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Helm chart to deploy the Orchestrator solution suite on OpenShift, including Janus IDP backstage, SonataFlow Operator, OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing and Knative Serving.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Orchestrator chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
sonataFlowOperator.isReleaseCandidate Indicates RC builds should be used by the chart to install Sonataflow false
sonataFlowOperator.enabled whether the operator should be deployed by the chart true
sonataFlowOperator.subscription.namespace namespace where the operator should be deployed "openshift-serverless-logic" channel of an operator package to subscribe to "alpha"
sonataFlowOperator.subscription.installPlanApproval whether the update should be installed automatically "Automatic" name of the operator package "logic-operator-rhel8"
sonataFlowOperator.subscription.sourceName name of the catalog source "redhat-operators"
sonataFlowOperator.subscription.startingCSV The initial version of the operator "logic-operator-rhel8.v1.33.0"
serverlessOperator.enabled whether the operator should be deployed by the chart true
serverlessOperator.subscription.namespace namespace where the operator should be deployed "openshift-serverless" channel of an operator package to subscribe to "stable"
serverlessOperator.subscription.installPlanApproval whether the update should be installed automatically "Automatic" name of the operator package "serverless-operator"
serverlessOperator.subscription.sourceName name of the catalog source "redhat-operators"
rhdhOperator.isReleaseCandidate Indicates RC builds should be used by the chart to install RHDH false
rhdhOperator.enabled whether the operator should be deployed by the chart true
rhdhOperator.enableGuestProvider whether to enable guest provider false
rhdhOperator.catalogBranch The branch for used to import software templates resources "v1.2.x" name of the secret that contains the credentials for the plugin to establish a communication channel with the Kubernetes API, ArgoCD, GitHub servers and SMTP mail server. "backstage-backend-auth-secret"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.backstage.backendSecret Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the Backstage backend secret. Defaults to 'BACKEND_SECRET'. It's required. "BACKEND_SECRET"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.github.token Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the authentication token as expected by GitHub. Required for importing resource to the catalog, launching software templates and more. Defaults to 'GITHUB_TOKEN', empty for not available. "GITHUB_TOKEN"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.github.clientId Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the client ID that you generated on GitHub, for GitHub authentication (requires GitHub App). Defaults to 'GITHUB_CLIENT_ID', empty for not available. "GITHUB_CLIENT_ID"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.github.clientSecret Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the client secret tied to the generated client ID. Defaults to 'GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET', empty for not available. "GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.k8s.clusterToken Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the Kubernetes API bearer token used for authentication. Defaults to 'K8S_CLUSTER_TOKEN', empty for not available. "K8S_CLUSTER_TOKEN"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.k8s.clusterUrl Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the API URL of the kubernetes cluster. Defaults to 'K8S_CLUSTER_URL', empty for not available. "K8S_CLUSTER_URL"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.argocd.url Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the URL of the ArgoCD API server. Defaults to 'ARGOCD_URL', empty for not available. "ARGOCD_URL"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.argocd.username Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the username to login to ArgoCD. Defaults to 'ARGOCD_USERNAME', empty for not available. "ARGOCD_USERNAME"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.argocd.password Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the password to authenticate to ArgoCD. Defaults to 'ARGOCD_PASSWORD', empty for not available. "ARGOCD_PASSWORD"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.notificationsEmail.hostname Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the hostname of the SMTP server for the notifications plugin. Defaults to 'NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_HOSTNAME', empty for not available. "NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_HOSTNAME"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.notificationsEmail.username Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the username of the SMTP server for the notifications plugin. Defaults to 'NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_USERNAME', empty for not available. "NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_USERNAME"
rhdhOperator.secretRef.notificationsEmail.password Key in the secret with name defined in the 'name' field that contains the value of the password of the SMTP server for the notifications plugin. Defaults to 'NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_PASSWORD', empty for not available. "NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_PASSWORD"
rhdhOperator.subscription.namespace namespace where the operator should be deployed "rhdh-operator" channel of an operator package to subscribe to "fast-1.2"
rhdhOperator.subscription.installPlanApproval whether the update should be installed automatically "Automatic" name of the operator package "rhdh"
rhdhOperator.subscription.source name of the catalog source "redhat-operators"
rhdhOperator.subscription.startingCSV The initial version of the operator ""
rhdhOperator.subscription.targetNamespace the target namespace for the backstage CR in which RHDH instance is created "rhdh-operator"
rhdhPlugins.npmRegistry NPM registry is defined already in the container, but sometimes the registry need to be modified to use different versions of the plugin, for example: staging( or development repositories ""
rhdhPlugins.scope "@redhat"
rhdhPlugins.orchestrator.package "[email protected]"
rhdhPlugins.orchestrator.integrity "sha512-4C3ZeaGeJdrDWRlWGm1sxiZrfn5cIYynlIsKCcKq+aGpZKJABaKesuvGScBX++jmTbCUMDwPXZmWF20ZzSCuxg=="
rhdhPlugins.orchestratorBackend.package "[email protected]"
rhdhPlugins.orchestratorBackend.integrity "sha512-uF7BVOTQEofTyKGvEW7ipPhbHCjsXw8wvSx1YyAQDSsVgq7l6FckUZN2jT0kXmiGqH2f7C7+xKIAoi/ETn3Kdw=="
rhdhPlugins.notifications.package "[email protected]"
rhdhPlugins.notifications.integrity "sha512-3sKvF+sMzx1dPzSGHlbeePmUTrFKztSRcOQGsP60GHgEfg/g4NHQi2nZMlaYYG4+2/ChMl/CrA0vv481s5bgHg=="
rhdhPlugins.notificationsBackend.package "[email protected]"
rhdhPlugins.notificationsBackend.integrity "sha512-LgW8Jq5a0fxPymQoH99ssvwUz0mZLb3dmUx53LtImdT5+B/cKQ/VKa+iLDe7bMZepwqA0yJmjf/tDwKi8qzNqg=="
rhdhPlugins.signals.package "[email protected]"
rhdhPlugins.signals.integrity "sha512-ESZJiXPL5hbE3w0oenBy/iY50V/QS5udqfdY0EggCLz7McsjYuBgz9zyowi87oxt8Sscu/Er9gquqi8gGAo4Dw=="
rhdhPlugins.signalsBackend.package "[email protected]"
rhdhPlugins.signalsBackend.integrity "sha512-yFSHfkvq9RTzeWTb+V0mMCxShrbHdad6AhNKZ0wU6ywbjw5N9CaedmD0eG+A7f7XEy3dLsmTxIlYbshdct4TiQ=="
rhdhPlugins.notificationsEmail.enabled whether to install the notifications email plugin. requires setting of hostname and credentials in backstage secret to enable. See value backstage-backend-auth-secret. See plugin configuration at false
rhdhPlugins.notificationsEmail.package "[email protected]"
rhdhPlugins.notificationsEmail.integrity "sha512-S2+gNOoEyQMPATdfIIB4XvZPLGWqyCiAHsOgfgW3qxjM8paSYoxbhHtGP2m+1BePLSbm9PBjVv54xOWTPyL25A=="
rhdhPlugins.notificationsEmail.port SMTP server port 587
rhdhPlugins.notificationsEmail.sender the email sender address ""
rhdhPlugins.notificationsEmail.replyTo reply-to address ""
postgres.serviceName The name of the Postgres DB service to be used by platform services. Cannot be empty. "sonataflow-psql-postgresql"
postgres.serviceNamespace The namespace of the Postgres DB service to be used by platform services. "sonataflow-infra" name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials. "sonataflow-psql-postgresql"
postgres.authSecret.userKey name of key in existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials. "postgres-username"
postgres.authSecret.passwordKey name of key in existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials. "postgres-password"
postgres.database existing database instance used by data index and job service "sonataflow"
orchestrator.namespace Namespace where sonataflow's workflows run. The value is captured when running the script and stored as a label in the selected namespace. User can override the value by populating this field. Defaults to sonataflow-infra. "sonataflow-infra"
orchestrator.sonataflowPlatform.resources.requests.memory "64Mi"
orchestrator.sonataflowPlatform.resources.requests.cpu "250m"
orchestrator.sonataflowPlatform.resources.limits.memory "1Gi"
orchestrator.sonataflowPlatform.resources.limits.cpu "500m"
tekton.enabled whether to create the Tekton pipeline resources false
argocd.enabled whether to install the ArgoCD plugin and create the orchestrator AppProject false
argocd.namespace Defines the namespace where the orchestrator's instance of ArgoCD is deployed. The value is captured when running script and stored as a label in the selected namespace. User can override the value by populating this field. Defaults to orchestrator-gitops in the script. ""

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