This folder contains various classes and functions to save a sample output of the VAE including diagrams, models, and predictions. The diagrams folder contains a saved sample metric performance diagram. The Models folder contains various t2v generated sample models. The prediction folder contains the predicted indices made by the VAE model.
The Diagrams folder contains sample diagrams of the evaluation performance of the model. The measures that were computed include: Recall, MRR, MAP, and NDCG. The graph shows these measures over various top-k experts.
The Models folder contains various sample T2V models that were developed through the Embedding stage of the library pipeline. These include: members2vec, team2vec, and team models. The model stores the weights as embedded vectors. These models are used during the remaining stages of the pipeline as vector representations.
The Predictions folder contains a sample predicted result of the model in a csv format. This file is called 'S_VAE_O_output'. The indices in this file include the true indices and the predicted indices based on the top-k value chosen during previous stages of the process. An example of a row in this file is shown in the image below:
The folder also contains a file for the sample correlation predictions, which is what we used as a baseline to compute the correlation. This file is called 'correlation_baseline_output'.