In this part I will explain a little about the functions within the program, for study purposes, if you are thinking of implementing your own intel 8080 emulator, you can also take my code as a reference for your implementation, lets go!!
part that the user can use to develop some application on top of the emulator
void i8080_init()
- function/method that will initialize the flags and registers
byte_t get_register_c()
- will bring the value of the C Register
word_t get_flag_sp()
- will bring the value of the SP(Stack Pointer)
word_t get_pc()
- will bring the value of the PC(Program Counter)
word_t get_register_hl()
- will bring the value of the HL Tree Pair Register
word_t get_register_bc()
- will bring the value of the BC Tree Pair Register
byte_t get_register_e()
- will bring the value of the E Register
word_t get_register_de()
- will bring the value of the HL Tree Pair Register
int get_cycles()
- will bring the value of the Cycles
byte_t *memory_addr()
- pointer to memory address
void load_file_bin(std::string name, * byte_t *load);
- it is function/method will load binary/opcode into processor memory/intel8080
void i8080_instructions()
- will increment the PC by reading and executing opcode the loaded processor memory
signed get_size_mem()
- returns size and bytes loaded in memory
intel 8080 instructions implemented in my emulator in the book will explain in detail what each instruction will do and what it serves in the program
void push(word_t data16)
- Only method/function to add to the program stack, decreasing the SP - 2
word_t pop();
- will unstack the program stack by incrementing SP + 2
void add(word_t data16)
- will make an addition with the data16 and the A(Accumulator) and the affected flags will be Z,S,P,AC,C
void adc(word_t data16)
- will make an addition with the data16 and the A(Accumulator) and C and the affected flags will be Z,S,P,AC,C
void dad(word_t data16)
- adds the contents of the hl record pair, and the result is e hl
void jmp()
- will push memory with PC content and then jump to PC's incremented address + 2
void call();
void rst(word_t addr)
- the program continues at the last address
void sub(word_t data16)
- the accumulator subtracts the contents of the addressed position the affected flags will be Z,S,P,AC,C
void sbb(word_t data16)
- the accumulator subtracts any less CF the contents of the addressed position the affected flags will be Z,S,P,AC,C
void cmp(word_t data16)
- compare accumulator the affected flags will be Z,S,P,AC,C
void ana(word_t data16)
- the contents of the accumulator are logically 'and' combined and the affected flags will be Z,S,P,AC,C
void ora(word_t data16)
- the contents of the accumulator are logically 'or' combined and the affected flags will be Z,S,P,AC,C
void xra(word_t data16)
- logically combines 'exclusive-or' the contents of the accumulator with that of the flags and the affected flags will be Z,S,P,AC,C
word_t inr(word_t data16)
- increment register + 1 and the affected flags will be Z,S,P,AC
word_t dcr(word_t data16)
- decrement register - 1 the affected flags will be Z,S,P,AC
void daa();
void xthl();
void xchg();
void ral();
void rar();