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OnEarth Layer Configurator

This is a set of tools used to configure imagery layers for the OnEarth server.

The OnEarth Layer Configuration Tool ( is a Python script that streamlines MRF layer configuration for OnEarth services. It enables the automatic generation of server files (e.g., GetCapabilities.xml).

  • The tool generates getCapabilities.xml and the server cache configuration file for WMTS.
  • The tool generates getCapabilities.xml, getTileService.xml, and server cache configuration file for Tiled-WMS.
  • The tool can optionally generate MapServer mapfiles.
Usage: --conf_file [layer_configuration_file.xml] --layer_dir [$LCDIR/layers/] --lcdir [$LCDIR] --projection_config [projection.xml] --time [ISO 8601] --restart_apache --no_xml --no_cache --no_twms --no_wmts --generate_legend --generate_links --skip_empty_tiles

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Full path of archive configuration file.  Default:
                        Full path of layer configuration filename.
                        Full path of directory containing configuration files
                        for layers.  Default: $LCDIR/layers/
  -e, --skip_empty_tiles
                        Do not generate empty tiles for layers using color
                        maps in configuration.
  -g, --generate_legend
                        Generate legends for layers using color maps in
  -l LCDIR, --lcdir=LCDIR
                        Full path of the OnEarth Layer Configurator
                        (layer_config) directory.  Default: $LCDIR
                        Full path of TileMatrixSet configuration file.
                        Default: $LCDIR/conf/tilematrixsets.xml
  -n, --no_twms         Do not use configurations for Tiled-WMS
                        Full path of projection configuration file.  Default:
  -r, --restart_apache  Restart the Apache server on completion (requires
  -s, --send_email      Send email notification for errors and warnings.
                        The server where email is sent from (overrides
                        configuration file value
                        The recipient address for email notifications
                        (overrides configuration file value
                        The sender for email notifications (overrides
                        configuration file value
  -t TIME, --time=TIME  ISO 8601 time(s) for single configuration file
                        (conf_file must be specified).
  -w, --no_wmts         Do not use configurations for WMTS.
  -x, --no_xml          Do not generate getCapabilities and getTileService
  -y, --generate_links  Generate default/current day links in the archive for
                        time varying layers.
  -z, --no_cache        Do not copy cache configuration files to cache
  --create_mapfile      Create mapfile or add layer to existing mapfile.
                        Mapfile configuration options are set in the environment config files.

The tool uses the following environment (recommended, but not required):

$LCDIR - this should reference the layer_config directory. The tool will default to (script_path)/../ if not specified. This may also be specified by the -d, --layer_dir option.

The layer_config directory should contain the following directories:

  • layers - location of layer configuration files
  • twms - staging area for Tiled-WMS configurations
  • wmts - staging area for WMTS configurations
  • headers - location of MRF headers
  • mapserver - location of templates for generation of mapfiles

Creating layer configurations without source MRFs.

By default, the layer config tool uses information from the MRF specified by <HeaderFileName> in the layer config XML.

However, a header MRF is not necessary if certain fields are provided in the layer config XML. They are as follows: <Size>, <DataValues>, <PageSize>, <Rsets>, and <BoundingBox>. Additional, optional tags are specified on the layer config XML page.

By default, the layer config tool will prefer tags in the layer config XML over those in the header MRF.


The tool can simply be run without any options. By default, the tool will configure all layers that have an existing configuration file in the $LCDIR/layers directory.


To specify a single configuration file to use, add the -c or --conf_file option:

oe_configure_layer -c layer_configuration_file.xml

To specify a directory of layer configuration files, add the -d or --layer_dir option:

oe_configure_layer -d layers/

An Apache server restart is required when a new layer is added. The tool does NOT restart the server by default. Use -r, --restart_apache to restart the server and load new layers.

oe_configure_layer -r

A send email option, used for error reporting, may be specified using the -s or --send_email option:

oe_configure_layer --send_email --email_server=EMAIL_SERVER --email_recipient=EMAIL_RECIPIENT --email_sender=EMAIL_SENDER

MapServer Config

The tool can also create/update mapfiles with the --create-mapfile option. The location of the mapfile is located in the enivironment config XML. When the mapfile specified by the environment config doesn't exist, a new one is created from a header template stored in the $LCDIR/mapfiles directory. Note that this option will overwrite previously existing layers in the mapfile if they have the same name as the layer that's being added.

When creating a new mapfile, the tool will look for .header and .footer files, and append them to the start and end of the mapfile if found. The location of these files is set by the <MapfileConfigLocation> element in the environment config file. The "basename" attribute of this element refers to the file prefix before the .header and .footer extension.

Note that the header/footers are only added when a new mapfile is created, not when an existing one is update.

oe_configure_layer -c layer_configuration_file.xml --create-mapfile

####Please refer to the following documents on how to properly configure layers:


This tool generates server cache configuration files from a list of MRF headers. It is used by

OnEarth cache configuration tool
oe_create_cache_config [MODE] [OPTION]... [INPUT] [OUTPUT]
   MODE can be one of:
       h : Help (default)
       c : Configuration
       p : TiledWMSPattern


   x : With mode c, generate XML
   b : With mode c, generate binary
       x and b are mutually exclusive

   INPUT and OUTPUT default to stdin and stdout respectively

  Options in the MRF header:
       <Size> - x, y, z [1,1]
       <PageSize> - x, y and c [512,512,1]
       <Orientation> - TL or BL, only TL works
       <Compression> - [PNG]
       checks model=uniform attribute for levels
       checks scale=N attribute for powers of overviews
       <IndexFileName> Defaults to mrf basename + .idx
       <DataFileName>  Default to mrf basename + compression dependent extension
       <ZIndexFileName> Defaults to mrf basename + .zdb (only included if 'z' attribute of <Size> is < 1)
       <BoundingBox> minx,miny,maxx,maxy [-180,-90,180,90]
       <Levels> Defaults to all
       <EmptyInfo> size,offset [0,0]
       <Pattern> One or more, enclose in <!CDATA[[ ]]>, the first one is used for pattern generation
       <Time> One or more, ISO 8601 time range for the product layer


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