tmux new [-s name] [cmd]
) - new session
tmux ls
) - list sessionstmux switch [-t name]
) - switches to an existing sessiontmux as [id] [-t name]
) - attaches to an existing session<C-a>c
) - detach the currently attached session
- list sessions<C-a>$
- name session
tmux kill-session [-t name]
(:neww [-n name] [cmd]
) - new window
(:selectw -t [i]
) - go to window[i]
- go to last window<C-a>p
- go to previous window<C-a>n
- go to next window
- rename window<C-a>,
- rename window<C-a>w
- list all windows<C-a>f
- find window by name<C-a>.
- move window to another session (promt):movew
- move window to next unused number
) - kill window
- (%)
(:splitw [-v] [-p width] [-t focus] [cmd]
) - split current pane vertically - (")
(:splitw -h [-p width] [-t focus] [cmd]
) - split current pane horizontally
(:selectp -U
) - move cursor to the pane above<C><j>
(:selectp -D
) - move cursor to the pane below<C><h>
(:selectp -L
) - move cursor to the pane to the left<C><l>
(:selectp -R
) - move cursor to the pane to the right
) - kill current pane