% Parallel and Functional Programming % Robin Bate Boerop % Fredericton Developer User Group, 22 February 2012
The agenda includes the standard talk (search for "The Free Lunch Is Over") to motivate learning to program with concurrency and parallelism.
Apologies if you have heard it before.
Estimated talk time: 1h15m.
- About this talk
- About the speaker
- Part I
- Moore's Law
- Motivation: why understand parallelism and concurrency?
- Vocabulary: understand writings on the topic
- Part II - Problems with traditional concurrent/parallel programming
- Part III
- Characteristics of functional programming
- Approaches to concurrency and parallelism in functional programming
This highly technical talk will explain the problems encountered by imperative programming languages (C/C++, Java), and will explain how functional programming languages and frameworks (Erlang, Node, Haskell) have created elegant solutions. The task of writing a high performance IRC server will serve as an example.
I am ditching the running example mentioned in the abstract.
Goal 1: To explain why understanding parallel and concurrent programming is more important than ever.
Goal 2: To point you to "ahead-of-the-curve" software development tools and techniques for including parallelism and concurrency in the software that you make.
- Name: Robin Bate Boerop
- Class: Software Developer
- Alignment: Chaotic Good
(D&D joke appropriate for pre-WoW crowd.)
- Is really about the number of components on ICs.
- Double every year.
- Performance doubles every 18 months, history re-written by Intel.
- How?
- This is the motivation for learning to program parallel and concurrent programs.
Concurrency: something to do with your problem.
Parallelism: seeking performance with repeated (or simply more) hardware.
Data parallelism:
- Operate simultaneously, often identically, on bulk data
- Single flow of control
- Synchronization is implicit
- Provides massive parallelism
- Easy to obtain correctness
- a.k.a. SIMD
Task parallelism:
- Explicit threads
- Synchronization by programmer via locks, messages, or STM
- Provides modest parallelism
- Very difficult to program correctly
- a.k.a. MIMD
Semi-implicit parallelism:
- Evaluation of pure functions in parallel
- Synchronization is implicit
- Provides modest parallelism
- Easy to program (FP langs.)
f list =
sum (map blah list)
-- ^^^
f list =
sum (parMap blah list)
-- ^^^^^^
- Semi-implicit parallelism not available
- For data parallelism, use libraries
- From Intel and other vendors
- Orc
- Use OpenGL
- OpenCL (for GPUs)
- Most parallelism comes from task (explicit) parallelism (concurrent programming running on multi-core)
- Many threads, most performing I/O
- Shared address space
- Eg. GUIs, web servers, BitTorrent clients
- Non-deterministic by design
- Need (lightweight) threads, way to coordinate
- pthreads, Java locks
- Race-condition: forgot to obtain correct lock
- Deadlock: obtained locks in wrong order
- ... or did not fix an order
- Lost wakeups: forgot to notify cond var
- Error recovery mindfuck: need to restore correct lock state in error condition
- Future-proofing: must ensure subsequent maintainers of your code know what to do
- Just plain hard to get right
- Must document re-entrancy characteristics of API
- Must understand threading to use API, if only that you do not understand
- Thread pools
- Thread local storage
- Interaction between GC and multithreading
- Message pumps, event handlers, etc.
- Note that large-scale applications of parallel programming are declarative and value-oriented:
- Map/Reduce frameworks
- Which is better?
- Plan A: start with a language whose computational model is sequential, and then add parallelism.
- Plan B: start with a language whose computational model is parallel by default.
- Core insight: disallow multithreading!
- It is a single event loop.
- Not as stupid as it might seem.
- Makes for specialist language.
- Great for creating servers by JavaScript developers.
- Processes (really more like threads) share nothing.
- Message passing by copy (serialization).
- Processes have independent GC, independent failure!
- Communicate over channels.
- Highly reliable systems, phone switches.
- Strongly typed purely functional programming language.
- Extremely popular among PL enthusiasts.
- GHC is production-grade.
- Is the target for PL researchers.
- Great for writing EDSLs.
Advantages of Functional Programming for writing correct programs which include concurrency or parallelism.
- Side-effects are more tightly controlled than imperative programs.
- DSLs for GPUs or data parallel instructions
- Software transactional memory
- Semi-implicit parallelism
- This is the explicit threads, synchronization by programmer story
- Haskell has extremely lightweight threads
- Millions of threads per program not a problem
- Overhead per thread: 100 bytes approx.
- I/O via Unix epoll: okay to have millions of outstanding I/O requests
- Threads shared address space
- Synchronization via STM, or more explicitly via MVars
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
atomRead = atomically . readTVar
dispVar x = atomRead x >>= print
appV fn x = atomically $ readTVar x >>= writeTVar x . fn
milliSleep = threadDelay . (*) 1000
main = do
shared <- atomically $ newTVar 0
before <- atomRead shared
putStrLn $ "Before: " ++ show before
forkIO $ 25 `timesDo`
(dispVar shared >> milliSleep 20)
forkIO $ 10 `timesDo`
(appV ((+) 2) shared >> milliSleep 50)
forkIO $ 20 `timesDo`
(appV pred shared >> milliSleep 25)
milliSleep 800
after <- atomRead shared
putStrLn $ "After: " ++ show after
where timesDo = replicateM_
Before: 0
After: 0
- No silver bullet. Concurrency and parallelism will soon be mandatory. World is complicated. Get used to it!
- Functional programming (Haskell in particular) already way better than traditional programming languages for concurrency (explicit/task parallelism).
- For large scale data parallel programming, we are already using declarative programming (map/reduce, SQL, etc.). More of that is coming.
- Haskell hosts multiple paradigms. Your traditional language does not.
- Beautiful Code book (Google that)
- http://haskell.org
- http://book.realworldhaskell.org/