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Your analysis task

In the previous section we discussed some of the basics of writing an analysis task from a 'theoretical viewpoint'. In this section, we will go through a working analysis class line-by-line.

As you now know, your own analysis task will be derived from the base class AliAnalysisTaskSE. We will use a fixed format to write our tasks, which means that we need to create three files:

  • The header file (.h) which contains function prototypes and in which your class members are defined

  • The implementation file (.cxx), in which the methods of your analysis are implemented

  • An AddTask.C macro which creates an instance of your class and configures it.

The class header (.h)

Let’s start by looking at our header (the .h file), where we define the prototypes of all the methods that we want to implement in our class

#ifndef AliAnalysisTaskMyTask_H
#define AliAnalysisTaskMyTask_H

class AliAnalysisTaskMyTask : public AliAnalysisTaskSE  
   // two class constructors
   AliAnalysisTaskMyTask(const char *name);
   // class destructor
   virtual                 ~AliAnalysisTaskMyTask();
   // called once at beginning of runtime
   virtual void            UserCreateOutputObjects();
   // called for each event
   virtual void            UserExec(Option_t\* option);
   // called at end of analysis
   virtual void            Terminate(Option_t\* option);
  /// \cond CLASSDEF
  ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskMyTask, 1);
  /// \endcond};


Let's to through the snippet of code line-by-line. First of all, we see

#ifndef AliAnalysisTaskMyTask_H
#define AliAnalysisTaskMyTask_H

These three lines form an include guard (sometimes called macro guard, or header guard). This construct is used to avoid the problem of double inclusion: should the header of your class be included more than once, the include guard will protect your code from double definitions which result in invalid code.

{% challenge " Include guards" %} What is the risk of not using include guards? {% solution " drum roll " %}

Say that you have a header file, called grandparent.h, in which you define a struct

struct foo {
    int member;

and you create a second file parent.h where you write

#include "grandparent.h"

and even a third one, child.h in which you do

#include "grandparent.h"
#include "parent.h"

After preprocessing, the content of the file child.h will be

struct foo {
    int member;
struct foo {
    int member;

since child.h has indirectly included two copies of the text in the header file grandparent.h. This will cause a compilation error, since the struct foo will be defined twice. Using include guards, this problem would not have arisen. {% endchallenge %}

Class definition and constructors

If we continue looking at the code, we see the class definition and two class constructors

class AliAnalysisTaskMyTask : public AliAnalysisTaskSE  
   // two class constructors
   AliAnalysisTaskMyTask(const char *name);
   // class destructor
   virtual                 ~AliAnalysisTaskMyTask();

The first line means that we define a class AliAnalysisTaskMyTask, which is derived from AliAnalysisTaskSE.

Class constructors and destructor

The two functions AliAnalysisTaskMyTask() and AliAnalysisTaskMyTask(const char *name) are class constructors. A class constructor is a special function in a class that is called when a new object of the class is created.

We always need to define two class constructors for our analysis task, why this is, will be explained later. The third function is the class destructor. A destructor is also a special function which is called when the created object is deleted. We will later see, that a class that has pointer data members should include, in addition to a destructor, a copy constructor and an assignment operator - but for now we can just forget about those.

AliAnalysisTaskSE inherited functions

After the constructors and destructors, we define the prototypes of the functions that we have already seen in the AliAnalysisTaskSE section

   // called once at beginning of runtime
   virtual void            UserCreateOutputObjects();
   // called for each event
   virtual void            UserExec(Option_t* option);
   // called at end of analysis
   virtual void            Terminate(Option_t* option);

These functions will be the heart of our analysis. In the UserCreateOutputObjects, we will define whatever output we want to write to our root files. The UserExec function will be called for all events in the data sample that we are looking at. Finally, Terminate is called at the very end of the analysis.

{% challenge " Virtual functions " %} In the code snippet above, we see the virtual keyword. Do you know what this means ?

{% solution " Click to show answer " %} Consider the following simple program which is an example of runtime polymorphism. The main thing to note about the program is, derived class function is called using a base class pointer. The idea is, virtual functions are called according to the type of object pointed or referred, not according to the type of pointer or reference. In other words, virtual functions are resolved late, at runtime (which makes them powerful, but costly):

class Employee 
    virtual void raiseSalary() 
    {  /* common raise salary code */  } 
    virtual void promote() 
    { /* common promote code */ } 
class Manager: public Employee { 
    virtual void raiseSalary() 
    {  /* Manager specific raise salary code, may contain 
          increment of manager specific incentives*/  } 
    virtual void promote() 
    { /* Manager specific promote */ } 
// Similarly, there may be other types of employees 
// We need a very simple function to increment salary of all employees 
// Note that emp[] is an array of pointers and actual pointed objects can 
// be any type of employees. This function should ideally be in a class  
// like Organization, we have made it global to keep things simple 
void globalRaiseSalary(Employee *emp[], int n) 
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
        emp[i]->raiseSalary(); // Polymorphic Call: Calls raiseSalary()  
                               // according to the actual object, not  
                               // according to the type of pointer                                  

Outputs ???

In Derived

So, virtual functions allow us to create a list of base class pointers and call methods of any of the derived classes without even knowing the type of the derived class object.

{% endchallenge %}

Histograms, lists, and more

Now that we have defined the methods of our analysis class, it is time to add some members. What we are going to add, are three pointer data members

  • fAOD which is a pointer to an event
  • fOutputList which is a (pointer to a) list that holds all our output objects
  • fHistPt which is a (pointer to a) histogram that will hold our pt spectrum

Since these members are part of our class definition, we have to add them to our header file

    class AliAnalysisTaskMyTask : public AliAnalysisTaskSE
       AliAODEvent*  fAOD;           //!<! input event
       TList*        fOutputList;    //!<! output list
       TH1F*         fHistPt;        //!<! dummy histogram

In the code snippet above, you might see something interesting: when we write comments that describe what our class members are doing, we prepend an explanation the expression !<! to the double slashes that start our comment: //!<!. Contrary to what you might think, this expression mark is seen by ROOT (even though it's written as a comment) and it is essential for the correct documentation generation. We will get later to the logic of this locution, but for now a rule of thumb suffices: pointers to objects that are initialized at run-time (in the User* methods) should be marked with a //!<!.

The ClassDef definition

At the very end of our header file, we add the following line

/// \cond CLASSDEF
ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskMyTask, 1);
/// \endcond

There is a lot going on behind this one single line: ClassDef is a C preprocessor macro that must be used if your class derives from TObject. ClassDef contains member declarations, i.e. it inserts a few new members into your class; the ClassDef macro family is defined in the file Rtypes.h, should you be interested. The two comments sorrunding the ClassDef statement are required to properly produce the documentation.

How all this works exactly is not very relevant at this point. We will later see that you will need to increase the version number whenever you change the definition of your class, or ROOT will not be able to handle objects written before and after this change in one process. The version number 0 (zero) disables I/O for the class completely, so we start counting at 1.

The implementation of your analysis task (.cxx)

We are for now done with our class header, it's time to move to the implementation of the class: the AliAnalysisTaskMyTask.cxx file, in which we will actually implement our methods. Let's start by defining our class constructors. As stated before, ROOT requires two class constructors (we’ll get later to why this is necessary), one of which is the I/O constructor, which is not allowed to allocate any memory. So we start our implementation with

        AliAnalysisTaskMyTask::AliAnalysisTaskMyTask() : AliAnalysisTaskSE(), 
            fAOD{0}, fOutputList{0}, fHistPt{0}
            // ROOT IO constructor, don't allocate memory here!
        AliAnalysisTaskMyTask::AliAnalysisTaskMyTask(const char* name) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name),
            fAOD{0}, fOutputList{0}, fHistPt{0}
            DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); 
            DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); 

As you see, n the constructor, we initialize members to their default values. Always initialize members to default values (and pointers to nullptr). If you fail to do so, values contained by the members will be random, which can lead to unexpected behavior of your code.

{% challenge " Undefined behavior " %} You have written a small function

int f(int x)
    int a;
    if(x>0) a = 42;
    return a; 

What happens when you call


and what happens when you call


? {% solution " drum roll" %} f(10) will return 42. The output of f(-10) is undefined, since variable a was not initialized. {% endchallenge %}

In the second constructor of this task, we define what the input and output is that analysis class handles. In our case, the input is of type TChain, and as we will later see, the output is a TList.


In our UserCreateOutputObjects function, we will define the output objects of our task. These are commonly histograms, profiles, etc. In our specific example, we will add one histogram, and define a list to which we will attach the histogram. {% callout "Output lists" %} Adding all your output histograms to a list makes your life easier: the list will allow you to manipulate many output objects simultaneously. By calling TList::SetOwner(true), we transfer ownership of all memory allocated by the list items to the TList itself, this means that in our destructor, we can simply call delete list to delete all our list items, rather than calling delete for all items individually. {% endcallout %}

The implementation of the UserCreateOutputObjects method looks like this

    #include "TList.h"
    #include "TH1F.h"
        // create a new TList that OWNS its objects
        fOutputList = new TList();
        // create our histo and add it to the list
        fHistPt = new TH1F("fHistPt", "fHistPt", 100, 0, 100);
        // add the list to our output file

Note that we create a TList and make it the owner of the memory of all its elements. After we create the histogram, we add it to the output list. Finally, in the last line, we call PostData, which will notify the client tasks of the data container that that the data pointer has changed compared to the previous post.


The UserExec is the heart of our analysis: it is called for each event in our input data set. First, we need to access our event, which we can do via ta call to the method InputEvent

    #include "AliAODEvent.h"
      // get an event from the analysis manager
      fAOD = dynamic_cast<AliAODEvent*>(InputEvent());

      // check if there actually is an event
        ::Fatal("AliAnalysisTaskMyTask::UserExec", "No AOD event found, check the event handler.");

Once we have access to our input event, we can e.g. loop over all the tracks that it contains, and store the pt of the tracks in our histogram:

        // let's loop over the tracks and fill our histogram
        // first we get the number of tracks
        int iTracks{fAOD->GetNumberOfTracks()};
        // and then loop over them
        for(int i{0}; i < iTracks; i++) {
            AliAODTrack* track = static_cast<AliAODTrack*>(fAOD->GetTrack(i));
            if(!track) continue;
            // here we do some track selection
            if(!track->TestFilterbit(128) continue;
            // fill our histogram
        // and save the data gathered in this iteration
        PostData(1, fOutputList);

Take a look at the code and make sure that you understand the logic of all the lines. In principle, this is all you need in an analysis task to run a small analysis.

Almost there: the AddTask macro

The last thing that we need to fully define our analysis task, is a small file, that we will call the AddTask macro, that instantiates our task (class), defines its in- and output, and connects it to the analysis manager. We will put this piece of code in an independent, third file, called AddMyTask.C. It is important, that this macro defines a function, in our case called AddMyTask, that returns a pointer to our analysis task. We need to follow this exact convention if we later on want to run our analysis in the automated LEGO train system.

Our AddTask macro looks as follows:

AliAnalysisTaskMyTask* AddMyTask(TString name = "name") {
  AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager();

  // resolve the name of the output file
  TString fileName = AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName();
  fileName += ":MyTask";      // create a subfolder in the file

  // now we create an instance of your task
  AliAnalysisTaskMyTask* task = new AliAnalysisTaskMyTask(name.Data());   

  // add your task to the manager

  // connect the manager to your task
  // same for the output
  mgr->ConnectOutput(task,1,mgr->CreateContainer("MyOutputContainer", TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, fileName.Data()));

  // important: return a pointer to your task
  return task;

And that's it - we now have our three files that contain a minimal analysis!