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Raw SPCAM runs (to be used for network training)

Stephan Rasp edited this page Jan 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Storage locations

LMU: /project/meteo/w2w/A6/S.Rasp/SP-CAM/
GP (Greenplanet UCI): /beegfs/DATA/pritchard/srasp/ STAM(pede) : /work/05488/tg847872/stampede2/
Note that there are a lot of directories in this GP folder. Most of them are not important.

For most directories the h1 files contain the relevant information.

Name What? Where?
fluxbypass_aqua Original run with reference climate, 2y (used in papers) LMU, GP
sp32fbp_andkua Reference climate with 32 columns, 1y 3m (the one that crashes) LMU, GP
sp8fbp_4k +4K training run, 2y h2 files LMU, GP
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