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37 lines (28 loc) · 1.14 KB

File metadata and controls

37 lines (28 loc) · 1.14 KB


In order to debug Rancher it is first necessary to recompile it with debug symbols.

  1. install Rancher as usual
  2. determine the current app version (eg. v2.7.5):
helm --namespace cattle-system list
  1. determine the new version for the component debug deployment (eg. v2.7.5-dbg)
  2. recompile with debugging symbols, eg.
cd rancher
export VERSION=v2.7.5-dbg
DEBUG=true TAG=$VERSION make quick
  1. either push built images onto a registry, or import them into your cluster nodes manually. If you are using k3d:
export CLUSTER=upstream
k3d image import --mode direct --cluster $CLUSTER $(cat ./dist/images)
  1. upgrade the installation to the latest build
helm -n cattle-system upgrade --version $VERSION --reuse-values --set rancherImageTag=$VERSION --set-json 'extraEnv=[{"name":"CATTLE_DEV_MODE","value":"true"}],livenessProbe={"initialDelaySeconds":30,"periodSeconds":3600}' rancher ./bin/chart/dev/$(ls -t ./bin/chart/dev | head -n1)

(make sure you add any additional extraEnv you might want to the command above, as they are overridden)

  1. run