diff --git a/OncoSimulR/DESCRIPTION b/OncoSimulR/DESCRIPTION
index d0de8249..df7b4b08 100644
--- a/OncoSimulR/DESCRIPTION
+++ b/OncoSimulR/DESCRIPTION
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ License: GPL (>= 3)
URL: https://github.com/rdiaz02/OncoSimul, https://popmodels.cancercontrol.cancer.gov/gsr/packages/oncosimulr/
BugReports: https://github.com/rdiaz02/OncoSimul/issues
Depends: R (>= 3.3.0)
-Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.12.4), parallel, data.table, graph, Rgraphviz, gtools, igraph, methods, RColorBrewer, grDevices, car, dplyr, smatr, ggplot2, ggrepel, nem
+Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.12.4), parallel, data.table, graph, Rgraphviz, gtools, igraph, methods, RColorBrewer, grDevices, car, dplyr, smatr, ggplot2, ggrepel, nem, ggmuller
Suggests: BiocStyle, knitr, Oncotree, testthat (>= 1.0.0), rmarkdown, bookdown, pander
LinkingTo: Rcpp
VignetteBuilder: knitr
diff --git a/OncoSimulR/NAMESPACE b/OncoSimulR/NAMESPACE
index 7a21baaf..8820f00b 100644
--- a/OncoSimulR/NAMESPACE
+++ b/OncoSimulR/NAMESPACE
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ importFrom("dplyr", "full_join", "left_join", "right_join", "%>%", "mutate",
importFrom("smatr", "ma") ## for major axis regression in some tests
importFrom("car", "linearHypothesis")
importFrom("nem", "transitive.reduction")
+importFrom("ggmuller", "get_Muller_df", "Muller_plot", "Muller_pop_plot")
## importFrom("slam", "simple_triplet_zero_matrix", ## "colapply_simple_triplet_matrix",
## "col_sums")
diff --git a/OncoSimulR/R/OncoSimulR.R b/OncoSimulR/R/OncoSimulR.R
index b7593c79..4ba78022 100644
--- a/OncoSimulR/R/OncoSimulR.R
+++ b/OncoSimulR/R/OncoSimulR.R
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ oncoSimulSample <- function(Nindiv,
if(length(fp$drv)) {
nd <- (2: round(0.75 * length(fp$drv)))
} else {
- nd <- 9e6
+ nd <- 9e6
} else {
nd <- (2 : round(0.75 * max(fp)))
@@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ oncoSimulSample <- function(Nindiv,
seed = "auto"){
## No longer using mclapply, because of the way we use the limit on
## the number of tries.
## leaving detectionSize and detectionDrivers as they are, produces
## the equivalente of uniform sampling. For last, fix a single number
## detectionDrivers when there are none: had we left it at 0, then
## when there are no drivers we would stop at the first sampling
## period.
if(Nindiv < 1)
stop("Nindiv must be >= 1")
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ oncoSimulSample <- function(Nindiv,
HittedMaxTries = TRUE,
HittedWallTime = FALSE,
UnrecoverExcept = FALSE
- ))
- }
+ ))
+ }
f.out.time <- function() {
message("Run out of time")
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ oncoSimulSample <- function(Nindiv,
HittedMaxTries = FALSE,
HittedWallTime = TRUE,
UnrecoverExcept = FALSE
- ))
- }
+ ))
+ }
f.out.attempts.cpp <- function() {
message("Run out of attempts (in C++)")
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ oncoSimulSample <- function(Nindiv,
HittedMaxTries = TRUE,
HittedWallTime = FALSE,
UnrecoverExcept = FALSE
- ))
- }
+ ))
+ }
f.out.time.cpp <- function() {
message("Run out of time (in C++)")
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ oncoSimulSample <- function(Nindiv,
HittedMaxTries = FALSE,
HittedWallTime = TRUE,
UnrecoverExcept = FALSE
- ))
- }
+ ))
+ }
f.out.unrecover.except <- function(x) {
message("Unrecoverable exception (in C++)")
@@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ oncoSimulSample <- function(Nindiv,
HittedWallTime = NA,
UnrecoverExcept = TRUE,
ExceptionMessage = x$other$ExceptionMessage
- ))
- }
+ ))
+ }
startTime <- Sys.time()
while(TRUE) {
possibleAttempts <- attemptsLeft - (numToRun - 1)
## I think I do not want a try here.
tmp <- oncoSimulIndiv(fp = fp,
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ oncoSimulSample <- function(Nindiv,
mutationPropGrowth = mutationPropGrowth,
detectionProb = detectionProb,
AND_DrvProbExit = AND_DrvProbExit,
- fixation = fixation)
+ fixation = fixation)
if(tmp$other$UnrecoverExcept) {
pop[[indiv]] <- tmp
numToRun <- (numToRun - 1)
attemptsUsed <- attemptsUsed + tmp$other$attemptsUsed
@@ -213,17 +213,17 @@ oncoSimulSample <- function(Nindiv,
indiv <- indiv + 1
## We need to check in exactly this order. Attempts left only
## matters if no remaining individuals to run. But C++ might bail
## out in exactly the last individual
- if(
+ if(
(exists("HittedMaxTries", where = tmp) &&
tmp[["HittedMaxTries"]]) ) {
## in C++ code
- } else if(
+ } else if(
(exists("HittedWallTime", where = tmp) &&
tmp[["HittedWallTime"]]) ) {
## in C++ code
@@ -250,12 +250,12 @@ oncoSimulSample <- function(Nindiv,
UnrecoverExcept = FALSE
} else if( attemptsLeft <= 0 ) {
- ## it is very unlikely this will ever happen.
+ ## it is very unlikely this will ever happen.
} else if( as.double(difftime(Sys.time(), startTime, units = "secs"))
> max.wall.time.total ) {
- }
+ }
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ samplePop <- function(x, timeSample = "last",
propError = 0) {
## timeSample <- match.arg(timeSample)
gN <- geneNames
if(!is.null(popSizeSample) && (length(popSizeSample) > 1) &&
(length(popSizeSample) != length(x))) {
message("length popSizeSample != number of subjects")
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ oncoSimulPop <- function(Nindiv,
s = 0.1,
sh = -1,
K = initSize/(exp(1) - 1),
- keepEvery = sampleEvery,
+ keepEvery = sampleEvery,
minDetectDrvCloneSz = "auto",
extraTime = 0,
## used to be this
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ oncoSimulPop <- function(Nindiv,
if(Nindiv < 1)
stop("Nindiv must be >= 1")
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
if(mc.cores != 1)
message("You are running Windows. Setting mc.cores = 1")
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ oncoSimulPop <- function(Nindiv,
## mc.allow.recursive = FALSE ## FIXME: remove?
## done for covr issue
## https://github.com/r-lib/covr/issues/335#issuecomment-424116766
class(pop) <- "oncosimulpop"
attributes(pop)$call <- match.call()
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ oncoSimulIndiv <- function(fp,
if(initSize < 1)
stop("initSize < 1")
if( (K < 1) && (model %in% c("McFL", "McFarlandLog") )) {
stop("Using McFarland's model: K cannot be < 1")
} ## if ( !(model %in% c("McFL", "McFarlandLog") )) {
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ oncoSimulIndiv <- function(fp,
## keepEvery <- -9
if(is_null_na(keepEvery)) keepEvery <- -9
if( (keepEvery > 0) & (keepEvery < sampleEvery)) {
keepEvery <- sampleEvery
warning("setting keepEvery <- sampleEvery")
@@ -575,16 +575,16 @@ oncoSimulIndiv <- function(fp,
if(is_null_na(finalTime)) finalTime <- Inf
if(is_null_na(sampleEvery)) stop("sampleEvery cannot be NULL or NA")
if(!inherits(fp, "fitnessEffects")) {
- if(any(unlist(lapply(list(fp,
+ if(any(unlist(lapply(list(fp,
s, sh), is.null)))) {
m <- paste("You are using the old poset format.",
"You must specify all of poset, numPassengers",
"s, and sh.")
if(AND_DrvProbExit) {
stop("The AND_DrvProbExit = TRUE setting is invalid",
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ oncoSimulIndiv <- function(fp,
stop("Mutator effects cannot be specified with the old poset format.")
- if( length(initMutant) > 0)
+ if( length(initMutant) > 0)
warning("With the old poset format you can no longer use initMutant.",
" The initMutant you passed will be ignored.")
## stop("With the old poset, initMutant can only take a single value.")
@@ -610,40 +610,40 @@ oncoSimulIndiv <- function(fp,
if(!is_null_na(detectionProb)) stop("detectionProb cannot be used in v.1 objects")
## if(message.v1)
## message("You are using the old poset format. Consider using the new one.")
## A simulation stops if cancer or finalTime appear, the first
## one. But if we set onlyCnacer = FALSE, we also accept simuls
## without cancer (or without anything)
op <- try(oncoSimul.internal(poset = fp, ## restrict.table = rt,
## numGenes = numGenes,
numPassengers = numPassengers,
typeCBN = "CBN",
birth = birth,
s = s,
- death = death,
- mu = mu,
- initSize = initSize,
- sampleEvery = sampleEvery,
- detectionSize = detectionSize,
- finalTime = finalTime,
- initSize_species = 2000,
- initSize_iter = 500,
- seed = seed,
- verbosity = verbosity,
- speciesFS = 10000,
+ death = death,
+ mu = mu,
+ initSize = initSize,
+ sampleEvery = sampleEvery,
+ detectionSize = detectionSize,
+ finalTime = finalTime,
+ initSize_species = 2000,
+ initSize_iter = 500,
+ seed = seed,
+ verbosity = verbosity,
+ speciesFS = 10000,
ratioForce = 2,
typeFitness = typeFitness,
max.memory = max.memory,
- mutationPropGrowth = mutationPropGrowth,
- initMutant = -1,
+ mutationPropGrowth = mutationPropGrowth,
+ initMutant = -1,
max.wall.time = max.wall.time,
max.num.tries = max.num.tries,
- keepEvery = keepEvery,
- ## alpha = 0.0015,
+ keepEvery = keepEvery,
+ ## alpha = 0.0015,
sh = sh,
- K = K,
+ K = K,
minDetectDrvCloneSz = minDetectDrvCloneSz,
extraTime = extraTime,
detectionDrivers = detectionDrivers,
@@ -684,29 +684,29 @@ oncoSimulIndiv <- function(fp,
stop("It makes no sense to pass AND_DrvProbExit and a fixation list.")
- op <- try(nr_oncoSimul.internal(rFE = fp,
+ op <- try(nr_oncoSimul.internal(rFE = fp,
birth = birth,
- death = death,
- mu = mu,
- initSize = initSize,
- sampleEvery = sampleEvery,
- detectionSize = detectionSize,
- finalTime = finalTime,
- initSize_species = 2000,
- initSize_iter = 500,
- seed = seed,
- verbosity = verbosity,
- speciesFS = 10000,
+ death = death,
+ mu = mu,
+ initSize = initSize,
+ sampleEvery = sampleEvery,
+ detectionSize = detectionSize,
+ finalTime = finalTime,
+ initSize_species = 2000,
+ initSize_iter = 500,
+ seed = seed,
+ verbosity = verbosity,
+ speciesFS = 10000,
ratioForce = 2,
typeFitness = typeFitness,
max.memory = max.memory,
- mutationPropGrowth = mutationPropGrowth,
- initMutant = initMutant,
+ mutationPropGrowth = mutationPropGrowth,
+ initMutant = initMutant,
max.wall.time = max.wall.time,
max.num.tries = max.num.tries,
- keepEvery = keepEvery,
- ## alpha = 0.0015,
- K = K,
+ keepEvery = keepEvery,
+ ## alpha = 0.0015,
+ K = K,
minDetectDrvCloneSz = minDetectDrvCloneSz,
extraTime = extraTime,
detectionDrivers = detectionDrivers,
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ summary.oncosimul <- function(object, ...) {
## This should be present even in HittedWallTime and HittedMaxTries
## if those are not regarded as errors
pbp <- ("pops.by.time" %in% names(object) )
if(object$other$UnrecoverExcept) { ## yes, when bailing out from
## except. can have just minimal
## content
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ summary.oncosimul <- function(object, ...) {
"NumDriversLargestPop", "TotalPresentDrivers",
"FinalTime", "NumIter", "HittedWallTime",
tmp$errorMF <- object$other$errorMF
tmp$minDMratio <- object$other$minDMratio
tmp$minBMratio <- object$other$minBMratio
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ summary.oncosimulpop <- function(object, ...) {
## So I need something more involved
## Figure out exactly what the summary of a NULL is
sumnull <- summary(NULL)
tmp <- lapply(object, summary)
## rm <- which(unlist(lapply(tmp,
@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ print.oncosimulpop <- function(x, ...) {
plot.oncosimulpop <- function(x, ask = TRUE,
- show = "drivers",
+ show = "drivers",
type = ifelse(show == "genotypes",
"stacked", "line"),
col = "auto",
@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ plot.oncosimulpop <- function(x, ask = TRUE,
## else {
## ndr <- colSums(x$Genotypes[x$Drivers, , drop = FALSE])
## }
## if(is.null(yl)) {
## if(log %in% c("y", "xy", "yx") )
## yl <- c(1, max(apply(x$pops.by.time[, -1, drop = FALSE], 1, sum)))
@@ -970,15 +970,15 @@ plot.oncosimulpop <- function(x, ask = TRUE,
## par(op)
## m1[c(3)] <- 0.2
## op <- par(mar = m1)
-## par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 0.8), new = TRUE)
+## par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 0.8), new = TRUE)
## }
## if(plotClones) {
## plotClones(x,
-## ndr = ndr,
+## ndr = ndr,
## xlab = xlab,
## ylab = ylab,
## lty = ltyClone,
-## col = col,
+## col = col,
## ylim = yl,
## lwd = lwdClone,
## axes = FALSE,
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ plot.oncosimulpop <- function(x, ask = TRUE,
## if(plotClones && plotDrivers)
## par(new = TRUE)
## if(plotDrivers){
## plotDrivers0(x,
## ndr,
@@ -997,18 +997,18 @@ plot.oncosimulpop <- function(x, ask = TRUE,
## xlab = "", ylab = "",
## lwd = lwdDrivers,
## lty = ltyDrivers,
-## col = col,
+## col = col,
## addtot = addtot,
## addtotlwd = addtotlwd,
## log = log, ylim = yl,
## ...)
## }
## }
plot.oncosimul <- function(x,
- show = "drivers",
+ show = "drivers",
type = ifelse(show == "genotypes",
"stacked", "line"),
col = "auto",
@@ -1039,68 +1039,86 @@ plot.oncosimul <- function(x,
vrange = c(0.8, 1),
breakSortColors = "oe",
legend.ncols = "auto",
+ muller.type = "frequency",
) {
- if(!(type %in% c("stacked", "stream", "line")))
+ if(!(type %in% c("stacked", "stream", "line", "muller")))
stop("Type of plot unknown: it must be one of",
- "stacked, stream or line")
+ "stacked, stream, line or muller")
+ if (type == "muller") {
+ simulation <- x
- if(!(show %in% c("genotypes", "drivers")))
+ if (!(class(simulation)[2] %in% c("oncosimul2"))) {
+ stop("Type of object class must be:", " oncosimul2")
+ }
+ if(is.na(simulation[["other"]][["PhylogDF"]][1,1])) {
+ stop("Object simulation must has property:", " other$PhylogDF")
+ }
+ if(!(muller.type %in% c("frequency", "population")))
+ stop("Type of muller.plot unknown: it must be one of",
+ "frequency or population")
+ plotMuller(simulation, muller.type)
+ } else {
+ if(!(show %in% c("genotypes", "drivers")))
stop("show must be one of ",
"genotypes or drivers")
- if(!(breakSortColors %in% c("oe", "distave", "random")))
+ if(!(breakSortColors %in% c("oe", "distave", "random")))
stop("breakSortColors must be one of ",
"oe, distave, or random")
- colauto <- FALSE
- if(col == "auto" && (type == "line") && (show == "drivers"))
+ colauto <- FALSE
+ if(col == "auto" && (type == "line") && (show == "drivers"))
col <- c(8, "orange", 6:1)
- if(col == "auto" && (show == "genotypes")) {
+ if(col == "auto" && (show == "genotypes")) {
## For categorical data, I find Dark2, Paired, or Set1 to work best.
col <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))(ncol(x$pops.by.time) - 1)
colauto <- TRUE
- }
- if(show == "genotypes") {
+ }
+ if(show == "genotypes") {
plotDrivers <- FALSE
plotClones <- TRUE
- }
- if(thinData)
+ }
+ if(thinData)
x <- thin.pop.data(x, keep = thinData.keep, min.keep = thinData.min)
- if(!is.null(xlim))
+ if(!is.null(xlim))
x <- xlim.pop.data(x, xlim)
- ## For genotypes, ndr is now the genotypes. Actually, ndr is now just
- ## a sequence 1:(ncol(y) - 1)
- ## The user will want to change the colors, like a colorRamp, etc. Or
- ## rainbow.
+ ## For genotypes, ndr is now the genotypes. Actually, ndr is now just
+ ## a sequence 1:(ncol(y) - 1)
- ## genotypes and line, always call plotDrivers0
- if(show == "drivers") {
+ ## The user will want to change the colors, like a colorRamp, etc. Or
+ ## rainbow.
+ ## genotypes and line, always call plotDrivers0
+ if(show == "drivers") {
if(!inherits(x, "oncosimul2"))
- ndr <- colSums(x$Genotypes[1:x$NumDrivers, , drop = FALSE])
+ ndr <- colSums(x$Genotypes[1:x$NumDrivers, , drop = FALSE])
else {
- ndr <- colSums(x$Genotypes[x$Drivers, , drop = FALSE])
+ ndr <- colSums(x$Genotypes[x$Drivers, , drop = FALSE])
- } else { ## show we are showing genotypes
+ } else { ## show we are showing genotypes
ndr <- 1:(ncol(x$pops.by.time) - 1)
- }
- if((type == "line") && is.null(ylim)) {
+ }
+ if((type == "line") && is.null(ylim)) {
if(log %in% c("y", "xy", "yx") )
- ylim <- c(1, max(apply(x$pops.by.time[, -1, drop = FALSE], 1, sum)))
+ ylim <- c(1, max(apply(x$pops.by.time[, -1, drop = FALSE], 1, sum)))
- ylim <- c(0, max(apply(x$pops.by.time[, -1, drop = FALSE], 1, sum)))
- }
- if(plotDiversity) {
+ ylim <- c(0, max(apply(x$pops.by.time[, -1, drop = FALSE], 1, sum)))
+ }
+ if(plotDiversity) {
oppd <- par(fig = c(0, 1, 0.8, 1))
m1 <- par()$mar
m <- m1
@@ -1110,14 +1128,14 @@ plot.oncosimul <- function(x,
m1[c(3)] <- 0.2
op <- par(mar = m1)
- par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 0.8), new = TRUE)
- }
- ## Shows its history: plotClones makes plotDrivers0 unneeded with
- ## stacked and stream plots. But now so with line plot.
- ## When showing genotypes, plotDrivers0 with line only used for
- ## showing the legend.
- if(plotClones) {
+ par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 0.8), new = TRUE)
+ }
+ ## Shows its history: plotClones makes plotDrivers0 unneeded with
+ ## stacked and stream plots. But now so with line plot.
+ ## When showing genotypes, plotDrivers0 with line only used for
+ ## showing the legend.
+ if(plotClones) {
ndr = ndr,
show = show,
@@ -1125,7 +1143,7 @@ plot.oncosimul <- function(x,
log = log,
lwd = lwdClone,
lty = ifelse(show == "drivers", ltyClone, ltyDrivers),
- col = col,
+ col = col,
order.method = order.method,
stream.center = stream.center,
stream.frac.rand = stream.frac.rand,
@@ -1143,12 +1161,12 @@ plot.oncosimul <- function(x,
ylim = ylim,
xlim = xlim,
- }
+ }
- if(plotClones && plotDrivers && (type == "line"))
+ if(plotClones && plotDrivers && (type == "line"))
par(new = TRUE)
- if( plotDrivers && (type == "line") ) {
+ if( plotDrivers && (type == "line") ) {
timescale = 1,
@@ -1156,18 +1174,19 @@ plot.oncosimul <- function(x,
xlab = "", ylab = "",
lwd = lwdDrivers,
lty = ltyDrivers,
- col = col,
+ col = col,
addtot = addtot,
addtotlwd = addtotlwd,
log = log, ylim = ylim,
xlim = xlim,
legend.ncols = legend.ncols,
- }
- if(plotDiversity) {
+ }
+ if(plotDiversity) {
+ }
plotClonesSt <- function(z,
@@ -1205,10 +1224,10 @@ plotClonesSt <- function(z,
## change it, but it does not seem reasonable.
## But my original plotting code runs faster and is simpler if 0 are
## dealt as NAs (which also makes log transformations simpler).
- if(type %in% c("stacked", "stream") )
+ if(type %in% c("stacked", "stream", "muller") )
na.subs <- FALSE
y[y == 0] <- NA
@@ -1277,7 +1296,7 @@ plotClonesSt <- function(z,
if(grepl("x", log)) {
x <- log10(x + 1)
if (type == "stacked") {
plot.stacked2(x = x,
y = y,
@@ -1290,23 +1309,23 @@ plotClonesSt <- function(z,
ylab = ylab,
ylim = ylim,
xlim = xlim,
- ...)
+ ...)
} else if (type == "stream") {
- plot.stream2(x = x,
- y = y,
- order.method = order.method,
- border = border,
- lwd = lwdStackedStream,
- col = cll$colors,
- frac.rand = stream.frac.rand,
- spar = stream.spar,
- center = stream.center,
- log = log,
- xlab = xlab,
- ylab = ylab,
- ylim = ylim,
- xlim = xlim,
- ...)
+ plot.stream2(x = x,
+ y = y,
+ order.method = order.method,
+ border = border,
+ lwd = lwdStackedStream,
+ col = cll$colors,
+ frac.rand = stream.frac.rand,
+ spar = stream.spar,
+ center = stream.center,
+ log = log,
+ xlab = xlab,
+ ylab = ylab,
+ ylim = ylim,
+ xlim = xlim,
+ ...)
if(show == "drivers") {
if(legend.ncols == "auto") {
@@ -1328,7 +1347,7 @@ plotClonesSt <- function(z,
ldrv <- z$GenotypesLabels
ldrv[ldrv == ""] <- "WT"
- ldrv[ldrv == " _ "] <- "WT"
+ ldrv[ldrv == " _ "] <- "WT"
if(legend.ncols == "auto") {
if(length(ldrv) > 6) legend.ncols <- 2
else legend.ncols <- 1
@@ -1366,11 +1385,11 @@ myhsvcols <- function(ndr, ymax, srange = c(0.4, 1),
## - different clones with same number of drivers have "similar" colors
## I use hsv color specification as this seems the most reasonable.
minor <- table(ndr)
major <- length(unique(ndr)) ## yeah same as length(minor), but least
## surprise
h <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = major + 1)[-1]
## do not keep similar hues next to each other
if(breakSortColors == "oe") {
@@ -1382,13 +1401,13 @@ myhsvcols <- function(ndr, ymax, srange = c(0.4, 1),
} else if(breakSortColors == "random") {
rr <- order(runif(length(h)))
h <- h[rr]
- }
+ }
hh <- rep(h, minor)
- sr <- unlist(lapply(minor, function(x)
+ sr <- unlist(lapply(minor, function(x)
seq(from = srange[1], to = srange[2], length.out = x)))
- sv <- unlist(lapply(minor, function(x)
+ sv <- unlist(lapply(minor, function(x)
seq(from = vrange[1], to = vrange[2], length.out = x))
@@ -1466,7 +1485,7 @@ plotDrivers0 <- function(x,
tot <- rowSums(y, na.rm = TRUE)
lines(time, tot, col = "black", lty = 1, lwd = addtotlwd)
## This will work even if under the weird case of a driver missing
ldrv <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(y), "dr_", fixed = TRUE),
function(x) x[2]))
@@ -1537,7 +1556,7 @@ phylogClone <- function(x, N = 1, t = "last", keepEvents = TRUE) {
if( (length(tG) == 1) && (tG == "")) {
warning("There never was a descendant of WT")
df <- x$other$PhylogDF
if(nrow(df) == 0) {
warning("PhylogDF has 0 rows: no descendants of initMutant ever appeared. ",
@@ -1581,11 +1600,11 @@ plotClonePhylog <- function(x, N = 1, t = "last",
pc <- phylogClone(x, N, t, keepEvents)
## if(is.na(pc)) {
## ## This should not be reachable, as caught before
- ## ## where we check for nrow of PhylogDF
+ ## ## where we check for nrow of PhylogDF
## warning("No clone phylogeny available. Exiting without plotting.")
## return(NULL)
## }
l0 <- igraph::layout.reingold.tilford(pc$g)
if(!timeEvents) {
plot(pc$g, layout = l0)
@@ -1602,7 +1621,7 @@ plotClonePhylog <- function(x, N = 1, t = "last",
l1[dx, 1] <- runif(length(dx), ra[1], ra[2])
- plot(pc$g, layout = l1)
+ plot(pc$g, layout = l1)
@@ -1647,7 +1666,7 @@ get.the.time.for.sample <- function(tmp, timeSample, popSizeSample) {
} else if (timeSample %in% c("uniform", "unif")) {
candidate.time <- which(tmp$PerSampleStats[, 4] > 0)
if (length(candidate.time) == 0) {
warning(paste("There is not a single sampled time",
"at which there are any mutants with drivers. ",
@@ -1677,15 +1696,15 @@ get.mut.vector <- function(x, timeSample, typeSample,
return(rep(NA, length(x$geneNames)))
the.time <- get.the.time.for.sample(x, timeSample, popSizeSample)
- if(the.time < 0) {
+ if(the.time < 0) {
return(rep(NA, nrow(x$Genotypes)))
- }
+ }
pop <- x$pops.by.time[the.time, -1]
if(all(pop == 0)) {
stop("You found a bug: this should never happen")
if(typeSample %in% c("wholeTumor", "whole")) {
popSize <- x$PerSampleStats[the.time, 1]
return( as.numeric((tcrossprod(pop,
@@ -1721,15 +1740,15 @@ get.mut.vector <- function(x, timeSample, typeSample,
## return(rep(NA, length(x$geneNames)))
## }
## the.time <- get.the.time.for.sample(x, timeSample, popSizeSample)
-## if(the.time < 0) {
+## if(the.time < 0) {
## return(rep(NA, nrow(x$Genotypes)))
-## }
+## }
## pop <- x$pops.by.time[the.time, -1]
## if(all(pop == 0)) {
## stop("You found a bug: this should never happen")
## }
## if(typeSample %in% c("wholeTumor", "whole")) {
## popSize <- x$PerSampleStats[the.time, 1]
## return( as.numeric((tcrossprod(pop,
@@ -1754,10 +1773,10 @@ get.mut.vector <- function(x, timeSample, typeSample,
oncoSimul.internal <- function(poset, ## restrict.table,
- numPassengers,
+ numPassengers,
## numGenes,
- birth,
+ birth,
@@ -1778,7 +1797,7 @@ oncoSimul.internal <- function(poset, ## restrict.table,
- sh,
+ sh,
## endTimeEvery,
@@ -1790,7 +1809,7 @@ oncoSimul.internal <- function(poset, ## restrict.table,
extraTime) {
## the value of 20000, in megabytes, for max.memory sets a limit of ~ 20 GB
## if(keepEvery < sampleEvery)
## warning("setting keepEvery to sampleEvery")
@@ -1831,7 +1850,7 @@ oncoSimul.internal <- function(poset, ## restrict.table,
stop("BAIL OUT NOW: max(restrict.table[, 1]) != numDrivers")
if(numDrivers > numGenes)
stop("BAIL OUT NOW: numDrivers > numGenes")
non.dep.drivers <- restrict.table[which(restrict.table[, 2] == 0), 1]
@@ -1864,13 +1883,13 @@ oncoSimul.internal <- function(poset, ## restrict.table,
## transpose the table
rtC <- convertRestrictTable(restrict.table)
BNB_Algo5(restrictTable = rtC,
numDrivers = numDrivers,
numGenes = numGenes,
typeCBN_= typeCBN,
- s = s,
+ s = s,
death = death,
mu = mu,
initSize = initSize,
@@ -1906,7 +1925,7 @@ oncoSimul.internal <- function(poset, ## restrict.table,
OncoSimulWide2Long <- function(x) {
## Put data in long format, for ggplot et al
if(!inherits(x, "oncosimul2")) {
ndr <- colSums(x$Genotypes[1:x$NumDrivers, , drop = FALSE])
genotLabels <- genotypeLabel(x)
@@ -1918,7 +1937,7 @@ OncoSimulWide2Long <- function(x) {
genotLabels[genotLabels == " _ "] <- "WT"
y <- x$pops.by.time[, 2:ncol(x$pops.by.time), drop = FALSE]
y[y == 0] <- NA
oo <- order(ndr)
y <- y[, oo, drop = FALSE]
ndr <- ndr[oo]
@@ -1949,7 +1968,7 @@ OncoSimulWide2Long <- function(x) {
## muts.by.time <- tmp$pops.by.time
## }
## return(muts.by.time)
-## }
+## }
create.drivers.by.time <- function(tmp, ndr) {
@@ -1970,7 +1989,7 @@ create.drivers.by.time <- function(tmp, ndr) {
- sum))))
+ sum))))
} else {
drivers.by.time <- cbind(tmp$pops.by.time[, c(1),
drop = FALSE] ,
@@ -1986,7 +2005,7 @@ create.drivers.by.time <- function(tmp, ndr) {
drivers.by.time <- NULL
@@ -2044,6 +2063,47 @@ is_null_na <- function(x) {
+plotMuller <- function(simulation, muller.type) {
+ population <- simulation[["pops.by.time"]]
+ num_of_clones <- simulation[["NumClones"]]
+ time_points = population[,1]
+ genotypesLabels = simulation[["GenotypesLabels"]]
+ convert <- function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))
+ # Parse simulation's population by time table into a ggmuller friendly
+ # population by time table
+ data <- as.vector(t(population[,2:(num_of_clones + 1)]))
+ dimnames <- list(cloneid = c(1:num_of_clones), time = time_points)
+ mat <- matrix(data, ncol = length(time_points), nrow = num_of_clones, dimnames = dimnames)
+ pop <- as.data.frame(as.table(mat))
+ pop <- t(apply(pop, 1, convert))
+ colnames(pop) <- c("Identity", "Generation", "Population")
+ pop <- pop[,c(2, 1, 3)]
+ pop <- as.data.frame(pop)
+ # Parse phylogenetic tree from simulation into ggmuller format
+ phyloTree <- simulation[["other"]][["PhylogDF"]]
+ phyloTree <- as.data.frame(phyloTree)
+ phyloTree <- phyloTree[,-3]
+ phyloTree <- phyloTree[,-3]
+ phyloTree <- phyloTree[!duplicated(phyloTree), ]
+ edges <- t(apply(phyloTree, 1, function(x) match(x, genotypesLabels)))
+ edges <- as.data.frame(edges)
+ edges <- na.omit(edges)
+ edges <- t(apply(edges, 1, convert))
+ rownames(edges) <- 1:nrow(edges)
+ colnames(edges) <- c("Parent", "Identity")
+ edges <- as.data.frame(edges)
+ Muller_df <- get_Muller_df(edges, pop)
+ if(muller.type == "population") {
+ Muller_pop_plot(Muller_df, add_legend = TRUE)
+ } else {
+ Muller_plot(Muller_df, add_legend = TRUE)
+ }
## Not used anymore, but left here in case they become useful.
## Expected numbers at equilibrium under McFarland's
@@ -2065,7 +2125,7 @@ is_null_na <- function(x) {
## mcflEv <- function(p, s, initSize) {
## ## expects vectors for p and s
## K <- initSize/(exp(1) - 1)
## ## Expected number at equilibrium
## return( K * (exp(prod((1 + s)^p)) - 1))
## }
@@ -2089,7 +2149,7 @@ is_null_na <- function(x) {
## }
## plotSimpson <- function(z) {
## h <- apply(z$pops.by.time[, 2:ncol(z$pops.by.time), drop = FALSE],
## 1, shannonI)
## plot(x = z$pops.by.time[, 1],
@@ -2105,7 +2165,7 @@ is_null_na <- function(x) {
## ## drivers are plotted last
## y <- z$pops.by.time[, 2:ncol(z$pops.by.time), drop = FALSE]
## if(na.subs){
## y[y == 0] <- NA
## }
@@ -2151,8 +2211,8 @@ is_null_na <- function(x) {
## num.genes <- max(poset) - 1 ## as root is not a gene
## genotype <-t(c(1, rep(NA, num.genes)))
## colnames(genotype) <- as.character(0:num.genes)
## poset$runif <- runif(nrow(poset))
## ## this.relation.prob.OK could be done outside, but having it inside
## ## the loop would allow to use different thresholds for different
@@ -2160,15 +2220,15 @@ is_null_na <- function(x) {
## for (i in (1:nrow(poset))) {
## child <- poset[i, 2]
## this.relation.prob.OK <- as.numeric(poset[i, "runif"] > p)
-## the.parent <- genotype[ poset[i, 1] ] ## it's the value of parent in genotype.
+## the.parent <- genotype[ poset[i, 1] ] ## it's the value of parent in genotype.
## if (is.na(genotype[child])){
-## genotype[child] <- this.relation.prob.OK * the.parent
+## genotype[child] <- this.relation.prob.OK * the.parent
## }
## else
## genotype[child] <- genotype[child]*(this.relation.prob.OK * the.parent)
## }
## ## }
## return(genotype)
## }
@@ -2184,13 +2244,13 @@ is_null_na <- function(x) {
## get.mut.vector.whole <- function(tmp, timeSample = "last", threshold = 0.5) {
## ## Obtain, from results from a simulation run, the vector
## ## of 0/1 corresponding to each gene.
## ## threshold is the min. proportion for a mutation to be detected
## ## We are doing whole tumor sampling here, as in Sprouffske
## ## timeSample: do we sample at end, or at a time point, chosen
## ## randomly, from all those with at least one driver?
## if(timeSample == "last") {
## if(tmp$TotalPopSize == 0)
## warning(paste("Final population size is 0.",
@@ -2201,7 +2261,7 @@ is_null_na <- function(x) {
## tmp$Genotypes)/tmp$TotalPopSize) > threshold))
## } else if (timeSample %in% c("uniform", "unif")) {
## candidate.time <- which(tmp$PerSampleStats[, 4] > 0)
## if (length(candidate.time) == 0) {
## warning(paste("There is not a single sampled time",
## "at which there are any mutants.",
@@ -2231,19 +2291,19 @@ is_null_na <- function(x) {
## warning(paste("There are no clones with drivers at any time point.",
## "No uniform sampling possible.",
## "You will get a vector of NAs."))
-## return(rep(NA, nrow(tmp$Genotypes)))
+## return(rep(NA, nrow(tmp$Genotypes)))
## }
## get.mut.vector.singlecell <- function(tmp, timeSample = "last") {
## ## No threshold, as single cell.
## ## timeSample: do we sample at end, or at a time point, chosen
## ## randomly, from all those with at least one driver?
## if(timeSample == "last") {
## the.time <- nrow(tmp$pops.by.time)
## } else if (timeSample %in% c("uniform", "unif")) {
## candidate.time <- which(tmp$PerSampleStats[, 4] > 0)
## if (length(candidate.time) == 0) {
## warning(paste("There is not a single sampled time",
## "at which there are any mutants.",
@@ -2314,6 +2374,6 @@ is_null_na <- function(x) {
## l1[dx, 1] <- runif(length(dx), ra[1], ra[2])
## }
## }
-## plot(g, layout = l1)
+## plot(g, layout = l1)
## }
## }
diff --git a/OncoSimulR/R/stacked-plots.R b/OncoSimulR/R/stacked-plots.R
index 43571f3e..310158a6 100644
--- a/OncoSimulR/R/stacked-plots.R
+++ b/OncoSimulR/R/stacked-plots.R
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@
-## plot.stream makes a "stream plot" where each y series is plotted
+## plot.stream makes a "stream plot" where each y series is plotted
## as stacked filled polygons on alternating sides of a baseline.
## Arguments include:
## 'x' - a vector of values
## 'y' - a matrix of data series (columns) corresponding to x
-## 'order.method' = c("as.is", "max", "first")
+## 'order.method' = c("as.is", "max", "first")
## "as.is" - plot in order of y column
## "max" - plot in order of when each y series reaches maximum value
## "first" - plot in order of when each y series first value > 0
## 'center' - if TRUE, the stacked polygons will be centered so that the middle,
-## i.e. baseline ("g0"), of the stream is approximately equal to zero.
-## Centering is done before the addition of random wiggle to the baseline.
+## i.e. baseline ("g0"), of the stream is approximately equal to zero.
+## Centering is done before the addition of random wiggle to the baseline.
## 'frac.rand' - fraction of the overall data "stream" range used to define the range of
## random wiggle (uniform distrubution) to be added to the baseline 'g0'
## 'spar' - setting for smooth.spline function to make a smoothed version of baseline "g0"
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
## '...' - other plot arguments
plot.stream2 <- function(
- x, y,
+ x, y,
order.method = "as.is", frac.rand=0.1, spar=0.2,
- ylab="", xlab="",
- border = NULL, lwd=1,
+ ylab="", xlab="",
+ border = NULL, lwd=1,
log = "",
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ plot.stream2 <- function(
border <- as.vector(matrix(border, nrow=ncol(y), ncol=1))
col <- as.vector(matrix(col, nrow=ncol(y), ncol=1))
lwd <- as.vector(matrix(lwd, nrow=ncol(y), ncol=1))
if(order.method == "max") {
ord <- order(apply(y, 2, which.max))
y <- y[, ord]
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ plot.stream2 <- function(
mid <- apply(outer.lims, 1,
function(r) mean(c(max(r, na.rm=TRUE),
min(r, na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE))
## center and wiggle
if(center) {
g0 <- -mid + runif(length(x),
@@ -133,15 +133,13 @@ plot.stream2 <- function(
## plot.stacked makes a stacked plot where each y series is plotted on top
## of the each other using filled polygons
## Arguments include:
## 'x' - a vector of values
## 'y' - a matrix of data series (columns) corresponding to x
-## 'order.method' = c("as.is", "max", "first")
+## 'order.method' = c("as.is", "max", "first")
## "as.is" - plot in order of y column
## "max" - plot in order of when each y series reaches maximum value
## "first" - plot in order of when each y series first value > 0
@@ -151,10 +149,10 @@ plot.stream2 <- function(
## '...' - other plot arguments
plot.stacked2 <- function(
- x, y,
+ x, y,
order.method = "as.is",
- ylab="", xlab="",
- border = NULL, lwd=1,
+ ylab="", xlab="",
+ border = NULL, lwd=1,
log = "",
diff --git a/OncoSimulR/man/plot.oncosimul.Rd b/OncoSimulR/man/plot.oncosimul.Rd
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index e7933cc7..0dd9f065
--- a/OncoSimulR/man/plot.oncosimul.Rd
+++ b/OncoSimulR/man/plot.oncosimul.Rd
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
and clones with different number of drivers are plotted in different
colours. Plots can alternatively display genotypes instead of drivers.
- Plots available are line plots, stacked area, and stream plots.
+ Plots available are line plots, stacked area, stream plots and Muller plots.
@@ -53,7 +53,9 @@
srange = c(0.4, 1),
vrange = c(0.8, 1),
breakSortColors = "oe",
- legend.ncols = "auto", ...)
+ legend.ncols = "auto",
+ muller.type = "frequency",
+ ...)
ask = TRUE,
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
vrange = c(0.8, 1),
breakSortColors = "oe",
legend.ncols = "auto",
+ muller.type = "frequency",
@@ -109,22 +112,29 @@
will be an unmanageable mess). The default is "drivers".
- \item{type}{One of "line", "stacked", "stream".
+ \item{type}{One of "line", "stacked", "stream", "muller".
If "line", you are shown lines for each genotype or clone. This
means that to get an idea of the total population size you need to
use \code{plotDrivers = TRUE} with \code{addtot = TRUE}, or do the
visual calculation in your head.
- If "stacked" a stacked area plot. If "stream" a stream plot. Since
- these stack areas, you immediately get the total population. But that
- also means you cannot use \code{log}.
+ If "stacked" a stacked area plot. If "stream" a stream plot. If "muller"
+ a Muller plot. Since these stack areas, you immediately get the total
+ population. But that also means you cannot use \code{log}.
The default is to use "line" for \code{show = "drivers"} and
"stacked" for \code{show = "genotypes"}.
+ \item{muller.type}{One of "frequency", "population".
+ If "frequency", it shows the frecuency of each clone. If "population"",
+ shows changes in population sizes.
+ The default is to use "frequecy".
+ }
\item{col}{ Colour of the lines/areas. For \code{show = "drivers"}
each type of clone (where type is defined by number of drivers) has
@@ -306,7 +316,6 @@
entries, and two for more than six.
Other arguments passed to \code{plots}. For instance, \code{main}.
diff --git a/OncoSimulR/src-i386/BNB_nr.cpp b/OncoSimulR/src-i386/BNB_nr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86b76320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OncoSimulR/src-i386/BNB_nr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2527 @@
+// Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+// #include "OncoSimul.h"
+// #include "randutils.h" //Nope, until we have gcc-4.8 in Win; full C++11
+#include "debug_common.h"
+#include "common_classes.h"
+#include "bnb_common.h"
+#include "new_restrict.h"