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File metadata and controls

423 lines (349 loc) · 16.2 KB


Consider a transaction ntx that reads and/or writes an item. If it writes the item, the new version is nv.

  1. The transaction may read a previous version v. If ntx commits, then no other new versions may commit between v.wts and ntx.ts.

  2. Commit-time updates (CUs) also impose requirements on previous versions; for example, a CU might only apply to existing values (so that a deleted or not-present value would not work). These requirements are looser than reads (which fix the order of the version chain). They can be understood as predicates, but because CUs are writes rather than reads, checking them does not require the version upgrading we saw in STO predicates.

    We call these requirements CU-enabling. A CU nv may be installed on top of any version that CU-enables it.

    CU-enabling must be checked dynamically, so it must be fast to compute. In our implementation, any non-deleted version CU-enables all possible CUs on the same object. This means, in turn, that any CU CU-enables all possible CUs on the same object. CU-enablement is checked for pending versions as well as committed versions.

    To ensure transactional correctness, we check CU-enablement in the execution phase and in the locking phase. We also ensure that, once nv is in the version chain, no other version is inserted that CU-disables nv.


A version can have one of the following states (v.state):

  • ABORTED — ignored, will be garbage collected eventually
  • PENDING — transaction not yet committed/aborted
  • COMMITTED — transaction definitely committed

Versions also have a field, which is true for CU versions and false for full versions, and a v.deleted field, which indicates whether the version is an absent record.

Pending versions can be locked, indicated by v.locked. It is possible to atomically release the lock, change the state, and change

The function v->cu_enables(vcu) takes two versions. It requires that v.wts() < vcu.wts(), and that vcu is a CU. It returns true if v CU-enables vcu, which means that in all possible object histories that ended in v, it would be valid to apply vcu next.

The function v->cu_enables_everything() returns true iff v->cu_enables(vcu) is true for all vcu.

Phase 1

This code inserts nv (a new version) at the correct location.

lock(txn, item, nv):

  • nv is the new version being installed. nv.wts == txn.ts is the transaction commit timestamp. nv.state is PENDING.
  1. Initialize vptr, a pointer to a version, to &item.head, the location of the head version (the latest committed version).
  2. Set v := *vptr.
  3. If v.wts > nv.wts (v is later than nv), then:
    • If v.state ≠ ABORTED and, then check whether nv CU-enables v. If not, then return false and abort the transaction.
    • Otherwise, set vptr := &v->prev and go to step 2.
  4. Otherwise, if v.state ≠ ABORTED and v.rts > nv.wts, then a pending or committed version earlier than nv was observed by a transaction later than nv, and txn must abort. Return false.
  5. Otherwise, v.rts ≤ nv.wts and v.wts < nv.wts. We’ve found the right place to insert nv.
    • Set nv.prev := v.
    • (*vptr).compare_exchange(v, nv): swap v for nv. If this fails, go to step 2. Otherwise, continue to step 6.
  6. [to be added]

This C-style presentation is preferred by some.

lock(txn, item, nv) {
    // `nv` is the new version being installed.
    // `nv.wts == txn.ts` is the transaction commit timestamp.
    // `nv.is_pending()` is true.

    MvHistory** vptr = &item.head;
    while (true) {
        MvHistory* v = *vptr;
        -- fence --
        if (v.wts > nv.wts) {
            if (v.state ≠ ABORTED && && !nv.cu_enables(v)) {
                // Installing `nv` might CU-disable `v`, a pending or committed CU.
                // `nv` must abort.
                return false;
            vptr = &v->prev;
        } else if (v.state ≠ ABORTED && v.rts > nv.wts) {
            // A pending or committed version earlier than `nv` was observed by a
            // transaction later than `nv`. `nv` must abort.
            return false;
        } else {
            // add `nv` to the version chan
            nv.prev = v;
            if (vptr->compare_exchange_strong(v, nv)) {
                // that inserted the pending version `nv` immediately before `v`
                goto write_validation;
            // Otherwise, there was a race condition; try again.

    // Now `nv` is in the version chain.
    // All future transactions will observe it (in whatever state it ends up —
    // currently PENDING, later COMMITTED or ABORTED).

    // Step WV1: Check again whether `nv` CU-disabled a later version that was
    // inserted by a concurrent transaction before we added `nv` to the chain.
    if (!nv.cu_enables_everything()) {
        for (v = item.head; v != nv; v = v.prev) {
            if ( && v.state ≠ ABORTED && !nv.cu_enables(v)) {
                return false;

    // Step WV2: Check whether any PRIOR versions would CU-disable `nv`,
    // or read a prior committed version while `nv` was being installed.
    v = nv.prev;
    while (v != null) {
        if (( && v.state ≠ ABORTED && !v.cu_enables(nv))
            || (v.state == COMMITTED && v.rts > nv.wts)) {
            return false;
        if (v.state == COMMITTED) {
        v = v.prev;

Phase 2. Read validation.

check(txn, item, rv) {
    // `rv` was the version read during the execution phase
    rv.rts := max(rv.rts, txn.ts);

    // Step RV1: Validate that concurrent writes don’t invalidate this read.
    for (v = item.head; v != rv; v = v.prev) {
        if (v.state ≠ ABORTED && v.wts < txn.ts) {
            return false;

    return true;

Phase 3. Installation.

install(txn, item, nv) {
    assert(nv.state == PENDING);
    nv.state := COMMITTED
    if (! {
        // This is a full version; all prior versions can be garbage collected.
        // When `txn.gc_epoch` passes, we run `GC_committed(nv)`.
        GC_enqueue(txn.gc_epoch, GC_committed(nv));
        // Also mark all prior flatten operations as redundant.
        item.want_flatten = null;
        item.outstanding_cus = 0;
    } else {
        // We don't want ∞ CUs to accumulate, so periodically schedule a background
        // flattening procedure.
        item.outstanding_cus += 1;
        if ([many CUs are outstanding on `item`]
            && item.want_flatten == null) {
            item.want_flatten = nv;
            item.outstanding_cus = 0;
            GC_enqueue(txn.gc_epoch, GC_flatten(item));

Proof sketch

Want to show that a committed transaction reads the versions visible at its timestamp, and that its CU versions are cu-enabled by the versions visible at its timestamp.

Assume that a transaction ntx observed a version v. Either ntx read v, or nv is a CU and v CU-enabled nv. Now assume that another transaction etx that installed a version ev, such that v.wts < ev.wts < ntx.ts; and either ntx read v, or (ntx did not read v and ev CU-disables nv). We show that at least one of etx and ntx must abort.

Case 1: Reads

Assume ntx read v. ev might be a CU or a full version.

(A) Assume ev was installed (in phase 1) after the read timestamp update in cp_check. Then either ev’s write version check will detect the rts update, or ev’s write version check will stall out at an earlier committed version, ev', and we would repeat the argument with ev'.

(B) Assume ev was installed before the read timestamp update in cp_check. Then ntx’s read-version check will detect ev. Its read validation will abort (whether or not ev is PENDING when the read validation happens).

Case 2: CU

Assume v cu-enabled nv.

(A) Assume ev was installed (in phase 1) after ntx’s WV2 passed the point of ev’s insertion. Then we know that nv is visible when etx enters Phase 2, and in particular, etx’s Step WV1 will encounter nv, and since !cu_enabled(ev, nv), etx will abort.

(B) Assume ev was installed before ntx’s WV2 passed the point of ev’s insertion. Then we know that ntx’s WV2 will encounter ev and, since !cu_enabled(ev, nv), ntx will abort.

Pending versions

The code above does not spin on pending versions. Instead, validation effectively assumes that pending versions will commit. I think that’s OK.

Flattening and garbage collection

Flattening can take place simultaneously among many threads. A per-version lock means exactly one thread will install the new version. The in_foreground argument is true if the caller needs the value; this is true for execution-time observations, but false when flattening takes place during garbage collection.

flatten(fv, in_foreground) {
    // This procedure takes a committed CU, `fv`, and computes and installs the
    // corresponding full version into it, changing its state to “non-CU”.
    // (However, note that the commit_updater associated with `fv` remains
    // present, allowing concurrent flattens to proceed.)
    assert( && fv.state == COMMITTED);

    // Traverse backward from `v` until encountering a full version.
    vstack := new version stack;
    cv := fv;
    while ( || cv.state ≠ COMMITTED) {
        cv = cv.prev;

    // Now traverse forward in time from `cv` to `fv`, computing a value as we go.
    // Concurrent insertions might be happening, so we update previous versions' RTSes.
    // Each RTS update prevents future insertions after the relevant version.
    value := cv.value;
    cv.rts := max(cv.rts, fv.wts);

    while (!vstack.empty()) {
        nv =;

        // Account for concurrent insertions
        while (true) {
            pv = nv.prev;
            if (pv == cv) {
            nv = pv;

        // Wait for the transaction to resolve
        while (nv.state == PENDING) {

        if (nv.state == COMMITTED) {
            nv.rts := max(nv.rts, v.wts);
            if ( {
            } else {
                value = nv.value;

        cv = nv;

    if (fv.try_lock()) {
        fv.value = value; := false; fv.state := COMMITTED; fv.locked := false
        // Now `fv` is a non-CU committed version.
        GC_enqueue(txn.gc_epoch, GC_committed(fv));
        if (in_foreground) {
            item.want_flatten = null;
    } else if (in_foreground) {
        // Another thread is concurrently flattening this version.
        while ( {

Garbage collection

GC_committed(v) {
    // GC_committed is enqueued exactly once for each committed full version.
    // It is responsible for enqueueing for garbage collection all versions
    // *before* v, up to *and including* the previous committed full version.

    // When GC_committed(v) runs, all versions before `v` are definitely
    // meaningless to transaction execution. Because of flattening, however,
    // garbage collection for different versions may take place out of order.
    // However, `GC_committed(v)` cannot interfere with a concurrent `GC_flatten(v2)`.
    // `GC_committed` works backwards from some committed full version, and `GC_flatten`
    // always stops at the most recent committed full version.

    v = v.prev;
    while (v) {
        GC_enqueue(next epoch, GC_free(v))
        if (v.state == COMMITTED && ! {
        v = v.prev;

GC_free(v) {
    -- delete memory associated with v --

GC_flatten(item) {
    // GC_flatten is scheduled when a transaction executor thinks there are
    // many outstanding CUs. It only completes if the requested version
    // for flattening is still visible from the head.
    fv = item.want_flatten;
    item.want_flatten = null;
    if (fv != null) {
        v = item.head;
        while (v != fv && (v.state ≠ COMMITTED || ( && !v.locked))) {
            v = v.prev;
        if (v == fv) {
            flatten(fv, false);

Chain invariants

Nominal invariants (how we should describe the system)

  1. Versions are stored in a singly-linked list by descending wts. Thus, if v1 precedes v2 in some version chain (meaning v2 is closer to the item’s head, and v1 is accessible from v2 via prev pointers), then v1.wts < v2.wts.

  2. Each version has a read timestamp and a write timestamp. v.wts ≤ v.rts.

  3. If v1 precedes v2 in the cahin, then v1.rts ≤ v2.wts (v1’s read timestamp is no larger than v2’s write timestamp).

Actual invariants

  1. The chain may contain pending versions and aborted versions.

  2. If v1 precedes v2 in the chain and both versions are committed, then we allow v1.rts > v2.rts, even though the semantically correct read timestamp is bounded above by v2.rts.

Previous writeup (not worth reading)

  1. Let VPTR be a pointer to a pointer to a version. VPTR = &ITEM.HEAD.
  2. Set V := *VPTR. --fence--
  3. If V is not aborted and V->RTS > TXN.CTS, then abort.
  4. Otherwise, if V->WTS > TXN.CTS, then set VPTR := &V->PREV and goto step 2.
  5. Otherwise, V->WTS < TXN.CTS. Attempt to insert the new version, NV, after V via CAS: NV->PREV := V; CAS(VPTR, V, NV). If the CAS fails, goto step 2.

Phase 1b. Write-version validation. 0. Set V := NV.PREV.

  1. If V is not aborted and V->RTS > TXN.CTS, then abort. 1.1. Otherwise if NV is a DELTA and V is a DELTA that does not commute with NV, then abort.
  2. Otherwise if V is committed OR COMMITTEDDELTA OR LOCKEDDELTA, then return (Phase 1b item passes).
  3. Otherwise INCLUDING IF V IS PENDINGDELTA, set V := V->PREV; goto 1.

Phase 2. Read-version validation. For each read set element:

  1. Let RV be the observed version. If NV is a DELTA, RV might be COMMITTED, COMMITTEDDELTA, or LOCKEDDELTA. If NV is not a DELTA, then RV must be COMMITTED: it was flattened at read time.
  2. Update RV.RTS to MAX(RV.RTS, TXN.CTS). --fence--
  3. Traverse the version chain: Set V := ITEM.HEAD.
  4. If V = RV, then return (Phase 2 item passes). 4.1. Otherwise if NV is a DELTA, V is COMMITTEDDELTA, PENDINGDELTA, or LOCKEDDELTA, and V commutes with NV, then set V := V.PREV and goto 4.
  5. Otherwise if V is not aborted, then abort.
  6. Otherwise set V := V.PREV and goto 4.

Try_flatten(V) (happens at GC or execution time): 0. Let XTS := V.WTS.

  1. Initialize stack STK to empty.
  2. If V is not COMMITTED, then STK.PUSH(V); V := V.PREV; goto 2.
  3. Initialize value VAL := V.VALUE.
  4. If STK is empty, then we're done. Attempt CAS(V.STATUS, COMMITTEDDELTA, LOCKEDDELTA). On success, install VAL into V.VALUE, change V.STATUS to COMMITTED, and enqueue V for GC. Either way return.
  5. Otherwise, set VN := STK.TOP().
  6. Update V.RTS to MAX(V.RTS,VN.WTS) by CAS loop.
  7. If VN.PREV != V, then STK.PUSH(VN.PREV); VN := VN.PREV; goto 7.
  8. Otherwise, spin until VN is not PENDING.
  9. If VN is COMMITTED, then set VAL := V.VALUE; V := VN. Otherwise, if VN is not aborted, then apply V.COMMUTER to VAL; set V := VN.
  10. STK.POP(); goto 4.

Flatten(V) (happens when reading V): 0. V must be COMMITTED, PENDING, PENDINGDELTA, COMMITTEDDELTA, or LOCKEDDELTA.

  1. If V is COMMITTEDDELTA, then try_flatten(V).
  2. While V is not COMMITTED, spin

How does GC work: New COMMITTED versions are added atomically, either by the flatten procedure or by normal installation. When a new version becomes COMMITTED, that version, V, is added to the GC queue. The GC will execute when GCTS >= V.WTS. It does not delete V, however: instead, it deletes the contiguous range of versions from V.PREV to the previous COMMITTED version. By the time this GC runs, that contiguous range is fixed. Note that GC marks versions for future-epoch RCU-freeing; this is because of the out-of-order way in which GC regions might be enqueued. GCHISTORY(V)

  1. V := V.PREV
  2. Mark V for RCU-freeing at the next epoch
  3. If V is not COMMITTED, then goto 1