This is what the client can handle for the bar, which is a super-set of what is provided by the web app.
There is initial data, in default-bar.json5
. This is loaded first, then the data from the web app is merged over it.
Not all fields are required, as the client will already have its own predefined defaults. Assume fields to be optional, unless stated.
Bar = {
// Bar identifier
id: "bar1",
// Bar name
name: "Example bar",
// Initial position
position: {
// Dock it to an edge, reserving desktop space
docked: "left", // "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "none" (default), or "disable".
horizontal: false, // true for horizontal orientation.
restricted: false, // true to restrict the position to just the corners
// Position of the bar. Can be "Left"/"Top", "Middle", "Right"/"Bottom", a number, or a percentage.
// Numbers or percentages can be negative (including -0), meaning distance from the right.
// Percentages specify the position of the middle of the bar.
// Ignored if `docked` is used.
x: "50%",
y: "Bottom",
// Position of the secondary bar, relative to the primary bar. Same syntax as `x`/`y` above.
// (can be split with `secondaryX` and `secondaryY`)
secondary: "Middle",
// Position of the expander button (the thing that opens the secondary bar)
// (can be split with `expanderX` and `expanderY`)
expander: "Middle",
// What the position in `expander` is relative to.
// "primary", "secondary", or "both" (secondary if the secondary bar is open, otherwise primary)
expanderRelative: "Both",
// Settings for the secondary bar
secondaryBar: {
// Close the secondary bar when another application takes focus.
autohide: true,
// Hide the expander button when another application takes focus (shown on mouse-over).
autohideExpander: false
// Size of everything
scale: 1,
// What happens when all buttons do not fit.
// "resize": shrinks some items until it fits
// "wrap": Adds another column
// "secondary": Move over-flow items to the secondary bar.
// "hide": Do nothing.
overflow: "resize",
// Bar theme
theme: {Theme},
// Theme for bar items
itemTheme: {ItemTheme},
// The bar items
items: [
sizes: {
// Padding between edge of bar and items.
windowPadding: "10 15",
// Spacing between items.
itemSpacing: 10,
// Item width.
itemWidth: 100,
// Maximum Button Item title lines.
buttonTextLines: 2,
// Button Item padding between edge and title. And for the top, between circle and title.
buttonPadding: "10",
// Button Item circle image diameter (a fraction relative to the itemWidth).
buttonCircleDiameter: 0.66,
// Button Item circle overlap with rectangle (a fraction relative to buttonImageSize).
buttonImageOverlap: 0.33,
buttonFontSize: 14,
buttonFontWeight: "normal",
circleBorderWidth: 2,
buttonCornerRadius: 10
Describes an individual bar item.
BarItem = {
// email|calendar|videocall|photos|...
// Currently ignored by the client
category: "calendar",
// unique identifier (currently ignored by client)
id: "calendar-button",
// `true` if the item is shown on the primary bar. `false` to show on the secondary bar.
is_primary: true,
// `true` to never move this item to the secondary bar (for Bar.overflow == "secondary")
no_overflow: false,
// Per-button theme, overrides the `Bar.itemTheme` field from above.
// If unset, this is generated using `configuration.color`
theme: {Theme},
// `true` to not show this button. While it's expected that the client will only receive the items which should be
// shown, this field provides the ability to show or hide items depending on the platform, using the platform
// identifier, described later. For example, `hidden$win: true` will make the item only available for macOS.
hidden: false,
// Items are sorted by this (higher values at the top).
priority: 0,
// The kind of item (see Item kinds below) [REQUIRED]
// "link", "application", "action"
kind: "link",
// "button" (default), "image", "multi" (see Widgets below)
widget: "button",
// Specific to the item kind.
configuration: {
// ...
/** @mixes BarItem */
ButtonItem = {
kind: "<link|application|action|internal|shellExec|setting>",
configuration: {
// Displayed on the button [REQUIRED]
label: "Calendar",
// Tooltip.
tooltipHeader: "Open the calendar",
// More details.
tooltip: "Displays your google calendar",
// Automation UI name - this is used by narrator. default is the label.
uiName: "Calendar",
// local/remote url of the icon. For values without a directory, a matching file in ./Assets/bar-icons/`) is
// discovered. If this value is omitted (or not working), an image is detected depending on the kind of item:
// - link: favicon of the site.
// - application: The application icon.
image_url: "calendar.png",
// Item color (overrides BarItem.theme, generates the different shades for the states)
color: '#002957',
// Size of the item. "textonly", "small", "medium", or "large" (default)
size: "large",
// Context menu
menu: {ContextMenu}
Opens a web page.
/** @extends ButtonItem */
LinkButton = {
kind: "link",
/** @mixes LinkAction */
configuration: {
url: ""
Opens an application.
/** @extends ButtonItem */
ApplicationButton = {
kind: "application",
/** @mixes ApplicationAction */
configuration: {
// Executable name (or full path). Full path is discovered via `App Paths` registry or the PATH environment variable.
// To pass arguments, surround the executable with quotes and append the arguments after (or use the args field)
exe: "notepad.exe",
// Arguments to pass to the process
args: [ "arg1", "arg2" ],
// Extra environment variables
env: {
name: "value"
// Always start a new instance (otherwise, activate the existing instance if one is found)
newInstance: true,
// Initial state of the window (not all apps honour this)
windowStyle: "normal" // "normal" (default), "maximized", "minimized" or "hidden"
Or, run a default application. Use the default
field to identify an entry in default-apps.json5
/** @extends ButtonItem */
ApplicationButton = {
kind: "application",
/** @mixes ApplicationAction */
configuration: {
// The key to lookup in default-apps.json5.
default: "email",
Invokes a built-in routine.
/** @extends ButtonItem */
InternalButton = {
kind: "internal",
/** @mixes InternalAction */
configuration: {
// Name of the internal function.
function: "fname",
// Arguments to pass.
args: ["a1", "a2"]
Executes a command via the windows shell (similar to the start
command or the run dialog box).
/** @extends ButtonItem */
ShellExecButton = {
kind: "shellExec",
/** @mixes ApplicationAction */
configuration: {
// The command
default: "ms-settings:"
Changes a setting. Currently, only boolean or integer settings are supported.
/** @extends ButtonItem */
SettingButton = {
kind: "setting",
/** @mixes SettingAction */
configuration: {
// The setting path
settingId: ""
This performs a lookup of an action
object in presets.json5
, using configuration.identifier
The object in presets.json5
will be merged onto this one.
This allows for a richer set of data than what the web app provides.
/** @extends ButtonItem */
ActionButton = {
kind: "action",
/** @mixes PresetAction */
configuration: {
identifier: "example-action"
Standard button.
Behaves like a button, but only displays an image. Used for the logo button.
/** @extends ButtonItem */
ImageItem = {
widget: "image"
Displays multiple buttons in a single item. Used by the settings items.
/** @extends BarItem */
MultiButtonItem = {
widget: "multi",
configuration: {
// How the buttons are interracted with via the keyboard: "buttons", "additive", "toggle", "auto" (default)
// "additive" and "toggle" cause the bar item to behave as a single control (for keyboard navigation), and
// the button pair is accessed via -/+ keys.
// For "buttons", each button is a tab stop. "auto" (default) will detect, based on the button names.
type: "auto",
buttons: {
// First button
button1: {
// Display text
label: "day",
// A value that replaces "{button}" in any action payload (eg, `exe: "app.exe {button}"`).
value: "b1",
tooltip: "Tooltip header|Tooltip text",
uiName: "Button one",
menu: {ContextMenu}
// next button
button2: {
label: "night"
// ...
// Pass either ^c or ^v to the `sendKeys` internal function.
kind: "internal",
widget: "multi",
configuration: {
defaultLabel: "Clipboard",
function: "sendKeys",
args: {
keys: "{button}"
buttons: {
copy: {
label: "Copy",
value: "^c"
paste: {
label: "Paste",
value: "^v"
Used to specify the theme of the bar or an item.
Theme = {
color: "white",
background: "#002957",
// Only used by bar items
borderColor: "#ff0",
focusDotColor: "#000",
borderSize: 2
/** @extends Theme */
ItemTheme = {
// from Theme
color: "white",
background: "#002957",
borderColor: "#ff0",
focusDotColor: "#000",
borderSize: 2,
// Optional, will use the above style.
hover: {Theme}, // Mouse is over the item.
focus: {Theme}, // Item has keyboard focus.
active: {Theme} // Item is being clicked (mouse is down).
ContextMenu = {
"setting": "easeofaccess-colorfilter",
"learn": "color",
"demo": "color"
This file contains additional data for certain bar items. This allows for additional bar information provided by the client. A bar item, from the web app, which points to an object in this file will have this object merged onto it.
For bar items with kind = "action"
, the value of configuration.identifier
identifies a key in actions
For bar items with kind = "application"
, the value of configuration.default
identifies a key in defaults
presets.json5 = {
actions: {
"identifier": {BarItem},
// start task manager
"taskManager": {
kind: "application",
configuration: {
exe: "taskmgr.exe"
// Example: invoke an internal function
"example": {
kind: "internal",
configuration: {
function: "hello"
// Real example
"high-contrast": {
kind: "application",
widget: "multi",
configuration: {
defaultLabel: "High-Contrast",
exe: "sethc.exe",
args: [ "{button}" ],
buttons: {
on: {
label: "On",
value: "100"
off: {
label: "Off",
value: "1"
defaults: {
// Same as actions.
"identifier": {BarItem},
"email": {
configuration: {
exe: "mailto:"
All fields in the bar json and presets.json5
can be suffixed with an OS identifier ($mac
or $win
), which will take precedence over the non-suffixed field. This pre-processing would be done on the client.
command: "default command",
command$mac: "macOS command",
label$win: "on windows",
labelText: "not windows"
command: "default command",
command$win: "windows command"
command: "default command (ignored)",
command$win: "windows command",
command$mac: "macOS command"