.. index:: change history
3.3.0: | planned: 2019-09-01 |
3.2.9: | -tba-
3.2.8: | 2017-04-01
v3.2.6 (2015.04.13): | bcdaqwidgets has replaced PySide with PyQt4, do that here |
v3.2.5 (2014.12.05): | make URL be an active (QPushButton) link in About box |
v3.2.4 (2014-11-24): | Log status updates from :class:`pvMail.PvMail()` in the GUI |
v3.2.3 (2014-11-19): | email sent in separate thread, PV content shown in GUI when connected |
v3.2.0 (2014-11-18): | refactor GUI to Qt4 framework |
v3.1.0 (2014-11-11): | add optional SMTP email support and configuration file |
v3.0.5 (2014-11-06): | move project to https://github.com/prjemian/pvMail |
v3.0.4 (2014-11-05): | make docs build at http://pvmail.readthedocs.org |
v3.0.3 (2014-07-10): |
v3.0.2 (2013-10-18): | Simplify startup of |
v3.0.1 (2012-09-07): |
v3.0 (2012-06-19): | release of new code |
2011-11-23 prj: | complete rewrite using PyEpics and combined GUI (Traits) and CLI |
2009-12-02 prj: | converted to use wxPython (no Tkinter or Pmw) |
2005.09.07 kag: | Initial alpha version. Needs testing. |