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adt.js is a language extension for JavaScript - in library form! It embodies an unusual interpretation of Algebraic Data Types (ADT's) repurposed for a dynamic scripting language (JavaScript).

In practice this library gives you access to the following programming facilities:

Essentially, adt.js lets you eval structured data which turns out to be very useful for building embedded domain specific languages (EDSL's) in JavaScript.

CC0 1.0 Universal (Public Domain)


ADT's in adt.js are described by interfaces that consist of constructors and evaluators.

  • constructors are used to build and annotate hierarchical data structures (a.k.a. boxing data)
  • evaluators deconstruct data structures using pattern matching (a.k.a. unboxing data)

The library is stratified into several major versions each of which trades some additional features at the expense of a little bit of internal complexity.


None yet!


  • Version 1 (Unreleased/Alpha)
    • Pattern match on the constructor names only and built-in (primitive) types
  • Version 2 (Unreleased/Alpha)
    • Recursive evaluators
  • Version 3 (Unreleased/Alpha)
    • Shallow pattern matching (matches nested constructor names and tuple)
  • Version 4 (Unreleased/Design)
    • Deep pattern matching (multiple levels of constructor nesting and value unpacking)
  • Version 5 (Unreleased)
    • Match arrays, records
    • Match literal values for built-in types
    • Custom match functions (guards)
  • adt.util.js (Unreleased)
    • Higher order functions etc
      • iterSM function evaluates nested evaluators like a state machine by iterating over its input (similar to a foreach loop, but with additional state)
      • mapSM function evaluates nested evaluators like a state machine by mapping over its input (similar to map, but with additional state in the )
      • foldSM function evaluates nested evaluators like a state machine while accumulating its results (similar to fold a.k.a. JavaScript's array.reduce, but with additional state. Related to iteratee in Haskell.)

The simplest way to illustrate the utility of adt.js is to run through a couple of basic examples, using only constructors and evaluators.

Version 1.0

Dispatch on built-in object classes

The most basic application of adt.js is to provide dispatch on data types. In this first example we'll construct an interface called literalClass consisting of evaluators that match JavaScript's built-in data types.

// Pretty print various primitive types
  literalClass = adt({
    Number: 'numeric',
    String: 'text',
    Array: 'list'
  value = 2.75,
  html = "<span class='" + literalClass(value) + "'>" + String(value) + "</span>";
<span class='numeric'>2.75</span>

Of course, you may be tempted to claim that this piece of code is entirely trivial... but let's see, what's wrong with the following line of code?

literalClass = { object: 'record', array: 'list' }[typeof []]; // Result is 'record' (incorrect!)

Most of the time you'll want your evaluators to do something more than simply return a constant value. The next example dispatches to functions in order to perform more complex evaluations. The object itself is passed into the matching evaluator as an argument. Notice that, in order to deconstruct the argument of type Array, the interface is invoked recursively by calling this(...) on each of the elements.

// Pretty print with function dispatch
  prettyPrintLiteral = adt({
    Number: function(val) { return "<span class='numeric'>" + String(val) + "</span>" },
    String: function(val) { return "<span class='text'>" + val /*TODO: htmlEncode(val)*/ + "</span>" },
    Object: function(val) { return "<span class='record'>" + JSON.stringify(val) + "</span>" },
    Array: function(val) { 
      return "<ol>\n" +{ return "<li>" + this(a) + "</li>\n"; }, this).join('') + "</ol>";
  html = prettyPrintLiteral(["hello", 2.7, ["a","b"], { foo: "bar" }, 8]);
<li><span class='text'>hello</span></li>
<li><span class='numeric'>2.7</span></li>
<li><span class='text'>a</span></li>
<li><span class='text'>b</span></li>
<li><span class='record'>{"foo":"bar"}</span></li>
<li><span class='numeric'>8</span></li>

This kind of automatic type matching relies on the internal [[Class]] property of JavaScript objects. In practice this means it works on the following built-in objects (from the ECMAScript 5 specification)...

Built-in data types

Regrettably, due to a flaw in the language design it is not tractable to implement pattern matching for custom object constructors (invoked via new or bypassed via Object.create) in a reliable manner. (This is, unfortunately, only aggravated by the non-standard constructor name property.)

Custom constructors

adt.js provides a way of creating your own custom data type constructors. In fact, in this library constructors are simply evaluators that box their arguments rather than unboxing them. Once again, a set of constructors is defined inside an interface. When adt(...) is called using strings (or even numbers) as arguments the library assumes that these are tags and automatically generates constructor functions for each of them. Constructors and evaluators can be mixed together in a single interface without any problems.

  D = adt('Word', 'Root', 'Syllable'),
  supercalifragilisticexpialidocious =
  serializeD = adt({
    // Serialize a word containing roots
    Word: function() {
        children = [],
      for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
      return children.join(' - ');
    // Serialize a root containing syllables
    Root: function() {
        children = [],
      for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
      return children.join('.');
    // Serialize a single syllable
    Syllable: function(syl) { return syl; }
su.per - cal.i - frag.i.lis.tic -

Unlike the built-in data types a custom constructor can box any number of values passed in as arguments - or none at all.

The underscore fall through pattern

To create an evaluator that matches any pattern not handled by the rest of the interface, use the _ pattern. By default adt.js assigns the identity function to _.

If you wish to enforce exhaustive pattern matching in your interfaces you will need to implement the error check yourself. To see which pattern was matched adt.js assigns this._pattern in all evaluators, including _.

  cons = adt('A','B','C'),
  eval = adt({
    A: function() { return "matched A"; },
    B: function() { return "matched B"; },
    _: function() { throw "Unknown data type `" + this._pattern + "`"; }
try {
} catch(error) {
matched A
Unknown data type `C`

The this parameter, private members and reserved members.

As you have already seen, an interface can be invoked recursively using this(...). In fact in adt.js this is exactly the interface that is being evaluated. For example, besides regular recursion it also allows us to write things like the following...

  eval = adt({
    A: function() { return "in A and " + this.B(); },
    B: function() { return "in B"; }
in A and in B

Any key in an interface that is prefixed by an underscore is considered to be private and will not be used by adt.js (apart from wildcard patterns where the _ is separated from surrounding tokens by whitespace, a comma ,, or a colon :).

Inside an evaluator adt.js attaches its own private members to this. Besides this._pattern, adt.js also provides...

  • this._tag - The tag name that was matched
  • this._pattern - The full pattern that was matched (for later versions of adt.js)
  • this._datatype - The built-in data type that was matched (or simply 'ADT' if argument was a regular (custom) constructor.

The following key is reserved by the implementation and should never be used...

  • _eval

Providing multiple implementations

This example takes the standard object-oriented style of method dispatch and turns it inside-out! Instead of dispatching on a method table (travelFare, travelTime) we dispatch on type names (car, train, plane).

  // Create constructors for transportation types (car, train and plane)
  transportation = adt('car', 'train', 'plane'),

  // Create a set of evaluators for the transportation ADT 
  // in order to calculate a travel fare by unboxing their arguments
  travelFare = adt({
    car: function(miles) { return miles * 0.3; },
    train: function(miles,speed) { return miles * 0.1 + 0.2 * speed; },
    plane: function(miles) { return miles * miles * 0.3 + 22.0; }

  // Create an alternative set of evaluators for the transportation ADT
  // in to calculate a travel time using the same arguments
  travelTime = adt({
    car: function(miles) { return miles / 55.3; },
    train: function(miles,speed) { return 0.5 + miles / 60.0; },
    plane: function(miles) { return (miles < 600? 2.5 : 4.0) + miles / 300.0; }

  // Now we can calculate not only the time needed to get to grandma's house
  // but also the cost of the trip.
  // So, should we take the train?
  tripToGrandma = transportation.train(52, 0.6),
  costOfTripToGrandma = travelFare(tripToGrandma),
  timeOfTripToGrandma = travelTime(tripToGrandma);

See also the expression problem.

Version 2.0

Constructing and evaluating nested expressions

To avoid the tedium of calling this(...) on each argument of the ADT when evaluating them in a recursive manner you can simply wrap up your interface in adt.recursive(...).

  math = adt('plus', 'mul'),
  calc = adt.recursive(adt({
    plus: function(a,b) { return a + b; },
    mul: function(a,b) { return a * b; }
  serialize = adt.recursive(adt({
    plus: function(a,b) { return "(" + String(a) + " + " + String(b) + ")"; },
    mul: function(a,b) { return "(" + String(a) + " * " + String(b) + ")"; }
  expr = math.mul(, 9),, math.mul(20, 1))),
  answer = calc(expr), // <- Recursively call the calc evaluator
  detailedAnswer = serialize(expr) + " = " + String(answer); // <- Recursively call the serialize evaluator
((5 + 9) * (33 + (20 * 1))) = 742

See also language-oriented programming.

One convenient aspect of adt.recursive is that it works with regular functions too.

  r = adt("A","B","C"),
  printDepth = adt.recursive(function() { 
    var i, d = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
      d = Math.max(d, arguments[i]);
    return d + 1;
  printTrace = adt.recursive(function() { 
    var i, s = arguments.length > 0? arguments[0] : "";
    for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i)
      s += " -> " + arguments[i];
    return s.length > 0? s + " -> " + this._tag : this._tag;
  A = r.A(),
  A_B = r.A(r.B()),
  A_B_C = r.A(r.B(r.C())),
  A_BC = r.A(r.B(), r.C());
console.log("depth: " + printDepth(A) + "  trace: " + printTrace(A));
console.log("depth: " + printDepth(A_B) + "  trace: " + printTrace(A_B));
console.log("depth: " + printDepth(A_B_C) + "  trace: " + printTrace(A_B_C));
console.log("depth: " + printDepth(A_BC) + "  trace: " + printTrace(A_BC));
depth: 1  trace: A
depth: 2  trace: B -> A
depth: 3  trace: C -> B -> A
depth: 2  trace: B -> C -> A

Automatic constructors

  mathOps = {
    plus: function(a,b) { return a + b; },
    mul: function(a,b) { return a * b; }
  mathEval = adt.recursive(adt(mathOps)),
  mathCons = adt.constructors(mathOps),
  // or equivalently:
  // mathCons = adt.constructors(mathEval)
  expr = mathCons.mul(, 9),, mathCons.mul(20, 1))),
  answer = mathEval(expr);

Version 3.0

Shallow pattern matching

Patterns are tested in the order of most specific to most general...


Version 4.0

Deep pattern matching


Version 5.0

Folding arrays into tree structures using Finite State Machines

adt.js provides a fold method for evaluators that can be used to write fsm's... (TODO)


ADT extras

You can find additional utilities for manipulating and building ADT's in the adt-util.js submodule.

  • TODO: Move adt.compose() here... + example (pretty print a tree...)
  • TODO: Move adt.constructors() here + example
  • TODO: Move adt.own here + example
  • TODO: Perhaps move adt.fold here? + example (finite state machine)

In addition to this generic funcionality, there are also some existing ADT definitions in other submodules for you to use.

  • adt-html.js - A library for constructing, traversing and transforming HTML structures and their attributes.


Using only a few primitive programming constructs ADT's never-the-less give rise to a suprisingly large variety of programming patterns. adt.js also exposes few more advanced features that happen to fit snugly with JavaScript's dynamic philosophy.

Version 1.0

Accessing ADT arguments directly

TODO a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]

Shortening constructor code

With interface that have lengthy names, creating large structures can get somewhat heavy handed! For example...

tree = BinarySearchTree.Node(5,

Instead we can create an anonymous function and pass in the BinarySearchTree interface as this. For example:

tree = (function(){
  return this.Node(5,

This is the convention that many adt.js based libraries use and is the recommended form, primarily because it is very efficient in CoffeeScript:

tree = (->
  (@Node 5,
    (@Node 3,
      (@Leaf 1),
      (@Leaf 4)
    (@Node 9,
      (@Leaf 7)
).call BinarySearchTree

Or even shorter... (however, take care with this syntax - CoffeeScript has many strange corner cases in its parser)

tree = (->
  @Node 5,
    @Node 3,
      @Leaf 1
      @Leaf 4
    @Node 9,
      @Leaf 7
).call BinarySearchTree

An alternative form (which is shorter to write in regular JavaScript but conflicts with the underscore.js library) is to use the _ underscore character as follows.

tree = (function(){
  return _.Node(5,

Finally, it is also possible to use the with keyword. However, you should be aware that with is deprecated in ECMAScript 5.0 Strict and its use is frowned upon by most JavaScript programmers. This is also completely unsuppported in CoffeeScript.

  tree = Node(5,
Evaluators with state
  • TODO: Example of evalWith

Version 2.0

Private members and reserved names

When an evaluator is eval'ed the whole set of evaluators is passed in as the this parameter (read it as "this DSL implementation").

  // TODO...
  peano = adt({
    succ: adt('succ').succ, // TODO: CAN BE BETTER...
    zero: 0,
    one: function() { return this.succ(; },
    two: function() { return this.succ(; },
    three: function() { return this.succ(this.two()); },
    four: function() { return this.succ(this.three()); }

The following private member names are reserved for use by adt.js (your own private members will be replaced).

  • _pattern: Gives you access to the pattern that was matched in order to unbox the evaluator's arguments
  • _tag: Is the same as _pattern in version 1 and 2 of adt.js.
  • _datatype: Is either typeof arguments[0] or 'adt' depending on whether the evaluated argument was a built-in (primitive) type or an ADT.
  • TODO: perhaps _full_pattern: (pattern _tag (pattern ... (pattern ...) ...) (breadth-first tree of patterns)
  // Yes, yes... we know - "this succ". Very funny wise guy.
  thisSucc = function() { this.succ(this[this._pattern]()); };
  word = adt('zero','one','two','three','four');

  wordToPeano = adt.recursive(adt({
    succ: adt('succ'),
    zero: 0,
    _: thisSucc
  wordToNumber = adt.recursive(adt({
    succ: function(num) { return num++; },
    zero: 0,
    _: thisSucc

  four = word.four();
  console.log("The word is '" + adt.serialize(four) + "'");
  // > "The word is 'four'"

  console.log("The peano number:'" + adt.serialize(four)) + "'");
  // > "The number is 'four'"



For those of you with a computer science bent, see also Peano axioms or Peano numbers a.k.a. Church numerals. Find a more complete/elegant implementation of Peano numbers in the appendix.

Wrapping native (non-enumerable) API's (JavaScript >= 1.8.5)

Unfortunately the native Math object in JavaScript is not directly enumerable. To list its properties you need to make use of the Object.getOwnPropertyNames function from the JavaScript 1.8.5 spec.

  MathCons = adt.apply(null, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Math)),
  formula = MathCons.pow(MathCons.random(), MathCons.cos(0.1)),
  // But how do we eval it?

As you can see, it is possible to create constructors for the Math object. However, creating evaluators is more difficult! Fortunately adt.js supplies you with its own api which takes care of enumerating an object's enumerable and non-enumerable properties for you by leveraging Object.getOwnPropertyNames.

  MathCons = adt.own.constructors(Math),
  MathEval = adt.recursive(adt.own(Math)),
  formula = MathCons.pow(MathCons.random(), MathCons.cos(0.1)),
  result = MathEval(formula);

Combining ADT's

  mathCons = adt(adt.own.constructors(Math), adt('plus', 'minus', 'mul', 'div')),
  // or equivalently:
  // mathCons = adt(adt.own.constructors(Math), 'plus', 'minus', 'mul', 'div'),
  mathEval = adt.recursive(adt(adt.own(Math), adt({
    plus: function(a,b) { return a + b; },
    minus: function(a,b) { return a - b; }
    mul: function(a,b) { return a * b; }
    div: function(a,b) { return a / b; }
  // or equivalently:
  // mathEval = adt(adt.own(Math), { ... }),
  formula = mathCons.pow(, 3.9), mathCons.mul(0.1, mathCons.exp(4.3))),
  result = mathEval(formula);

Automatic serialization (can be used as an alternative to JSON)

Interestingly, if we can easily serialize and deserialize our ADT's we could actually use them as an alternative to JSON - a safely executable kind of JSON.

  // Serialize expression
  mathCons = adt('plus', 'mul'),
  expr = mathCons.mul(,22), mathCons.mul(0.1,0.1)),
  exprSerialized = adt.serialize(expr);
  // exprSerialized == "(mul (plus 5.0 22) (mul 0.1 0.1))"
  // Deserialize expression
  mathEval = adt.recursive(adt({
    plus: function(a,b) { return a + b; },
    mul: function(a,b) { return a * b; }
  exprSerialized = "(mul (plus 5.0 22) (mul 0.1 0.1))",
  exprDeserialized = adt.deserialize(exprSerialized),
  result = mathEval(exprDeserialized),
  detailedResult = exprString + " = " + String(result);

By the way, can you guess what serialize and deserialize look like?

ADT's with object constructors (??)


And with prototypes and javascript native constructors...

  $Cons = adt.constructors($),
  $Eval = adt($),
  $ObjCons = adt.proto.constructors($),
  $ObjEval = adt.proto($),
  hideTheElephant = $ObjCons.constructor('#elephant').hide(),
  showTheElephant = $ObjCons(['constructor', '#elephant'])('show'),
  result = $ObjEval(hideTheElephant);

Combining ADT's without merging them

  // TODO... perhaps something like...

  api = adt({ 
    math: adt.constructors(Math), 
    expr: adt('plus','minus','mul','div') 
  calc = adt({ 
    math: adt(Math), 
    expr: adt({plus: ..., minus: ..., mul: ..., div: ...})
  formula = api.math.pow(,10), api.expr.mul(10, api.math.cos(-0.3))),
  result = calc(formula);

More information

What is a data type and how exactly can it be algebraic?

There is some confusion around the usage of various terms such as data types, type classes, algebraic data types (ADT's), abstract data types (also ADT's). This is all a bit of a tangled mess in my personal opinion and the vocabulary for these terms probably needs an overhaul... but then, what can you do? These terms have already been established and are currently in wide-spread use.

So! If you were looking for the textbook answer I'll assume that you'd simply go to wikipedia / google. What follows here is a common sense practical definition for JavaScript hackers...

  • A 'variable' is a symbol that stands in the place of some quantity (data)
  • A 'type' or - more precisely - 'data type' annotates a variable with a logical proposition about the quantity that the variable denotes (in other words, a type annotates the variable not the value it denotes and therefore should be considered a compile-time concept)
  • An 'algebraic data type' (or ADT) annotates the variable's quantity with type information about the data (that can only be accessed at run-time by the application) ...additionally algebraic data types works on structured data.

In math algebraic usually refers to the ability to manipulate and interpret structures instead of working directly with underlying quantities. For those of you with an academic slant, this blog post by Kalani Thielen describes some more meta-algebraic stuff that can be done with ADT's.

How can I relate to this library given my object-oriented programming background?

Using OO lingo you could view this library as an emulation of the following design patterns...

With pattern matching thrown into the mix (in version 3.0 and later), we can also talk polymorphism. See if you can apply the following concepts:

Actually... I'm a functional programmer, what do you have for me?

Besides Algebraic data types you mean? Well, ostensibly adt.js brings you a little bit closer to Lisp because, after all, you know how it is. In combination with CoffeeScript you can even write s-expressions.

ADT's built-in serialization is designed to work with Haskell's default Read and Show derivations. So if you happen to be using Haskell server-side there's no need to even convert to json.

Nice examples, are you using it for anything practical?

Sure, adt.js is being used in both production code as well as in open source projects. The most obvious application for ADT's is obviously in the construction of compilers. Pattern matching lends itself to transforming/reducing/expanding expression trees.

Why the weird license?

Simplicity - that's all. When I tell you this code is in the public domain, you know that you're free to do whatever you want with it - for realsies! No need to figure out whether you need to include the license with your code if all you want is to copy a little snippet of code. In a library that provides basic language extensions you really don't want to worry about the licensing implications. Unlike "no bullshit"-style public domain licenses, you know you're also covered in unusual situations where public domain isn't legally recognized (CC0 falls through to an extremely permissive license in this case). CC0 is also very easy to understand and even takes the time to briefly inform you of the practical distinctions between copyright and other legal protections.

Size of various distributions

  • version 1 (unreleased, as of 2012-09-29): 6.1 kb unminified, 2.1 kb minified
  • version 2 (unreleased, as of 2012-09-29): 25.4 kb unminified, 9.1 kb minified
  • version 3 (unreleased, as of 2012-09-29): 26.7 kb unminified, 9.3 kb minified

Future work

Some other features being considered:

  • Naked interfaces (avoid monkey patching evaluator keys onto interfaces for better performance)
  • Two implementations of the pattern matcher is possible, one which optimizes compile speed and one which optimizes dispatch speed.
    • Perhaps implement an adt.compile() function to go from the former to the latter.
  • Add a new private member this._exactpattern - The exact pattern that was matched (including wildcards and value unpacking, for later versions of adt.js)

Related work

Note: Unfortunately there are number of libraries calling themselves adt.js right now. By rights the first library to coin the name appears to be the one by Sjoerd Visscher. Please help by suggesting an alternate name for this library if you have one in mind!


Natural numbers: Church versus Peano

Now we go on a Curry-Howard style exploration of the natural numbers. In other words, we're gonna define nat using dual computational and logical interprations (as church numerals and peano numbers respectively). In this case peano numbers are boxed by data types and church numerals are boxed by lambda abstractions. The numNat implementation is unboxed (or you might say, boxed by the javascript/machine implementation of numbers).

  word = adt('zero','one','two','three','four');

  // Construct natural numbers (either church or peano depending on the implementation of `succ`)
  nat = adt({
    0: 0,
    _: function() { this.succ(this[Number(this._pattern) - 1]()); }

  // Natural numbers implemented using church numerals
  churchNat = adt.recursive(adt(nat, {
    0: function(f) { return function(n) { return n; }; },
    succ: function(f) { return function(n) { return f(n); }; }

  console.log("Church numerals: ");
  console.log("church(0) = ", churchNat[0]());
  console.log("church(1) = ", churchNat[1]());
  console.log("church(2) = ", churchNat[2]());
  console.log("church(5) = ", churchNat[5]());

  // Let's pretend that "peano" is simply the boxed edition of church numerals (via a 'succ' constructor)...
  // (I.e. 'succ' is interpreted as a logical proposition that annotates the value it wraps)
  peanoNat = adt.recursive(adt(nat, { succ: adt('succ') }));

  console.log("Peano numbers: ");
  console.log("peano(0) = ", peanoNat[0]());
  console.log("peano(1) = ", peanoNat[1]());
  console.log("peano(2) = ", peanoNat[2]());
  console.log("peano(5) = ", peanoNat[5]());

     To assert the correctness of the proposition (i.e. provide proof-carying code)
     one might consider writing
     succ: function (n) { 
       assert(arguments.length == 1 && (n === 0 || (adt.isBoxed(n) && adt.getTag(n) === 'succ')));
       return adt('succ')(n); 
     Unfortunately this kind of induction is not really enforcable since `succ` can be applied 
     outside of `peanoNat` and an expression built using `peanoNat` is not read-only.
     For a "fun" time, try to imagine how ecmascript5 `Object.defineProperty` could be used to
     construct truely enforcable proof-carrying code.
     (Hint: by-reference equality is necessary to guarantee uniqueness of the constructor name)

  // Convert a nat to a javascript number
  numberNat = adt.recursive(adt(nat, { 
    succ: function(num) { return num + 1; },

  console.log("JavaScript numbers: ");
  console.log("number(0) = ", numberNat[0]());
  console.log("number(1) = ", numberNat[1]());
  console.log("number(2) = ", numberNat[2]());
  console.log("number(5) = ", numberNat[5]());

  // Convert a church numeral to a javascript number
  churchToNumber = function(churchNum) { churchNum(numberNat.succ)(0); };

  // Convert a peano number to a javascript number
  peanoToNumber = function(peanoNum) { numberNat(peanoNum); };

  // Words 
  wordToNat = adt({
    zero: this[0](),
    one: this[1](),
    two: this[2](),
    three: this[3](),
    four: this[4]()
  // alternatively { zero: 0, one: 1, two: 2, ... };

  wordToPeano = adt(peanoNat, wordNat);
  wordToNumber = adt(numberNat, wordNat);

  // TODO... (to be continued)
  // ....

  // Church style natural number arithmetic
  arithNat = adt.recursive(adt({
    '+': function(a,b) { /* todo... */ },
    '-': function(a,b) { /* todo... */ },
    '*': function(a,b) { /* todo... */ },
    'exp': function(a,b) { /* todo... */ }

Rule 110

  rule110 = adt({
    111: 0,
    110: 1,
    101: 1,
    100: 0,
    011: 1,
    010: 1,
    001: 1,
    000: 0


Safe multi-target SQL serialization

Huffman tree


Algebraic data types for JavaScript







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