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Binary Plugin Example

This project serves as a template for Gradle binary plugin, it contains minimal content to compile. It also contains source code for following lectures:

To successfully create a plugin you should:

  • Import java-gradle-plugin core Gradle plugin
  • Create class implementing Plugin interface and extending apply() method
  • Define plugin descriptor in build.gradle script file

First of, this is a standalone project with the JVM structure.

Plugin class

Inside of src/main/java directory there is GreetingPlugin class implementing Plugin interface. In order to be able to refer to Gradle API components like Plugin interface you should apply plugin java-gradle-plugin inside build.gradle file.

Plugin will print simple logging statement at the configuration time of the project, to proof that the plugin is applied.

Plugin descriptor

In order that plugin descriptor will be generated you have to specify plugins inside the gradlePlugin{} block.


To be able to publish plugin to a Maven repository you have to apply maven-publish plugin, which will give you ability of artifact publication.

Local Maven Publishing

To publish compiled plugin to Local Maven repository you have to run task publishToMavenLocal. As a result this plugin will be published to {user-home}/.m2/repository/com/rivancic/greeting-plugin directory.

To be able to reference this plugin from withing a project you will have to define Local Maven repository inside of pluginManagement{} block in settings.gradle file.

Private Maven Archiva Repository

In case you will need to deploy a plugin to private or remote Maven repository you will have to specify its information in publishing{ repositories{}} block. Among others, you can specify inside MavenArtifactRepository following properties: URL, name, option to deploy to repository over unsecure connection, credentials, ...

Example of the block:

publishing {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url = "http://localhost:8080/repository/internal"
      name = "mavenArchivaPrivate"
      allowInsecureProtocol = true
      credentials {
        username = "$privateArchivaUser"
        password = "$privateArchivaPassword"

Once you want to reference the Gradle plugin that is deployed on a remote repository you will have to specify the repository in settings.gradle file in pluginManagement{} block with the same maven repository definition.


Gradle Plugin Development Plugin (Gradle Userguide)

Developing Custom Gradle Plugins (Gradle Userguide)