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Jira API client for Laravel 5.4+

Perform various operations of Jira APIs with Laravel 5.4+

The aim of the package is to make it easier to communicate with the API. By default the response from the request is not altered in any way. By creating your own implementation or by using the simple helpers provided with the package you are able to integrate Jira the way you like.


To get the latest version of laravel-jira-rest-client, run the following command

composer require rjvandoesburg/laravel-jira-rest-client

Do note that not all methods have been implemented yet.

Laravel 5.5 uses Package Auto-Discovery, so doesn't require you to manually add the ServiceProvider.

Laravel 5.4:

If you don't use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


'providers' => [
    // ...


Also locate the Aliases key in your config/app.php file and register the Facade:


'aliases' => [
    // ...

    'Jira' => Atlassian\JiraRest\Facades\Jira::class,

Copy the package config to your local config with the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Atlassian\JiraRest\JiraRestServiceProvider"

Update the .env with your proper credentials using JIRA variables from config/atlassian/jira.php.


The core of this package is a direct reflection of the Jira API mean that all request classes don't format the response you get from the API. This desicion was made so the package is more versitile allowing users to handle the response of the requests to their own wishes.

For example, to fetch a specific issue you could do the following


$request = new \Atlassian\JiraRest\Requests\Issue\IssueRequest;
$response = $request->get('ISSUE-3');

All responses are an instance of \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response Read more so in order to get the json response you could do the following:

$response = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);

Which will return a response like seen in the API


Sending parameter with requests is possible via two ways

  1. Using an array
  2. Creating a class that implements \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable

When using an array you can create a request like so:


use Atlassian\JiraRest\Requests\Project;

/** @var \Atlassian\JiraRest\Requests\Project\ProjectRequest $request */
$request = app(Project\ProjectRequest::class);

$response = $request->search([
    'maxResults' => 10,
    'startAt' => 0

$output = \json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true);

You can opt for creating a class implementing \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable, the toArray method will return the parameters for the request. Or you could extend \Atlassian\JiraRest\Requests\AbstractParameters so you can 'fill' or 'override' the parameters set within the class.

Using a class can be usefull when doing requests in multiple places to make sure the same values are requests every time.


So Jira allows for multiple ways of authentication. By default this is basic auth.

Basic Auth

To use basic auth, you need to add the following to your .env


Where the credentials are the same as the user you are logging in.

If you wish have each user be identified by their own credentials you need to set these in the config on runtime


config('atlassian.jira.auth.basic.username', '[email protected]');
config('atlassian.jira.auth.basic.password', 'secret');


Another implementation is session, but that is not (yet) implemented by this package.


To use OAuth you need to add the OAuth package for Guzzle: composer require guzzlehttp/oauth-subscriber

Lastly there is the option for OAuth, please read the Jira documentation first before continuing

After reading that you need to create an application on Jira's side (as explained on that page) and set the credentials in you .env

JIRA_HOST={url of your Jira instance}
JIRA_CONSUMER_KEY={as set in Jira}
JIRA_PRIVATE_KEY={full path location to your key used for authentication}

These credentials should be enough to talk to the api to login. In src/Http/Controllers/OAuthController.php you can find how you can do the 'oauth' dance.

This controller can be enabled by setting JIRA_OAUTH_ROUTES=true in the .env file. Once enabled you are able to navigate to /atlassian/jira/oauth/access which will redirect you to Jira to grant access.

Once that is done you will find oauth tokens in the session (flashed) which will allow you to request resources from Jira. This allows you to decide where to store the keys e.g. database or session. Alternatively you can catch the event \Atlassian\JiraRest\Events\OAuth\AccessTokensReceived to handle the tokens. You can also set those credentials in the .env so you don't have to authenticate again in the future as tokens are valid for 5 years (according to Jira)


Helpers (deprecated)

Now because for the most part you don't want to spend time writing the requests yourself there are some useful helpers to get you communicating with the api.

To fetch a single issue you can use the following code:

$issue = jira()->issue('ISSUE-3')->get();

Or use the facade if you prefer:

$issue = \Jira::issue('ISSUE-3')->get();

deprecating most helpers because writing helpers for all classes is too much maintenance


To alter the Guzzle Client used for requests you can add 'middleware' to alter the options.

There are multiple ways to add middleware.

Using the config

You can set one or more middleware using the client_options array in the config config/atlassian/jira.php

For example:


'client_options' => [
    'auth' => \App\Services\Jira\Middleware\LogRequestMiddleware::class,

These can be named or just a value

Using the addMiddleware method

When you have an AbstractRequest instance you can add multiple middleware by calling addMiddlware like so:


use Atlassian\JiraRest\Requests;

/** @var \Atlassian\JiraRest\Requests\ServerInfoRequest $request */
$request = app(Requests\ServerInfoRequest::class);


To impersonate a user through Jira requests you must set JIRA_IMPERSONATE=true in your .env file.

Once impersonation is enabled, Laravel will use the authentificated users' name by default. However, it's also possible to impersonate a user manually by sending a user's name to constructor of the middleware. To do this you would need to manually register the middleware and pass the user.

JIRA Setup for Impersonation

  1. Follow Jira documentation to generate an RSA public/private key pair.
  2. Go to Jira --> Application Links (Admin)
  3. Create a new link with your server url
  4. Ignore the "No response" warning
  5. Enter anything in all the field and keep "Create incoming link unchecked". Jira has a weird behaviour when it comes to setting up app links. If you create your incoming link now, you won't have access to 2-Legged auth (Impersonation).
  6. Click continue (ignore the warning). This should have created your new app link.
  7. Edit that link (notice there are no Outgoing info even if you added dummy info at creation).
  8. You may now enter all the info for OAuth and setup impersonation (Allow 2-Legged OAuth).


  • Implement missing requests
  • Middleware
  • Better README
  • Sessions auth
  • A way to alter the request before it is send out (globally for each request and possibility for specific requests)
  • Tests