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Setting up Virtual Environment & Flask

Sylvia Tran edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

CSE 6242 Data Visualization and Analytics (DVA)

Rent vs Buy

  • Semester: Spring 202020
  • Team: 235 : tufte-love


To provide an intuitive “look-ahead” tool which helps users choose the most financially optimum option between buying or renting a home.


Application components

rent vs buy applicatio architecture

How to set up development environment

Set up virtual environment:

knail1s-MBP.home [rent-v-buy]$
knail1s-MBP.home [rent-v-buy]$ python3.7 -m venv venv

Activate virtual environment:

knail1s-MBP.home [rent-v-buy]$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv) knail1s-MBP.home [rent-v-buy]$

Install all requirements:

(venv) knail1s-MBP.home [rent-v-buy]$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: we purposely don't upload the virtual env directory to git. You are required to create a fresh venv/ locally.

How to run (in dev environment)

(venv) knail1s-MBP.home [rent-v-buy]$ export
(venv) knail1s-MBP.home [rent-v-buy]$ flask run
 * Serving Flask app ""
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

For tips set up and run this in Pycharm, please check out this link

Running system online (Primary approach)

  • Database: We have hosted our databased on website which provides a paid mysql service
    • recommended systems to create and populate the database are mysql workbench from Oracle
  • Front-end: for the front-end we are using free online services from Heroku.
    • we have integrated this github repo such that a change (merge, push etc) triggers an automated build in heroko and deploy to this end point.

Running system offline (Backup approach)

  • by simply updating you can specify the local data source
  • we have hosted the database on a LAMP or MAMP server downloaded from bitnami, with exactly the same data and schema as the online version.
  • for running the front-end, we do it directly through PyCharm, or from the CLI. the steps are listed above in the "How to run (in dev environment)" section.
