diff --git a/.github/workflows/validation.yml b/.github/workflows/validation.yml
index 98a484c8..7220179e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/validation.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/validation.yml
@@ -144,3 +144,27 @@ jobs:
cd ${{ env.RAW_LIB_PATH }}/pipeline/external/dream
restManager --c dream.rml --f dummyDreamData.fdf
restRoot -b -q dream.C
+ BiPoData:
+ name: Process BiPo data
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ container:
+ image: ghcr.io/lobis/root-geant4-garfield:rest-for-physics
+ needs: [ build-rawlib ]
+ steps:
+ - uses: rest-for-physics/framework/.github/actions/checkout@master
+ with:
+ branch: ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}
+ repository: rest-for-physics/rawlib
+ path: ${{ env.RAW_LIB_PATH }}
+ - name: Restore cache
+ uses: actions/cache@v3
+ id: rawlib-install-cache
+ with:
+ key: ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}-${{ github.sha }}
+ path: ${{ env.REST_PATH }}
+ - name: BiPo data
+ run: |
+ source ${{ env.REST_PATH }}/thisREST.sh
+ cd ${{ env.RAW_LIB_PATH }}/pipeline/external/BiPo
+ restManager --c BiPoToRawSignal.rml --f BiPo3Mod2_run_2600.data
+ restRoot -b -q Validate.C
diff --git a/examples/01.BiPo/BiPoToRawSignal.rml b/examples/01.BiPo/BiPoToRawSignal.rml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3fa6f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/01.BiPo/BiPoToRawSignal.rml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
diff --git a/examples/01.BiPo/panel.xml b/examples/01.BiPo/panel.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b6a1ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/01.BiPo/panel.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/examples/01.BiPo/plots.rml b/examples/01.BiPo/plots.rml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06f8f9f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/01.BiPo/plots.rml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
diff --git a/images/BiPo.png b/images/BiPo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68bef8e0
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/BiPo.png differ
diff --git a/inc/TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess.h b/inc/TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c15f1666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ * This file is part of the REST software framework. *
+ * *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 GIFNA/TREX (University of Zaragoza) *
+ * For more information see http://gifna.unizar.es/trex *
+ * *
+ * REST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * REST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have a copy of the GNU General Public License along with *
+ * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. *
+ * For the list of contributors see $REST_PATH/CREDITS. *
+ *************************************************************************/
+#ifndef RestCore_TRestBiPoToSignalProcess
+#define RestCore_TRestBiPoToSignalProcess
+#include "TRestRawSignalEvent.h"
+#include "TRestRawToSignalProcess.h"
+constexpr size_t CTAG_SZ = 4;
+constexpr int MATACQ_N_CH = 4; // Number of channels
+constexpr int MATACQ_MAX_DATA_SAMP = 10240; // Max number of samples for
+constexpr int MATACQ_BIPO_TIMEOUT = 0; // BiPo mode timeout
+constexpr uint32_t MATACQ_UNDERFLOW = 0x0000;
+constexpr uint32_t MATACQ_ZERO = 0x8000;
+constexpr uint32_t MATACQ_OVERFLOW = 0xFFFF;
+constexpr char TAG_RUN_START[] = "STA";
+constexpr char TAG_RUN_BIPO[] = "ST2";
+constexpr char TAG_RUN_STOP[] = "STO";
+constexpr char TAG_ACQ[] = "ACQ";
+constexpr char TAG_ACQ_2[] = "AC2";
+//! An process to read binary data from BiPo electronics
+class TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess : public TRestRawToSignalProcess {
+ public:
+ /// A structure to store the configuration settings of Matacq board
+ struct MatacqBoard {
+ /// The base memory address of the Matacq board
+ int32_t address;
+ std::array en_ch;
+ std::array trg_ch;
+ int32_t Trig_Type;
+ int32_t Threshold;
+ int32_t Nb_Acq;
+ int32_t Posttrig;
+ int32_t Time_Tag_On;
+ int32_t Sampling_GHz;
+ std::array ch_shifts;
+ int32_t nChannels;
+ };
+ /// A structure to store the BiPo settings
+ struct BiPoSettings {
+ int32_t trigger_address;
+ int32_t Win1_Posttrig;
+ int32_t Timeout_200KHz;
+ std::array Trig_Chan;
+ std::array Level1_mV;
+ std::array Level2_mV;
+ int32_t t1_window;
+ int32_t t2_window;
+ int32_t t1_t2_timeout;
+ };
+ protected:
+ /// The number of Matacq boards present on the setup
+ Int_t fNBoards = 0; ///<
+ /// A vector of Matacq boards that contain the information of each card
+ std::vector fMatacqBoard; //<
+ /// A vector of BiPo settings
+ std::vector fBiPoSettings; //<
+ /// A temporary counter used to define the event id
+ Int_t fEventCounter = 0; //!
+ void ReadHeader();
+ void ReadFooter();
+ void ReadBoard();
+ void ReadBiPoSetup();
+ Int_t ReadBiPoEventData(std::vector& mdata);
+ UInt_t GetBoardIndex(Int_t address);
+ Int_t GetBin(Int_t boardIndex, Int_t channel, Int_t bin);
+ public:
+ void InitProcess() override;
+ void Initialize() override;
+ TRestEvent* ProcessEvent(TRestEvent* inputEvent) override;
+ /// Returs a given process name
+ const char* GetProcessName() const override { return "BiPoToSignal"; }
+ void PrintMetadata() override;
+ /// It gives access to a Matacq board confituration
+ MatacqBoard GetMatacqBoard(Int_t n) { return n > fNBoards ? (MatacqBoard){} : fMatacqBoard[n]; }
+ /// It gives access to confituration of BiPo settings
+ BiPoSettings GetBiPoSettings(Int_t n) { return n > fNBoards ? (BiPoSettings){} : fBiPoSettings[n]; }
+ TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess();
+ ~TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess();
+ ClassDefOverride(TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess, 1);
diff --git a/inc/TRestRawToSignalProcess.h b/inc/TRestRawToSignalProcess.h
index 0ef01b37..e35754fd 100644
--- a/inc/TRestRawToSignalProcess.h
+++ b/inc/TRestRawToSignalProcess.h
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class TRestRawToSignalProcess : public TRestEventProcess {
fSubRunOrigin = fRunInfo->GetSubRunNumber();
- void PrintMetadata() override;
+ virtual void PrintMetadata() override;
void Initialize() override;
TRestMetadata* GetProcessMetadata() const { return nullptr; }
diff --git a/pipeline/external/BiPo/BiPo3Mod2_run_2600.data b/pipeline/external/BiPo/BiPo3Mod2_run_2600.data
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e117aac
Binary files /dev/null and b/pipeline/external/BiPo/BiPo3Mod2_run_2600.data differ
diff --git a/pipeline/external/BiPo/BiPoToRawSignal.rml b/pipeline/external/BiPo/BiPoToRawSignal.rml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ab66272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/external/BiPo/BiPoToRawSignal.rml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ // We define all observables except MinValue because is not yet on validation.root
diff --git a/pipeline/external/BiPo/Validate.C b/pipeline/external/BiPo/Validate.C
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a160d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/external/BiPo/Validate.C
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Int_t Validate() {
+ TRestRun run("RawData_BiPo3Mod2_02600.root");
+ TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess* bipo =
+ (TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess*)run.GetMetadataClass("TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess");
+ int checksum = bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).address;
+ checksum += bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).en_ch[0] + bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).en_ch[1] +
+ bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).en_ch[2] + bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).en_ch[3];
+ checksum += bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).trg_ch[0] + bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).trg_ch[1] +
+ bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).trg_ch[2] + bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).trg_ch[3];
+ checksum += bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).Trig_Type;
+ checksum += bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).Threshold;
+ checksum += bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).Nb_Acq;
+ checksum += bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).Posttrig;
+ checksum += bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).Time_Tag_On;
+ checksum += bipo->GetMatacqBoard(9).Sampling_GHz;
+ std::cout << "Checksum: " << checksum << std::endl;
+ if (checksum != 145) {
+ std::cout << "Error. Matacq settings of the latest board seem to be wrong!" << std::endl;
+ bipo->PrintMetadata();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ checksum = bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).trigger_address;
+ checksum += bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Win1_Posttrig;
+ checksum += bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Timeout_200KHz;
+ checksum += bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Trig_Chan[0] + bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Trig_Chan[1] +
+ bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Trig_Chan[2] + bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Trig_Chan[3];
+ checksum += bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Level1_mV[0] + bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Level1_mV[1] +
+ bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Level1_mV[2] + bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Level1_mV[3];
+ checksum += bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Level2_mV[0] + bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Level2_mV[1] +
+ bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Level2_mV[2] + bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).Level2_mV[3];
+ checksum += bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).t1_window;
+ checksum += bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).t2_window;
+ checksum += bipo->GetBiPoSettings(9).t1_t2_timeout;
+ std::cout << "Checksum: " << checksum << std::endl;
+ if (checksum != 3748) {
+ std::cout << "Error. BiPo settings of the latest board seem to be wrong!" << std::endl;
+ bipo->PrintMetadata();
+ return 2;
+ }
+ TRestEvent* ev = (TRestEvent*)run.GetInputEvent();
+ run.GetEntry(4);
+ std::cout.precision(12);
+ std::cout << "Time stamp: " << round(100. * ev->GetTime()) / 100. << std::endl;
+ if (round(100. * ev->GetTime()) != 137550274597) {
+ std::cout << "A problem occurred reading the event time stamp!" << std::endl;
+ return 3;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/pipeline/external/BiPo/globals.xml b/pipeline/external/BiPo/globals.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b627f015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/external/BiPo/globals.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ %options are : silent, warning, info, silent
diff --git a/pipeline/external/BiPo/run.xml b/pipeline/external/BiPo/run.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1438ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipeline/external/BiPo/run.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/src/TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess.cxx b/src/TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffa92cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+ * This file is part of the REST software framework. *
+ * *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 GIFNA/TREX (University of Zaragoza) *
+ * For more information see http://gifna.unizar.es/trex *
+ * *
+ * REST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * REST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have a copy of the GNU General Public License along with *
+ * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. *
+ * For the list of contributors see $REST_PATH/CREDITS. *
+ *************************************************************************/
+/// The TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess reads a binary file based on the BiPo
+/// acquisition. This acquisition consists of several Matacq boards that
+/// register waveforms coming from two different sources managed by the
+/// BiPo trigger configuration.
+/// This process reads the header of the input file placing the header
+/// information in two different c-structures MatacqBoard and BiPoSettings.
+/// For the moment the input file needs to be read uncompressed. If we got
+/// compressed data, we will need to uncompress it before start the processing
+/// with restManager, as follows:
+/// \code
+/// gzip -d -c /path/to/binary/data/BiPo3Mod2_run_2600.data.gz > /tmp/BiPo3Mod2_run_2600.data
+/// restManager --c /path/to/rml/BiPoToRawSignal.rml --f /tmp/BiPo3Mod2_run_2600.data
+/// rm /tmp/BiPo3Mod2_run_2600.data
+/// \endcode
+/// The file `BiPoToRawSignal.rml` can be found inside the `pipeline/external/BiPo`.
+/// Additional information might be found at the
+/// [following PR](https://github.com/rest-for-physics/rawlib/pull/106).
+/// The produced event consists of 4-channels, each channel being divided in two
+/// time windows, the first window goes from 1 to 1500 samples, and the second
+/// window goes from 1501 to 2460.
+/// \htmlonly \endhtmlonly
+/// ![An example of the acquired event](BiPo.png)
+/// \warning **⚠ REST is under continous development.** This documentation
+/// is offered to you by the REST community. Your HELP is needed to keep this
+/// code up to date. Your feedback will be worth to support this software, please
+/// report any problems/suggestions you may find will using it at [The REST Framework
+/// forum](http://ezpc10.unizar.es). You are welcome to contribute fixing typos,
+/// updating information or adding/proposing new contributions. See also our
+/// Contribution
+/// Guide.
+/// RESTsoft - Software for Rare Event Searches with TPCs
+/// History of developments:
+/// 2023-May: First implementation (from https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/bipo/matacqana.git)
+/// Javier Galan
+/// \class TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess
+/// \author Javier Galan
+#include "TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess.h"
+using namespace std;
+#include "TTimeStamp.h"
+#include "zlib.h"
+/// \brief Default constructor
+TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess() { Initialize(); }
+/// \brief Default destructor
+TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::~TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess() {}
+/// \brief Function to initialize input/output event members and define the section name
+void TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::Initialize() {
+ TRestRawToSignalProcess::Initialize();
+ SetLibraryVersion(LIBRARY_VERSION);
+/// \brief Process initialization. Data members that require initialization just before start processing
+/// should be initialized here.
+void TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::InitProcess() {
+ TRestRawToSignalProcess::InitProcess();
+ fEventCounter = 0;
+ tStart = 0; // timeStamp of the run initially set to 0
+ RESTInfo << "TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::InitProcess" << RESTendl;
+ //// Validating the file type
+ char buffer[CTAG_SZ];
+ if (fread(buffer, sizeof(char), CTAG_SZ, fInputBinFile) != CTAG_SZ) {
+ printf("Error: could not read first prefix.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += CTAG_SZ * sizeof(char);
+ if (strcmp(buffer, TAG_RUN_BIPO) != 0) {
+ RESTError << "The file " << fInputFileNames[0] << " is not BiPo format" << RESTendl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /// Reading MATACQ boards and BiPo setup settings
+ ReadHeader();
+ if (GetVerboseLevel() >= TRestStringOutput::REST_Verbose_Level::REST_Debug) GetChar();
+/// \brief The main processing event function
+TRestEvent* TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::ProcessEvent(TRestEvent* inputEvent) {
+ RESTDebug << "-------Start of TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::ProcessEvent------------" << RESTendl;
+ fEventCounter++;
+ RESTDebug << "--- Starting to process event id: " << fEventCounter << RESTendl;
+ /// Initializing the new signal event
+ fSignalEvent->Initialize();
+ fSignalEvent->SetRunOrigin(fRunOrigin);
+ fSignalEvent->SetSubRunOrigin(fSubRunOrigin);
+ fSignalEvent->SetID(fEventCounter);
+ char buffer[CTAG_SZ];
+ if (fread(buffer, sizeof(char), CTAG_SZ, fInputBinFile) != CTAG_SZ) {
+ printf("Error: could not read first ACQ prefix.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += CTAG_SZ * sizeof(char);
+ if (strcmp(buffer, TAG_RUN_STOP) == 0) {
+ RESTDebug << "The run ends" << RESTendl;
+ ReadFooter();
+ // The processing thread finishes
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(buffer, TAG_ACQ) == 0 || strcmp(buffer, TAG_ACQ_2) == 0) {
+ RESTDebug << "A new event comes" << RESTendl;
+ std::vector data;
+ Int_t boardAddress = ReadBiPoEventData(data);
+ Int_t bIndex = GetBoardIndex(boardAddress);
+ if (bIndex < 0) {
+ RESTError << "TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::ProcessEvent." << RESTendl;
+ RESTError << "Board index not found!" << RESTendl;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RESTDebug << "Number of channels : " << fMatacqBoard[bIndex].nChannels << RESTendl;
+ for (int nch = 0; nch < fMatacqBoard[bIndex].nChannels; nch++) {
+ TRestRawSignal sgnl;
+ sgnl.Initialize();
+ sgnl.SetSignalID(100 * boardAddress + nch);
+ Int_t nBins = fBiPoSettings[bIndex].t1_window + fBiPoSettings[bIndex].t2_window;
+ for (int b = 0; b < nBins; b++) {
+ Short_t sdata = data[GetBin(bIndex, nch, b)];
+ Short_t v = MATACQ_ZERO - sdata; // Inversing polarity
+ if (sdata == MATACQ_OVERFLOW) {
+ v = 0;
+ }
+ if (sdata == MATACQ_UNDERFLOW) {
+ v = TMath::Power(2, 12);
+ }
+ if (sgnl.GetSignalID() >= 0) sgnl.AddPoint(v);
+ }
+ RESTDebug << "Adding signal with id : " << sgnl.GetID() << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "Number of points: " << sgnl.GetNumberOfPoints() << RESTendl;
+ fSignalEvent->AddSignal(sgnl);
+ }
+ return fSignalEvent;
+ }
+ // The processing thread will be finished if return nullptr is reached
+ return nullptr;
+/// \brief This method reads the header data containing the run timestamp,
+/// the number of Matacq boards, and the settings of each of the Matacq and
+/// BiPo boards.
+void TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::ReadFooter() {
+ RESTDebug << "Entering TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::ReadFooter" << RESTendl;
+ int32_t tmp;
+ /// Reading the run start timestamp
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read timestamp.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ Double_t runEndTime = (Double_t)tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read timestamp (us).\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ runEndTime += 1.e-6 * (Double_t)tmp;
+ fRunInfo->SetEndTimeStamp(runEndTime);
+/// \brief This method reads the header data containing the run timestamp,
+/// the number of Matacq boards, and the settings of each of the Matacq and
+/// BiPo boards.
+void TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::ReadHeader() {
+ RESTDebug << "Entering TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::ReadHeader" << RESTendl;
+ int32_t tmp;
+ /// Reading the run start timestamp
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read timestamp.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ Double_t runStartTime = (Double_t)tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read timestamp (us).\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ runStartTime += 1.e-6 * (Double_t)tmp;
+ fRunInfo->SetStartTimeStamp(runStartTime);
+ uint32_t nBoards;
+ if (fread(&nBoards, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read nBoards.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ fNBoards = nBoards;
+ RESTDebug << "N boards: " << fNBoards << RESTendl;
+ for (int n = 0; n < fNBoards; n++) {
+ ReadBoard();
+ int32_t bipo;
+ if (fread(&bipo, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read BiPo flag.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ if (bipo != 1) {
+ RESTError << "The file " << fInputFileNames[0] << " is not BiPo format" << RESTendl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ ReadBiPoSetup();
+ }
+/// \brief This method reads the settings of one of the Matacq boards.
+void TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::ReadBoard() {
+ MatacqBoard board;
+ int32_t tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read base matacq address.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ board.address = tmp;
+ if (fread(&board.en_ch[0], sizeof(int32_t), MATACQ_N_CH, fInputBinFile) != MATACQ_N_CH) {
+ printf("Error: could not read base matacq en_ch.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += MATACQ_N_CH * sizeof(int32_t);
+ int cnt = 0;
+ board.nChannels = 0;
+ for (int ich = (MATACQ_N_CH - 1); ich >= 0; ich--) {
+ if (board.en_ch[ich] == 1) {
+ board.nChannels = board.nChannels + 1;
+ board.ch_shifts[ich] = cnt;
+ cnt++;
+ } else {
+ board.ch_shifts[ich] = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fread(&board.trg_ch[0], sizeof(int32_t), MATACQ_N_CH, fInputBinFile) != MATACQ_N_CH) {
+ printf("Error: could not read base matacq trg_ch.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += MATACQ_N_CH * sizeof(int32_t);
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read Trig type.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ board.Trig_Type = tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read Threshold.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ board.Threshold = tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read Nb_Acq.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ board.Nb_Acq = tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read Posttrig.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ board.Posttrig = tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read Time_Tag_On.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ board.Time_Tag_On = tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read Sampling_GHz.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ board.Sampling_GHz = tmp;
+ RESTDebug << "MATACQ Base memory address: " << board.address << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "En[0]: " << board.en_ch[0] << " En[1]: " << board.en_ch[1] << " En[2]: " << board.en_ch[2]
+ << " En[3]: " << board.en_ch[3] << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "Trg[0]: " << board.trg_ch[0] << " Trg[1]: " << board.trg_ch[1]
+ << " Trg[2]: " << board.trg_ch[2] << " Trg[3]: " << board.trg_ch[3] << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << " " << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "Trigger type: " << board.Trig_Type << " Threshold: " << board.Threshold << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "Nb_Acq: " << board.Nb_Acq << " Posttrig: " << board.Posttrig << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "Time_Tag_On: " << board.Time_Tag_On << " Sampling_GHz: " << board.Sampling_GHz << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << " -- " << RESTendl;
+ fMatacqBoard.push_back(board);
+/// \brief This method reads the header data corresponding to the
+/// BiPo settings of one card.
+void TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::ReadBiPoSetup() {
+ BiPoSettings bipo;
+ int32_t tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read BiPo trigger address.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ bipo.trigger_address = tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read BiPo Win1 Posttrig.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ bipo.Win1_Posttrig = tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read BiPo timeout 200KHz.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ bipo.Timeout_200KHz = tmp;
+ if (fread(&bipo.Trig_Chan[0], sizeof(int32_t), MATACQ_N_CH, fInputBinFile) != MATACQ_N_CH) {
+ printf("Error: could not read Trig_Chan.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += MATACQ_N_CH * sizeof(int32_t);
+ if (fread(&bipo.Level1_mV[0], sizeof(int32_t), MATACQ_N_CH, fInputBinFile) != MATACQ_N_CH) {
+ printf("Error: could not read Level1_mV.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += MATACQ_N_CH * sizeof(int32_t);
+ if (fread(&bipo.Level2_mV[0], sizeof(int32_t), MATACQ_N_CH, fInputBinFile) != MATACQ_N_CH) {
+ printf("Error: could not read Level2_mV.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += MATACQ_N_CH * sizeof(int32_t);
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read BiPo Win1 Posttrig.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ bipo.t1_window = tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read BiPo Win1 Posttrig.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ bipo.t2_window = tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read BiPo Win1 Posttrig.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ bipo.t1_t2_timeout = tmp;
+ RESTDebug << "BiPo trigger address: " << bipo.trigger_address << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "Win1 Posttrig: " << bipo.Win1_Posttrig << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "Timeout [200KHz]: " << bipo.Timeout_200KHz << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << " " << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "Trig_Chan[0]: " << bipo.Trig_Chan[0] << " Trig_Chan[1]: " << bipo.Trig_Chan[1]
+ << " Trig_Chan[2]: " << bipo.Trig_Chan[2] << " Trig_Chan[3]: " << bipo.Trig_Chan[3] << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "Level1_mV[0]: " << bipo.Level1_mV[0] << " Level1_mV[1]: " << bipo.Level1_mV[1]
+ << " Level1_mV[2]: " << bipo.Level1_mV[2] << " Level1_mV[3]: " << bipo.Level1_mV[3] << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "Level2_mV[0]: " << bipo.Level2_mV[0] << " Level2_mV[1]: " << bipo.Level2_mV[1]
+ << " Level2_mV[2]: " << bipo.Level2_mV[2] << " Level2_mV[3]: " << bipo.Level2_mV[3] << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << " " << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "T1 window: " << bipo.t1_window << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "T2 window: " << bipo.t2_window << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << "T1-T2 timeout: " << bipo.t1_t2_timeout << RESTendl;
+ RESTDebug << " -- " << RESTendl;
+ fBiPoSettings.push_back(bipo);
+/// \brief This method reads the event data corresponding to one event.
+/// The sampled channel data that will be made accessible at the `mdata`
+/// pointer provided as argument.
+/// The event timestamp and the triggered board values will be also read
+/// here. The event timestamp will be assigned to the fSignalEvent, while
+/// the triggered board address will be returned and it will be used
+/// later on to generate a signal id.
+Int_t TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::ReadBiPoEventData(std::vector& mdata) {
+ int32_t tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read tmp .\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ Int_t boardAddress = tmp;
+ RESTDebug << " Event address --> " << boardAddress << RESTendl;
+ // int32_t event_address = tmp; // It is this important?
+ // Probably board where it took place the event?
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read tmp .\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ Double_t timeStamp = tmp;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read tmp .\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ timeStamp += 1.e-6 * (Double_t)tmp;
+ fSignalEvent->SetTime(timeStamp);
+ RESTDebug << "Event time stamp: " << timeStamp << RESTendl;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read tmp .\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ int32_t data_size = tmp;
+ RESTDebug << "Data size --> " << tmp << RESTendl;
+ if (fread(&tmp, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fInputBinFile) != 1) {
+ printf("Error: could not read BiPo trigger address.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += sizeof(int32_t);
+ RESTDebug << " T1-T2 distance --> " << tmp << RESTendl;
+ mdata.resize(data_size);
+ if (fread(&mdata[0], sizeof(uint16_t), data_size, fInputBinFile) != (size_t)data_size) {
+ printf("Error: could not read MATACQ data.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ totalBytesReaded += data_size * sizeof(uint16_t);
+ return boardAddress;
+/// \brief It returns the std::vector storage index using the hardware
+/// address of the Matacq board.
+UInt_t TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::GetBoardIndex(Int_t address) {
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < fMatacqBoard.size(); n++)
+ if (fMatacqBoard[n].address == address) return n;
+ return -1;
+/// \brief It returns the ordered channel value from the Matacq memory buffer for a given
+/// board, channel and time sample, or bin.
+Int_t TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::GetBin(Int_t boardIndex, Int_t channel, Int_t bin) {
+ MatacqBoard board = fMatacqBoard[boardIndex];
+ return board.ch_shifts[channel] + board.nChannels * bin;
+/// \brief Prints out the Matacq boards configuration and BiPo setup
+void TRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::PrintMetadata() {
+ TRestMetadata::PrintMetadata();
+ RESTMetadata << "Number of Matacq boards : " << fNBoards << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " " << RESTendl;
+ for (int n = 0; n < fNBoards; n++) {
+ RESTMetadata << " " << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << "Board address: " << fMatacqBoard[n].address << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << "----" << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Enabled channels: " << fMatacqBoard[n].en_ch[0] << " - "
+ << fMatacqBoard[n].en_ch[1] << " - " << fMatacqBoard[n].en_ch[2] << " - "
+ << fMatacqBoard[n].en_ch[3] << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Trigger channels: " << fMatacqBoard[n].trg_ch[0] << " - "
+ << fMatacqBoard[n].trg_ch[1] << " - " << fMatacqBoard[n].trg_ch[2] << " - "
+ << fMatacqBoard[n].trg_ch[3] << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Trigger type: " << fMatacqBoard[n].Trig_Type << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Threshold: " << fMatacqBoard[n].Threshold << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Nb_Acq: " << fMatacqBoard[n].Nb_Acq << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Posttrig: " << fMatacqBoard[n].Posttrig << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Time_Tag_On: " << fMatacqBoard[n].Time_Tag_On << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Sampling_GHz: " << fMatacqBoard[n].Sampling_GHz << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " " << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << "BiPo trigger settings. Address : " << fBiPoSettings[n].trigger_address << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << "----" << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Win1 Posttrig: " << fBiPoSettings[n].Win1_Posttrig << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Timeout [200KHz]: " << fBiPoSettings[n].Timeout_200KHz << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Trigger channels: " << fBiPoSettings[n].Trig_Chan[0] << " - "
+ << fBiPoSettings[n].Trig_Chan[1] << " - " << fBiPoSettings[n].Trig_Chan[2] << " - "
+ << fBiPoSettings[n].Trig_Chan[3] << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Level 1 [mV]: " << fBiPoSettings[n].Level1_mV[0] << " - "
+ << fBiPoSettings[n].Level1_mV[1] << " - " << fBiPoSettings[n].Level1_mV[2] << " - "
+ << fBiPoSettings[n].Level1_mV[3] << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - Level 2 [mV]: " << fBiPoSettings[n].Level2_mV[0] << " - "
+ << fBiPoSettings[n].Level2_mV[2] << " - " << fBiPoSettings[n].Level2_mV[2] << " - "
+ << fBiPoSettings[n].Level2_mV[3] << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - T1 window: " << fBiPoSettings[n].t1_window << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - T2 window: " << fBiPoSettings[n].t2_window << RESTendl;
+ RESTMetadata << " - T1-T2 timeout: " << fBiPoSettings[n].t1_t2_timeout << RESTendl;
+ }
+ RESTMetadata << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << RESTendl;
diff --git a/src/TRestRawSignalEvent.cxx b/src/TRestRawSignalEvent.cxx
index f49cf150..84b31a46 100644
--- a/src/TRestRawSignalEvent.cxx
+++ b/src/TRestRawSignalEvent.cxx
@@ -643,6 +643,7 @@ void TRestRawSignalEvent::DrawSignals(TPad* pad, const std::vector& signa
signalMaxID->fGraph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Amplitude [a.u.]");
+ signalMaxID->fGraph->SetLineColor(kBlack);
for (const auto& signalID : signals) {