This package contains a set of components required to handle unanticipated incoming streaming data into BigQuery with schema mismatch. The code will uses Schema enforcement and DLT (Dead Letter Table) approach to store schema incompability. In case of schema incompability detected from the incoming message, the incoming message will be evolved to match the targeted table schema by adding and removing fields which then will be store in the targetted table. In addition, the original message (with schema incomability) will be store in the DLT for debugging and record purposes.
Dataflow Streaming Schema Handler - This is the main class deploying the pipeline. The program waits for the Pub/sub JSON push event. If the predefined schema matches with the data, ingests the streaming data into a successful BigQuery dataset. Else if there is a schema mismatch, ingests data into an unsuccessful BigQuery dataset (DLT).
Happy path:
Incoming message fields matches with the targetted schema Result are store in the targetted table
Schema mismatch:
Incoming message fields did not match with the targetted schema The incoming message fields which matches with the targetted schema will be kept, any additional fields that does not match will be remove and in case of field are missing, the field will bet set to null value. The result will then be store in the targetted table The original message (with the mismatch schema) will be store in the DLT table
- gcloud sdk
- Java 11
- Maven 3
Build the entire project using the maven compile command.
mvn clean compile
# Set the pipeline vars
bq --location=US mk -d ${BQ_DATASET}
bq mk \
--table \
${PROJECT_ID}:${BQ_DATASET}.tutorial_table \
gcloud pubsub topics create ${PUBSUB_TOPIC}
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create ${PUBSUB_SUBS_ID} \
The below instruction will deploy dataflow into the GCP project
# Set the runner
# Compute engine zone
# Build the template
mvn compile exec:java \ \
-Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false \
-Dexec.args=" \
--project=${PROJECT_ID} \
--dataset=${BQ_DATASET} \
--stagingLocation=${PIPELINE_FOLDER}/staging \
--tempLocation=${PIPELINE_FOLDER}/temp \
--region=${REGION} \
--maxNumWorkers=5 \
--pubsubSubscription=projects/${PROJECT_ID}/subscriptions/${PUBSUB_SUBS_ID} \
Once the dataflow job are deploy and running we can try to send few messages to see the output being store in the GCP project
Below are the happy path message
gcloud pubsub topics publish ${PUBSUB_TOPIC} \
--message="{\"tutorial_table\":{\"person\":{\"name\":\"happyPath\",\"age\":22},\"date\": \"2022-08-03\",\"id\": \"xpze\"}}"
Below are the mismatch schema message, with "age" field being removed to the pubsub
gcloud pubsub topics publish ${PUBSUB_TOPIC} \
--message="{\"tutorial_table\":{\"person\":{\"name\":\"mismatchSchema\"},\"date\": \"2022-08-03\",\"id\": \"avghy\"}}"