSE)
     # which cells are NA (i.e. background)
-    target_na <- which(is.na(landscape))
+    target_na <- which(is.na(landscape_pad))
     # set all NA to -999 to get adjacencies between patches and all background
-    landscape[target_na] <- -999
+    landscape_pad[target_na] <- -999
     # get class edge in terms of cell surfaces
-    class_perim <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape,
-                                               as.matrix(4))
+    class_perim <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape_pad, as.matrix(4))
+    class_area <- rcpp_get_composition_vector(landscape_pad)[-1]
     # set diagonal to NA because no edge
     diag(class_perim) <- NA
@@ -93,9 +91,6 @@ lsm_c_lsi_calc <- function(landscape) {
     # calculate total edge
     class_perim <- apply(X = class_perim, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE)[-1]
-    # number of cells class
-    class_area <- rcpp_get_composition_vector(landscape)[-1]
     # n is the side of the largest integer square
     class_n <- trunc(sqrt(class_area))
@@ -116,9 +111,9 @@ lsm_c_lsi_calc <- function(landscape) {
     # calculate LSI
     lsi <- class_perim / class_perim_min
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(names(lsi)),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "lsi",
-                          value = as.double(lsi)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", length(lsi)),
+                              class = as.integer(names(lsi)),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(lsi)),
+                              metric = rep("lsi", length(lsi)),
+                              value = as.double(lsi))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_mesh.R b/R/lsm_c_mesh.R
index ec65609be..b9b49644f 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_mesh.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_mesh.R
@@ -60,23 +60,24 @@ lsm_c_mesh <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_mesh_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_mesh_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # get patch area
     patch_area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # summarise to landscape area in sqm
     total_area <- sum(patch_area$value) * 10000
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(total_area)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "mesh",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate mesh for each patch
@@ -88,9 +89,9 @@ lsm_c_mesh_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     # relative to total landscape area
     mesh$value <- (mesh$value / total_area) * (1 / 10000)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(mesh$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "mesh",
-                          value = as.double(mesh$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(mesh)),
+                              class = as.integer(mesh$class),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(mesh)),
+                              metric = rep("mesh", nrow(mesh)),
+                              value = as.double(mesh$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_ndca.R b/R/lsm_c_ndca.R
index 36c04db45..cf322bd90 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_ndca.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_ndca.R
@@ -65,31 +65,31 @@ lsm_c_ndca <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE, edg
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_ndca_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
-                            points = NULL){
+lsm_c_ndca_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # get number of core areas for each patch
     ndca <- lsm_p_ncore_calc(landscape,
                              directions = directions,
                              consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                              edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                             points = points)
+                             resolution = resolution,
+                             extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(ndca$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "ndca",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # summarise for each class
     ndca <- stats::aggregate(x = ndca[, 5], by = ndca[, 2], FUN = sum)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(ndca$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "ndca",
-                          value = as.double(ndca$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(ndca)),
+                              class = as.integer(ndca$class),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(ndca)),
+                              metric = rep("ndca", nrow(ndca)),
+                              value = as.double(ndca$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_nlsi.R b/R/lsm_c_nlsi.R
index 320cf4ea1..fb34643cb 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_nlsi.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_nlsi.R
@@ -59,37 +59,35 @@ lsm_c_nlsi <- function(landscape) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_nlsi_calc <- function(landscape) {
+lsm_c_nlsi_calc <- function(landscape, extras = NULL) {
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "nlsi",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # cells at the boundary of the landscape need neighbours to calculate perim
-    landscape <- pad_raster_internal(landscape, pad_raster_value = NA,
+    landscape_pad <- pad_raster_internal(landscape, pad_raster_value = NA,
                                      pad_raster_cells = 1, global = FALSE)
     # which cells are NA (i.e. background)
-    target_na <- which(is.na(landscape))
+    target_na <- which(is.na(landscape_pad))
     # set all NA to -999 to get adjacencies between patches and all background
-    landscape[target_na] <- -999
+    landscape_pad[target_na] <- -999
     # get class edge in terms of cell surfaces
-    class_perim <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape,
-                                               as.matrix(4))
+    class_perim <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape_pad, as.matrix(4))
+    class_area <- rcpp_get_composition_vector(landscape_pad)[-1]
     # set diagonal to NA because no edge
     diag(class_perim) <- NA
@@ -97,9 +95,6 @@ lsm_c_nlsi_calc <- function(landscape) {
     # calculate total edge
     class_perim <- apply(X = class_perim, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE)[-1]
-    # number of cells class
-    class_area <- rcpp_get_composition_vector(landscape)[-1]
     # n is the side of the largest integer square
     class_n <- trunc(sqrt(class_area))
@@ -119,13 +114,13 @@ lsm_c_nlsi_calc <- function(landscape) {
     numerator <- class_perim - class_perim_min
     # calculate total area in terms of cells
-    total_area <- sum(rcpp_get_composition_vector(landscape)[-1])
+    total_area <- sum(class_area)
     # get all cells on the boundary; need to remove padded cells
-    cells_boundary <- ((nrow(landscape) - 2) * 2) + ((ncol(landscape) - 2) * 2)
+    cells_boundary <- ((nrow(landscape_pad) - 2) * 2) + ((ncol(landscape_pad) - 2) * 2)
     # calculate proportion of classes
-    class_pi <- prop.table(rcpp_get_composition_vector(landscape)[-1])
+    class_pi <- prop.table(class_area)
     class_perim_max <- ifelse(test = class_pi <= 0.5,
                               yes = 4 * class_area,
@@ -154,9 +149,9 @@ lsm_c_nlsi_calc <- function(landscape) {
         nlsi[!is.finite(nlsi)] <- NA
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(names(nlsi)),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "nlsi",
-                          value = as.double(nlsi)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", length(nlsi)),
+                              class = as.integer(names(nlsi)),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(nlsi)),
+                              metric = rep("nlsi", length(nlsi)),
+                              value = as.double(nlsi))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_np.R b/R/lsm_c_np.R
index 5cfc42141..23f9d0d37 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_np.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_np.R
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ lsm_c_np <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_np_calc <- function(landscape, directions){
+lsm_c_np_calc <- function(landscape, directions, extras = NULL){
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
@@ -60,33 +60,37 @@ lsm_c_np_calc <- function(landscape, directions){
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "np",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get unique classes
-    classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        classes <- extras$classes
+        class_patches <- extras$class_patches
+    } else {
+        classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+        class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape, classes, directions)
+    }
     # get number of patches
     np_class <- lapply(X = classes, FUN = function(patches_class) {
         # connected labeling current class
-        landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape,
-                                             class = patches_class,
-                                             directions = directions)[[1]]
+        landscape_labeled <- class_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
         # max(patch_id) equals number of patches
         np <- max(landscape_labeled, na.rm = TRUE)
-        tibble::tibble(
-            level = "class",
-            class = as.integer(patches_class),
-            id = as.integer(NA),
-            metric = "np",
-            value = as.double(np))
+        tibble::new_tibble(list(
+            level = rep("class", length(np)),
+            class = rep(as.integer(patches_class), length(patches_class)),
+            id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(np)),
+            metric = rep("np", length(np)),
+            value = as.double(np)))
     do.call(rbind, np_class)
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_pafrac.R b/R/lsm_c_pafrac.R
index d7342b6d5..529cf899e 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_pafrac.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_pafrac.R
@@ -64,39 +64,44 @@ lsm_c_pafrac <- function(landscape, directions = 8, verbose = TRUE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_pafrac_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_pafrac_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution, extras = NULL){
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_c_pafrac"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "pafrac",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get patch area in sqm
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     area_patch$value <- area_patch$value * 10000
     # get patch perimeter
     perimeter_patch <- lsm_p_perim_calc(landscape,
                                         directions = directions,
-                                        resolution = resolution)
+                                        resolution = resolution,
+                                        extras = extras)
     # get number of patches
     np_class <- lsm_c_np_calc(landscape,
-                              directions = directions)
+                              directions = directions,
+                              extras = extras)
     pafrac_class <- lapply(X = seq_len(nrow(np_class)), FUN = function(class_current) {
@@ -122,12 +127,12 @@ lsm_c_pafrac_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution = NULL)
             pafrac <- 2 / regression_model_class$coefficients[[2]]
-        tibble::tibble(
-            level = "class",
-            class = as.integer(class_name),
-            id = as.integer(NA),
-            metric = "pafrac",
-            value = as.double(pafrac))
+        tibble::new_tibble(list(
+            level = rep("class", length(pafrac)),
+            class = rep(as.integer(class_name), length(pafrac)),
+            id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(pafrac)),
+            metric = rep("pafrac", length(pafrac)),
+            value = as.double(pafrac)))
     do.call("rbind", pafrac_class)
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_para_cv.R b/R/lsm_c_para_cv.R
index 8100231ee..efca736ec 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_para_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_para_cv.R
@@ -60,27 +60,28 @@ lsm_c_para_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_para_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_para_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     para <- lsm_p_para_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(para$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "para_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     para_cv <- stats::aggregate(x = para[, 5], by = para[, 2],
                                 FUN = function(x) stats::sd(x) / mean(x) * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(para_cv$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "para_cv",
-                          value = as.double(para_cv$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(para_cv)),
+                              class = as.integer(para_cv$class),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(para_cv)),
+                              metric = rep("para_cv", nrow(para_cv)),
+                              value = as.double(para_cv$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_para_mn.R b/R/lsm_c_para_mn.R
index 8a0d10db6..e72d9811e 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_para_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_para_mn.R
@@ -61,26 +61,27 @@ lsm_c_para_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_para_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_para_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     para <- lsm_p_para_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(para$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "para_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     para_mn <- stats::aggregate(x = para[, 5], by = para[, 2], FUN = mean)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(para_mn$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "para_mn",
-                          value = as.double(para_mn$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(para_mn)),
+                              class = as.integer(para_mn$class),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(para_mn)),
+                              metric = rep("para_mn", nrow(para_mn)),
+                              value = as.double(para_mn$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_para_sd.R b/R/lsm_c_para_sd.R
index 819104c31..b9a4afeb7 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_para_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_para_sd.R
@@ -61,27 +61,28 @@ lsm_c_para_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_para_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_para_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     para <- lsm_p_para_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(para$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "para_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     para_sd <- stats::aggregate(x = para[, 5], by = para[, 2],
                                 FUN = stats::sd)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(para_sd$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "para_sd",
-                          value = as.double(para_sd$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(para_sd)),
+                              class = as.integer(para_sd$class),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(para_sd)),
+                              metric = rep("para_sd", nrow(para_sd)),
+                              value = as.double(para_sd$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_pd.R b/R/lsm_c_pd.R
index 20a116f47..ff9e66e06 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_pd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_pd.R
@@ -56,41 +56,44 @@ lsm_c_pd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_pd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_pd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_c_pd"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "pd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # summarise to total area
     area_patch <- sum(area_patch$value)
     # get number of patches
-    np_class <- lsm_c_np_calc(landscape, directions = directions)
+    np_class <- lsm_c_np_calc(landscape, directions = directions, extras = extras)
     # calculate relative patch density
     np_class$value <- (np_class$value / area_patch) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(np_class$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "pd",
-                          value = as.double(np_class$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(np_class)),
+                              class = as.integer(np_class$class),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(np_class)),
+                              metric = rep("pd", nrow(np_class)),
+                              value = as.double(np_class$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_pladj.R b/R/lsm_c_pladj.R
index 2c69376df..de98a48e0 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_pladj.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_pladj.R
@@ -57,25 +57,24 @@ lsm_c_pladj_calc <- function(landscape) {
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "pladj",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     landscape_padded <- pad_raster_internal(landscape, pad_raster_value = -999,
                                             pad_raster_cells = 1, global = TRUE)
-    tb <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape_padded,
-                                      directions = as.matrix(4))
+    tb <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape_padded, directions = as.matrix(4))
     pladj <- diag(tb) / colSums(tb) * 100
     names <- row.names(tb)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(names[-1]),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "pladj",
-                          value = as.double(pladj[-1])))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", length(names[-1])),
+                              class = as.integer(names[-1]),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(names[-1])),
+                              metric = rep("pladj", length(names[-1])),
+                              value = as.double(pladj[-1]))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_pland.R b/R/lsm_c_pland.R
index ad42267c4..a33d8df60 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_pland.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_pland.R
@@ -54,29 +54,39 @@ lsm_c_pland <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_pland_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_pland_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_c_pland"
+        landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
+    }
     pland <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                              directions = directions,
-                             resolution = resolution)
+                             resolution = resolution,
+                             extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(pland$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "pland",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     pland <- stats::aggregate(x = pland[, 5], by = pland[, 2], FUN = sum)
     pland$value <- pland$value / sum(pland$value) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(pland$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "pland",
-                          value = as.double(pland$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(pland)),
+                              class = as.integer(pland$class),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(pland)),
+                              metric = rep("pland", nrow(pland)),
+                              value = as.double(pland$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_shape_cv.R b/R/lsm_c_shape_cv.R
index 63333493f..de2e18153 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_shape_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_shape_cv.R
@@ -60,20 +60,21 @@ lsm_c_shape_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_shape_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_shape_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # shape index for each patch
     shape <- lsm_p_shape_calc(landscape,
                               directions = directions,
-                              resolution = resolution)
+                              resolution = resolution,
+                              extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(shape$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "shape_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate cv
@@ -81,9 +82,9 @@ lsm_c_shape_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
                                  FUN = function(x) stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) /
                                      mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(shape_cv$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "shape_cv",
-                          value = as.double(shape_cv$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(shape_cv)),
+                              class = as.integer(shape_cv$class),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(shape_cv)),
+                              metric = rep("shape_cv", nrow(shape_cv)),
+                              value = as.double(shape_cv$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_shape_mn.R b/R/lsm_c_shape_mn.R
index b49226dfe..828ccf7ee 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_shape_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_shape_mn.R
@@ -61,29 +61,30 @@ lsm_c_shape_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_shape_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_shape_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # shape index for each patch
     shape <- lsm_p_shape_calc(landscape,
                               directions = directions,
-                              resolution = resolution)
+                              resolution = resolution,
+                              extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(shape$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "shape_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate mean
     shape_mn <- stats::aggregate(x = shape[, 5], by = shape[, 2], FUN = mean,
                                  na.rm = TRUE)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(shape_mn$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "shape_mn",
-                          value = as.double(shape_mn$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(shape_mn)),
+                              class = as.integer(shape_mn$class),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(shape_mn)),
+                              metric = rep("shape_mn", nrow(shape_mn)),
+                              value = as.double(shape_mn$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_shape_sd.R b/R/lsm_c_shape_sd.R
index 9b08cbbdd..f33683edc 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_shape_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_shape_sd.R
@@ -61,20 +61,21 @@ lsm_c_shape_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_shape_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_shape_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # shape index for each patch
     shape <- lsm_p_shape_calc(landscape,
                               directions = directions,
-                              resolution = resolution)
+                              resolution = resolution,
+                              extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(shape$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "shape_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate sd
@@ -82,9 +83,9 @@ lsm_c_shape_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
                                  FUN = stats::sd,
                                  na.rm = TRUE)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(shape_sd$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "shape_sd",
-                          value = as.double(shape_sd$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("class", nrow(shape_sd)),
+                              class = as.integer(shape_sd$class),
+                              id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(shape_sd)),
+                              metric = rep("shape_sd", nrow(shape_sd)),
+                              value = as.double(shape_sd$value))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_split.R b/R/lsm_c_split.R
index 7d0560167..5d2e2bd79 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_split.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_split.R
@@ -58,23 +58,24 @@ lsm_c_split <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_split_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_split_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # summarise to total area
     area_total <- sum(area_patch$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(area_total)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "split",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate split for each patch
@@ -86,9 +87,11 @@ lsm_c_split_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     # calculate split
     split$value <- (area_total ^ 2) / split$value
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(split$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "split",
-                          value = as.double(split$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", nrow(split)),
+        class = as.integer(split$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), nrow(split)),
+        metric = rep("split", nrow(split)),
+        value = as.double(split$value)
+    )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_tca.R b/R/lsm_c_tca.R
index 5fab1989e..0bb5b9116 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_tca.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_tca.R
@@ -64,29 +64,33 @@ lsm_c_tca <- function(landscape, directions = 8, consider_boundary = FALSE, edge
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_tca_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_c_tca_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     core_area <- lsm_p_core_calc(landscape,
                                  directions = directions,
                                  consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                  edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                 resolution = resolution)
+                                 resolution = resolution,
+                                 extras = extras)
     # all cells are NA
     if (all(is.na(core_area$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "tca",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     core_area <- stats::aggregate(x = core_area[, 5], by = core_area[, 2],
                                   FUN = sum)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
-                          class = as.integer(core_area$class),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "tca",
-                          value = as.double(core_area$value)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("class", length(core_area$value)),
+        class = as.integer(core_area$class),
+        id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(core_area$value)),
+        metric = rep("tca", length(core_area$value)),
+        value = as.double(core_area$value)
+    ))
+    )
diff --git a/R/lsm_c_te.R b/R/lsm_c_te.R
index f39f71190..755e01e69 100644
--- a/R/lsm_c_te.R
+++ b/R/lsm_c_te.R
@@ -58,39 +58,40 @@ lsm_c_te <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_c_te_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_c_te_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # conver raster to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_c_te"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "class",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "class",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "te",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    # get resolution in x-y directions
+    # get class id
+    classes <- extras$classes
+    class_patches <- extras$class_patches
     resolution_x <- resolution[[1]]
     resolution_y <- resolution[[2]]
-    # get class id
-    classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
     if (length(classes) == 1 && !count_boundary) {
-        tibble::tibble(
+        tibble::new_tibble(list(
             level = "class",
             class = as.integer(classes),
             id = as.integer(NA),
             metric = "te",
-            value = as.double(0))
+            value = as.double(0)))
     } else {
@@ -109,9 +110,7 @@ lsm_c_te_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, directions, resolution = NU
         te_class <- lapply(X = classes, function(patches_class) {
             # get connected patches
-            landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape,
-                                                 class = patches_class,
-                                                 directions = directions)[[1]]
+            landscape_labeled <- class_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
             # set all non-class patches, but not NAs, to -999
             edge_cells <- which(!is.na(landscape) & landscape != patches_class)
@@ -163,12 +162,12 @@ lsm_c_te_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, directions, resolution = NU
                 edge_ik <- edge_ik_left_right + edge_ik_top_bottom
-            tibble::tibble(
-                level = "class",
-                class = as.integer(patches_class),
-                id = as.integer(NA),
-                metric = "te",
-                value = as.double(edge_ik))
+            tibble::new_tibble(list(
+                level = rep("class", length(edge_ik)),
+                class = rep(as.integer(patches_class), length(edge_ik)),
+                id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(edge_ik)),
+                metric = rep("te", length(edge_ik)),
+                value = as.double(edge_ik)))
         do.call("rbind", te_class)
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_ai.R b/R/lsm_l_ai.R
index 2ad41b147..3010c4247 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_ai.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_ai.R
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
 #' @description Aggregation index (Aggregation metric)
 #' @param landscape A categorical raster object: SpatRaster; Raster* Layer, Stack, Brick; stars or a list of SpatRasters
+#' @param directions The number of directions in which patches should be
+#' connected: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case).
 #' @details
 #' \deqn{AI = \Bigg[\sum\limits_{i=1}^m \Big( \frac{g_{ii}}{max-g_{ii}} \Big) P_{i} \Bigg](100) }
@@ -41,10 +43,11 @@
 #' to quantify spatial patterns of landscapes. Landscape ecology, 15(7), 591-601.
 #' @export
-lsm_l_ai <- function(landscape) {
+lsm_l_ai <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     landscape <- landscape_as_list(landscape)
     result <- lapply(X = landscape,
+                     directions = directions,
                      FUN = lsm_l_ai_calc)
     layer <- rep(seq_along(result),
@@ -55,39 +58,42 @@ lsm_l_ai <- function(landscape) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_ai_calc <- function(landscape, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_ai_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_l_ai"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "ai",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get aggregation index for each class
-    ai <- lsm_c_ai_calc(landscape)
+    ai <- lsm_c_ai_calc(landscape, extras = extras)
     # get proportional class area
     pland <- lsm_c_pland_calc(landscape,
-                              directions = 8,
-                              resolution = resolution)
+                              directions = 8, 
+                              resolution = resolution,
+                              extras = extras)
     # final AI index
-    result <- sum(ai$value * (pland$value / 100), na.rm = TRUE)
+    ai <- sum(ai$value * (pland$value / 100), na.rm = TRUE)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "ai",
-                          value = as.double(result)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(ai)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(ai)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(ai)),
+                 metric = rep("ai", length(ai)),
+                 value = as.double(ai))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_area_cv.R b/R/lsm_l_area_cv.R
index 82803068a..51bdfcec0 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_area_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_area_cv.R
@@ -57,28 +57,29 @@ lsm_l_area_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_area_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_area_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(area_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "area_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate cv
     area_cv <- stats::sd(area_patch$value) / mean(area_patch$value) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "area_cv",
-                          value = as.double(area_cv)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(area_cv)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(area_cv)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(area_cv)),
+                 metric = rep("area_cv", length(area_cv)),
+                 value = as.double(area_cv))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_area_mn.R b/R/lsm_l_area_mn.R
index ab9d48052..8a2d66685 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_area_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_area_mn.R
@@ -59,30 +59,31 @@ lsm_l_area_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_area_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_area_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(area_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "area_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate mean
-    area_mean <- mean(area_patch$value)
+    area_mn <- mean(area_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "area_mn",
-                          value = as.double(area_mean)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(area_mn)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(area_mn)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(area_mn)),
+                 metric = rep("area_mn", length(area_mn)),
+                 value = as.double(area_mn))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_area_sd.R b/R/lsm_l_area_sd.R
index 2961e8b72..3ace5011a 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_area_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_area_sd.R
@@ -58,30 +58,31 @@ lsm_l_area_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
 # Not working yet!
-lsm_l_area_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_area_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(area_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "area_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate sd
     area_sd <- stats::sd(area_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "area_sd",
-                          value = as.double(area_sd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(area_sd)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(area_sd)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(area_sd)),
+                 metric = rep("area_sd", length(area_sd)),
+                 value = as.double(area_sd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_cai_cv.R b/R/lsm_l_cai_cv.R
index 1f3e61f9c..92125ba98 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_cai_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_cai_cv.R
@@ -71,28 +71,29 @@ lsm_l_cai_cv <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_cai_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_cai_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     cai_patch <- lsm_p_cai_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions,
                                 consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                 edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                resolution = resolution)
+                                resolution = resolution,
+                                extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(cai_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "cai_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     cai_cv <- stats::sd(cai_patch$value) / mean(cai_patch$value) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "cai_cv",
-                          value = as.double(cai_cv)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(cai_cv)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(cai_cv)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(cai_cv)),
+                 metric = rep("cai_cv", length(cai_cv)),
+                 value = as.double(cai_cv))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_cai_mn.R b/R/lsm_l_cai_mn.R
index 35d758e1a..496b53276 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_cai_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_cai_mn.R
@@ -69,29 +69,29 @@ lsm_l_cai_mn <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_cai_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_cai_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     cai_patch <- lsm_p_cai_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions,
                                 consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                 edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                resolution = resolution)
+                                resolution = resolution,
+                                extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(cai_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "cai_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
+    cai_mn <- mean(cai_patch$value)
-    cai_mean <- mean(cai_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "cai_mn",
-                          value = as.double(cai_mean)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(cai_mn)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(cai_mn)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(cai_mn)),
+                 metric = rep("cai_mn", length(cai_mn)),
+                 value = as.double(cai_mn))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_cai_sd.R b/R/lsm_l_cai_sd.R
index 71bd8ebc6..f638fd2aa 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_cai_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_cai_sd.R
@@ -71,29 +71,29 @@ lsm_l_cai_sd <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_cai_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_cai_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     cai_patch <- lsm_p_cai_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions,
                                 consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                 edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                resolution = resolution)
+                                resolution = resolution,
+                                extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(cai_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "cai_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     cai_sd <- stats::sd(cai_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "cai_sd",
-                          value = as.double(cai_sd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(cai_sd)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(cai_sd)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(cai_sd)),
+                 metric = rep("cai_sd", length(cai_sd)),
+                 value = as.double(cai_sd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_circle_cv.R b/R/lsm_l_circle_cv.R
index de56e1bca..f18766862 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_circle_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_circle_cv.R
@@ -66,27 +66,28 @@ lsm_l_circle_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_circle_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_circle_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     circle_patch <- lsm_p_circle_calc(landscape,
                                       directions = directions,
-                                      resolution = resolution)
+                                      resolution = resolution,
+                                      extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(circle_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "circle_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     circle_cv <- stats::sd(circle_patch$value) / mean(circle_patch$value) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "circle_cv",
-                          value = as.double(circle_cv)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(circle_cv)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(circle_cv)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(circle_cv)),
+                 metric = rep("circle_cv", length(circle_cv)),
+                 value = as.double(circle_cv))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_circle_mn.R b/R/lsm_l_circle_mn.R
index adebacaa4..82389d69e 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_circle_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_circle_mn.R
@@ -65,26 +65,27 @@ lsm_l_circle_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_circle_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_circle_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     circle_patch <- lsm_p_circle_calc(landscape,
                                       directions = directions,
-                                      resolution = resolution)
+                                      resolution = resolution,
+                                      extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(circle_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "circle_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     circle_mn <- mean(circle_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "circle_mn",
-                          value = as.double(circle_mn)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(circle_mn)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(circle_mn)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(circle_mn)),
+                 metric = rep("circle_mn", length(circle_mn)),
+                 value = as.double(circle_mn))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_circle_sd.R b/R/lsm_l_circle_sd.R
index 4d8b929bf..bb15a9272 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_circle_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_circle_sd.R
@@ -67,27 +67,28 @@ lsm_l_circle_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_circle_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_circle_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     circle_patch <- lsm_p_circle_calc(landscape,
                                       directions = directions,
-                                      resolution = resolution)
+                                      resolution = resolution,
+                                      extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(circle_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "circle_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     circle_sd <- stats::sd(circle_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "circle_sd",
-                          value = as.double(circle_sd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(circle_sd)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(circle_sd)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(circle_sd)),
+                 metric = rep("circle_sd", length(circle_sd)),
+                 value = as.double(circle_sd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_cohesion.R b/R/lsm_l_cohesion.R
index 21c6bfa5e..617bfda4a 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_cohesion.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_cohesion.R
@@ -54,22 +54,25 @@ lsm_l_cohesion <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_cohesion_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_cohesion_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # convert to raster to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_l_cohesion"
+        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "cohesion",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get number of cells
@@ -78,14 +81,16 @@ lsm_l_cohesion_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     # get number of cells in each patch: area = n_cells * res / 10000
     ncells_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                     directions = directions,
-                                    resolution = resolution)
+                                    resolution = resolution,
+                                    extras = extras)
     ncells_patch$value <- ncells_patch$value * 10000 / prod(resolution)
     # get perim for each patch
     perim_patch <- lsm_p_perim_calc(landscape,
                                     directions = directions,
-                                    resolution = resolution)
+                                    resolution = resolution,
+                                    extras = extras)
     # denominator for cohesion (perim / n_cells) for landscape
     denominator <- sum(perim_patch$value * sqrt(ncells_patch$value))
@@ -94,9 +99,9 @@ lsm_l_cohesion_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     cohesion <- (1 - (sum(perim_patch$value) / denominator)) *
         ((1 - (1 / sqrt(ncells_landscape))) ^ -1) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "cohesion",
-                          value = as.double(cohesion)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(cohesion)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(cohesion)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(cohesion)),
+                 metric = rep("cohesion", length(cohesion)),
+                 value = as.double(cohesion))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_condent.R b/R/lsm_l_condent.R
index 82a50311d..e461bb5f6 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_condent.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_condent.R
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ lsm_l_condent <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_condent_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base){
+lsm_l_condent_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base, extras = NULL){
     # convert to raster to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
@@ -66,29 +66,27 @@ lsm_l_condent_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base){
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "condent",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    com <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape,
-                                       directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood))
-    com_c <- colSums(com)
-    coh <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(landscape,
-                                       directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood),
-                                       ordered = ordered)
-    comp <- rcpp_get_entropy(com_c, base)
-    cplx <- rcpp_get_entropy(coh, base)
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        comp <- extras$comp
+        cplx <- extras$cplx
+    } else {
+        com <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape, directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood))
+        comp <- rcpp_get_entropy(colSums(com), base)
+        cplx <- get_complexity(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base)
+    }
     conf <- cplx - comp
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "condent",
-                          value = as.double(conf)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(conf)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(conf)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(conf)),
+                 metric = rep("condent", length(conf)),
+                 value = as.double(conf))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_contag.R b/R/lsm_l_contag.R
index 9a929dbd0..3d556de58 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_contag.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_contag.R
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ lsm_l_contag <- function(landscape, verbose = TRUE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_contag_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
+lsm_l_contag_calc <- function(landscape, verbose, extras = NULL) {
     # convert to raster to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
@@ -68,14 +68,18 @@ lsm_l_contag_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "contag",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    t <- length(get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE))
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        t <- length(extras$classes)
+    } else {
+        t <- length(get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE))
+    }
     if (t < 2) {
         if (verbose) {
@@ -83,15 +87,18 @@ lsm_l_contag_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
                     call. = FALSE)
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "contag",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     } else {
-        adjacencies <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape,
-                                                   as.matrix(4))
+        if (!is.null(extras)){
+            adjacencies <- extras$neighbor_matrix
+        } else {
+            adjacencies <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape, as.matrix(4))
+        }
         esum <- sum(adjacencies / sum(adjacencies) *
                         log(adjacencies / sum(adjacencies)), na.rm = TRUE)
@@ -100,10 +107,10 @@ lsm_l_contag_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
         contag <- (1 + esum / emax) * 100
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                              class = as.integer(NA),
-                              id = as.integer(NA),
-                              metric = "contag",
-                              value = as.double(contag)))
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(contag)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(contag)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(contag)),
+                 metric = rep("contag", length(contag)),
+                 value = as.double(contag))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_contig_cv.R b/R/lsm_l_contig_cv.R
index 0921049a4..13f3762a8 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_contig_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_contig_cv.R
@@ -71,25 +71,26 @@ lsm_l_contig_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_contig_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
+lsm_l_contig_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, extras = NULL) {
     contig_patch <- lsm_p_contig_calc(landscape,
-                                      directions = directions)
+                                      directions = directions,
+                                      extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(contig_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "contig_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     contig_cv <- stats::sd(contig_patch$value) / mean(contig_patch$value) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "contig_cv",
-                          value = as.double(contig_cv)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(contig_cv)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(contig_cv)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(contig_cv)),
+                 metric = rep("contig_cv", length(contig_cv)),
+                 value = as.double(contig_cv))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_contig_mn.R b/R/lsm_l_contig_mn.R
index b87858977..ca162871b 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_contig_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_contig_mn.R
@@ -70,25 +70,26 @@ lsm_l_contig_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_contig_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
+lsm_l_contig_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, extras = NULL) {
     contig_patch <- lsm_p_contig_calc(landscape,
-                                      directions = directions)
+                                      directions = directions,
+                                      extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(contig_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "contig_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     contig_mn <- mean(contig_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "contig_mn",
-                          value = as.double(contig_mn)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(contig_mn)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(contig_mn)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(contig_mn)),
+                 metric = rep("contig_mn", length(contig_mn)),
+                 value = as.double(contig_mn))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_contig_sd.R b/R/lsm_l_contig_sd.R
index d04c6dd56..4ce09de76 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_contig_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_contig_sd.R
@@ -71,25 +71,26 @@ lsm_l_contig_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_contig_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
+lsm_l_contig_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, extras = NULL) {
     contig_patch <- lsm_p_contig_calc(landscape,
-                                      directions = directions)
+                                      directions = directions,
+                                      extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(contig_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "contig_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     contig_sd <- stats::sd(contig_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "contig_sd",
-                          value = as.double(contig_sd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(contig_sd)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(contig_sd)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(contig_sd)),
+                 metric = rep("contig_sd", length(contig_sd)),
+                 value = as.double(contig_sd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_core_cv.R b/R/lsm_l_core_cv.R
index e68704992..f4b4f0e73 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_core_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_core_cv.R
@@ -68,28 +68,29 @@ lsm_l_core_cv <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_core_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_core_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     core_patch <- lsm_p_core_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
                                   consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                   edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(core_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "core_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     core_cv <- stats::sd(core_patch$value) / mean(core_patch$value) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "core_cv",
-                          value = as.double(core_cv)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(core_cv)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(core_cv)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(core_cv)),
+                 metric = rep("core_cv", length(core_cv)),
+                 value = as.double(core_cv))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_core_mn.R b/R/lsm_l_core_mn.R
index 4a3d02a35..e7597e9e0 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_core_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_core_mn.R
@@ -67,28 +67,29 @@ lsm_l_core_mn <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_core_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_core_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     core_patch <- lsm_p_core_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
                                   consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                   edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(core_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "core_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     core_mn <- mean(core_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "core_mn",
-                          value = as.double(core_mn)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(core_mn)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(core_mn)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(core_mn)),
+                 metric = rep("core_mn", length(core_mn)),
+                 value = as.double(core_mn))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_core_sd.R b/R/lsm_l_core_sd.R
index 669ca668c..20eb6d7ed 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_core_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_core_sd.R
@@ -68,28 +68,29 @@ lsm_l_core_sd <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_core_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_core_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     core_patch <- lsm_p_core_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
                                   consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                   edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(core_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "core_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     core_sd <- stats::sd(core_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "core_sd",
-                          value = as.double(core_sd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(core_sd)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(core_sd)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(core_sd)),
+                 metric = rep("core_sd", length(core_sd)),
+                 value = as.double(core_sd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_dcad.R b/R/lsm_l_dcad.R
index 9b3995982..a00475964 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_dcad.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_dcad.R
@@ -67,24 +67,24 @@ lsm_l_dcad <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_dcad_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
-                            resolution = NULL, points = NULL){
+lsm_l_dcad_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # get patch area
     patch_area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # summarise to total area
     total_area <- sum(patch_area$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(total_area)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "dcad",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get core areas for each patch
@@ -92,14 +92,15 @@ lsm_l_dcad_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth
                                     directions = directions,
                                     consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                     edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                    points = points)
+                                    resolution = resolution,
+                                    extras = extras)
     # summarise for total landscape
     dcad <- sum(ncore_patch$value) / total_area * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "dcad",
-                          value = as.double(dcad)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(dcad)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(dcad)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(dcad)),
+                 metric = rep("dcad", length(dcad)),
+                 value = as.double(dcad))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_dcore_cv.R b/R/lsm_l_dcore_cv.R
index 3ba4c0c66..c5d5646cd 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_dcore_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_dcore_cv.R
@@ -70,29 +70,29 @@ lsm_l_dcore_cv <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_dcore_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
-                                points = NULL){
+lsm_l_dcore_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     dcore_patch <- lsm_p_ncore_calc(landscape,
                                     directions = directions,
                                     consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                     edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                    points = points)
+                                    resolution = resolution,
+                                    extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(dcore_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "dcore_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     dcore_cv <- stats::sd(dcore_patch$value) / mean(dcore_patch$value) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "dcore_cv",
-                          value = as.double(dcore_cv)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(dcore_cv)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(dcore_cv)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(dcore_cv)),
+                 metric = rep("dcore_cv", length(dcore_cv)),
+                 value = as.double(dcore_cv))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_dcore_mn.R b/R/lsm_l_dcore_mn.R
index 0c17831e3..c9dc636a8 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_dcore_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_dcore_mn.R
@@ -68,29 +68,29 @@ lsm_l_dcore_mn <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_dcore_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
-                                points = NULL){
+lsm_l_dcore_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     dcore_patch <- lsm_p_ncore_calc(landscape,
                                     directions = directions,
                                     consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                     edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                    points = points)
+                                    resolution = resolution,
+                                    extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(dcore_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "dcore_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     dcore_mn <- mean(dcore_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "dcore_mn",
-                          value = as.double(dcore_mn)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(dcore_mn)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(dcore_mn)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(dcore_mn)),
+                 metric = rep("dcore_mn", length(dcore_mn)),
+                 value = as.double(dcore_mn))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_dcore_sd.R b/R/lsm_l_dcore_sd.R
index 63fc0b496..fc0246dd5 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_dcore_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_dcore_sd.R
@@ -70,29 +70,29 @@ lsm_l_dcore_sd <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_dcore_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
-                                points = NULL){
+lsm_l_dcore_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     dcore_patch <- lsm_p_ncore_calc(landscape,
                                     directions = directions,
                                     consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                     edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                    points = points)
+                                    resolution = resolution,    
+                                    extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(dcore_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "dcore_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     dcore_sd <- stats::sd(dcore_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "dcore_sd",
-                          value = as.double(dcore_sd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(dcore_sd)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(dcore_sd)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(dcore_sd)),
+                 metric = rep("dcore_sd", length(dcore_sd)),
+                 value = as.double(dcore_sd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_division.R b/R/lsm_l_division.R
index d3e4c7d00..d16d2983d 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_division.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_division.R
@@ -58,23 +58,24 @@ lsm_l_division <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_division_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_division_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # summarise to total area
     area_total <- sum(area_patch$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(area_total)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "division",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # divison for each patch
@@ -83,9 +84,9 @@ lsm_l_division_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     # summarise for whole landscape
     division <- 1 - sum(area_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "division",
-                          value = as.double(division)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(division)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(division)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(division)),
+                 metric = rep("division", length(division)),
+                 value = as.double(division))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_ed.R b/R/lsm_l_ed.R
index d34fa8960..7e84d06bc 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_ed.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_ed.R
@@ -62,28 +62,31 @@ lsm_l_ed <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_ed_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_ed_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_l_ed"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, neighbourhood = 4, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "ed",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # summarise to total area
     area_total <- sum(area_patch$value)
@@ -91,14 +94,15 @@ lsm_l_ed_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, directions, resolution = NU
     # get total edge
     edge_landscape <- lsm_l_te_calc(landscape,
                                     count_boundary = count_boundary,
-                                    resolution = resolution)
+                                    resolution = resolution,
+                                    extras = extras)
     # relative edge density
     ed <- edge_landscape$value / area_total
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "ed",
-                          value = as.double(ed)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(ed)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(ed)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(ed)),
+                 metric = rep("ed", length(ed)),
+                 value = as.double(ed))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_enn_cv.R b/R/lsm_l_enn_cv.R
index 4c7c39f77..fd30335f3 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_enn_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_enn_cv.R
@@ -66,27 +66,26 @@ lsm_l_enn_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8, verbose = TRUE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_enn_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose,
-                              points = NULL) {
+lsm_l_enn_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     enn_patch <- lsm_p_enn_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions, verbose = verbose,
-                                points = points)
+                                resolution = resolution, extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(enn_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "enn_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     enn_cv <- stats::sd(enn_patch$value) / mean(enn_patch$value) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "enn_cv",
-                          value = as.double(enn_cv)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(enn_cv)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(enn_cv)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(enn_cv)),
+                 metric = rep("enn_cv", length(enn_cv)),
+                 value = as.double(enn_cv))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_enn_mn.R b/R/lsm_l_enn_mn.R
index fd3fa5f51..40d746a67 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_enn_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_enn_mn.R
@@ -67,27 +67,26 @@ lsm_l_enn_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8, verbose = TRUE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_enn_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose,
-                              points = NULL) {
+lsm_l_enn_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     enn_patch <- lsm_p_enn_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions, verbose = verbose,
-                                points = points)
+                                resolution = resolution, extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(enn_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "enn_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     enn_mn <- mean(enn_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "enn_mn",
-                          value = as.double(enn_mn)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(enn_mn)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(enn_mn)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(enn_mn)),
+                 metric = rep("enn_mn", length(enn_mn)),
+                 value = as.double(enn_mn))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_enn_sd.R b/R/lsm_l_enn_sd.R
index 409f8fd59..66a1b0308 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_enn_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_enn_sd.R
@@ -67,27 +67,26 @@ lsm_l_enn_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8, verbose = TRUE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_enn_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose,
-                              points = NULL) {
+lsm_l_enn_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     enn_patch <- lsm_p_enn_calc(landscape,
                                 directions = directions, verbose = verbose,
-                                points = points)
+                                resolution = resolution, extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(enn_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "enn_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     enn_sd <- stats::sd(enn_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "enn_sd",
-                          value = as.double(enn_sd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(enn_sd)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(enn_sd)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(enn_sd)),
+                 metric = rep("enn_sd", length(enn_sd)),
+                 value = as.double(enn_sd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_ent.R b/R/lsm_l_ent.R
index 1e0fee36e..7b4503085 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_ent.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_ent.R
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ lsm_l_ent <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_ent_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, base){
+lsm_l_ent_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, base, extras = NULL){
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
@@ -59,22 +59,23 @@ lsm_l_ent_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, base){
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "ent",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    com <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape,
-                                       directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood))
-    com_c <- colSums(com)
-    comp <- rcpp_get_entropy(com_c, base)
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        comp <- extras$comp
+    } else {
+        com <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape, directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood))
+        comp <- rcpp_get_entropy(colSums(com), base)
+    }
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "ent",
-                          value = as.double(comp)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(comp)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(comp)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(comp)),
+                 metric = rep("ent", length(comp)),
+                 value = as.double(comp))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_frac_cv.R b/R/lsm_l_frac_cv.R
index 5f5804cc0..9d5e58b2a 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_frac_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_frac_cv.R
@@ -63,26 +63,27 @@ lsm_l_frac_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_frac_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_frac_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     frac_patch <- lsm_p_frac_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(frac_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "frac_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     frac_cv <- stats::sd(frac_patch$value) / mean(frac_patch$value) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "frac_cv",
-                          value = as.double(frac_cv)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(frac_cv)),
+                        class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(frac_cv)),
+                        id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(frac_cv)),
+                        metric = rep("frac_cv", length(frac_cv)),
+                        value = as.double(frac_cv))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_frac_mn.R b/R/lsm_l_frac_mn.R
index 87ef21bfa..b7b00deff 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_frac_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_frac_mn.R
@@ -63,26 +63,27 @@ lsm_l_frac_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_frac_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_frac_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     frac_patch <- lsm_p_frac_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(frac_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "frac_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     frac_mn <- mean(frac_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "frac_mn",
-                          value = as.double(frac_mn)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(frac_mn)),
+                        class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(frac_mn)),
+                        id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(frac_mn)),
+                        metric = rep("frac_mn", length(frac_mn)),
+                        value = as.double(mean(frac_patch$value)))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_frac_sd.R b/R/lsm_l_frac_sd.R
index 458fb35e6..56139fe17 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_frac_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_frac_sd.R
@@ -63,26 +63,27 @@ lsm_l_frac_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_frac_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_frac_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     frac_patch <- lsm_p_frac_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(frac_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "frac_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     frac_sd <- stats::sd(frac_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "frac_sd",
-                          value = as.double(frac_sd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(frac_sd)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(frac_sd)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(frac_sd)),
+                 metric = rep("frac_sd", length(frac_sd)),
+                 value = as.double(frac_sd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_gyrate_cv.R b/R/lsm_l_gyrate_cv.R
index 144694f70..170012e1b 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_gyrate_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_gyrate_cv.R
@@ -72,29 +72,29 @@ lsm_l_gyrate_cv <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_gyrate_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center,
-                                 points = NULL) {
+lsm_l_gyrate_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     gyrate_patch <- lsm_p_gyrate_calc(landscape,
                                       directions = directions,
                                       cell_center = cell_center,
-                                      points = points)
+                                      resolution = resolution,
+                                      extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(gyrate_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "gyrate_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     gyrate_cv <- stats::sd(gyrate_patch$value) / mean(gyrate_patch$value) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "gyrate_cv",
-                          value = as.double(gyrate_cv)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(gyrate_cv)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(gyrate_cv)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(gyrate_cv)),
+                 metric = rep("gyrate_cv", length(gyrate_cv)),
+                 value = as.double(gyrate_cv))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_gyrate_mn.R b/R/lsm_l_gyrate_mn.R
index 801999f8f..55880ad02 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_gyrate_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_gyrate_mn.R
@@ -71,28 +71,28 @@ lsm_l_gyrate_mn <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_gyrate_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center,
-                                 points = NULL) {
+lsm_l_gyrate_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     gyrate_patch <- lsm_p_gyrate_calc(landscape,
                                       directions = directions,
                                       cell_center = cell_center,
-                                      points = points)
+                                      resolution = resolution,
+                                      extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(gyrate_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "gyrate_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     gyrate_mn <- mean(gyrate_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "gyrate_mn",
-                          value = as.double(gyrate_mn)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(gyrate_mn)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(gyrate_mn)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(gyrate_mn)),
+                 metric = rep("gyrate_mn", length(gyrate_mn)),
+                 value = as.double(gyrate_mn))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_gyrate_sd.R b/R/lsm_l_gyrate_sd.R
index 422623520..93132630e 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_gyrate_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_gyrate_sd.R
@@ -71,29 +71,29 @@ lsm_l_gyrate_sd <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_gyrate_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center,
-                                 points = NULL) {
+lsm_l_gyrate_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     gyrate_patch <- lsm_p_gyrate_calc(landscape,
                                       directions = directions,
                                       cell_center = cell_center,
-                                      points = points)
+                                      resolution = resolution,
+                                      extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(gyrate_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "gyrate_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     gyrate_sd <- stats::sd(gyrate_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "gyrate_sd",
-                          value = as.double(gyrate_sd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(gyrate_sd)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(gyrate_sd)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(gyrate_sd)),
+                 metric = rep("gyrate_sd", length(gyrate_sd)),
+                 value = as.double(gyrate_sd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_iji.R b/R/lsm_l_iji.R
index a7d1b8cdc..b1a7049eb 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_iji.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_iji.R
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ lsm_l_iji <- function(landscape, verbose = TRUE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_iji_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
+lsm_l_iji_calc <- function(landscape, verbose, extras = NULL) {
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
@@ -68,15 +68,18 @@ lsm_l_iji_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "iji",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    adjacencies <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape,
-                                               as.matrix(4))
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        adjacencies <- extras$neighbor_matrix
+    } else {
+        adjacencies <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape, as.matrix(4))
+    }
     if (ncol(adjacencies) < 3) {
@@ -84,11 +87,11 @@ lsm_l_iji_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
             warning("Number of classes must be >= 3, IJI = NA.", call. = FALSE)
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "iji",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     } else {
         diag(adjacencies) <- 0
@@ -103,10 +106,10 @@ lsm_l_iji_calc <- function(landscape, verbose) {
         iji <- (landscape_sum / log(0.5  * (ncol(adjacencies) * (ncol(adjacencies)  - 1)))) * 100
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                              class = as.integer(NA),
-                              id = as.integer(NA),
-                              metric = "iji",
-                              value = as.double(iji)))
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(iji)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(iji)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(iji)),
+                 metric = rep("iji", length(iji)),
+                 value = as.double(iji))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_joinent.R b/R/lsm_l_joinent.R
index 6d7d85276..3d3d8af0e 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_joinent.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_joinent.R
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ lsm_l_joinent <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_joinent_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base){
+lsm_l_joinent_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base, extras = NULL){
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
@@ -64,22 +64,22 @@ lsm_l_joinent_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base){
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "joinent",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    coh <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(landscape,
-                                       directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood),
-                                       ordered = ordered)
-    cplx <- rcpp_get_entropy(coh, base)
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        cplx <- extras$cplx
+    } else {    
+        cplx <- get_complexity(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base)
+    }
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "joinent",
-                          value = as.double(cplx)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(cplx)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(cplx)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(cplx)),
+                 metric = rep("joinent", length(cplx)),
+                 value = as.double(cplx))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_lpi.R b/R/lsm_l_lpi.R
index aff738f4f..0a92a50bd 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_lpi.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_lpi.R
@@ -55,31 +55,32 @@ lsm_l_lpi <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_lpi_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_lpi_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # get patch area
     patch_area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # summarise to total area
     total_area <- sum(patch_area$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(total_area)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "lpi",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # maximum value of patch_area / total_area
     lpi <- max(patch_area$value / total_area * 100)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "lpi",
-                          value = as.double(lpi)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(lpi)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(lpi)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(lpi)),
+                 metric = rep("lpi", length(lpi)),
+                 value = as.double(lpi))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_lsi.R b/R/lsm_l_lsi.R
index 19ae362cb..04dab16b6 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_lsi.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_lsi.R
@@ -55,43 +55,41 @@ lsm_l_lsi <- function(landscape) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_lsi_calc <- function(landscape) {
+lsm_l_lsi_calc <- function(landscape, extras = NULL) {
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "lsi",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # cells at the boundary of the landscape need neighbours to calculate perim
-    landscape <- pad_raster_internal(landscape, pad_raster_value = NA,
+    landscape_pad <- pad_raster_internal(landscape, pad_raster_value = NA,
                                      pad_raster_cells = 1, global = FALSE)
     # which cells are NA (i.e. background)
-    target_na <- which(is.na(landscape))
+    target_na <- which(is.na(landscape_pad))
     # set all NA to -999 to get adjacencies between patches and all background
-    landscape[target_na] <- -999
+    landscape_pad[target_na] <- -999
     # get class edge in terms of cell surfaces
-    class_perim <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape,
-                                               as.matrix(4))
+    class_perim <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape_pad, as.matrix(4))
+    class_area <- rcpp_get_composition_vector(landscape_pad)[-1]
     # calculate total edge
     total_perim <- sum(class_perim[lower.tri(class_perim)])
     # calculate total area
-    total_area <- sum(rcpp_get_composition_vector(landscape)[-1])
+    total_area <- sum(class_area)
     # calculate N and M
     total_n <- trunc(sqrt(total_area))
@@ -114,9 +112,9 @@ lsm_l_lsi_calc <- function(landscape) {
     lsi <- total_perim / total_perim_min
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "lsi",
-                          value = as.double(lsi)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(lsi)),
+                 class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(lsi)),
+                 id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(lsi)),
+                 metric = rep("lsi", length(lsi)),
+                 value = as.double(lsi))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_mesh.R b/R/lsm_l_mesh.R
index 64b16e38b..369f9c966 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_mesh.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_mesh.R
@@ -60,31 +60,32 @@ lsm_l_mesh <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_mesh_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_mesh_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # summarise to total area
     area_total <- sum(area_patch$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(area_total)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "mesh",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate mesh first take area ^ 2, than sum for whole landscape divided by landscape area total
     mesh <- sum(area_patch$value ^ 2) / area_total
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "mesh",
-                          value = as.double(mesh)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(mesh)),
+                class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(mesh)),
+                id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(mesh)),
+                metric = rep("mesh", length(mesh)),
+                value = as.double(mesh))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_msidi.R b/R/lsm_l_msidi.R
index 5cf964d9c..7290c8ab5 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_msidi.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_msidi.R
@@ -57,35 +57,38 @@ lsm_l_msidi <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_msidi_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_msidi_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_l_msidi"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "msidi",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     patch_area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     msidi <- stats::aggregate(x = patch_area[, 5], by = patch_area[, 2], FUN = sum)
     msidi <- -log(sum((msidi$value / sum(msidi$value)) ^ 2))
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "msidi",
-                          value = as.double(msidi)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(msidi)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(msidi)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(msidi)),
+                          metric = rep("msidi", length(msidi)),
+                          value = as.double(msidi))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_msiei.R b/R/lsm_l_msiei.R
index d5c32b369..1f1889906 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_msiei.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_msiei.R
@@ -54,19 +54,20 @@ lsm_l_msiei <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_msiei_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_msiei_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     patch_area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(patch_area$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "msiei",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     msidi <- stats::aggregate(x = patch_area[, 5], by = patch_area[, 2],
@@ -74,13 +75,18 @@ lsm_l_msiei_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     msidi <- -log(sum((msidi$value / sum(msidi$value)) ^ 2))
-    pr <- length(get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE))
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        classes <- extras$classes
+    } else {
+        classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+    }
+    pr <- length(classes)
     msiei <- msidi / log(pr)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "msiei",
-                          value = as.double(msiei)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(msiei)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(msiei)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(msiei)),
+                          metric = rep("msiei", length(msiei)),
+                          value = as.double(msiei))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_mutinf.R b/R/lsm_l_mutinf.R
index b17aa1d87..eef30a8b8 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_mutinf.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_mutinf.R
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ lsm_l_mutinf <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_mutinf_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base){
+lsm_l_mutinf_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base, extras = NULL){
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
@@ -65,29 +65,28 @@ lsm_l_mutinf_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base){
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "mutinf",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    com <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape,
-                                       directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood))
-    com_c <- colSums(com)
-    coh <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(landscape,
-                                       directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood),
-                                       ordered = ordered)
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        comp <- extras$comp
+        cplx <- extras$cplx
+    } else {
+        com <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape, directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood))
+        comp <- rcpp_get_entropy(colSums(com), base)
+        cplx <- get_complexity(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base)
+    }
-    comp <- rcpp_get_entropy(com_c, base)
-    cplx <- rcpp_get_entropy(coh, base)
     conf <- cplx - comp
     aggr <- comp - conf
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "mutinf",
-                          value = as.double(aggr)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(aggr)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(aggr)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(aggr)),
+                          metric = rep("mutinf", length(aggr)),
+                          value = as.double(aggr))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_ndca.R b/R/lsm_l_ndca.R
index 738891982..7dc524126 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_ndca.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_ndca.R
@@ -67,29 +67,29 @@ lsm_l_ndca <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_ndca_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
-                            points = NULL){
+lsm_l_ndca_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
     ncore_patch <- lsm_p_ncore_calc(landscape,
                                     directions = directions,
                                     consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                     edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                    points = points)
+                                    resolution = resolution,
+                                    extras = extras)
     ndca <- sum(ncore_patch$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(ndca)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "ndca",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class =  as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "ndca",
-                          value = as.double(ndca)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(ndca)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(ndca)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(ndca)),
+                          metric = rep("ndca", length(ndca)),
+                          value = as.double(ndca))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_np.R b/R/lsm_l_np.R
index bd51f011d..58a1c50d1 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_np.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_np.R
@@ -53,25 +53,26 @@ lsm_l_np <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_np_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
+lsm_l_np_calc <- function(landscape, directions, extras = NULL) {
     n_patches <- lsm_c_np_calc(landscape,
-                               directions = directions)
+                               directions = directions,
+                               extras = extras)
     n_patches <- sum(n_patches$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(n_patches)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "np",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "np",
-                          value = as.double(n_patches)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(n_patches)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(n_patches)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(n_patches)),
+                          metric = rep("np", length(n_patches)),
+                          value = as.double(n_patches))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_pafrac.R b/R/lsm_l_pafrac.R
index f35356295..d8b4f2eb9 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_pafrac.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_pafrac.R
@@ -64,27 +64,30 @@ lsm_l_pafrac <- function(landscape, directions = 8, verbose = TRUE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_pafrac_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_pafrac_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution, extras = NULL){
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
-        landscape <-terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_l_pafrac"
+        landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "pafrac",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get number of patches for each class
     number_patches <- lsm_c_np_calc(landscape,
-                                    directions = directions)
+                                    directions = directions,
+                                    extras = extras)
     # summarise for total landscape
     number_patches <- sum(number_patches$value)
@@ -95,8 +98,7 @@ lsm_l_pafrac_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution = NULL)
         pafrac <-  NA
         if (verbose) {
-            warning("PAFRAC = NA for NP < 10",
-                    call. = FALSE)
+            warning("PAFRAC = NA for NP < 10", call. = FALSE)
     # calculate pafrac as regression between area and perimeter (beta)
@@ -105,12 +107,14 @@ lsm_l_pafrac_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution = NULL)
         # get patch area
         area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                       directions = directions,
-                                      resolution = resolution)
+                                      resolution = resolution,
+                                      extras = extras)
         # get patch perimeter
         perimeter_patch <- lsm_p_perim_calc(landscape,
                                             directions = directions,
-                                            resolution = resolution)
+                                            resolution = resolution,
+                                            extras = extras)
         regression_model <- stats::lm(log(area_patch$value) ~
@@ -118,9 +122,9 @@ lsm_l_pafrac_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution = NULL)
         pafrac <- 2 / regression_model$coefficients[[2]]
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "pafrac",
-                          value = as.double(pafrac)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(pafrac)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(pafrac)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(pafrac)),
+                          metric = rep("pafrac", length(pafrac)),
+                          value = as.double(pafrac))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_para_cv.R b/R/lsm_l_para_cv.R
index a41d17a5d..a26f1ad6b 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_para_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_para_cv.R
@@ -60,26 +60,27 @@ lsm_l_para_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_para_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_para_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     para_patch <- lsm_p_para_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(para_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "para_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     para_cv <- stats::sd(para_patch$value) / mean(para_patch$value) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "para_cv",
-                          value = as.double(para_cv)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(para_cv)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(para_cv)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(para_cv)),
+                          metric = rep("para_cv", length(para_cv)),
+                          value = as.double(para_cv))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_para_mn.R b/R/lsm_l_para_mn.R
index c286c3327..f111329f5 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_para_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_para_mn.R
@@ -61,26 +61,27 @@ lsm_l_para_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_para_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_para_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     para_patch <- lsm_p_para_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(para_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "para_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     para_mn <- mean(para_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "para_mn",
-                          value = as.double(para_mn)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(para_mn)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(para_mn)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(para_mn)),
+                          metric = rep("para_mn", length(para_mn)),
+                          value = as.double(para_mn))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_para_sd.R b/R/lsm_l_para_sd.R
index 46733d75a..e8fd56611 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_para_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_para_sd.R
@@ -61,26 +61,27 @@ lsm_l_para_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_para_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_para_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     para_patch <- lsm_p_para_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(para_patch$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "para_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     para_sd <- stats::sd(para_patch$value)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "para_sd",
-                          value = as.double(para_sd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(para_sd)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(para_sd)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(para_sd)),
+                          metric = rep("para_sd", length(para_sd)),
+                          value = as.double(para_sd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_pd.R b/R/lsm_l_pd.R
index 5ac566aba..ddab4cd42 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_pd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_pd.R
@@ -56,34 +56,39 @@ lsm_l_pd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_pd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_pd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_l_pd"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "pd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # summarise for total landscape
     area_total <- sum(area_patch$value)
     # number of patches for each class
     number_patches <- lsm_c_np_calc(landscape,
-                                    directions = directions)
+                                    directions = directions,
+                                    extras = extras)
     # summarise for total landscape
     number_patches <- sum(number_patches$value)
@@ -91,9 +96,9 @@ lsm_l_pd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     # relative patch density
     patch_density <- number_patches / area_total * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "pd",
-                          value = as.double(patch_density)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(patch_density)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(patch_density)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(patch_density)),
+                          metric = rep("pd", length(patch_density)),
+                          value = as.double(patch_density))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_pladj.R b/R/lsm_l_pladj.R
index 3993b97f5..e425b267d 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_pladj.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_pladj.R
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ lsm_l_pladj_calc <- function(landscape) {
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "pladj",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     landscape_padded <- pad_raster_internal(landscape,
@@ -68,17 +68,16 @@ lsm_l_pladj_calc <- function(landscape) {
                                             pad_raster_cells = 1,
                                             global = FALSE)
-    tb <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape_padded,
-                                      directions = as.matrix(4))
+    tb <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape_padded, directions = as.matrix(4))
     like_adjacencies <- sum(diag(tb)[-1])
     total_adjacencies <- sum(tb[,-1])
     pladj <- like_adjacencies / total_adjacencies * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "pladj",
-                          value = as.double(pladj)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(pladj)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(pladj)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(pladj)),
+                          metric = rep("pladj", length(pladj)),
+                          value = as.double(pladj))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_pr.R b/R/lsm_l_pr.R
index 1055e3f8d..4950e8165 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_pr.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_pr.R
@@ -46,22 +46,27 @@ lsm_l_pr <- function(landscape){
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_pr_calc <- function(landscape){
+lsm_l_pr_calc <- function(landscape, extras = NULL){
-    richness <- length(get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE))
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        classes <- extras$classes
+    } else {
+        classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+    }
+    richness <- length(classes)
     # all values NA
     if (richness == 0) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "pr",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "pr",
-                          value = as.double(richness)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(richness)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(richness)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(richness)),
+                          metric = rep("pr", length(richness)),
+                          value = as.double(richness))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_prd.R b/R/lsm_l_prd.R
index f59016bf0..088bf0199 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_prd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_prd.R
@@ -51,34 +51,35 @@ lsm_l_prd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_prd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_prd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # summarise for total landscape
     area_total <- sum(area_patch$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(area_total)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "prd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get number of classes
-    pr_landscape <- lsm_l_pr_calc(landscape)
+    pr_landscape <- lsm_l_pr_calc(landscape, extras = extras)
     # relative number of classes
     prd <- pr_landscape$value / area_total * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "prd",
-                          value = as.double(prd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(prd)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(prd)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(prd)),
+                          metric = rep("prd", length(prd)),
+                          value = as.double(prd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_relmutinf.R b/R/lsm_l_relmutinf.R
index c5388ca3a..128d65d82 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_relmutinf.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_relmutinf.R
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ lsm_l_relmutinf <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_relmutinf_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base){
+lsm_l_relmutinf_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base, extras = NULL){
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
@@ -65,30 +65,29 @@ lsm_l_relmutinf_calc <- function(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base){
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "mutinf",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    com <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape,
-                                       directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood))
-    com_c <- colSums(com)
-    coh <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(landscape,
-                                       directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood),
-                                       ordered = ordered)
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        comp <- extras$comp
+        cplx <- extras$cplx
+    } else {
+        com <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape, directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood))
+        comp <- rcpp_get_entropy(colSums(com), base)
+        cplx <- get_complexity(landscape, neighbourhood, ordered, base)
+    }
-    comp <- rcpp_get_entropy(com_c, base)
-    cplx <- rcpp_get_entropy(coh, base)
     conf <- cplx - comp
     aggr <- comp - conf
     rel  <- ifelse(aggr == 0, 1, aggr / comp)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "relmutinf",
-                          value = as.double(rel)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(rel)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(rel)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(rel)),
+                          metric = rep("relmutinf", length(rel)),
+                          value = as.double(rel))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_rpr.R b/R/lsm_l_rpr.R
index 5504cb394..114e641ae 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_rpr.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_rpr.R
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ lsm_l_rpr <- function(landscape, classes_max = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_rpr_calc <- function(landscape, classes_max, verbose) {
+lsm_l_rpr_calc <- function(landscape, classes_max, verbose, extras = NULL) {
     if (is.null(classes_max)) {
@@ -66,23 +66,23 @@ lsm_l_rpr_calc <- function(landscape, classes_max, verbose) {
         rpr <- NA
     } else {
-        pr <- lsm_l_pr_calc(landscape)
+        pr <- lsm_l_pr_calc(landscape, extras = extras)
         # all values NA
         if (all(is.na(pr$value))) {
-            return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+            return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                                   class = as.integer(NA),
                                   id = as.integer(NA),
                                   metric = "rpr",
-                                  value = as.double(NA)))
+                                  value = as.double(NA))))
         rpr <- pr$value / classes_max * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "rpr",
-                          value = as.double(rpr)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(rpr)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(rpr)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(rpr)),
+                          metric = rep("rpr", length(rpr)),
+                          value = as.double(rpr))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_shape_cv.R b/R/lsm_l_shape_cv.R
index d6ecc1f1c..578c6043e 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_shape_cv.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_shape_cv.R
@@ -60,28 +60,29 @@ lsm_l_shape_cv <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_shape_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_shape_cv_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # shape index for each patch
     shape <- lsm_p_shape_calc(landscape,
                               directions = directions,
-                              resolution = resolution)
+                              resolution = resolution,
+                              extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(shape$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "shape_cv",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate cv
     shape_cv <- stats::sd(shape$value, na.rm = TRUE) / mean(shape$value, na.rm = TRUE) * 100
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "shape_cv",
-                          value = as.double(shape_cv)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(shape_cv)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(shape_cv)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(shape_cv)),
+                          metric = rep("shape_cv", length(shape_cv)),
+                          value = as.double(shape_cv))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_shape_mn.R b/R/lsm_l_shape_mn.R
index 7c22c1252..e5fb96931 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_shape_mn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_shape_mn.R
@@ -61,28 +61,29 @@ lsm_l_shape_mn <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_shape_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_shape_mn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # shape index for each patch
     shape <- lsm_p_shape_calc(landscape,
                               directions = directions,
-                              resolution = resolution)
+                              resolution = resolution,
+                              extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(shape$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "shape_mn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate mean
     shape_mn <- mean(shape$value, na.rm = TRUE)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "shape_mn",
-                          value = as.double(shape_mn)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(shape_mn)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(shape_mn)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(shape_mn)),
+                          metric = rep("shape_mn", length(shape_mn)),
+                          value = as.double(shape_mn))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_shape_sd.R b/R/lsm_l_shape_sd.R
index 62d5f6264..340a48bac 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_shape_sd.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_shape_sd.R
@@ -61,28 +61,29 @@ lsm_l_shape_sd <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_shape_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_shape_sd_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # shape index for each patch
     shape <- lsm_p_shape_calc(landscape,
                               directions = directions,
-                              resolution = resolution)
+                              resolution = resolution,
+                              extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(shape$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "shape_sd",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # calculate sd
     shape_sd <- stats::sd(shape$value, na.rm = TRUE)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "shape_sd",
-                          value = as.double(shape_sd)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(shape_sd)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(shape_sd)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(shape_sd)),
+                          metric = rep("shape_sd", length(shape_sd)),
+                          value = as.double(shape_sd))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_shdi.R b/R/lsm_l_shdi.R
index c8322e1a6..4dd575231 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_shdi.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_shdi.R
@@ -52,29 +52,30 @@ lsm_l_shdi <- function(landscape) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_shdi_calc <- function(landscape, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_shdi_calc <- function(landscape, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # get class proportions (direction doesn't matter)
     prop <- lsm_c_pland_calc(landscape,
                              directions = 8,
-                             resolution = resolution)
+                             resolution = resolution,
+                             extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(prop$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "shdi",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     prop <- prop$value / 100
     shdi <- sum(-prop * log(prop, exp(1)))
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = 'landscape',
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "shdi",
-                          value = as.double(shdi)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(shdi)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(shdi)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(shdi)),
+                          metric = rep("shdi", length(shdi)),
+                          value = as.double(shdi))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_shei.R b/R/lsm_l_shei.R
index 217719f8b..aa481d143 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_shei.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_shei.R
@@ -54,20 +54,21 @@ lsm_l_shei <- function(landscape){
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_shei_calc <- function(landscape, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_shei_calc <- function(landscape, resolution, extras = NULL){
     # get class proportions (direction doesn't matter)
     prop <- lsm_c_pland_calc(landscape,
                              directions = 8,
-                             resolution = resolution)
+                             resolution = resolution,
+                             extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(prop$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "shei",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     prop <- prop$value / 100
@@ -78,9 +79,9 @@ lsm_l_shei_calc <- function(landscape, resolution = NULL){
         shei <- -sum(prop * log(prop)) / log(length(prop))
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "shei",
-                          value = as.double(shei)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(shei)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(shei)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(shei)),
+                          metric = rep("shei", length(shei)),
+                          value = as.double(shei))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_sidi.R b/R/lsm_l_sidi.R
index 6bf2b70eb..fd06387b9 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_sidi.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_sidi.R
@@ -57,26 +57,27 @@ lsm_l_sidi <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_sidi_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_sidi_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     sidi <- lsm_c_pland_calc(landscape,
                              directions = directions,
-                             resolution = resolution)
+                             resolution = resolution,
+                             extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(sidi$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "sidi",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     sidi <- 1 - sum((sidi$value / 100) ^ 2)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "sidi",
-                          value = as.double(sidi)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(sidi)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(sidi)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(sidi)),
+                          metric = rep("sidi", length(sidi)),
+                          value = as.double(sidi))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_siei.R b/R/lsm_l_siei.R
index d6429bdb2..36598d362 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_siei.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_siei.R
@@ -57,28 +57,29 @@ lsm_l_siei <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_siei_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_siei_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     sidi <- lsm_l_sidi_calc(landscape,
                             directions = directions,
-                            resolution = resolution)
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            extras = extras)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(sidi$value))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "siei",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    pr <- lsm_l_pr_calc(landscape)
+    pr <- lsm_l_pr_calc(landscape, extras = extras)
     siei <- sidi$value / (1 - (1 / pr$value))
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "siei",
-                          value = as.double(siei)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(siei)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(siei)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(siei)),
+                          metric = rep("siei", length(siei)),
+                          value = as.double(siei))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_split.R b/R/lsm_l_split.R
index 57e1a8bd9..e0ba38a44 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_split.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_split.R
@@ -58,31 +58,32 @@ lsm_l_split <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_split_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_split_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # summarise for total landscape
     area_total <- sum(area_patch$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(area_total)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "split",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # total area squared divided by sum of area squared for each patch
     split <- (area_total ^ 2) / sum(area_patch$value ^ 2)
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "split",
-                          value = as.double(split)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(split)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(split)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(split)),
+                          metric = rep("split", length(split)),
+                          value = as.double(split))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_ta.R b/R/lsm_l_ta.R
index 2619a0ff4..d5ebb8e9f 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_ta.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_ta.R
@@ -53,26 +53,27 @@ lsm_l_ta <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_ta_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_ta_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     patch_area <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     total_area <- sum(patch_area$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(total_area)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "ta",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "ta",
-                          value = as.double(total_area)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(total_area)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(total_area)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(total_area)),
+                          metric = rep("ta", length(total_area)),
+                          value = as.double(total_area))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_tca.R b/R/lsm_l_tca.R
index c95a24270..57cec8c86 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_tca.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_tca.R
@@ -66,28 +66,29 @@ lsm_l_tca <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_tca_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_l_tca_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL) {
     core_area_patch <- lsm_p_core_calc(landscape,
                                        directions = directions,
                                        consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                        edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                       resolution = resolution)
+                                       resolution = resolution,
+                                       extras = extras)
     total_core_area <- sum(core_area_patch$value)
     # all values NA
     if (is.na(total_core_area)) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "tca",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "tca",
-                          value = as.double(total_core_area)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(total_core_area)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(total_core_area)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(total_core_area)),
+                          metric = rep("tca", length(total_core_area)),
+                          value = as.double(total_core_area))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_l_te.R b/R/lsm_l_te.R
index cdc1632e0..470916229 100644
--- a/R/lsm_l_te.R
+++ b/R/lsm_l_te.R
@@ -54,22 +54,24 @@ lsm_l_te <- function(landscape, count_boundary = FALSE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_l_te_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_l_te_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, resolution, extras = NULL){
-    # conver raster to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_l_te"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            neighbourhood = 4, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "landscape",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "te",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get resolution in x-y directions
@@ -88,13 +90,17 @@ lsm_l_te_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, resolution = NULL){
         # set NA to background value
         landscape[is.na(landscape)] <- background_value
+        neighbor_matrix <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape, directions = as.matrix(4))
+    } else {
+        neighbor_matrix <- extras$neighbor_matrix
     if (resolution_x == resolution_y) {
-        neighbor_matrix <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape,
-                                                       directions = as.matrix(4))
         edge_total <- sum(neighbor_matrix[lower.tri(neighbor_matrix)]) * resolution_x
     } else {
@@ -124,9 +130,9 @@ lsm_l_te_calc <- function(landscape, count_boundary, resolution = NULL){
         edge_total <- edge_left_right + edge_top_bottom
-    return(tibble::tibble(level = "landscape",
-                          class = as.integer(NA),
-                          id = as.integer(NA),
-                          metric = "te",
-                          value = as.double(edge_total)))
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("landscape", length(edge_total)),
+                          class = rep(as.integer(NA), length(edge_total)),
+                          id = rep(as.integer(NA), length(edge_total)),
+                          metric = rep("te", length(edge_total)),
+                          value = as.double(edge_total))))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_area.R b/R/lsm_p_area.R
index 08da9f162..f0cca8e29 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_area.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_area.R
@@ -61,54 +61,50 @@ lsm_p_area <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
-lsm_p_area_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_p_area_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_p_area"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "area",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    # factor to convert cell to area
-    factor_ha <- prod(resolution) / 10000
     # get unique class id
-    classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+    classes <- extras$classes
+    class_patches <- extras$class_patches
+    area_patches <- extras$area_patches
     area_patch <- do.call(rbind,
                           lapply(classes, function(patches_class){
         # get connected patches
-        landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape,
-                                             class = patches_class,
-                                             directions = directions)[[1]]
+        landscape_labeled <- class_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
         # multiply number of cells within each patch with hectar factor
-        area_patch_ij <- rcpp_get_composition_vector(x = landscape_labeled) * factor_ha
+        area_patch_ij <- area_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
-        tibble::tibble(
-            class = as.integer(patches_class),
-            value = area_patch_ij)
+        tibble::new_tibble(list(
+            class = rep(as.integer(patches_class), length(area_patch_ij)),
+            value = area_patch_ij))
-    return(tibble::tibble(
-        level = "patch",
+    return(tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("patch", nrow(area_patch)),
         class = as.integer(area_patch$class),
         id = as.integer(seq_len(nrow(area_patch))),
-        metric = "area",
+        metric = rep("area", nrow(area_patch)),
         value = as.double(area_patch$value)
-        )
-    )
+        )))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_cai.R b/R/lsm_p_cai.R
index 97fead9d2..d286fe417 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_cai.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_cai.R
@@ -73,29 +73,35 @@ lsm_p_cai <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_p_cai_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_p_cai_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (!inherits(landscape, "matrix")){
+        landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+    }
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_p_cai"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "cai",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape = landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # convert from ha to sqm
     area_patch$value <- area_patch$value
@@ -105,16 +111,17 @@ lsm_p_cai_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
                                   directions = directions,
                                   consider_boundary = consider_boundary,
                                   edge_depth = edge_depth,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # calculate CAI index
     cai_patch <- core_patch$value / area_patch$value * 100
-    tibble::tibble(
-        level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("patch", nrow(area_patch)),
         class = as.integer(area_patch$class),
         id = as.integer(area_patch$id),
-        metric = "cai",
+        metric = rep("cai", nrow(area_patch)),
         value = as.double(cai_patch)
-    )
+    ))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_circle.R b/R/lsm_p_circle.R
index f3114d7e4..faa99e858 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_circle.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_circle.R
@@ -67,16 +67,15 @@ lsm_p_circle <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_p_circle_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_p_circle_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # conver to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
-        # get resolution
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
-        # convert to matrix
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_p_circle"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # check if resolution is identical
@@ -88,49 +87,49 @@ lsm_p_circle_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "circle",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # convert area to m2
     area_patch <- area_patch$value * 10000
     # get unique classes
-    classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+    classes <- extras$classes
+    class_patches <- extras$class_patches
     circle_patch <- do.call(rbind,
                             lapply(classes, function(patches_class) {
         # get connected patches
-        landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape,
-                                             class = patches_class,
-                                             directions = directions)[[1]]
+        landscape_labeled <- class_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
         # get circle radius around patch
         circle <- rcpp_get_circle(landscape_labeled,
                                   resolution_xy = resolution[[1]])
-        tibble::tibble(class = patches_class,
-                       value = circle$circle_area)
+        tibble::new_tibble(list(class = rep(patches_class, nrow(circle)),
+                       value = circle$circle_area))
     # calculate circle metric
     circle_patch$value <- 1 - (area_patch / circle_patch$value)
-    tibble::tibble(
-        level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("patch", nrow(circle_patch)),
         class = as.integer(circle_patch$class),
         id = as.integer(seq_len(nrow(circle_patch))),
-        metric = "circle",
+        metric = rep("circle", nrow(circle_patch)),
         value = as.double(circle_patch$value)
-    )
+    ))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_contig.R b/R/lsm_p_contig.R
index 2d8cfb7ba..25f5ed8ab 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_contig.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_contig.R
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ lsm_p_contig <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_p_contig_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
+lsm_p_contig_calc <- function(landscape, directions, extras = NULL) {
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
@@ -81,15 +81,21 @@ lsm_p_contig_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "contig",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get unique values
-    classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        classes <- extras$classes
+        class_patches <- extras$class_patches
+    } else {
+        classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+        class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape, classes, directions)
+    }
     # diagonal neighbours
     diagonal_matrix <- matrix(c(1, NA, 1,
@@ -105,9 +111,7 @@ lsm_p_contig_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
                             lapply(classes, function(patches_class) {
         # get connected patches
-        patch_mat <- get_patches_int(landscape,
-                                     directions = directions,
-                                     class = patches_class)[[1]]
+        patch_mat <- class_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
         # get number of cells for each patch
         n_cells <- rcpp_get_composition_vector(patch_mat)
@@ -115,7 +119,6 @@ lsm_p_contig_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
         # get number of patches
         n_patches <- length(n_cells)
         # get diagonal neighbours of same patch
         diagonal_neighbours <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag(patch_mat,
                                                                 directions = as.matrix(diagonal_matrix))
@@ -130,20 +133,20 @@ lsm_p_contig_calc <- function(landscape, directions) {
         class <- patches_class
-        rm(patch_mat)
-        gc(verbose = FALSE)
+        #rm(patch_mat)
+        #gc(verbose = FALSE)
-        tibble::tibble(class = class,
-                       value = contiguity)
+        tibble::new_tibble(list(class = rep(class, length(contiguity)),
+                                value = contiguity))
-    tibble::tibble(
-        level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("patch", nrow(contig_patch)),
         class = as.integer(contig_patch$class),
         id = as.integer(seq_len(nrow(contig_patch))),
-        metric = "contig",
+        metric = rep("contig", nrow(contig_patch)),
         value = as.double(contig_patch$value)
-    )
+    ))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_core.R b/R/lsm_p_core.R
index 02ac7ea9a..2ffe48413 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_core.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_core.R
@@ -69,34 +69,34 @@ lsm_p_core <- function(landscape, directions = 8,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_p_core_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_p_core_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_p_core"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                 directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "core",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    # get unique classes
-    classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+    # get common variables
+    classes <- extras$classes
+    class_patches <- extras$class_patches
     core <- do.call(rbind,
                     lapply(classes, function(patches_class) {
                         # get connected patches
-                        landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape,
-                                                             class = patches_class,
-                                                             directions = directions)[[1]]
+                        landscape_labeled <- class_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
                         # label all edge cells
                         class_edge <- get_boundaries_calc(landscape_labeled,
@@ -106,30 +106,30 @@ lsm_p_core_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth
                                                           patch_id = FALSE)
                         # count number of edge cells in each patch (edge == 1)
-                        cells_edge_patch <- table(landscape_labeled[class_edge == 1])
-                        # all cells of the patch
-                        cells_patch <- table(landscape_labeled)
+                        cells_edge_patch <- tabulate(landscape_labeled[class_edge == 1])
                         # check if no cell is edge, i.e. only one patch is present
-                        if (dim(cells_edge_patch) == 0) {
+                        if (length(cells_edge_patch) == 0) {
                             cells_edge_patch <- 0
+                        # all cells of the patch
+                        cells_patch <- tabulate(landscape_labeled)
                         # all cells minus edge cells equal core and convert to ha
                         core_area <- (cells_patch - cells_edge_patch) * prod(resolution) / 10000
-                        tibble::tibble(class = patches_class,
-                                       value = core_area)
+                        tibble::new_tibble(list(class = rep(patches_class, length(core_area)),
+                                                value = core_area))
-    tibble::tibble(
-        level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("patch", nrow(core)),
         class = as.integer(core$class),
         id = as.integer(seq_len(nrow(core))),
-        metric = "core",
+        metric = rep("core", nrow(core)),
         value = as.double(core$value)
-    )
+    ))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_enn.R b/R/lsm_p_enn.R
index 5a098b59c..c4f085c85 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_enn.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_enn.R
@@ -67,68 +67,37 @@ lsm_p_enn <- function(landscape, directions = 8, verbose = TRUE) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_p_enn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose,
-                           points = NULL) {
+lsm_p_enn_calc <- function(landscape, directions, verbose, resolution, extras = NULL) {
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
     # convert to matrix
     if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        # get coordinates and values of all cells
-        points <- raster_to_points(landscape)[, 2:4]
-        # convert to matrix
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "enn",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get unique classes
-    classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
-    enn_patch <- do.call(rbind,
-                         lapply(classes, function(patches_class) {
-                             # get connected patches
-                             landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape,
-                                                              class = patches_class,
-                                                              directions = directions)[[1]]
-                             # get number of patches
-                             np_class <- max(landscape_labeled, na.rm = TRUE)
-                             # ENN doesn't make sense if only one patch is present
-                             if (np_class == 1) {
-                                 enn <- tibble::tibble(class = patches_class,
-                                                       dist = as.double(NA))
-                                 if (verbose) {
-                                     warning(paste0("Class ", patches_class,
-                                                    ": ENN = NA for class with only 1 patch."),
-                                             call. = FALSE)
-                                 }
-                             } else {
-                                 enn <- get_nearestneighbour_calc(landscape = landscape_labeled,
-                                                                  return_id = FALSE,
-                                                                  points = points)
-                             }
-                             tibble::tibble(class = patches_class,
-                                            value = enn$dist)
-                         })
-    )
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        enn_patch <- extras$enn_patch
+    } else {
+        classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+        class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape, classes, directions)
+        points <- get_points(landscape, resolution)
+        enn_patch <- get_enn_patch(classes, class_patches, points, resolution)
+    }
-    tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("patch", nrow(enn_patch)),
                    class = as.integer(enn_patch$class),
                    id = as.integer(seq_len(nrow(enn_patch))),
-                   metric = "enn",
-                   value = as.double(enn_patch$value))
+                   metric = rep("enn", nrow(enn_patch)),
+                   value = as.double(enn_patch$value)))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_frac.R b/R/lsm_p_frac.R
index 737030410..3d843094e 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_frac.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_frac.R
@@ -64,33 +64,37 @@ lsm_p_frac <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_p_frac_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_p_frac_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_p_frac"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "frac",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get patch perimeter
     perimeter_patch <- lsm_p_perim_calc(landscape,
                                         directions = directions,
-                                        resolution = resolution)
+                                        resolution = resolution,
+                                        extras = extras)
     # get patch area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # calculate frac
     frac_patch <- 2 * log(0.25 * perimeter_patch$value) / log(area_patch$value * 10000)
@@ -98,11 +102,11 @@ lsm_p_frac_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
     # NaN for patches with only one cell (mathematical reasons) -> should be 1
     frac_patch[is.na(frac_patch)] <- 1
-    tibble::tibble(
-        level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("patch", nrow(perimeter_patch)),
         class = as.integer(perimeter_patch$class),
         id = as.integer(perimeter_patch$id),
-        metric = "frac",
+        metric = rep("frac", nrow(perimeter_patch)),
         value = as.double(frac_patch)
-    )
+    ))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_gyrate.R b/R/lsm_p_gyrate.R
index ed793599f..5750e6f50 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_gyrate.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_gyrate.R
@@ -68,61 +68,63 @@ lsm_p_gyrate <- function(landscape, directions = 8,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_p_gyrate_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center,
-                              points = NULL) {
+lsm_p_gyrate_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # conver to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        # get coordinates and values of all cells
-        points <- raster_to_points(landscape)[, 2:4]
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
-        # convert to matrix
+    # convert to matrix
+    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "gyrate",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    # get uniuqe class id
-    classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+    # get unique class id
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        classes <- extras$classes
+        class_patches <- extras$class_patches
+        points <- extras$points
+    } else {
+        classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+        class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape, classes, directions)
+        points <- get_points(landscape, resolution)
+    }
     gyrate <- do.call(rbind,
                       lapply(classes, function(patches_class) {
         # get connected patches
-        landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape,
-                                         class = patches_class,
-                                         directions = directions)[[1]]
+        landscape_labeled <- class_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
         # transpose to get same direction of ID
         landscape_labeled <- t(landscape_labeled)
-        # get coordinates of current class
-        points <- matrix(points[which(!is.na(landscape_labeled)), ],
-                         ncol = 3)
+        # get (relative) coordinates of current class
+        points <- which(!is.na(landscape_labeled), arr.ind = TRUE)
+        points <- mapply(FUN = `*`, as.data.frame(points), resolution)
         # set ID from class ID to unique patch ID
-        points[, 3] <- landscape_labeled[!is.na(landscape_labeled)]
+        points <- cbind(points, landscape_labeled[!is.na(landscape_labeled)])
-        # # conver to tibble
+        # # convert to tibble
         points <- stats::setNames(object = data.frame(points),
                                   nm = c("x", "y", "id"))
-        # calcuale the centroid of each patch (mean of all coords)
+        # calculate the centroid of each patch (mean of all coords)
         centroid <- stats::aggregate(points[, c(1, 2)],
                                      by = list(id = points[, 3]),
                                      FUN = mean)
         # create full data set with raster-points and patch centroids
         full_data <- merge(x = points, y = centroid, by = "id",
-                           suffixes = c("","_centroid"))
+                           suffixes = c("", "_centroid"))
         # calculate distance from each cell center to centroid
         full_data$dist <- sqrt((full_data$x - full_data$x_centroid) ^ 2 +
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ lsm_p_gyrate_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center,
             centroid <- do.call(rbind, by(data = full_data,
                                           INDICES = full_data[, 1],
                                           FUN = function(x)
-                                              x[x$dist == min(x$dist), ]))[, c(1, 2, 3)]
+                                          x[which(signif(x$dist) == min(signif(x$dist))), ]))[, c(1, 2, 3)]
             # create full data set with raster-points and patch centroids
             full_data <- merge(x = points, y = centroid, by = "id",
@@ -157,10 +159,10 @@ lsm_p_gyrate_calc <- function(landscape, directions, cell_center,
-    tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(level = rep("patch", nrow(gyrate)),
                    class = as.integer(gyrate$class),
                    id = as.integer(seq_len(nrow(gyrate))),
-                   metric = "gyrate",
-                   value = as.double(gyrate$value))
+                   metric = rep("gyrate", nrow(gyrate)),
+                   value = as.double(gyrate$value)))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_ncore.R b/R/lsm_p_ncore.R
index a05c7488e..93dc90f35 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_ncore.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_ncore.R
@@ -73,38 +73,40 @@ lsm_p_ncore <- function(landscape,
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_p_ncore_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth,
-                             points = NULL){
+lsm_p_ncore_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_depth, resolution, extras = NULL){
-    # conver to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        # get coordinates and values of all cells
-        points <- raster_to_points(landscape)[, 2:4]
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
-        # convert to matrix
+    # convert to matrix
+    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "ncore",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get unique classes
-    classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+    if (!is.null(extras)){
+        classes <- extras$classes
+        class_patches <- extras$class_patches
+        points <- extras$points
+    } else {
+        classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
+        class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape, classes, directions)
+        points <- get_points(landscape, resolution)
+    }
     core_class <- do.call(rbind,
                           lapply(classes, function(patches_class) {
         # get connected patches
-        landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape,
-                                             class = patches_class,
-                                             directions = directions)[[1]]
+        landscape_labeled <- class_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
         # get unique patch id (must be 1 to number_patches)
         patches_id <- 1:max(landscape_labeled, na.rm = TRUE)
@@ -144,14 +146,15 @@ lsm_p_ncore_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_dept
             patch_core <- t(patch_core)
             landscape_labeled <- t(landscape_labeled)
+            not_na_patch_core <- !is.na(patch_core)
             # get coordinates of current class
-            points <- data.frame(x = points[which(!is.na(patch_core)), 1],
-                                 y = points[which(!is.na(patch_core)), 2],
-                                 z = points[which(!is.na(patch_core)), 3])
+            points <- data.frame(x = points[which(not_na_patch_core), 1],
+                                 y = points[which(not_na_patch_core), 2],
+                                 z = points[which(not_na_patch_core), 3])
-            points$core_id <- patch_core[!is.na(patch_core)]
+            points$core_id <- patch_core[not_na_patch_core]
-            points$patch_id <- landscape_labeled[!is.na(patch_core)]
+            points$patch_id <- landscape_labeled[not_na_patch_core]
             n_core_area <- table(unique(points[, c(4, 5)])[, 2]) # sth breaking here
@@ -163,17 +166,17 @@ lsm_p_ncore_calc <- function(landscape, directions, consider_boundary, edge_dept
             result[as.numeric(names(n_core_area))] <- n_core_area
-        tibble::tibble(
-            class = patches_class,
-            value = result)
+        tibble::new_tibble(list(
+            class = rep(patches_class, length(result)),
+            value = result))
-    tibble::tibble(
-        level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("patch", nrow(core_class)),
         class = as.integer(core_class$class),
         id = as.integer(seq_len(nrow(core_class))),
-        metric = "ncore",
+        metric = rep("ncore", nrow(core_class)),
         value = as.double(core_class$value)
-    )
+    ))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_para.R b/R/lsm_p_para.R
index 8d392b6db..9dbdea97f 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_para.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_para.R
@@ -61,41 +61,46 @@ lsm_p_para <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_p_para_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_p_para_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_p_para"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "para",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get perim
     perimeter_patch <- lsm_p_perim_calc(landscape,
                                         directions = directions,
-                                        resolution = resolution)
+                                        resolution = resolution,
+                                        extras = extras)
     # get area
     area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
                                   directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # calculate ratio between area and perim
     para_patch <- perimeter_patch$value / (area_patch$value * 10000)
-    tibble::tibble(
-        level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("patch", nrow(perimeter_patch)),
         class = as.integer(perimeter_patch$class),
         id = as.integer(perimeter_patch$id),
-        metric = "para",
+        metric = rep("para", nrow(perimeter_patch)),
         value = as.double(para_patch)
-    )
+    ))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_perim.R b/R/lsm_p_perim.R
index 6c6b7bcc5..7e8ced8c5 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_perim.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_perim.R
@@ -50,106 +50,33 @@ lsm_p_perim <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_p_perim_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL) {
+lsm_p_perim_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL) {
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_p_perim"
         landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "perim",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
-    # get dimensions of raster
-    resolution_x <- resolution[[1]]
-    resolution_y <- resolution[[2]]
-    # get unique classes
-    classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape, verbose = FALSE)
-    # raster resolution not identical in x-y directions
-    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(resolution_x, resolution_y))) {
-        top_bottom_matrix <- matrix(c(NA, NA, NA,
-                                      1,  0, 1,
-                                      NA, NA, NA), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)
-        left_right_matrix <- matrix(c(NA, 1, NA,
-                                      NA, 0, NA,
-                                      NA, 1, NA), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)
-    }
-    perimeter_patch <- do.call(rbind,
-                               lapply(classes, function(patches_class) {
-        # get connected patches
-        landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape,
-                                             class = patches_class,
-                                             directions = directions)[[1]]
-        # cells at the boundary of the landscape need neighbours to calculate perim
-        landscape_labeled <- pad_raster_internal(landscape_labeled,
-                                                 pad_raster_value = NA,
-                                                 pad_raster_cells = 1,
-                                                 global = FALSE)
-        # which cells are NA (i.e. background)
-        target_na <- which(is.na(landscape_labeled))
-        # set all NA to -999 to get adjacencies between patches and all background
-        landscape_labeled[target_na] <- -999
-        # x-y resolution is identical
-        if (isTRUE(all.equal(resolution_x, resolution_y))) {
-            # get coocurrence matrix
-            neighbour_matrix <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(landscape_labeled,
-                                                            directions = as.matrix(4),
-                                                            single_class = -999)
-            # get adjacencies between patches and background cells (-999 always first row of matrix) and convert to perimeter
-            perimeter_patch_ij <- neighbour_matrix[2:nrow(neighbour_matrix), 1] * resolution_x
-        # x-y resolution not identical, count adjacencies seperatly for x- and y-direction
-        } else {
-            # get coocurrence matrix in x-direction
-            left_right_neighbours <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(landscape_labeled,
-                                                                 directions = as.matrix(left_right_matrix),
-                                                                 single_class = -999)
-            # get adjacencies between patches and background cells (-999 always first row of matrix) and convert to perimeter
-            perimeter_patch_ij_left_right <- left_right_neighbours[2:nrow(left_right_neighbours), 1] * resolution_x
-            # get coocurrennce matrix in y-direction
-            top_bottom_neighbours <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(landscape_labeled,
-                                                                 directions = as.matrix(top_bottom_matrix),
-                                                                 single_class = -999)
-            # get adjacencies between patches and background cells (-999 always first row of matrix) and convert to perimeter
-            perimeter_patch_ij_top_bottom <- top_bottom_neighbours[2:nrow(top_bottom_neighbours), 1] * resolution_y
-            # add perim of both directions for each patch
-            perimeter_patch_ij <- perimeter_patch_ij_top_bottom + perimeter_patch_ij_left_right
-        }
-        tibble::tibble(class = patches_class,
-                       value = perimeter_patch_ij)
-        })
-    )
+    perimeter_patch <- extras$perimeter_patch
-    tibble::tibble(
-        level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("patch", nrow(perimeter_patch)),
         class = as.integer(perimeter_patch$class),
         id = as.integer(seq_len(nrow(perimeter_patch))),
-        metric = "perim",
+        metric = rep("perim", nrow(perimeter_patch)),
         value = as.double(perimeter_patch$value)
-    )
+    ))
diff --git a/R/lsm_p_shape.R b/R/lsm_p_shape.R
index 7529307a8..2cda72284 100644
--- a/R/lsm_p_shape.R
+++ b/R/lsm_p_shape.R
@@ -62,39 +62,46 @@ lsm_p_shape <- function(landscape, directions = 8) {
     tibble::add_column(result, layer, .before = TRUE)
-lsm_p_shape_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution = NULL){
+lsm_p_shape_calc <- function(landscape, directions, resolution, extras = NULL){
-    # convert to matrix
-    if (!inherits(x = landscape, what = "matrix")) {
-        resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
-        landscape <-terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+    if (missing(resolution)) resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    if (is.null(extras)){
+        metrics <- "lsm_p_shape"
+        landscape <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+        extras <- prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat = landscape,
+                                            directions = directions, resolution = resolution)
     # all values NA
     if (all(is.na(landscape))) {
-        return(tibble::tibble(level = "patch",
+        return(tibble::new_tibble(list(level = "patch",
                               class = as.integer(NA),
                               id = as.integer(NA),
                               metric = "shape",
-                              value = as.double(NA)))
+                              value = as.double(NA))))
     # get perimeter of patches
-    perimeter_patch <- lsm_p_perim_calc(landscape, directions = directions,
-                                        resolution = resolution)
+    perimeter_patch <- lsm_p_perim_calc(landscape,
+                                        directions = directions,
+                                        resolution = resolution,
+                                        extras = extras)
     # get area of patches
-    area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape, directions = directions,
-                                  resolution = resolution)
+    area_patch <- lsm_p_area_calc(landscape,
+                                  directions = directions,
+                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                  extras = extras)
     # calculate shape index
     shape_patch <- (0.25 * perimeter_patch$value) / sqrt(area_patch$value * 10000)
-    tibble::tibble(
-        level = "patch",
+    tibble::new_tibble(list(
+        level = rep("patch", nrow(perimeter_patch)),
         class = as.integer(perimeter_patch$class),
         id = as.integer(perimeter_patch$id),
         metric = "shape",
         value = as.double(shape_patch)
-    )
+    ))
diff --git a/R/matrix_to_raster.R b/R/matrix_to_raster.R
index c7f812872..e09df9e49 100644
--- a/R/matrix_to_raster.R
+++ b/R/matrix_to_raster.R
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ matrix_to_raster <- function(matrix,
   if (!is.null(landscape)) {
     if (landscape_empty) {
-      out <- landscape
+        out <- landscape
     } else {
         out <- terra::rast(x = terra::ext(landscape), resolution = terra::res(landscape),
diff --git a/R/prepare_extras.R b/R/prepare_extras.R
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c17a162d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/prepare_extras.R
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+#' prepare_extras
+#' @description Prepare an extras object
+#' @param metrics A vector with metric abbreviations
+#' @param landscape_mat A matrix object
+#' @param directions The number of directions in which patches should be connected: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case).
+#' @param neighbourhood The number of directions in which cell adjacencies are considered as neighbours: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case). The default is 4.
+#' @param ordered The type of pairs considered. Either ordered (TRUE) or unordered (FALSE).
+#' The default is TRUE.
+#' @param base The unit in which entropy is measured. The default is "log2",
+#' which compute entropy in "bits". "log" and "log10" can be also used.
+#' @param resolution A vector with two numbers (usually calculated using terra::res)
+#' @details
+#' Wrapper around terra::xyFromCell and terra::getValues to get raster_to_points
+#' function including NA values
+#' @return A list with zero or more of the following components:
+#' \itemize{
+#'  \item points: matrix with three columns: col, row, value
+#'  \item classes: vector with unique values
+#'  \item class_patches: list with matrices of patches for each class
+#'  \item area_patches: list with vectors of areas of patches for each class
+#'  \item composition_vector: vector with the number of cells for each class
+#'  \item neighbor_matrix: matrix with the number of cell pairs for each class
+#'  \item comp: entropy of the neighbor_matrix
+#'  \item cplx: complexity of the landscape
+#'  \item enn_patch: matrix with the euclidean nearest neighbour distance for each patch
+#' }
+#' @seealso
+#' \code{\link{get_points}},
+#' \code{\link{get_class_patches}},
+#' \code{\link{get_area_patches}},
+#' \code{\link{get_complexity}},
+#' \code{\link{get_enn_patch}}
+#' @examples
+#' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+#' landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+#' prepare_extras("lsm_l_ent", landscape_mat, neighbourhood = 4, base = "log2")
+#' \dontrun{
+#' metrics = list_lsm()$function_name
+#' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+#' landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+#' prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat, directions = 8, neighbourhood = 4,
+#'                ordered = FALSE, base = "log2", resolution = terra::res(landscape))
+#' }
+#' @aliases prepare_extras
+#' @rdname prepare_extras
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @export
+prepare_extras <- function(metrics, landscape_mat, directions, neighbourhood, ordered, base, resolution){
+    extras_df_sub <- extras_df[extras_df$metric %in% metrics, ]
+    extras_list <- unique(extras_df_sub$extras)
+    extras <- list()
+    if (any(c("enn_patch", "points") %in% extras_list)){
+        extras$points <- get_points(landscape_mat, resolution)
+    }
+    if (any(c("area_patches", "enn_patch", "class_patches", "perimeter_patch", "classes")  %in% extras_list)){
+        extras$classes <- get_unique_values_int(landscape_mat, verbose = FALSE)
+    }
+    if (any(c("area_patches", "enn_patch", "perimeter_patch", "class_patches") %in% extras_list)){
+        extras$class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape_mat, extras$classes, directions)
+    }
+    if ("area_patches" %in% extras_list){
+        extras$area_patches <- get_area_patches(extras$class_patches, extras$classes, resolution)
+    }
+    if ("composition_vector" %in% extras_list){
+        extras$composition_vector <- rcpp_get_composition_vector(landscape_mat)
+    }
+    if (any(c("comp", "neighbor_matrix") %in% extras_list)){
+        extras$neighbor_matrix <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(landscape_mat, directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood))
+    }
+    if ("comp" %in% extras_list){
+        extras$comp <- rcpp_get_entropy(colSums(extras$neighbor_matrix), base)
+    }
+    if ("cplx" %in% extras_list){
+        extras$cplx <- get_complexity(landscape_mat, neighbourhood, ordered, base)
+    }
+    if ("enn_patch" %in% extras_list){
+        extras$enn_patch <- get_enn_patch(extras$classes, extras$class_patches, extras$points)
+    }
+    if ("perimeter_patch" %in% extras_list){
+        extras$perimeter_patch <- get_perimeter_patch(extras$classes, extras$class_patches, resolution)
+    }
+    return(extras)
+#' get_class_patches
+#' @description Get patches for each class
+#' @param landscape_mat A matrix object
+#' @param classes A vector with unique values (output of get_unique_values_int)
+#' @param directions The number of directions in which patches should be connected: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case).
+#' @details
+#' Calculate patches for each class
+#' @return list with matrices of patches for each class
+#' @examples
+#' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+#' landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+#' classes <- landscapemetrics:::get_unique_values_int(landscape_mat)
+#' class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape_mat, classes, directions = 8)
+#' @aliases get_class_patches
+#' @rdname get_class_patches
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @export
+get_class_patches <- function(landscape_mat, classes, directions){
+    class_patches <- lapply(classes, function(patches_class){
+                landscape_labeled <- get_patches_int(landscape_mat,
+                                             class = patches_class,
+                                             directions = directions)[[1]]
+    })
+    names(class_patches) <- classes
+    return(class_patches)
+#' get_area_patches
+#' @description Get areas of patches for each class
+#' @param class_patches A list with matrices of patches for each class (output of get_class_patches)
+#' @param classes A vector with unique values (output of get_unique_values_int)
+#' @param resolution A vector with two numbers (usually calculated using terra::res)
+#' @details
+#' Calculate areas of patches for each class
+#' @return list with vectors of areas of patches for each class
+#' @examples
+#' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+#' landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+#' classes <- landscapemetrics:::get_unique_values_int(landscape_mat)
+#' class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape_mat, classes, directions = 8)
+#' area_patches <- get_area_patches(class_patches, classes, resolution = terra::res(landscape))
+#' @aliases get_area_patches
+#' @rdname get_area_patches
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @export
+get_area_patches <- function(class_patches, classes, resolution){
+    factor_ha <- prod(resolution) / 10000
+    area_patches <- lapply(classes, function(patches_class){
+        landscape_labeled <- class_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
+        area_patch_ij <- rcpp_get_composition_vector(x = landscape_labeled) * factor_ha
+    })
+    names(area_patches) <- classes
+    return(area_patches)
+#' get_complexity
+#' @description Calculate complexity of the landscape
+#' @param landscape_mat A matrix object
+#' @param neighbourhood The number of directions in which cell adjacencies are considered as neighbours: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case). The default is 4.
+#' @param ordered The type of pairs considered. Either ordered (TRUE) or unordered (FALSE).
+#' @param base The unit in which entropy is measured. The default is "log2",
+#' @details
+#' Calculate complexity of the landscape: entropy of the co-occurrence matrix
+#' @return matrix
+#' @examples
+#' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+#' landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+#' get_complexity(landscape_mat, neighbourhood = 4, ordered = TRUE, base = "log2")
+#' @aliases get_complexity
+#' @rdname get_complexity
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @export
+get_complexity <- function(landscape_mat, neighbourhood, ordered, base){
+    coh <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(landscape_mat,
+                                       directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood),
+                                       ordered = ordered)
+    cplx <- rcpp_get_entropy(coh, base)
+    return(cplx)
+#' get_points
+#' @description Raster to col, row, value
+#' @param landscape_mat A matrix object
+#' @param resolution A vector with two numbers (usually calculated using terra::res)
+#' @details
+#' The col and row values are multiplied by the resolution to get the (internal) coordinates of the points.
+#' @return matrix with three columns: col, row, value
+#' @examples
+#' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+#' landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+#' resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+#' get_points(landscape_mat, resolution)
+#' @aliases get_points
+#' @rdname get_points
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @export
+get_points <- function(landscape_mat, resolution){
+    points <- expand.grid(col = seq_len(ncol(landscape_mat)),
+                          row = seq_len(nrow(landscape_mat)))
+    points <- mapply(FUN = `*`, points, resolution)
+    points <- cbind(points, value = as.vector(landscape_mat))
+    points
+#' get_enn_patch
+#' @description Euclidean Nearest-Neighbor Distance
+#' @param classes A vector with unique values (output of get_unique_values_int)
+#' @param class_patches A list with matrices of patches for each class (output of get_class_patches)
+#' @param points A matrix with three columns: col, row, value (output of get_points)
+#' @param resolution A vector with two numbers (usually calculated using terra::res)
+#' @param verbose A logical indicating whether to print warnings
+#' @details
+#' Calculate Euclidean Nearest-Neighbor Distance for each patch in each class
+#' @return tibble with two columns: class, value
+#' @examples
+#' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+#' landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+#' classes <- landscapemetrics:::get_unique_values_int(landscape_mat)
+#' class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape_mat, classes, directions = 8)
+#' points <- get_points(landscape_mat, terra::res(landscape))
+#' enns <- get_enn_patch(classes, class_patches, points, terra::res(landscape))
+#' enns
+#' @aliases get_enn_patch
+#' @rdname get_enn_patch
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @export
+get_enn_patch <- function(classes, class_patches, points, resolution, verbose = FALSE){
+    enn_patch <- do.call(rbind, lapply(classes, function(patches_class) {
+                             # get connected patches
+                             landscape_labeled <- class_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
+                             # get number of patches
+                             np_class <- max(landscape_labeled, na.rm = TRUE)
+                             # ENN doesn't make sense if only one patch is present
+                             if (np_class == 1) {
+                                 enn <- tibble::new_tibble(list(class = patches_class,
+                                                       dist = as.double(NA)))
+                                 if (verbose) {
+                                     warning(paste0("Class ", patches_class,
+                                                    ": ENN = NA for class with only 1 patch."),
+                                             call. = FALSE)
+                                 }
+                             } else {
+                                 enn <- get_nearestneighbour_calc(landscape = landscape_labeled,
+                                                                  return_id = FALSE,
+                                                                  resolution = resolution,
+                                                                  points = points)
+                             }
+                             tibble::new_tibble(list(class = rep(patches_class, nrow(enn)),
+                                            value = enn$dist))
+                         })
+    )
+#' get_perimeter_patch
+#' @description Perimeter of each patch in each class
+#' @param classes A vector with unique values (output of get_unique_values_int)
+#' @param class_patches A list with matrices of patches for each class (output of get_class_patches)
+#' @param resolution A vector with two numbers (usually calculated using terra::res)
+#' @details
+#' Calculate perimeter of each patch in each class
+#' @return A tibble with two columns: class, value
+#' @examples
+#' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+#' landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+#' classes <- landscapemetrics:::get_unique_values_int(landscape_mat)
+#' class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape_mat, classes, directions = 8)
+#' pp <- get_perimeter_patch(classes, class_patches, terra::res(landscape))
+#' pp
+#' @aliases get_perimeter_patch
+#' @rdname get_perimeter_patch
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @export
+get_perimeter_patch <- function(classes, class_patches, resolution) {
+    resolution_x <- resolution[[1]]
+    resolution_y <- resolution[[2]]
+    # raster resolution not identical in x-y directions
+    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(resolution_x, resolution_y))) {
+        top_bottom_matrix <- matrix(c(NA, NA, NA,
+                                      1,  0, 1,
+                                      NA, NA, NA), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)
+        left_right_matrix <- matrix(c(NA, 1, NA,
+                                      NA, 0, NA,
+                                      NA, 1, NA), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)
+    }
+    perimeter_patch <- do.call(rbind,
+                               lapply(classes, function(patches_class) {
+        # get connected patches
+        landscape_labeled <- class_patches[[as.character(patches_class)]]
+        # cells at the boundary of the landscape need neighbours to calculate perim
+        landscape_labeled <- pad_raster_internal(landscape_labeled,
+                                                 pad_raster_value = NA,
+                                                 pad_raster_cells = 1,
+                                                 global = FALSE)
+        # which cells are NA (i.e. background)
+        target_na <- which(is.na(landscape_labeled))
+        # set all NA to -999 to get adjacencies between patches and all background
+        landscape_labeled[target_na] <- -999
+        # x-y resolution is identical
+        if (isTRUE(all.equal(resolution_x, resolution_y))) {
+            # get coocurrence matrix
+            neighbour_matrix <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(landscape_labeled,
+                                                            directions = as.matrix(4),
+                                                            single_class = -999)
+            # get adjacencies between patches and background cells (-999 always first row of matrix) and convert to perimeter
+            perimeter_patch_ij <- neighbour_matrix[2:nrow(neighbour_matrix), 1] * resolution_x
+        # x-y resolution not identical, count adjacencies separately for x- and y-direction
+        } else {
+            # get coocurrence matrix in x-direction
+            left_right_neighbours <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(landscape_labeled,
+                                                                 directions = as.matrix(left_right_matrix),
+                                                                 single_class = -999)
+            # get adjacencies between patches and background cells (-999 always first row of matrix) and convert to perimeter
+            perimeter_patch_ij_left_right <- left_right_neighbours[2:nrow(left_right_neighbours), 1] * resolution_x
+            # get coocurrennce matrix in y-direction
+            top_bottom_neighbours <- rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(landscape_labeled,
+                                                                 directions = as.matrix(top_bottom_matrix),
+                                                                 single_class = -999)
+            # get adjacencies between patches and background cells (-999 always first row of matrix) and convert to perimeter
+            perimeter_patch_ij_top_bottom <- top_bottom_neighbours[2:nrow(top_bottom_neighbours), 1] * resolution_y
+            # add perim of both directions for each patch
+            perimeter_patch_ij <- perimeter_patch_ij_top_bottom + perimeter_patch_ij_left_right
+        }
+        tibble::new_tibble(list(class = rep(patches_class, length(perimeter_patch_ij)),
+                       value = perimeter_patch_ij))
+        })
+    )
diff --git a/R/proj_info.R b/R/proj_info.R
index 7cf41778c..35d56bf48 100644
--- a/R/proj_info.R
+++ b/R/proj_info.R
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ proj_info <- function(landscape) {
         # long-lat projection
         if (terra::is.lonlat(landscape)) {
-            tibble::tibble(crs = "geographic", units = "degrees")
+            tibble::new_tibble(list(crs = "geographic", units = "degrees"))
         # projected projection
         } else {
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ proj_info <- function(landscape) {
             proj_units <- strsplit(sub(".*units=", "", landscape_proj), " ",
                                    fixed = TRUE)[[1]][[1]]
-            tibble::tibble(crs = "projected", units = proj_units)
+            tibble::new_tibble(list(crs = "projected", units = proj_units))
     # no projection present
     } else {
-        tibble::tibble(crs = NA, units = NA)
+        tibble::new_tibble(list(crs = NA, units = NA))
diff --git a/R/raster_to_points.R b/R/raster_to_points.R
index 656cd5d2e..2b7e95a26 100644
--- a/R/raster_to_points.R
+++ b/R/raster_to_points.R
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ raster_to_points <- function(landscape, return_NA = TRUE) {
     result <- lapply(X = seq_along(landscape), function(x) {
-        xyz <- raster_to_points_internal(landscape[[x]],
-                                         return_NA = return_NA)
+        xyz <- raster_to_points_internal(landscape[[x]], return_NA = return_NA)
         xyz <- cbind(layer = x, xyz)
@@ -57,7 +56,5 @@ raster_to_points_internal <- function(landscape, return_NA) {
     colnames(xyz) <- c("x", "y", "z")
-    # xyz <- cbind(layer = 1, xyz)
diff --git a/R/sample_lsm.R b/R/sample_lsm.R
index 5f0f91d9b..6e8f692e2 100644
--- a/R/sample_lsm.R
+++ b/R/sample_lsm.R
@@ -170,10 +170,7 @@ sample_lsm_int <- function(landscape, y, plot_id, shape, size,
         # crop sample plot
-        landscape_crop <- terra::crop(x = landscape, y = y[current_plot, ])
-        # mask sample plot
-        landscape_mask <- terra::mask(x = landscape_crop, mask = y[current_plot, ])
+        landscape_mask <- terra::crop(x = landscape, y = y[current_plot, ], mask = TRUE)
         # calculate actual area of sample plot
         area <- lsm_l_ta_calc(landscape_mask, directions = 8)
diff --git a/R/show_cores.R b/R/show_cores.R
index 56571f40e..b2dad1b55 100644
--- a/R/show_cores.R
+++ b/R/show_cores.R
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ show_cores_internal <- function(landscape, directions, class, labels, nrow, ncol
     plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(boundary_labeled_stack, ggplot2::aes(x, y)) +
         ggplot2::geom_raster(ggplot2::aes(fill = factor(values))) +
-        ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", label = "core_label"),
+        ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], label = .data[["core_label"]]),
                            colour = "white", na.rm = TRUE) +
         ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ class, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol) +
         ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey60", "#E17C05"), na.value = "grey85") +
diff --git a/R/show_correlation.R b/R/show_correlation.R
index 624b11749..dfbfbb30f 100644
--- a/R/show_correlation.R
+++ b/R/show_correlation.R
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #' show_correlation(data = metrics, method = "pearson")
 #' \dontrun{
-#' metrics <- calculate_lsm(landscape, what = c("patch", "class"))#'
+#' metrics <- calculate_lsm(landscape, what = c("patch", "class"))
 #' correlations <- calculate_correlation(metrics)
 #' show_correlation(data = correlations, method = "pearson")
 #' }
diff --git a/R/show_lsm.R b/R/show_lsm.R
index 859a2e089..5adbd1436 100644
--- a/R/show_lsm.R
+++ b/R/show_lsm.R
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ show_lsm <- function(landscape, what, class = "global", directions = 8,
     names(result) <- paste0("layer_", 1:length(result))
 show_lsm_internal <- function(landscape, what, class,
diff --git a/R/show_patches.R b/R/show_patches.R
index 38022de27..7dea1e7b3 100644
--- a/R/show_patches.R
+++ b/R/show_patches.R
@@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ show_patches_internal <- function(landscape, class, directions, labels, nrow, nc
     if (any(class == "global")) {
         patches_tibble <- terra::as.data.frame(sum(terra::rast(landscape_labeled),
-                                                    na.rm = TRUE),
-                                                xy = TRUE)
+                                                    na.rm = TRUE), xy = TRUE)
         names(patches_tibble) <- c("x", "y", "value")
@@ -108,22 +107,6 @@ show_patches_internal <- function(landscape, class, directions, labels, nrow, nc
         ggplot2::geom_raster(ggplot2::aes(fill = factor(value))) +
         ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = labels),
                            colour = "white", na.rm = TRUE)  +
-        # ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(
-        #     colours = c(
-        #         "#5F4690",
-        #         "#1D6996",
-        #         "#38A6A5",
-        #         "#0F8554",
-        #         "#73AF48",
-        #         "#EDAD08",
-        #         "#E17C05",
-        #         "#CC503E",
-        #         "#94346E",
-        #         "#6F4070",
-        #         "#994E95"
-        #     ),
-        #     na.value = "grey85"
-        # ) +
         ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "F", na.value = "grey85") +
         ggplot2::facet_wrap(~class, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol) +
         ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
diff --git a/R/spatialize_lsm.R b/R/spatialize_lsm.R
index 024dfc809..c7377409b 100644
--- a/R/spatialize_lsm.R
+++ b/R/spatialize_lsm.R
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
 #' @examples
 #' landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
-#' spatialize_lsm(landscape, what = "lsm_p_area")
+#' p_area_raster <- spatialize_lsm(landscape, what = "lsm_p_area")
+#' terra::plot(p_area_raster[[1]][[1]])
 #' @aliases spatialize_lsm
diff --git a/R/sysdata.rda b/R/sysdata.rda
index 2398eae4b..b2a89db81 100644
Binary files a/R/sysdata.rda and b/R/sysdata.rda differ
diff --git a/R/window_lsm.R b/R/window_lsm.R
index 51523cc7e..a1529f880 100644
--- a/R/window_lsm.R
+++ b/R/window_lsm.R
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 #' the value of its neighbourhood and thereby allows to show gradients and variability in the landscape (Hagen-Zanker 2016).
 #' To be type stable, the actual result is always a nested list (first level for \code{RasterStack} layers, second level
 #' for selected landscape metrics).
+#' Note, that in situations when the moving window does not contain any patches, the result is NA.
 #' @seealso
 #' \code{\link{list_lsm}} \cr
@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ window_lsm <- function(landscape,
     if (progress) {cat("\n")}
-    names(result) <- paste0("layer_", 1:length(result))
+    names(result) <- paste0("layer_", seq_along(result))
@@ -127,18 +129,45 @@ window_lsm_int <- function(landscape,
              call. = FALSE)
-    # get coordinates of cells
-    points <- raster_to_points(landscape)[, 2:4]
-    # resolution of original raster
     resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+    arguments_values <- list(directions = 8,
+                            count_boundary = FALSE,
+                            consider_boundary = FALSE,
+                            edge_depth = 1,
+                            classes_max = NULL,
+                            neighbourhood = 4,
+                            ordered = TRUE,
+                            base = "log2",
+                            resolution = resolution,
+                            verbose = TRUE)
+    input_arguments <- list(...)
+    arguments_values[names(input_arguments)] <- input_arguments
     # create object for warning messages
     warning_messages <- character(0)
     result <- withCallingHandlers(expr = {lapply(seq_along(metrics_list), function(current_metric) {
-        # print progess using the non-internal name
+        what <- metrics_list[[current_metric]]
+        # get internal calculation function
+        what <- paste0(what, "_calc")
+        # match function name
+        foo <- get(what, mode = "function")
+        # get argument
+        arguments <- names(formals(foo))[-1]
+        # which arguments are needed
+        arguments_values <- arguments_values[names(arguments_values) %in% arguments]
+        # sort alphabetically to match later with provided
+        arguments_values <- arguments_values[order(names(arguments_values))]
+        # print progress using the non-internal name
         if (progress) {
             cat("\r> Progress metrics: ", current_metric, "/", number_metrics)
@@ -146,12 +175,10 @@ window_lsm_int <- function(landscape,
         terra::focal(x = landscape, w = dim(window), fun = function(x) {
-            calculate_lsm_focal(landscape = x,
+            calculate_lsm_focal(landscape_values = x,
                                 raster_window = window,
-                                resolution = resolution,
-                                points = points,
-                                what = metrics_list[[current_metric]],
-                                ...)}, fillvalue = NA)
+                                foo = foo,
+                                arguments_values = arguments_values)}, fillvalue = NA)
         warning = function(cond) {
@@ -170,67 +197,25 @@ window_lsm_int <- function(landscape,
         warning_messages <- unique(warning_messages)
         # print warnings
-        lapply(warning_messages, function(x){ warning(x, call. = FALSE)})
+        lapply(warning_messages, function(x){warning(x, call. = FALSE)})
-calculate_lsm_focal <- function(landscape,
+calculate_lsm_focal <- function(landscape_values,
-                                resolution,
-                                points,
-                                what,
-                                ...) {
+                                foo,
+                                arguments_values) {
     # convert focal window to matrix
-    raster_window[!is.na(raster_window)] <- landscape
-    # get internal calculation function
-    what <- paste0(what, "_calc")
-    # match function name
-    foo <- get(what, mode = "function")
-    # get argument
-    arguments <- names(formals(foo))[-1]
-    arguments_values <- list(resolution = resolution,
-                             points = points,
-                             directions = 8,
-                             count_boundary = FALSE,
-                             consider_boundary = FALSE,
-                             edge_depth = 1,
-                             classes_max = NULL,
-                             neighbourhood = 4,
-                             ordered = TRUE,
-                             base = "log2",
-                             verbose = TRUE)
-    # which arguments are needed
-    arguments_values <- arguments_values[names(arguments_values) %in% arguments]
-    # sort alphabetically to match later with provided
-    arguments_values <- arguments_values[order(names(arguments_values))]
-    # get provided arguments
-    arguments_provided <- substitute(...())
-    # sort alphabetically to match later with defaults
-    if (!is.null(arguments_provided)) {
-        arguments_provided <- arguments_provided[order(names(arguments_provided))]
-        # exchange arguments
-        arguments_values[names(arguments_values) %in% names(arguments_provided)] <- arguments_provided
-    }
+    raster_window[!is.na(raster_window)] <- landscape_values[!is.na(raster_window)]
     # landscape argument
     arguments_values$landscape <- raster_window
     # run function
-    result <- do.call(what = foo,
-                      args = arguments_values)
+    result <- do.call(what = foo, args = arguments_values)
diff --git a/README.Rmd b/README.Rmd
index a9df4cefd..a27b79459 100644
--- a/README.Rmd
+++ b/README.Rmd
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ README last updated: `r Sys.Date()`
 <!-- End Badges -->
-> Starting from v2.0.0, **landscapemetrics** does not support the `raster` or `sp` packages. They are replaced by `terra` and `sf`, respectively. More information about the `terra` package can be found here: <https://rspatial.org/index.html>.
+> Starting from v2.0.0, **landscapemetrics** uses `terra` and `sf` internally. More information about the `terra` package can be found here: <https://rspatial.org/index.html>.
 ## Overview
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e016b2497..63578b6b7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 <!-- README.md is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->
 <!-- Start Badges -->
-README last updated: 2023-05-23
+README last updated: 2023-10-04
 | CI                                                                                                                                                                                                           | Development                                                                                                                     | CRAN                                                                                                                                    | License                                                                                                         |
@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@ README last updated: 2023-05-23
 <!-- End Badges -->
-> Starting from v2.0.0, **landscapemetrics** does not support the
-> `raster` or `sp` packages. They are replaced by `terra` and `sf`,
-> respectively. More information about the `terra` package can be found
+> Starting from v2.0.0, **landscapemetrics** uses `terra` and `sf`
+> internally. More information about the `terra` package can be found
 > here: <https://rspatial.org/index.html>.
 ## Overview
diff --git a/codemeta.json b/codemeta.json
index d97879064..fd5849672 100644
--- a/codemeta.json
+++ b/codemeta.json
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
   "codeRepository": "https://r-spatialecology.github.io/landscapemetrics/",
   "issueTracker": "https://github.com/r-spatialecology/landscapemetrics/issues",
   "license": "https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0",
-  "version": "2.0.0",
+  "version": "2.1.0",
   "programmingLanguage": {
     "@type": "ComputerLanguage",
     "name": "R",
     "url": "https://r-project.org"
-  "runtimePlatform": "R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)",
+  "runtimePlatform": "R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)",
   "provider": {
     "@id": "https://cran.r-project.org",
     "@type": "Organization",
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
     "SystemRequirements": null
-  "fileSize": "1728.145KB",
+  "fileSize": "1728.419KB",
   "citation": [
       "@type": "ScholarlyArticle",
diff --git a/cran-comments.md b/cran-comments.md
index f4c3c20a7..1871f47ce 100644
--- a/cran-comments.md
+++ b/cran-comments.md
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+# landscapemetrics 2.1.0
+Larger internal updates to several algorithms
 # landscapemetrics 2.0.0 - resubmission
 This is a re-submission. The below error has now been fixed. 
diff --git a/data-raw/04_create_extras.R b/data-raw/04_create_extras.R
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55f672bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data-raw/04_create_extras.R
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+get_extras_per_file <- function(input_fun, lsm_dir, all_extras){
+    my_files = paste0(lsm_dir, "R/", input_fun, ".R")
+    t1 = readLines(my_files)
+    new_df = data.frame(metric = input_fun,
+               extras = stringr::str_replace_all(all_extras, "extras\\\\\\$", ""))
+    new_df$used = unlist(lapply(paste0(all_extras, "$"),
+                                \(x) any(stringr::str_detect(t1, x))))
+    new_df = subset(new_df, used)
+    return(new_df)
+all_lsms <- landscapemetrics::list_lsm()
+# 1. check which functions are using extras directly
+all_extras <- c("extras\\$points", "extras\\$classes",
+               "extras\\$class_patches", "extras\\$area_patches", "extras\\$neighbor_matrix",
+               "extras\\$composition_vector", "extras\\$comp", "extras\\$cplx",
+               "extras\\$enn_patch", "extras\\$perimeter_patch")
+db_extras1 <- map_df(all_lsms$function_name,
+    get_extras_per_file,
+    lsm_dir = "~/Software/landscapemetrics/",
+    all_extras = all_extras)
+# 2. check which functions are using extras indirectly
+get_int_functions <- function(function_name1){
+    function_name2 = paste0(function_name1, "_calc")
+    int_functions2 = codetools::findGlobals(eval(parse(text = paste0("landscapemetrics:::", function_name2))), merge = FALSE)$functions
+    int_functions2 = stringr::str_replace_all(int_functions2, "\\_calc", "")
+    data.frame(mainmetric = function_name1, usedmetric = int_functions2)
+sel_intfuns_1degree <- map_df(all_lsms$function_name, get_int_functions) |>
+    filter(str_detect(usedmetric, "^lsm"))
+sel_intfuns_2degree = map_df(unique(sel_intfuns_1degree$usedmetric), get_int_functions) |>
+    filter(str_detect(usedmetric, "^lsm"))
+sel_intfuns_2degree = left_join(sel_intfuns_1degree, sel_intfuns_2degree, by = c("usedmetric" = "mainmetric"),
+    relationship = "many-to-many") |>
+    select(mainmetric, usedmetric = usedmetric.y) |>
+    filter(!is.na(usedmetric))
+sel_intfuns <- rbind(sel_intfuns_1degree, sel_intfuns_2degree)
+# 3. join them
+db_extras2 <- left_join(sel_intfuns, db_extras1, by = c("usedmetric" = "metric"),
+    relationship = "many-to-many") |>
+    filter(!is.na(used)) |>
+    select(metric = mainmetric, extras, used)
+extras_df <- rbind(db_extras1, db_extras2) |> select(-used) |>
+    distinct(metric, extras) |>
+    arrange(metric)
+# create new environment
+my_new_env <- new.env(hash = FALSE)
+# load current internal data into this new environment
+load("R/sysdata.rda", envir = my_new_env)
+# add or replace some objects
+my_new_env$extras_df <- extras_df
+# save the environment as internal package data
+save(list = names(my_new_env),
+     file = "R/sysdata.rda",
+     envir = my_new_env,
+     compress = "xz")
diff --git a/man/construct_buffer.Rd b/man/construct_buffer.Rd
index 603410635..542dbbbf4 100644
--- a/man/construct_buffer.Rd
+++ b/man/construct_buffer.Rd
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
 construct_buffer(coords, shape, size, return_vec = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
-\item{coords}{SpatialPoints or 2-column matrix with coordinates of sample points}
+\item{coords}{SpatVector, sf object or 2-column matrix with coordinates of sample points}
 \item{shape}{String specifying plot shape. Either "circle" or "square"}
 \item{size}{Size of sample plot. Equals the radius for circles or the
-side-length for squares in mapunits}
+side-length for squares in map units}
-\item{return_vec}{If true, vector objects are returned.}
+\item{return_vec}{If TRUE, vector objects are returned.}
 \item{verbose}{Print warning messages.}
-matrix or sf objecct
+matrix or SpatVector object
 Internal function to construct plot area around coordinates
diff --git a/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-1.png b/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-1.png
index 1fa51caa0..029d299f6 100644
Binary files a/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-1.png and b/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-1.png differ
diff --git a/man/get_area_patches.Rd b/man/get_area_patches.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cf77ca09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/get_area_patches.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prepare_extras.R
+get_area_patches(class_patches, classes, resolution)
+\item{class_patches}{A list with matrices of patches for each class (output of get_class_patches)}
+\item{classes}{A vector with unique values (output of get_unique_values_int)}
+\item{resolution}{A vector with two numbers (usually calculated using terra::res)}
+list with vectors of areas of patches for each class
+Get areas of patches for each class
+Calculate areas of patches for each class
+landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+classes <- landscapemetrics:::get_unique_values_int(landscape_mat)
+class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape_mat, classes, directions = 8)
+area_patches <- get_area_patches(class_patches, classes, resolution = terra::res(landscape))
diff --git a/man/get_boundaries.Rd b/man/get_boundaries.Rd
index af4fe67f1..8a8c129fd 100644
--- a/man/get_boundaries.Rd
+++ b/man/get_boundaries.Rd
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ edge to be considered as core cell.}
 \item{return_raster}{If false, matrix is returned.}
-List with RasterLayer or matrix
+List with SpatRaster or matrix
 Get boundary cells of patches
diff --git a/man/get_class_patches.Rd b/man/get_class_patches.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4e5cecd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/get_class_patches.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prepare_extras.R
+get_class_patches(landscape_mat, classes, directions)
+\item{landscape_mat}{A matrix object}
+\item{classes}{A vector with unique values (output of get_unique_values_int)}
+\item{directions}{The number of directions in which patches should be connected: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case).}
+list with matrices of patches for each class
+Get patches for each class
+Calculate patches for each class
+landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+classes <- landscapemetrics:::get_unique_values_int(landscape_mat)
+class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape_mat, classes, directions = 8)
diff --git a/man/get_complexity.Rd b/man/get_complexity.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b049481a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/get_complexity.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prepare_extras.R
+get_complexity(landscape_mat, neighbourhood, ordered, base)
+\item{landscape_mat}{A matrix object}
+\item{neighbourhood}{The number of directions in which cell adjacencies are considered as neighbours: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case). The default is 4.}
+\item{ordered}{The type of pairs considered. Either ordered (TRUE) or unordered (FALSE).}
+\item{base}{The unit in which entropy is measured. The default is "log2",}
+Calculate complexity of the landscape
+Calculate complexity of the landscape: entropy of the co-occurrence matrix
+landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+get_complexity(landscape_mat, neighbourhood = 4, ordered = TRUE, base = "log2")
diff --git a/man/get_enn_patch.Rd b/man/get_enn_patch.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15da93fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/get_enn_patch.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prepare_extras.R
+get_enn_patch(classes, class_patches, points, resolution, verbose = FALSE)
+\item{classes}{A vector with unique values (output of get_unique_values_int)}
+\item{class_patches}{A list with matrices of patches for each class (output of get_class_patches)}
+\item{points}{A matrix with three columns: col, row, value (output of get_points)}
+\item{resolution}{A vector with two numbers (usually calculated using terra::res)}
+\item{verbose}{A logical indicating whether to print warnings}
+tibble with two columns: class, value
+Euclidean Nearest-Neighbor Distance
+Calculate Euclidean Nearest-Neighbor Distance for each patch in each class
+landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+classes <- landscapemetrics:::get_unique_values_int(landscape_mat)
+class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape_mat, classes, directions = 8)
+points <- get_points(landscape_mat, terra::res(landscape))
+enns <- get_enn_patch(classes, class_patches, points, terra::res(landscape))
diff --git a/man/get_patches.Rd b/man/get_patches.Rd
index 09626c70d..653c23485 100644
--- a/man/get_patches.Rd
+++ b/man/get_patches.Rd
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Can be set with a global option, e.g. \code{option(to_disk = TRUE)}. See Details
 \item{return_raster}{If false, matrix is returned}
+List of SpatRaster
 Connected components labeling to derive patches in a landscape.
diff --git a/man/get_perimeter_patch.Rd b/man/get_perimeter_patch.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..324fc64df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/get_perimeter_patch.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prepare_extras.R
+get_perimeter_patch(classes, class_patches, resolution)
+\item{classes}{A vector with unique values (output of get_unique_values_int)}
+\item{class_patches}{A list with matrices of patches for each class (output of get_class_patches)}
+\item{resolution}{A vector with two numbers (usually calculated using terra::res)}
+A tibble with two columns: class, value
+Perimeter of each patch in each class
+Calculate perimeter of each patch in each class
+landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+classes <- landscapemetrics:::get_unique_values_int(landscape_mat)
+class_patches <- get_class_patches(landscape_mat, classes, directions = 8)
+pp <- get_perimeter_patch(classes, class_patches, terra::res(landscape))
diff --git a/man/get_points.Rd b/man/get_points.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eeee6d411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/get_points.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prepare_extras.R
+get_points(landscape_mat, resolution)
+\item{landscape_mat}{A matrix object}
+\item{resolution}{A vector with two numbers (usually calculated using terra::res)}
+matrix with three columns: col, row, value
+Raster to col, row, value
+The col and row values are multiplied by the resolution to get the (internal) coordinates of the points.
+landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+resolution <- terra::res(landscape)
+get_points(landscape_mat, resolution)
diff --git a/man/lsm_l_ai.Rd b/man/lsm_l_ai.Rd
index 0f8931263..7928fe3fb 100644
--- a/man/lsm_l_ai.Rd
+++ b/man/lsm_l_ai.Rd
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
 \title{AI (landscape level)}
+lsm_l_ai(landscape, directions = 8)
 \item{landscape}{A categorical raster object: SpatRaster; Raster* Layer, Stack, Brick; stars or a list of SpatRasters}
+\item{directions}{The number of directions in which patches should be
+connected: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case).}
diff --git a/man/prepare_extras.Rd b/man/prepare_extras.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4bcaf526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/prepare_extras.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prepare_extras.R
+  metrics,
+  landscape_mat,
+  directions,
+  neighbourhood,
+  ordered,
+  base,
+  resolution
+\item{metrics}{A vector with metric abbreviations}
+\item{landscape_mat}{A matrix object}
+\item{directions}{The number of directions in which patches should be connected: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case).}
+\item{neighbourhood}{The number of directions in which cell adjacencies are considered as neighbours: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case). The default is 4.}
+\item{ordered}{The type of pairs considered. Either ordered (TRUE) or unordered (FALSE).
+The default is TRUE.}
+\item{base}{The unit in which entropy is measured. The default is "log2",
+which compute entropy in "bits". "log" and "log10" can be also used.}
+\item{resolution}{A vector with two numbers (usually calculated using terra::res)}
+A list with zero or more of the following components:
+\item points: matrix with three columns: col, row, value
+\item classes: vector with unique values
+\item class_patches: list with matrices of patches for each class
+\item area_patches: list with vectors of areas of patches for each class
+\item composition_vector: vector with the number of cells for each class
+\item neighbor_matrix: matrix with the number of cell pairs for each class
+\item comp: entropy of the neighbor_matrix
+\item cplx: complexity of the landscape
+\item enn_patch: matrix with the euclidean nearest neighbour distance for each patch
+Prepare an extras object
+Wrapper around terra::xyFromCell and terra::getValues to get raster_to_points
+function including NA values
+landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+prepare_extras("lsm_l_ent", landscape_mat, neighbourhood = 4, base = "log2")
+metrics = list_lsm()$function_name
+landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
+landscape_mat <- terra::as.matrix(landscape, wide = TRUE)
+prepare_extras(metrics, landscape_mat, directions = 8, neighbourhood = 4,
+               ordered = FALSE, base = "log2", resolution = terra::res(landscape))
diff --git a/man/show_correlation.Rd b/man/show_correlation.Rd
index cf142e10d..fd2057742 100644
--- a/man/show_correlation.Rd
+++ b/man/show_correlation.Rd
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ metrics <- calculate_lsm(landscape, what = c("patch", "class"))
 show_correlation(data = metrics, method = "pearson")
-metrics <- calculate_lsm(landscape, what = c("patch", "class"))#'
+metrics <- calculate_lsm(landscape, what = c("patch", "class"))
 correlations <- calculate_correlation(metrics)
 show_correlation(data = correlations, method = "pearson")
diff --git a/man/spatialize_lsm.Rd b/man/spatialize_lsm.Rd
index ca3c2fa56..d88db1708 100644
--- a/man/spatialize_lsm.Rd
+++ b/man/spatialize_lsm.Rd
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ value of the patch it belongs to. Only patch level metrics are allowed.
 landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
-spatialize_lsm(landscape, what = "lsm_p_area")
+p_area_raster <- spatialize_lsm(landscape, what = "lsm_p_area")
diff --git a/man/window_lsm.Rd b/man/window_lsm.Rd
index 7c08ecedc..18c1545b8 100644
--- a/man/window_lsm.Rd
+++ b/man/window_lsm.Rd
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ details, see \code{?terra::focal()}. The result will be a \code{RasterLayer} in
 the value of its neighbourhood and thereby allows to show gradients and variability in the landscape (Hagen-Zanker 2016).
 To be type stable, the actual result is always a nested list (first level for \code{RasterStack} layers, second level
 for selected landscape metrics).
+Note, that in situations when the moving window does not contain any patches, the result is NA.
diff --git a/src/RcppExports.cpp b/src/RcppExports.cpp
index 00c28f04d..bc806f624 100644
--- a/src/RcppExports.cpp
+++ b/src/RcppExports.cpp
@@ -23,59 +23,59 @@ BEGIN_RCPP
 // rcpp_xy_from_matrix
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_xy_from_matrix(arma::imat x, Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerVector> cell);
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_xy_from_matrix(const arma::imat& x, Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerVector> cell);
 RcppExport SEXP _landscapemetrics_rcpp_xy_from_matrix(SEXP xSEXP, SEXP cellSEXP) {
     Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen;
     Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
-    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< arma::imat >::type x(xSEXP);
+    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const arma::imat& >::type x(xSEXP);
     Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerVector> >::type cell(cellSEXP);
     rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(rcpp_xy_from_matrix(x, cell));
     return rcpp_result_gen;
 // rcpp_cell_from_xy
-IntegerVector rcpp_cell_from_xy(arma::imat x, IntegerMatrix y);
+IntegerVector rcpp_cell_from_xy(const arma::imat& x, IntegerMatrix y);
 RcppExport SEXP _landscapemetrics_rcpp_cell_from_xy(SEXP xSEXP, SEXP ySEXP) {
     Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen;
     Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
-    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< arma::imat >::type x(xSEXP);
+    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const arma::imat& >::type x(xSEXP);
     Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< IntegerMatrix >::type y(ySEXP);
     rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(rcpp_cell_from_xy(x, y));
     return rcpp_result_gen;
 // rcpp_create_neighborhood
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_create_neighborhood(arma::imat directions);
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_create_neighborhood(const arma::imat& directions);
 RcppExport SEXP _landscapemetrics_rcpp_create_neighborhood(SEXP directionsSEXP) {
     Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen;
     Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
-    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< arma::imat >::type directions(directionsSEXP);
+    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const arma::imat& >::type directions(directionsSEXP);
     rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(rcpp_create_neighborhood(directions));
     return rcpp_result_gen;
 // rcpp_get_boundaries
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_boundaries(const IntegerMatrix xx, int directions);
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_boundaries(const IntegerMatrix& xx, int directions);
 RcppExport SEXP _landscapemetrics_rcpp_get_boundaries(SEXP xxSEXP, SEXP directionsSEXP) {
     Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen;
     Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
-    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const IntegerMatrix >::type xx(xxSEXP);
+    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const IntegerMatrix& >::type xx(xxSEXP);
     Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< int >::type directions(directionsSEXP);
     rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(rcpp_get_boundaries(xx, directions));
     return rcpp_result_gen;
 // rcpp_get_circle
-DataFrame rcpp_get_circle(IntegerMatrix mat, const double resolution_xy);
+DataFrame rcpp_get_circle(const IntegerMatrix& mat, const double resolution_xy);
 RcppExport SEXP _landscapemetrics_rcpp_get_circle(SEXP matSEXP, SEXP resolution_xySEXP) {
     Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen;
     Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
-    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< IntegerMatrix >::type mat(matSEXP);
+    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const IntegerMatrix& >::type mat(matSEXP);
     Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const double >::type resolution_xy(resolution_xySEXP);
     rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(rcpp_get_circle(mat, resolution_xy));
     return rcpp_result_gen;
@@ -93,36 +93,36 @@ BEGIN_RCPP
 // rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(const IntegerMatrix x, const arma::imat directions);
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(const IntegerMatrix& x, const arma::imat directions);
 RcppExport SEXP _landscapemetrics_rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(SEXP xSEXP, SEXP directionsSEXP) {
     Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen;
     Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
-    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const IntegerMatrix >::type x(xSEXP);
+    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const IntegerMatrix& >::type x(xSEXP);
     Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const arma::imat >::type directions(directionsSEXP);
     rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(x, directions));
     return rcpp_result_gen;
 // rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag
-IntegerVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag(const IntegerMatrix x, const arma::imat directions);
+IntegerVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag(const IntegerMatrix& x, const arma::imat directions);
 RcppExport SEXP _landscapemetrics_rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag(SEXP xSEXP, SEXP directionsSEXP) {
     Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen;
     Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
-    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const IntegerMatrix >::type x(xSEXP);
+    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const IntegerMatrix& >::type x(xSEXP);
     Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const arma::imat >::type directions(directionsSEXP);
     rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag(x, directions));
     return rcpp_result_gen;
 // rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(const IntegerMatrix x, const arma::imat directions, const int single_class);
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(const IntegerMatrix& x, const arma::imat directions, const int single_class);
 RcppExport SEXP _landscapemetrics_rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(SEXP xSEXP, SEXP directionsSEXP, SEXP single_classSEXP) {
     Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen;
     Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
-    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const IntegerMatrix >::type x(xSEXP);
+    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const IntegerMatrix& >::type x(xSEXP);
     Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const arma::imat >::type directions(directionsSEXP);
     Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const int >::type single_class(single_classSEXP);
     rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(x, directions, single_class));
@@ -142,12 +142,12 @@ BEGIN_RCPP
 // rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector
-NumericVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(IntegerMatrix x, arma::imat directions, bool ordered);
+NumericVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(const IntegerMatrix& x, arma::imat directions, bool ordered);
 RcppExport SEXP _landscapemetrics_rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(SEXP xSEXP, SEXP directionsSEXP, SEXP orderedSEXP) {
     Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen;
     Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
-    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< IntegerMatrix >::type x(xSEXP);
+    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< const IntegerMatrix& >::type x(xSEXP);
     Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< arma::imat >::type directions(directionsSEXP);
     Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< bool >::type ordered(orderedSEXP);
     rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(x, directions, ordered));
@@ -155,12 +155,12 @@ BEGIN_RCPP
 // rcpp_get_entropy
-double rcpp_get_entropy(NumericVector x, std::string base);
+double rcpp_get_entropy(NumericVector& x, std::string base);
 RcppExport SEXP _landscapemetrics_rcpp_get_entropy(SEXP xSEXP, SEXP baseSEXP) {
     Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen;
     Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
-    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< NumericVector >::type x(xSEXP);
+    Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< NumericVector& >::type x(xSEXP);
     Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< std::string >::type base(baseSEXP);
     rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(rcpp_get_entropy(x, base));
     return rcpp_result_gen;
diff --git a/src/rcpp_create_neighborhood.cpp b/src/rcpp_create_neighborhood.cpp
index 355a087ac..6c3141ab8 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_create_neighborhood.cpp
+++ b/src/rcpp_create_neighborhood.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ using namespace Rcpp;
 //' If NULL, the coordinates will be calculated for the whole matrix
 //' @keywords internal
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_xy_from_matrix(arma::imat x, Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerVector> cell = R_NilValue) {
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_xy_from_matrix(const arma::imat &x, Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerVector> cell = R_NilValue) {
     // adapted from raster::xyFromCell()
     // get number of rows and columns
     int n_rows = x.n_rows;
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ IntegerMatrix rcpp_xy_from_matrix(arma::imat x, Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::IntegerVect
 //' @param y A matrix with two columns (row and column numbers)
 //' @keywords internal
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-IntegerVector rcpp_cell_from_xy(arma::imat x, IntegerMatrix y) {
+IntegerVector rcpp_cell_from_xy(const arma::imat &x, IntegerMatrix y) {
     // adapted from raster::cellFromXY()
     // get number of rows and columns
     int n_rows = x.n_rows;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ IntegerVector rcpp_cell_from_xy(arma::imat x, IntegerMatrix y) {
 //' Cells with other values (e.g. NA) are ignored.
 //' @keywords internal
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_create_neighborhood(arma::imat directions){
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_create_neighborhood(const arma::imat &directions){
     if (directions.n_elem == 1){
         int x = directions(0);
         IntegerVector x_id(x);
diff --git a/src/rcpp_create_neighborhood.h b/src/rcpp_create_neighborhood.h
index c9951ca60..0133b27dd 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_create_neighborhood.h
+++ b/src/rcpp_create_neighborhood.h
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ using namespace Rcpp;
 // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
 // [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_create_neighborhood(arma::imat directions);
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_create_neighborhood(const arma::imat &directions);
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_boundaries.cpp b/src/rcpp_get_boundaries.cpp
index 98c512871..d8042376a 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_boundaries.cpp
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_boundaries.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #include "rcpp_get_boundaries.h"
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_boundaries(const IntegerMatrix xx,
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_boundaries(const IntegerMatrix &xx,
                                   int directions) {
     IntegerMatrix x = add_padding(xx);
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_boundaries.h b/src/rcpp_get_boundaries.h
index 2b48b5514..33940922d 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_boundaries.h
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_boundaries.h
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ using namespace Rcpp;
 //// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_boundaries(const IntegerMatrix xx,
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_boundaries(const IntegerMatrix &xx,
                                   int directions = 4);
 IntegerMatrix add_padding(const IntegerMatrix &xx);
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_circle.cpp b/src/rcpp_get_circle.cpp
index ce6a089f3..2f8aec729 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_circle.cpp
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_circle.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 #include "rcpp_get_unique_values.h"
 #include "rcpp_smallest_circle.h"
-DataFrame rcpp_get_circle(IntegerMatrix mat,
+DataFrame rcpp_get_circle(const IntegerMatrix &mat,
                           const double resolution_xy) {
     // create index-patch_id map
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_circle.h b/src/rcpp_get_circle.h
index 2a30005f4..27a39b1e8 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_circle.h
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_circle.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 using namespace Rcpp;
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-DataFrame rcpp_get_circle(IntegerMatrix mat,
+DataFrame rcpp_get_circle(const IntegerMatrix &mat,
                           const double resolution_xy = 1.0);
 #endif // RCPP_GET_CIRCLE_H
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_composition_vector.cpp b/src/rcpp_get_composition_vector.cpp
index 52e51239f..558063905 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_composition_vector.cpp
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_composition_vector.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 using namespace Rcpp;
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-IntegerVector rcpp_get_composition_vector(const Rcpp::NumericVector & x)
+IntegerVector rcpp_get_composition_vector(const Rcpp::NumericVector &x)
     return table(na_omit(x));
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix.cpp b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix.cpp
index 87a02a743..dc63ed564 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix.cpp
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include "rcpp_get_class_index_map.h"
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(const IntegerMatrix x,
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(const IntegerMatrix &x,
                                            const arma::imat directions) {
     const int na = NA_INTEGER;
     const unsigned ncols = x.ncol();
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix.h b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix.h
index 9303354e2..42f664675 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix.h
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix.h
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ using namespace Rcpp;
 // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
 // [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(const IntegerMatrix x,
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(const IntegerMatrix &x,
                                           const arma::imat directions);
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag.cpp b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag.cpp
index af7dbede9..45168c49d 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag.cpp
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag.cpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #include "rcpp_get_unique_values.h"
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-IntegerVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag(const IntegerMatrix x,
+IntegerVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag(const IntegerMatrix &x,
                                                const arma::imat directions) {
     const int na = NA_INTEGER;
     const unsigned ncols = x.ncol();
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag.h b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag.h
index d1d33c865..5e25399c0 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag.h
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag.h
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
 #include <RcppArmadillo.h>
 using namespace Rcpp;
-IntegerVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag(IntegerMatrix x,
+IntegerVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_diag(const IntegerMatrix &x,
                                                const arma::imat directions);
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single.cpp b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single.cpp
index 97d0b713c..aee5c708c 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single.cpp
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include "rcpp_get_class_index_map.h"
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(const IntegerMatrix x,
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(const IntegerMatrix &x,
                                            const arma::imat directions,
                                            const int single_class) {
     const int na = NA_INTEGER;
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single.h b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single.h
index f7fffba10..2a44b7c11 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single.h
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using namespace Rcpp;
 // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
 // [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
-IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(const IntegerMatrix x,
+IntegerMatrix rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix_single(const IntegerMatrix &x,
                                                  const arma::imat directions,
                                                  const int single_class);
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector.cpp b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector.cpp
index 96d486008..68631a3fb 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector.cpp
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ int triangular_index(int r, int c) {
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-NumericVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(IntegerMatrix x, arma::imat directions, bool ordered = true) {
+NumericVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(const IntegerMatrix &x, arma::imat directions, bool ordered = true) {
     NumericVector result;
     // calculate a coocurrence matrix
     IntegerMatrix y = rcpp_get_coocurrence_matrix(x, directions);
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector.h b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector.h
index 520b9ea94..b16389af5 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector.h
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector.h
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ using namespace Rcpp;
 int triangular_index(int r, int c);
-NumericVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(IntegerMatrix x, arma::imat directions, bool ordered = true);
+NumericVector rcpp_get_coocurrence_vector(const IntegerMatrix &x, arma::imat directions, bool ordered = true);
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_entropy.cpp b/src/rcpp_get_entropy.cpp
index be315a598..0b53ab367 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_entropy.cpp
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_entropy.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 using namespace Rcpp;
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-double rcpp_get_entropy(NumericVector x, std::string base = "log2") {
+double rcpp_get_entropy(NumericVector &x, std::string base = "log2") {
         x = x / sum(x);
         double result = 0.0;
         for(int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++){
diff --git a/src/rcpp_get_nearest_neighbor.cpp b/src/rcpp_get_nearest_neighbor.cpp
index f5ad6a926..10db40ecf 100644
--- a/src/rcpp_get_nearest_neighbor.cpp
+++ b/src/rcpp_get_nearest_neighbor.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ inline double compute_d2(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-NumericVector find_min(const NumericMatrix& points, int i, int m) {
+NumericVector find_min(const NumericMatrix &points, int i, int m) {
     double x_i = points(i, 0), y_i = points(i, 1), id_i = points(i, 2);
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ NumericVector find_min(const NumericMatrix& points, int i, int m) {
 //' @name rcpp_get_nearest_neighbor
 //' @export
 // [[Rcpp::export]]
-NumericMatrix rcpp_get_nearest_neighbor(const NumericMatrix& points) {
+NumericMatrix rcpp_get_nearest_neighbor(const NumericMatrix &points) {
     int nrows = points.nrow();
     NumericMatrix distances(nrows, 2);