This is a comprehensive and simple step by step guide, that came from a demo of adding CustomerTestsExcel to an existing solution. The demo took around an hour, with discussion and questions.
It includes the following:
- Adding a new Excel test
- Generating code to setup properties on interfaces in your code
- Calling your code during the test
Copy the sample tests
- Copy the SampleSystemUnderTest and SampleTests folders from the scaffolding repo and add them to the solution
- Run the tests, which will confirm that the SampleTests compile, run and pass
Update GenerateTests.bat
- Update SampleTests\GenerateTests.bat
- The path to the nuget package will probably be different
- The path in /assembliesUnderTest will be different (C# reflection requires the use of absolute paths)
- Run GenerateTests.bat, which will confirm that it works
- Run the tests
Create a new test
- Copy this example test (screenshot below) to SampleTests\ExcelTests
- Setup some data for an interface in your code, instead of the YourInterface used in the example. The framework will prefix this with an "I" when matching interfaces in your code.
- Maybe replace "Calculate" in the When section with a name appropriate to your context. This could be the name of a method on a class that you are testing, for example.
- Maybe replace "Result" in the Then section with a name appropriate to your context. This could be the name of the thing that is returned from the system under test for example.
- Create SampleTests\Setup\SutTestHarnessPartial.cs and write stubs for then When and Then parts of the test ("Result" and "Calculate()" in the example)
- Run the tests, which should fail as we haven't implemented When and Then yet
Generate code for the new test
- Add a reference to your System Under Test project from SampleTests.csproj
- Add the name of this project to the /usings parameter in GenerateTests.bat
- Add the path of the built dll for this project (for example C:\YourSolution\YourProject\bin\debug\YourProject.dll") to the /assembliesUnderTest parameter in GenerateTests.bat
- Add implementations for the When and Then parts SutTestHarnessPartial.cs to use your code
- Run the tests, which should now pass
- Everything should now work, but you may wish to rename "SutTestHarness" to something more appropriate for your context. It usually makes sense to name this after the System Under Test.