Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Let's solve DVWA.
- Add following line to /etc/hosts file: secqation.local
Start your own vulnerable instance of DVWA
docker run --rm -it -p 80:80 vulnerables/web-dvwa
Start hacking.
Let's make hacking DVWA a bit more interesting...
Go to
folder path -
Check the contents of init.sh file in BashScripts folder
mitmdump -p 8080 -w +traffic.mitm "! ~u firefox|ocsp|mozilla|googleapis" & robot -d ~/Desktop/TheDemo/1-local-execution/demo-test-suite/Results ~/Desktop/TheDemo/local-execution/demo-test-suite/Tests/${1:-App.robot} pkill mitmdump echo "Test Complete."
Notice the use of
. It says that if no parameter value is passed when calling the bash script, then App.robot test case should be executed by default. In case a specific filename is passed, then that specific test suite should be executed. -
Check the contents of Tests folder
$ tree Tests/ Tests/ ├── 01__setup_dvwa.robot ├── 02__teardown_dvwa.robot ├── 03__recon_base_url.robot └── App.robot
Check the contents of
*** Settings *** Resource ../Resources/App.robot Resource ../Resources/Common.robot Resource ../Data/Variables/global.robot Suite Setup Begin Web Assessment Suite Teardown End Web Assessment *** Test Cases *** Setup DVWA # [Teardown] Stop DVWA Start a local instance of DVWA Login to DVWA Setup Database for DVWA Re-login to DVWA
*** Settings *** Resource ../Resources/App.robot Resource ../Resources/Common.robot *** Test Cases *** Destroy DVWA Running Docker Instance Stop DVWA
*** Settings *** Resource ../Resources/App.robot Resource ../Resources/Common.robot Resource ../Data/Variables/global.robot Suite Setup Begin Web Assessment Suite Teardown End Web Assessment *** Test Cases *** Authenticate and Crawl DVWA [Documentation] Assumptions - ... 1) DVWA server is up ... 2) DVWA setup has been completed successfully Login to DVWA Crawl ${BASE_URL} ${Target_Domain}
*** Settings *** Resource ../Resources/App.robot Resource ../Resources/Common.robot Resource ../Data/Variables/global.robot Suite Setup Setup for Authenticated Crawling of DVWA Pages Suite Teardown End Web Assessment *** Test Cases *** Crawl Authenticated DVWA Pages [Documentation] Assumptions - ... 1) DVWA server is up ... 2) DVWA setup has been completed successfully ... 3) User is logged in [Template] Perform Authenticated Crawling http://secqation.local/ http://secqation.local/about.php http://secqation.local/instructions.php http://secqation.local/phpinfo.php http://secqation.local/security.php http://secqation.local/setup.php http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/brute/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/captcha/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/csp/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/csrf/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/exec/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=include.php http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/javascript/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/sqli/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/sqli_blind/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/upload/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/weak_id/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/xss_d/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/xss_r/ http://secqation.local/vulnerabilities/xss_s/
Run following commands to setup DVWA and do a quick scan of the base URL
./BashScripts/init.sh 01__setup_dvwa.robot ./BashScripts/init.sh 03__recon_base_url.robot
Open the log.html file (from Results folder) in a browser window
Click on
Authenticate and Crawl DVWA
Click on
App.Crawl ${Base_URL},${Target_Domain}
Click on
Crawl.Print crawl status
Click on
Collections.Log List ${ALL_IN_SCOPE_LINKS}
Copy the list of all in-scope URLs
Open Tests/App.robot test file, and pass this copied list of URLs as an argument to the
Perform Authenticated Crawling
test template -
Switch to command line interface and run following command
$ cd ~/Desktop/TheDemo/1-local-execution/demo-test-suite $ ./BashScripts/init.sh
Refresh log.html page in your browser to see updated results
Expand respective keywords to see detailed scan report of various URLs that were passed to the test template Perform Authenticated Crawling
Locate mitmproxy_httpolice.py file
$ sudo apt install mlocate $ locate mitmproxy_httpolice.py
Check the contents of
file. Ensure that the volume mappings are correct.version: "3.9" services: HTTPolice: build: context: . dockerfile: ./Input/HTTPolice/Dockerfile image: httpolice:latest container_name: httpolice volumes: - "./traffic.mitm:/home/mitmproxy/Output/traffic.mitm" - - "./Results/httpolice:/home/mitmproxy/Output/httpolice" command: mitmproxy -s "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mitmproxy_httpolice.py" -r /home/mitmproxy/Output/traffic.mitm --set httpolice_mark=comment --no-server
Run following command
docker-compose -f docker-compose-httpolice.yml run HTTPolice
key to set a filter expression -
'! (~q | ~t css|javascript|icon)'
as the filter expression. This will remove any request without a response or any request that has it's content type set as css, javascript or icon. -
Run following command to export the HTML report for filtered traffic
: httpolice.report.html @shown /home/mitmproxy/Output/httpolice/httpolice_report.html
key followed by[Y]
key to exit mitmproxy -
Access the exported HTML report from path
If you find an interesting request, copy and paste it in Burp Suite's Repeater/Intruder tool
Ask doubts, if any.
Hope you have learned something interesting. Happy Hacking... the SecQAtion way!!