From 3a634bf42bfd3af8ee12e9914ff4bb5ea48040b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: samipe
We are waiting for you!
\nCome and speak at the biggest Robot Framework conference! Share your knowledge, tools and experiences with the experts from around the world. Submit a proposal and take a chance to make an influential impact on the most amazing open-source community.
\n \nSubmission deadline: 22nd October 2023 at 11:59 PM.
\n '},sponsors:{}},Ca={intro:{title:"Hello",body:'This fall, RoboCon will be a guest at the Software QS-Tag in Frankfurt.
\nFor the first time, we will have the opportunity to host a one-day RoboCon at the heart of Europe.\n RoboCon will share a conference building with the Software QS-Tag and the exchange with the visitors of\n the QS-Tag will hopefully lead to interesting discussions.
\nIf you need a hotel room for the nights around RoboCon at the conference hotel,\n please contact qs-tag(at)\n We still have a few rooms available.
\nAs a visitor with a RoboCon ticket, only the RoboCon track is available.\n If you would like to attend RoboCon and the QS-Tag on both days (5 & 6 October),\n including an overnight stay in the conference hotel, please book a ticket for the Software QS-Tag at\n
\nWe look forward to seeing you!
'},talks:{title:"Talks",talks:[{code:"T1",title:"[EN] Welcome RoboCon",abstract:"Welcome talk and expert discussion with audience.\n\nIn this talk René Rohner will give us an insight view of Robot Framework Foundation and tell us about upcoming features of Robot Framework.\n\nAfterwards we have time for other topics that will be defined by the audience and discussed on stage, where all Speakers are present.\nWe are also highly interested in new feature requests/ideas and will discuss them on stage.",speakers:[{code:"T7BUER",name:"Many Kasiriha",avatar:"",expanded:!1},{code:"BBBB",avatar:"",name:"Nele Lea Uhlemann",expanded:!1},{code:"HTDUSJ",avatar:"",name:"René Rohner",expanded:!1},{code:"CCCC",avatar:"dist/img/mkorpela.jpg",name:"Mikko Korpela",expanded:!1},{code:"FUKYZV",avatar:"",name:"Elout van Leeuwen",expanded:!1},{code:"AWCN8B",avatar:"",name:"Timo Stordell",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T09:00:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T10:15:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:""},{title:{en:"Coffee Break / Community Time"},start:"2022-10-05T10:15:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T10:45:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,speakers:[]},{code:"T2",title:"[EN] Using Robot Framework to ensure quality in the New Space industry",abstract:"How Robot Framework has been used at ICEYE to ensure quality in the New Space industry.",speakers:[{code:"CCCC",avatar:"dist/img/mkorpela.jpg",name:"Mikko Korpela",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T10:45:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T11:30:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"🇬🇧 ICEYE is building a product and running a service at the same time.\nPart of the system is also flying 400 to 500 km over us.\n\nWelcome to see a sneak peek into how testing of this kind of systems is really done and\nhow Robot Framework fits into the picture.\n\nThis talk will cover also some aspects of other tools than Robot Framework.\n"},{code:"T3",title:"[EN] How to solve unsolvable non-linear testing pipelines fully open source",abstract:"Unconventional requirement to CI systems need some thinking out of the box. How workflow management Camunda can help to solve complex demands.",speakers:[{code:"BBBB",avatar:"",name:"Nele Lea Uhlemann",expanded:!1},{code:"HTDUSJ",avatar:"",name:"René Rohner",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T11:40:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T12:25:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"🇬🇧 When testing complex and global systems, more and more demands are placed on a CI pipeline.\n\nConventional solutions like Jenkins or Gitlab reach their limits where it became exciting for us.\n\nThe challenge was tests that ran over several days, as the reactions of the system under test could sometimes only be checked the next day or days later. During the execution, different process steps had to be executed repeatedly. Nevertheless, a continuous process flow should be visible and tester should be able to see the state of the pipeline at any time without deeper knowledge of CI systems.\n\nIn this talk, Nele Uhlemann and René Rohner will present how complex workflows can be realised unconventionally with open source solutions and how asynchronous tests can be realised with Robot Framework and its APIs in combination with Camunda."},{code:"T4",title:"[DE] Papierlos, aber nicht ohne Dokumente! Simple Automated Visual Document Testing.",abstract:"Denn papierlos heißt nicht dokumentenlos. Lassen Sie mich Ihnen zeigen, wie wir unsere Dokumente und Druckdateien visuell und inhaltlich prüfe - mit Robot Framework und unserer eigenen Visual Document Testing Library.",speakers:[{code:"T7BUER",name:"Many Kasiriha",avatar:"",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T12:35:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T13:20:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"Unternehmen sind auf korrekte Dokumente angewiesen. Für uns als globaler Spediteur sind korrekte Dokumente unerlässlich. Ein dummer Fehler in einem Dokument kann peinlich sein - aber auch rechtliche Konsequenzen haben. Dokumente in der Spedition können das Eigentum an Waren von Partei A auf Partei B übertragen. Sie bestätigen, dass die Fracht zu Sicherheitszwecken ordnungsgemäß geröntgt wurde. Sie können Barcode-Etiketten sein, um ein Paket zu identifizieren.\n\nAls ein größeres Upgrade unseres Output- und Dokumentenmanagementsystems geplant war, mussten wir sicherstellen, dass unsere Dokumente genauso aussehen wie vor dem Upgrade. Angesichts der großen Anzahl von Dokumententypen, -formaten, -varianten und -regeln pro Dokument wurde uns schnell klar, dass wir das nicht manuell machen können.\n\nDie Frage war also: Kaufen oder selbst erstellen? Aufgrund der hohen Kosten und des Funktions-Overkills kommerzieller Lösungen und unserer guten Erfahrungen mit Robot Framework entschieden wir uns, eine Bibliothek für visuelle Dokumententests zu erstellen. Visuelle Tests bedeuten: Das Testdokument wird gerendert und pixelweise mit einem Referenzdokument verglichen. Wir haben jedoch festgestellt, dass dies nicht ausreicht.\n\nWir wollten Berichte mit Screenshots haben, die die verschiedenen Bereiche hervorheben. Wir wollten Bereiche aus dem Vergleich ausschließen, die auf Koordinaten oder Textmustern basieren. Wir wollten Strichcodes lesen können. Wir wollten akzeptable Bereiche für verschobene Textblöcke definieren. Wir wollten Textinhalte aus einer PDF-Datei oder über OCR vergleichen. Wir wollten zusätzliche Daten wie digitale Signaturen prüfen. Wir wollten Druckerdateien wie Postscript und Pcl interpretieren und vergleichen. Wir wollten eine einfache GUI zur Auswertung der Prüfergebnisse haben. Das Ergebnis war eine Robot Framework Library, die rein auf Open-Source-Komponenten basiert und Funktionen bietet, die nur in teuren kommerziellen Lösungen zu finden sind."},{title:{en:"Lunch Break / Community Time"},start:"2022-10-05T13:20:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T14:40:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,speakers:[]},{code:"T5",title:"[EN] Robot Framework and Browser Library. Open Source Keyword-Driven Testing at its best.",abstract:"In this tutorial René will take you to a journey from the very start with Robot Framework to web automation with Browser library.",speakers:[{code:"HTDUSJ",avatar:"",name:"René Rohner",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T14:40:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T16:00:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"This Talk should be valuable for beginners of Robot Framework as well as experienced users.\n\nEvery example in this tutorial can be easily followed or also tried after RoboCon. The only requirement is a Notebook with web browser and a account.\n\n### About Robot Framework:\n\nRobot Framework is a generic open source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation (RPA).\n\nRobot Framework is supported by Robot Framework Foundation. Many industry-leading companies use the tool in their software development.\nRobot Framework is open and extensible. Robot Framework can be integrated with virtually any other tool to create powerful and flexible automation solutions. Robot Framework is free to use without licensing costs.\n\nRobot Framework has an easy syntax, utilizing human-readable keywords. Its capabilities can be extended by libraries implemented with Python, Java or many other programming languages. Robot Framework has a rich ecosystem around it, consisting of libraries and tools that are developed as separate projects.\n\n### About Browser library:\n\nRobot Framework deserves a browser automation solution that's designed for the 2020s.\n\nBrowser library powered by Playwright provides.\n\n🚀 Speed, ✅ reliability and 🔬 visibility.\n\n- Conscise assertions.\n\n- Precise and fast browser window and tab control.\n\n- Chainable selector strategies.\n\n- Good shadow DOM support.\n\n- Easy mobile device descriptors.\n\n- Sending HTTP requests.\n\n- many more"},{title:{en:"Coffee Break / Community Time"},start:"2022-10-05T16:00:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T16:30:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,speakers:[]},{code:"T6",title:"[EN] My Ultimate Robot Framework Toolbox... These arrows should be in every quiver!",abstract:"Elout gives a demonstration of the most important and helpful tools needed in almost every Robot Framework project.",speakers:[{code:"FUKYZV",avatar:"",name:"Elout van Leeuwen",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T16:30:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T17:15:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"If you have ever thought how to start and what you need, you will find a good starting point here.\n\nMore details coming soon..."},{code:"T7",title:"[EN] What makes Robot Framework to stand out?",abstract:"I have used Robot Framework a lot in the past, but recently the framework chosen to my project has been different.\n\nOn the way, I've started to realise what makes Robot Framework excellent, more than before.",speakers:[{code:"AWCN8B",avatar:"",name:"Timo Stordell",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T17:25:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T18:10:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"In this presentation, I will highlight the things that makes it stand out from the competition.\nThe purpose is not to do any boastful ranting (even though I'm tempted) but to go through some facts behind the success."},{title:{en:"Evening Event / Community Time"},start:"2022-10-05T19:00:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-06T00:00:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,speakers:[]}],speakers:[{id:15344,code:"HTDUSJ",public_name:"René Rohner",biography:"René Rohner is a Senior Consultant for Testing Systems, Product Owner of the Value Stream Test Automation at imbus in Germany and Chairman of the board of Robot Framework Foundation.\n\nHe is member of the Core Team of Robot Framework Browser and developer of Robot Framework DataDriver. He is trainer and coach for Keyword-Driven Testing in multiple small and huge projects in Germany.",answers:[]},{id:13265,code:"AAAA",public_name:"Prof. Dr. Ayelt Komus",biography:"Prof. Dr. Ayelt Komus ist Professor an der Hochschule Koblenz, Vordenker für Management unter Unsicherheit, 80+ Fachpublikationen, 200+ Keynotes/Vorträge, Vielzahl an Studien wie „Status Quo (Scaled) Agile“ seit 2012 mit, IPMA, GPM, VOICE, bitkom, SwissICT u.a.\n\nWeitere Informationen unter\\nund\",answers:[]},{id:17004,code:"BBBB",public_name:"Nele Lea Uhlemann",biography:"Nele Uhlemann is a Developer Advocate at Camunda. Her passion is helping the open source community use and understand Camunda’s technologies and build a bridge between business and technical users to leverage the full potential of Process Automation. Nele works as a consultant at Camunda, leading workshops with developers and business users. Therefore, she understands the need to find a common language to enable agility in both domains.",answers:[]},{id:14436,code:"FUKYZV",public_name:"Elout van Leeuwen",biography:"Elout is a test automation consultant with Capgemini Netherlands. He is the companies representative with the Robot Framework Foundation and has over 7 years of experience with Robot Framework.",answers:[]},{id:15357,code:"T7BUER",public_name:"Many Kasiriha",biography:"I'm a Test Manager at DB Schenker and a regular Robot Framework User since 2020.\r\n\r\nI like to help other people getting started with Robot Framework (and Test Automation in general) and I know that it can be overwhelming sometimes.\r\nIn my daily work, I support projects in the setup of their test automation solution - for Web Applications, Desktop Applications, APIs or even Document Tests.\r\n\r\nI'm a believer in *test automation* - but convinced that *testing itself cannot be automated*.",answers:[]},{id:15357,code:"CCCC",public_name:"Mikko Korpela",biography:"Mikko is a developer and consultant that works with client organisations in various industries and Vice-Chairman of the board of Robot Framework Foundation.\n\nHe is also active in Robot Framework community and has participated in development of tools such as Robot Framework, Robot Framework Browser and Pabot.",answers:[]},{id:15420,code:"AWCN8B",public_name:"Timo Stordell",biography:"Timo is Lead Consultant, DevOps at Eficode.\n\nBuilding the future of software development. Passionate about making pipelines fluent.",answers:[]}]},sponsors:{title:"Sponsors",boxTitle:"RoboCon 2022 Germany talks are sponsored by these companies",tiers:{small:"",medium:"",large:""},large:[],medium:[],small:[{img:"camunda.png",href:""},{img:"capgemini.png",href:""},{img:"dbschenker.png",href:""},{img:"eficode.png",href:""},{img:"imbus.png",href:""},{img:"reaktor.png",href:""}]}},Aa={title:"Sponsorship",subTitle:"### Become a sponsor of RoboCon 2024!\n\nDo you want to give something back to Robot Framework? Want to present your company as a supporter of RoboCon and Robot Framework?\n\nJoin our sponsors and help us create an awesome event yet again.\nIf you have any questions about sponsorship please contact the [RoboCon team](mailto:info{at}{'@'}{at}",joinButton:"Join",event_url:"",tiers:{irl:[{name:"Silver",price:"1000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo (small)",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. **Small** company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free online ticket (1)",description:"One free ticket for the online part of RoboCon"}],voucher:"SPONSORSILVER"},{name:"Gold",price:"6000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. Company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free tickets (2+2)",description:"You will get:\n\n- 2 free tickets for the online part of RoboCon\n\nAND\n\n- 2 free Helsinki tickets, which includes access to online part as well."},{name:"Dedicated spotlight",description:"Dedicated time to showcase your company or product between talks. This is a chance for the people to engage with you. There will be one dedicated spot to meet the sponsor. This way people know when to meet the sponsor and you can have a presentation etc. there during your break."},{name:"Video during breaks (30 sec)",description:"Sponsor videos (with audio) will be played in randomized order between talks and during some of the breaks."},{name:"Booth on-site",description:"You will get a booth at Bio Rex Helsinki.\n\nYour booth includes:\n- a TV-screen for demonstration\n- company logo on booth\n- bar table with chair"},{name:"Booth online",description:"You will get an online booth at, where you can have up to four items such as:\n- PDF documents\n- hyperlinks\n- iFrames\n- YouTube videos"},{name:"Be part in a game",description:"Participants will be engaged in a game and your sponsor booth will be one of the ways for them to collect a prize. It's up to you what activity you prepare for them!"},{name:"Lead scanning",description:"You'll have the opportunity to use our lead scanning to get in contact with our on-site visitors in Helsinki. More information:"},{name:"Publish job offers",description:"We give you the opportunity to post job offers on our noticeboard in Helsinki and online."},{name:"Max. 10 sponsors",description:"Due to the size of Bio Rex at RoboCon Helsinki we do have limited availability of 10 booths.\n\nRobot Framework Foundation members do have a preferred access.\nTherefore, if you are not member of Foundation, we will reserve a spot when you book, but invoice it after September, if the spots are not all required by Foundation members. "}],voucher:"SPONSORGOLD"},{name:"Platinum",price:"12000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo (large)",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. **Large** company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free tickets (4+4)",description:"You will get:\n\n- 4 free tickets for the online part of RoboCon\n\nAND\n\n- 4 free Helsinki tickets, which include access to online part as well."},{name:"Dedicated spotlight",description:"Dedicated time to showcase your company or product between talks. This is a chance for the people to engage with you. There will be one dedicated spot to meet the sponsor. This way people know when to meet the sponsor and you can have a presentation etc. there during your break."},{name:"Video during breaks (30 sec)",description:"Sponsor videos (with audio) will be played in randomized order for full audience and during some of the breaks."},{name:"Booth on-site (premium)",description:"You will get a platinum booth for one day at Bio Rex Helsinki.\n\nYour booth includes:\n- a horizontal TV-screen for demonstration\n- company logo on booth\n- bar table with chair\n- lounge table with lounge chairs\n\n**On the other day you will get a normal Gold sponsor booth.**"},{name:"Booth online (premium)",description:"You will get a platinum online booth at, where you can have up to ten items like:\n- PDF documents\n- hyperlinks\n- iFrames\n- Youtube videos\n\nOn the one day where you are the Platinum sponsor your booth will be at the center of the conferece."},{name:"Be part in a game",description:"Participants will be engaged in a game and your sponsor booth will be one of the ways for them to collect a prize. It's up to you what activity you prepare for them!"},{name:"Lead scanning",description:"You will have the oportunity to use our lead scanning to get in contact with our on-site visitors in Helsinki.\n\nSee here for more information:"},{name:"Publish job offers",description:"We give you the opportunity to post job offers on our noticeboard in Helsinki and online."},{name:"Featured sponsor for 1 day",description:"Your company will be the platinum sponsor for one day of RoboCon.\n\nYou will be mentioned as the sponsor of this day once on-site and twice online.\n\nYou may want to book a second day of Platinum sponsoring in Helsinki for 8.000€, which gives you the platinum booth on both days."},{name:"Sponsor talk (~20 min)",description:"You will get a talk spot for a full talk (20 minutes) directly after keynote in Helsinki on-stage.\n\nYour talk will be recorded and streamed later in the online part of RoboCon."},{name:"Max. 2 sponsors",description:"Due to the 2 days duration of RoboCon Helsinki and one Platinum Sponsor per day, there are only 2 sponsoring spots available.\n\nRobot Framework Foundation members do have a preferred access.\nMembers who book Online + Helsinki Sponsorship are also preferred and have higher priority compared to Online Only.\nTherefore, if you are not member of Foundation, we will reserve a spot when you book, but invoice it after September, if the spots are not all required by Foundation members. "}],voucher:"SPONSORPLATINUM"}],online:[{name:"Silver",price:"1000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo (small)",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. **Small** company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free online ticket (1)",description:"One free ticket for the online part of RoboCon"}],voucher:"SPONSORSILVERONLINE"},{name:"Online Gold",price:"3000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. Company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free tickets (4 online)",description:"You will get:\n\n- 4 free online tickets for the online part of RoboCon."},{name:"Dedicated spotlight",description:"Dedicated time to showcase your company or product between talks. This is a chance for the people to engage with you. There will be one dedicated spot to meet the sponsor. This way people know when to meet the sponsor and you can have a presentation etc. there during your break."},{name:"Video during breaks (30 sec)",description:"Sponsor videos (with audio) will be played in randomized order for full audience and during some of the breaks."},{name:"Booth online",description:"You will get an online booth at, where you can have up to four items like:\n- PDF documents\n- hyperlinks\n- iFrames\n- Youtube videos"},{name:"Publish job offers",description:"We give you the opportunity to post job offers on our noticeboard online."},{name:"Max. 10 sponsors",description:"There is a limited availability of 10 booths.\n\nRobot Framework Foundation members do have a preferred access.\nTherefore, if you are not member of Foundation, we will reserve a spot when you book, but invoice it after September, if the spots are not all required by Foundation members. "}],voucher:"SPONSORGOLDONLINE"},{name:"Online Platinum",price:"6000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo (large)",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. **Premium size** company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free tickets (6 online)",description:"You will get:\n\n- 8 free online tickets for the online part of RoboCon 2024"},{name:"Dedicated spotlight",description:"Dedicated time to showcase your company or product between talks. This is a chance for the people to engage with you. There will be one dedicated spot to meet the sponsor. This way people know when to meet the sponsor and you can have a presentation etc. there during your break."},{name:"Video during breaks (30 sec)",description:"Sponsor videos (with audio) will be played in randomized order for full audience and during some of the breaks."},{name:"Booth online (premium)",description:"You will get a premium online booth at, where you can have up to ten items like:\n- PDF documents\n- hyperlinks\n- iFrames\n- Youtube videos\n\nOn the one day where you are the Platinum sponsor your booth will be at the center of the conferece."},{name:"Publish job offers",description:"We give you the opportunity to post job offers on our noticeboard online."},{name:"Featured sponsor for 1 day",description:"Your company will be the Platinum sponsor for one day of RoboCon.\n\nYou will be mentioned twice as the sponsor of this day and your logo will be shown."},{name:"Video after Keynote (~5 min)",description:"You will get a spot for a video (5 minutes) directly after the online keynote.\n\nYour talk shall be pre-recorded and will be streamed before people are sent to the first break."},{name:"Max. 2 sponsors",description:"Due to the duration of RoboCon and one Platinum Sponsor per day, there are only 2 sponsoring spots available.\n\nRobot Framework Foundation members do have a preferred access.\nMembers who book Online + Helsinki Sponsorship are also preferred and have higher priority.\nTherefore, if you are not member of Foundation, we will reserve a spot when you book, but invoice it after September, if the spots are not all required by Foundation members. "}],voucher:"SPONSORPLATINUMONLINE"}]}},Ea={previousTalks:{title:"Previous Talks",body:'All RoboCon talks over the years have been recorded. Feel free to watch them here or directly in YouTube.
',talks:[{year:2022,playlistLink:"",list:[{title:"Keynote: Robot Framework",url:"",authors:["René Rohner","Ed Manlove","Pekka Klärck"]},{title:"Robocorp == RPA for Developers",url:"",authors:["Antti Karjalainen"]},{title:"Test Intelligence for and with the Robot Framework",url:"",authors:["Elmar Juergens"]},{title:"Our Robot Framework Automation Journey : Medidata Solutions",url:"",authors:["Karthik Selvarajan","Allen Lee"]},{title:"Tests are talking, are you ready to listen?",url:"",authors:["Tatu Aalto"]},{title:"How Robocop evolved to 2.0?",url:"",authors:["Mateusz Nojek"]},{title:"Tidy your code with Robotidy",url:"",authors:["Bartłomiej Hirsz"]},{title:"Project and package management: Poetry for robots",url:"",authors:["Robin Mackaij"]},{title:"CamundaLibrary - Updates and Roadmap",url:"",authors:["Markus Stahl"]},{title:"Accessibility checking with Browser Extensions",url:"",authors:["Elout van Leeuwen"]},{title:"Web-scale Robot Framework with JupyterLite",url:"",authors:["Asko Soukka","Nicholas Bollweg"]},{title:"Robots In Space",url:"",authors:["Jeff King"]},{title:"Using implicit context to create rich behavior driven keywords",url:"",authors:["Samuel Montgomery-Blinn"]},{title:"Robot Framework Is Not ...",url:"",authors:["Kelby Stine"]},{title:"Combining all test reports to one",url:"",authors:["Timo Stordell"]},{title:"Analyze your code like true detective",url:"",authors:["Bartłomiej Hirsz"]},{title:"Yet another API talk, but this one is different...",url:"",authors:["Mateusz Nojek"]},{title:"Output Robot Framework report using Github Actions",url:"",authors:["Joonas Venäläinen"]},{title:"Reactive Robot - Fastest way to turn Robot Framework projects into event-driven services",url:"",authors:["Yusuf Can Bayrak"]},{title:"\\u201cFor the very first time\\u201d - Start to Code, Test, Package & Publish your first Library",url:"",authors:["Many Kasiriha"]},{title:"Robot Framework for silicon validation",url:"",authors:["Franz Haas","Sebastian Herz"]},{title:"HybridApp - hybrid testing",url:"",authors:["Jacek Kohut"]},{title:"Introducing OpenApiDriver...and OpenApiLibCore!",url:"",authors:["Robin Mackaij"]},{title:"Robot Framework and commercial testing tools integration - based on regression project for SWT app",url:"",authors:["Krzysztof Trybus","Gregor Schmid"]},{title:"Eggplant Library - connecting Robot Framework to advanced image based automation",url:"",authors:["Andre Mochinin","Rico Feist"]},{title:"Year with Browser library",url:"",authors:["Tatu Aalto","René Rohner","Kerkko Pelttari"]},{title:"Robots in the Clouds: Experiences with Using Robotframework with Cloud Providers",url:"",authors:["Josh Grant"]},{title:"The neuroscience of learning, creativity and collaboration",url:"",authors:["Katri Saarikivi"]}]},{year:2021,playlistLink:"",list:[{authors:["Pekka Klärck","Ismo Aro"],title:"KEYNOTE: WHERE'S ROBOT FRAMEWORK IN 2021",url:""},{authors:["Mateusz Nojek","Bartłomiej Hirsz"],title:"HOW TO AVOID JAIL FOR NASTY CODE?",url:""},{authors:["Many Kasiriha"],title:"PRINT IS NOT DEAD - VISUAL DOCUMENT TESTING WITH ROBOT FRAMEWORK",url:""},{authors:["Mikko Korpela","Tatu Aalto","Kerkko Pelttari","René Rohner"],title:"BROWSER LIBRARY - INTRODUCTION",url:""},{authors:["Diogo Rede"],title:"E-COMMERCE WEB AUTOMATION AT SCALE",url:""},{authors:["Maciej Wiczk"],title:"RFHUB2 - NEW TAKE ON ROBOTFRAMEWORK ASSET DOCUMENTATION",url:""},{authors:["Luca Giovenzana"],title:"WHAT'S NEW IN REQUESTSLIBRARY 0.9",url:""},{authors:["Patrik Zakovič","Marián Macek"],title:"THE JOURNEY OF BUILDING TEST AUTOMATION PLATFORM IN THE BANK",url:""},{authors:["Simon Meggle"],title:"ROBOTMK: TESTING MEETS MONITORING",url:""},{authors:["Tuomas Pitkänen"],title:"ROBOT MAKES MUSIC",url:""},{authors:["Pekka Klärck"],title:"CREATING ROBOT FRAMEWORK LIBRARIES: WHY AND HOW?",url:""},{authors:["Deepak Chourasia"],title:"ROBOT FRAMEWORK AND JOURNEY FROM CATHEDRAL TO BAZAR",url:""},{authors:["Antti Karjalainen"],title:"OPEN-SOURCE STACK FOR RPA",url:""},{authors:["Tuukka Virtanen"],title:"HOW TO FIND THE BEST ROBOT FRAMEWORK LIBRARIES?",url:""},{authors:["Fabio Zadrozny"],title:"ROBOTFRAMEWORK LANGUAGE SERVER",url:""},{authors:["Markus Stahl"],title:"HOW TO START WITH OPEN SOURCE RPA",url:""},{authors:["Cindy Huffman"],title:"AUTOMATING CUSTOMER JOURNEYS AS UI ACCEPTANCE SCENARIOS",url:""},{authors:["Esko Hannula"],title:"HYPERAUTOMATION OR HYPE-AUTOMATION: AUTOMATION LANDSCAPE OF THE FUTURE",url:""},{authors:["Dave Martin"],title:"ZERO TO HERO IN 2 WEEKS",url:""},{authors:["Elisabeth Hendrickson"],title:"KEYNOTE: ROBOT FRAMEWORK THROUGH THE LENS OF HISTORY",url:""},{authors:["Gojko Adžić"],title:"KEYNOTE: YOU'RE TESTING WHAT?",url:""},{authors:["Juho Saarinen"],title:"ROBOT FRAMEWORK AFTER JYTHON",url:""},{authors:["Bartłomiej Hirsz"],title:"NEW PARSING API FOR ROBOT FRAMEWORK - HOW TO CREATE OWN TOOLS",url:""},{authors:["Tatu Aalto"],title:"PYTHONLIBCORE THE SECRET BEHIND SELENIUMLIBRARY",url:""},{authors:["Mikko Korpela","Tatu Aalto","Kerkko Pelttari","René Rohner"],title:"ROBOTFRAMEWORK BROWSER LIBRARY - A DEEP DIVE",url:""},{authors:["Nils Balkow-Tychsen","Michał Wcisło"],title:"HOW KUBERNETES BRINGS QA AND DEVOPS CLOSER TOGETHER",url:""},{authors:["Samuel Montgomery-Blinn"],title:"(AB)USING ROBOTFRAMEWORK-DATADRIVER FOR FUN AND PROFIT",url:""},{authors:["Raphael Roems"],title:"BACKEND TESTING USING ROBOT FRAMEWORK AND SOAPUI",url:""},{authors:["Markus Stahl"],title:"ROBOTFRAMEWORK-CAMUNDA LIBRARY: ORCHESTRATING ROBOTIC TASKS",url:""},{authors:["Tommi Oinonen"],title:"WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG?! - AN ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION",url:""}]},{year:2020,playlistLink:"",list:[{authors:["Jeff King"],title:"ROBOT FRAMEWORK AND THE ONE MAN ROBOT BAND",url:""},{authors:["Anaïs van Asselt"],title:"IMPLEMENTING A TEST AUTOMATION ARCHITECTURE IN A GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION",url:""},{authors:["Antti Karjalainen"],title:"THE OPEN RPA ECOSYSTEM",url:""},{authors:["Petteri Mannersalo"],title:"ROBOT FRAMEWORK AS AN ENABLER FOR INTELLIGENT PROCESS AUTOMATION",url:""},{authors:["Tuomas Lempiäinen"],title:"QA DRIVEN RPA AT VEIKKAUS",url:""},{authors:["Virpi Luostarinen","Mikael Siirtola"],title:"RPA ON RAILS: AUTOMATING MANUAL PROCESSES AT VR",url:""},{authors:["Kristina Sabotic"],title:"END-TO-END TESTING FOR END-USERS",url:""},{authors:["Luca Giovenzana","Angelo Caovilla"],title:"BEWARE THE BRITTLE DRAGON",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks I",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks II",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks III",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks IV",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks V",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks VI",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks VII",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks VIII",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks IX",url:""},{authors:["Ismo Aro"],title:"Day II",url:""},{authors:["KEYNOTE: Pekka Klärck"],title:"WHAT'S NEW? WHAT'S NEXT? WHO ARE WE?",url:""},{authors:["Akseli Lukkarila"],title:"ACCEPTANCE TESTING A REAL-TIME MUSIC EDUCATION APPLICATION WITH AUDIO",url:""},{authors:["Maria Prokhorova"],title:"NEW IMAGE LIBRARY FOR ADVANCED IMAGE PROCESSING",url:""},{authors:["Tatu Aalto"],title:"SELENIUMLIBRARY 4.0: PLUGIN API AND EVENT FIRING WEBDRIVER SUPPORT",url:""},{authors:["René Rohner"],title:"DATADRIVER OR: HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE OPEN SOURCE",url:""},{authors:["Tommi Oinonen"],title:"SELF MANAGING TESTING PIPELINES",url:""},{authors:["Juho Saarinen"],title:"ROBOT FRAMEWORK REMOTE LIBRARY IN PRACTICE (WITH DEMOS)",url:""},{authors:["Maciej Brzozowski"],title:"MICROSERVICES TESTING USING ARGO: CONTAINER-NATIVE WORKFLOWS FOR KUBERNETES",url:""},{authors:["Joonas Köppä","Riku Halonen"],title:"ORCHESTRATING ROBOT FRAMEWORK TEST CONTAINERS AND REMOTE LIBRARIES IN KUBERNETES",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks I",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks II",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks III",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks IV",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks V",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks VI",url:""}]},{year:2019,playlistLink:"",list:[{authors:["Ismo Aro","Pekka Klärck"],title:"Welcome back! What's new since RoboCon 2018?",url:""},{authors:["Antti Karjalainen"],title:"The start of the open source RPA movement",url:""},{authors:["Juho Saarinen"],title:"Evolution of Robot Framework user",url:""},{authors:["Tatu Aalto"],title:"Decade with SeleniumLibrary and browsers' UI automation",url:""},{authors:["Brady Hill"],title:"RobotFramework for Embedded Software Testing",url:""},{authors:["Nguyen Huu Bach"],title:"RENAT - a network testing plugin based on Robot Framework",url:""},{authors:["Mikael Siirtola"],title:"Robot Framework with Patient Monitors: Test Automation at GE Healthcare Finland",url:""},{authors:["Päivi Raulamo-Jurvanen"],title:"Practical Experiences on Evaluating Software Testing Tools",url:""},{authors:["Nicholas Bollweg","Asko Soukka"],title:"Robots from Jupyter The Future of Authoring Tests and Tasks",url:""},{authors:["Joonas Lehtimäki"],title:"Dynamically scalable test environment on top of Kubernetes",url:""},{authors:["Oleksandr Kravchenko"],title:"Dynamic Generation of Model Based Testcases Using Listener Interface Version 3",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks I",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks II",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks III",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks IV",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks V",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks VI",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks VII",url:""}]},{year:2018,playlistLink:"",list:[{authors:["Ismo Aro"],title:"Robot Framework Foundation: Welcome to RoboCon",url:""},{authors:["Pekka Klärck"],title:"How Did We Get Here? Where Do We Go Next?",url:""},{authors:["Régis Déau"],title:"The Naked Truth About Successful Test Automation Journey",url:""},{authors:["Aldina Codesso-Lipponen"],title:"Mega Robot Projects - What To Expect",url:""},{authors:["Asko Soukka"],title:"Robot Framework in Plone CMS Project",url:""},{authors:["Ed Manlove"],title:"The Importance of Open Source Communities",url:""},{authors:["Anssi Syrjäsalo"],title:"Towards Contract - Based API Testing with a New Rest Json Test Library",url:""},{authors:["Tatu Aalto"],title:"Extending SeleniumLibrary 3.0",url:""},{authors:["Martin Taylor"],title:"Design Patterns for Efficient Multi-Platform",url:""},{authors:["Mikko Korpela"],title:"Parallel test execution with Pabot",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks",url:""}]}]}},xa={intro:{title:"Hello",body:'\nRoboCon 2023 was a hybrid conference in two parts.\n First conference part was fully in-person in Helsinki,\n where all the talks and other content were live at Bio Rex on January 19th & 20th 2023.
\nThe online conference took place from March 1st to March 3rd\n with three amazing days full of online content.
\nAll talks were recorded and they will be released for everyone before RoboCon 2024.
\nA big thank you for all who participated!
\n '},cfp:{title:"CFP",body:'\n"Call For Proposal" is open now. Please submit your talk proposal in a timely manner.
\n\nCFP for talks in Helsinki is open until September 25th - here
\nFor onsite speakers, we will compensate travel costs up-to 500€ on top of the free conference ticket with a backstage pass.
\nWithin the CFP for onsite talks, you can agree on the duplication of your proposal to the online part of RoboCon 23 at the end of February.
\n\nCFP for online talks is open until October 16th - here
\nAlso online speakers will get the free online conference tickets and if needed we will compensate for proper audio equipment for the speakers.
\n '},sponsors:{link:"sponsor",tiers:{small:"",medium:"",large:""},large:[],medium:[{img:"continero.png",href:""},{img:"eficode.png",href:""},{img:"fsecure.png",href:""},{img:"gofore.png",href:""},{img:"imbus.png",href:""},{img:"knowit.png",href:""},{img:"northcode.png",href:""},{img:"qfactory.png",href:""},{img:"robocorp.png",href:""},{img:"vala.png",href:""}],small:[]}},Fa={langName:"English",newsBanner:"",navbar:{links:[{text:"Home",name:"Home"},{text:"RBCN23",name:"Robocon2023",theme:"theme-2023"},{text:"Sponsor",name:"Sponsor"},{text:"Archive",name:"Archive"}]},home:Ma,germany:Ca,sponsor:Aa,archive:Ea,page2023:xa},Da={intro:{title:"Hallo",body:'Diesen Herbst ist die RoboCon zu Gast auf dem Software QS-Tag in Frankfurt.
\nErstmalig werden wir die Möglichkeit haben im Zentrums der EU eine eintägige RoboCon zu veranstalten.\n Die RoboCon wird sich mit dem Software QS-Tag ein Konferenzgebäude teilen und der Austausch mit den Besuchern des\n QS-Tages wird zu interessanten Gesprächen führen.
\nWenn Sie ein Hotelzimmer für die Nächte rund um die RoboCon im Konferenzhotel benötigen,\n wenden Sie sich bitte an qs-tag(at)\n Wir haben noch wenige Zimmer zur Verfügung.
\nAls Besucher mit einem RoboCon Ticket, steht ausschließlich der RoboCon Track zur Verfügung.\n Wünscht Ihr die RoboCon und den QS-Tag auf beiden Tagen (5. & 6. Oktober) besuchen zu können, inkl. Übernachtung im Konferenzhotel, so bucht ein Ticket zum Software QS-Tag auf\n
\nWir freuen uns dich auf der RoboCon zu sehen!
'}},La={langName:"German",germany:Da},Ha=Object(Ia["createI18n"])({locale:"en-US",messages:{"en-US":Object(n["a"])({},Fa),"de-DE":Object(n["a"])({},La)},warnHtmlInMessage:"off"});Object(a["createApp"])(io).use(Ra).use(Va).use(Ha).mount("#app")},"5ce5":function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("399d")},7478:function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("1f5d")},7780:function(e,t,o){},7841:function(e,t,o){},7995:function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("e457")},"7cbe":function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("c08e")},"7f26":function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("aaee")},"8bb0":function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("7780")},"92b8":function(e,t,o){},a2f0:function(e,t,o){},a908:function(e,t,o){},aaee:function(e,t,o){},ab6b:function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("7841")},ac2c:function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("375a")},b81e:function(e,t,o){},bde3:function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("a908")},bdf0:function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("4e22")},c08e:function(e,t,o){},c513:function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("92b8")},c75b:function(e,t,o){},c8de:function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("c75b")},d784d:function(e,t,o){},e457:function(e,t,o){},e5dd:function(e,t,o){},e645:function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("3513")},e649:function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("f33a")},ea05:function(e,t,o){"use strict";o("2c04")},f33a:function(e,t,o){},ff87:function(e,t,o){},ffdd:function(e,t,o){}}); \ No newline at end of file +(function(e){function t(t){for(var n,c,l=t[0],s=t[1],i=t[2],u=0,b=[];u\n For those who wish to experience the event to it\'s fullest,\n there are also package deals\n that include hotel accomodations.\n
\n '},cfp:{title:"CFP",body:'\nWe are waiting for you!
\nCome and speak at the biggest Robot Framework conference! Share your knowledge, tools and experiences with the experts from around the world. Submit a proposal and take a chance to make an influential impact on the most amazing open-source community.
\n \nSubmission deadline: 22nd October 2023 at 11:59 PM.
\n '},sponsors:{}},Ca={intro:{title:"Hello",body:'This fall, RoboCon will be a guest at the Software QS-Tag in Frankfurt.
\nFor the first time, we will have the opportunity to host a one-day RoboCon at the heart of Europe.\n RoboCon will share a conference building with the Software QS-Tag and the exchange with the visitors of\n the QS-Tag will hopefully lead to interesting discussions.
\nIf you need a hotel room for the nights around RoboCon at the conference hotel,\n please contact qs-tag(at)\n We still have a few rooms available.
\nAs a visitor with a RoboCon ticket, only the RoboCon track is available.\n If you would like to attend RoboCon and the QS-Tag on both days (5 & 6 October),\n including an overnight stay in the conference hotel, please book a ticket for the Software QS-Tag at\n
\nWe look forward to seeing you!
'},talks:{title:"Talks",talks:[{code:"T1",title:"[EN] Welcome RoboCon",abstract:"Welcome talk and expert discussion with audience.\n\nIn this talk René Rohner will give us an insight view of Robot Framework Foundation and tell us about upcoming features of Robot Framework.\n\nAfterwards we have time for other topics that will be defined by the audience and discussed on stage, where all Speakers are present.\nWe are also highly interested in new feature requests/ideas and will discuss them on stage.",speakers:[{code:"T7BUER",name:"Many Kasiriha",avatar:"",expanded:!1},{code:"BBBB",avatar:"",name:"Nele Lea Uhlemann",expanded:!1},{code:"HTDUSJ",avatar:"",name:"René Rohner",expanded:!1},{code:"CCCC",avatar:"dist/img/mkorpela.jpg",name:"Mikko Korpela",expanded:!1},{code:"FUKYZV",avatar:"",name:"Elout van Leeuwen",expanded:!1},{code:"AWCN8B",avatar:"",name:"Timo Stordell",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T09:00:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T10:15:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:""},{title:{en:"Coffee Break / Community Time"},start:"2022-10-05T10:15:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T10:45:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,speakers:[]},{code:"T2",title:"[EN] Using Robot Framework to ensure quality in the New Space industry",abstract:"How Robot Framework has been used at ICEYE to ensure quality in the New Space industry.",speakers:[{code:"CCCC",avatar:"dist/img/mkorpela.jpg",name:"Mikko Korpela",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T10:45:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T11:30:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"🇬🇧 ICEYE is building a product and running a service at the same time.\nPart of the system is also flying 400 to 500 km over us.\n\nWelcome to see a sneak peek into how testing of this kind of systems is really done and\nhow Robot Framework fits into the picture.\n\nThis talk will cover also some aspects of other tools than Robot Framework.\n"},{code:"T3",title:"[EN] How to solve unsolvable non-linear testing pipelines fully open source",abstract:"Unconventional requirement to CI systems need some thinking out of the box. How workflow management Camunda can help to solve complex demands.",speakers:[{code:"BBBB",avatar:"",name:"Nele Lea Uhlemann",expanded:!1},{code:"HTDUSJ",avatar:"",name:"René Rohner",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T11:40:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T12:25:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"🇬🇧 When testing complex and global systems, more and more demands are placed on a CI pipeline.\n\nConventional solutions like Jenkins or Gitlab reach their limits where it became exciting for us.\n\nThe challenge was tests that ran over several days, as the reactions of the system under test could sometimes only be checked the next day or days later. During the execution, different process steps had to be executed repeatedly. Nevertheless, a continuous process flow should be visible and tester should be able to see the state of the pipeline at any time without deeper knowledge of CI systems.\n\nIn this talk, Nele Uhlemann and René Rohner will present how complex workflows can be realised unconventionally with open source solutions and how asynchronous tests can be realised with Robot Framework and its APIs in combination with Camunda."},{code:"T4",title:"[DE] Papierlos, aber nicht ohne Dokumente! Simple Automated Visual Document Testing.",abstract:"Denn papierlos heißt nicht dokumentenlos. Lassen Sie mich Ihnen zeigen, wie wir unsere Dokumente und Druckdateien visuell und inhaltlich prüfe - mit Robot Framework und unserer eigenen Visual Document Testing Library.",speakers:[{code:"T7BUER",name:"Many Kasiriha",avatar:"",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T12:35:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T13:20:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"Unternehmen sind auf korrekte Dokumente angewiesen. Für uns als globaler Spediteur sind korrekte Dokumente unerlässlich. Ein dummer Fehler in einem Dokument kann peinlich sein - aber auch rechtliche Konsequenzen haben. Dokumente in der Spedition können das Eigentum an Waren von Partei A auf Partei B übertragen. Sie bestätigen, dass die Fracht zu Sicherheitszwecken ordnungsgemäß geröntgt wurde. Sie können Barcode-Etiketten sein, um ein Paket zu identifizieren.\n\nAls ein größeres Upgrade unseres Output- und Dokumentenmanagementsystems geplant war, mussten wir sicherstellen, dass unsere Dokumente genauso aussehen wie vor dem Upgrade. Angesichts der großen Anzahl von Dokumententypen, -formaten, -varianten und -regeln pro Dokument wurde uns schnell klar, dass wir das nicht manuell machen können.\n\nDie Frage war also: Kaufen oder selbst erstellen? Aufgrund der hohen Kosten und des Funktions-Overkills kommerzieller Lösungen und unserer guten Erfahrungen mit Robot Framework entschieden wir uns, eine Bibliothek für visuelle Dokumententests zu erstellen. Visuelle Tests bedeuten: Das Testdokument wird gerendert und pixelweise mit einem Referenzdokument verglichen. Wir haben jedoch festgestellt, dass dies nicht ausreicht.\n\nWir wollten Berichte mit Screenshots haben, die die verschiedenen Bereiche hervorheben. Wir wollten Bereiche aus dem Vergleich ausschließen, die auf Koordinaten oder Textmustern basieren. Wir wollten Strichcodes lesen können. Wir wollten akzeptable Bereiche für verschobene Textblöcke definieren. Wir wollten Textinhalte aus einer PDF-Datei oder über OCR vergleichen. Wir wollten zusätzliche Daten wie digitale Signaturen prüfen. Wir wollten Druckerdateien wie Postscript und Pcl interpretieren und vergleichen. Wir wollten eine einfache GUI zur Auswertung der Prüfergebnisse haben. Das Ergebnis war eine Robot Framework Library, die rein auf Open-Source-Komponenten basiert und Funktionen bietet, die nur in teuren kommerziellen Lösungen zu finden sind."},{title:{en:"Lunch Break / Community Time"},start:"2022-10-05T13:20:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T14:40:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,speakers:[]},{code:"T5",title:"[EN] Robot Framework and Browser Library. Open Source Keyword-Driven Testing at its best.",abstract:"In this tutorial René will take you to a journey from the very start with Robot Framework to web automation with Browser library.",speakers:[{code:"HTDUSJ",avatar:"",name:"René Rohner",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T14:40:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T16:00:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"This Talk should be valuable for beginners of Robot Framework as well as experienced users.\n\nEvery example in this tutorial can be easily followed or also tried after RoboCon. The only requirement is a Notebook with web browser and a account.\n\n### About Robot Framework:\n\nRobot Framework is a generic open source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation (RPA).\n\nRobot Framework is supported by Robot Framework Foundation. Many industry-leading companies use the tool in their software development.\nRobot Framework is open and extensible. Robot Framework can be integrated with virtually any other tool to create powerful and flexible automation solutions. Robot Framework is free to use without licensing costs.\n\nRobot Framework has an easy syntax, utilizing human-readable keywords. Its capabilities can be extended by libraries implemented with Python, Java or many other programming languages. Robot Framework has a rich ecosystem around it, consisting of libraries and tools that are developed as separate projects.\n\n### About Browser library:\n\nRobot Framework deserves a browser automation solution that's designed for the 2020s.\n\nBrowser library powered by Playwright provides.\n\n🚀 Speed, ✅ reliability and 🔬 visibility.\n\n- Conscise assertions.\n\n- Precise and fast browser window and tab control.\n\n- Chainable selector strategies.\n\n- Good shadow DOM support.\n\n- Easy mobile device descriptors.\n\n- Sending HTTP requests.\n\n- many more"},{title:{en:"Coffee Break / Community Time"},start:"2022-10-05T16:00:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T16:30:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,speakers:[]},{code:"T6",title:"[EN] My Ultimate Robot Framework Toolbox... These arrows should be in every quiver!",abstract:"Elout gives a demonstration of the most important and helpful tools needed in almost every Robot Framework project.",speakers:[{code:"FUKYZV",avatar:"",name:"Elout van Leeuwen",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T16:30:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T17:15:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"If you have ever thought how to start and what you need, you will find a good starting point here.\n\nMore details coming soon..."},{code:"T7",title:"[EN] What makes Robot Framework to stand out?",abstract:"I have used Robot Framework a lot in the past, but recently the framework chosen to my project has been different.\n\nOn the way, I've started to realise what makes Robot Framework excellent, more than before.",speakers:[{code:"AWCN8B",avatar:"",name:"Timo Stordell",expanded:!1}],track:null,start:"2022-10-05T17:25:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-05T18:10:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,description:"In this presentation, I will highlight the things that makes it stand out from the competition.\nThe purpose is not to do any boastful ranting (even though I'm tempted) but to go through some facts behind the success."},{title:{en:"Evening Event / Community Time"},start:"2022-10-05T19:00:00+02:00",end:"2022-10-06T00:00:00+02:00",room:1193,expanded:!1,yt_link:null,speakers:[]}],speakers:[{id:15344,code:"HTDUSJ",public_name:"René Rohner",biography:"René Rohner is a Senior Consultant for Testing Systems, Product Owner of the Value Stream Test Automation at imbus in Germany and Chairman of the board of Robot Framework Foundation.\n\nHe is member of the Core Team of Robot Framework Browser and developer of Robot Framework DataDriver. He is trainer and coach for Keyword-Driven Testing in multiple small and huge projects in Germany.",answers:[]},{id:13265,code:"AAAA",public_name:"Prof. Dr. Ayelt Komus",biography:"Prof. Dr. Ayelt Komus ist Professor an der Hochschule Koblenz, Vordenker für Management unter Unsicherheit, 80+ Fachpublikationen, 200+ Keynotes/Vorträge, Vielzahl an Studien wie „Status Quo (Scaled) Agile“ seit 2012 mit, IPMA, GPM, VOICE, bitkom, SwissICT u.a.\n\nWeitere Informationen unter\\nund\",answers:[]},{id:17004,code:"BBBB",public_name:"Nele Lea Uhlemann",biography:"Nele Uhlemann is a Developer Advocate at Camunda. Her passion is helping the open source community use and understand Camunda’s technologies and build a bridge between business and technical users to leverage the full potential of Process Automation. Nele works as a consultant at Camunda, leading workshops with developers and business users. Therefore, she understands the need to find a common language to enable agility in both domains.",answers:[]},{id:14436,code:"FUKYZV",public_name:"Elout van Leeuwen",biography:"Elout is a test automation consultant with Capgemini Netherlands. He is the companies representative with the Robot Framework Foundation and has over 7 years of experience with Robot Framework.",answers:[]},{id:15357,code:"T7BUER",public_name:"Many Kasiriha",biography:"I'm a Test Manager at DB Schenker and a regular Robot Framework User since 2020.\r\n\r\nI like to help other people getting started with Robot Framework (and Test Automation in general) and I know that it can be overwhelming sometimes.\r\nIn my daily work, I support projects in the setup of their test automation solution - for Web Applications, Desktop Applications, APIs or even Document Tests.\r\n\r\nI'm a believer in *test automation* - but convinced that *testing itself cannot be automated*.",answers:[]},{id:15357,code:"CCCC",public_name:"Mikko Korpela",biography:"Mikko is a developer and consultant that works with client organisations in various industries and Vice-Chairman of the board of Robot Framework Foundation.\n\nHe is also active in Robot Framework community and has participated in development of tools such as Robot Framework, Robot Framework Browser and Pabot.",answers:[]},{id:15420,code:"AWCN8B",public_name:"Timo Stordell",biography:"Timo is Lead Consultant, DevOps at Eficode.\n\nBuilding the future of software development. Passionate about making pipelines fluent.",answers:[]}]},sponsors:{title:"Sponsors",boxTitle:"RoboCon 2022 Germany talks are sponsored by these companies",tiers:{small:"",medium:"",large:""},large:[],medium:[],small:[{img:"camunda.png",href:""},{img:"capgemini.png",href:""},{img:"dbschenker.png",href:""},{img:"eficode.png",href:""},{img:"imbus.png",href:""},{img:"reaktor.png",href:""}]}},Aa={title:"Sponsorship",subTitle:"### Become a sponsor of RoboCon 2024!\n\nDo you want to give something back to Robot Framework? Want to present your company as a supporter of RoboCon and Robot Framework?\n\nJoin our sponsors and help us create an awesome event yet again.\nIf you have any questions about sponsorship please contact the [RoboCon team](mailto:info{at}{'@'}{at}",joinButton:"Join",event_url:"",tiers:{irl:[{name:"Silver",price:"1000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo (small)",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. **Small** company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free online ticket (1)",description:"One free ticket for the online part of RoboCon"}],voucher:"SPONSORSILVER"},{name:"Gold",price:"6000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. Company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free tickets (2+2)",description:"You will get:\n\n- 2 free tickets for the online part of RoboCon\n\nAND\n\n- 2 free Helsinki tickets, which includes access to online part as well."},{name:"Dedicated spotlight",description:"Dedicated time to showcase your company or product between talks. This is a chance for the people to engage with you. There will be one dedicated spot to meet the sponsor. This way people know when to meet the sponsor and you can have a presentation etc. there during your break."},{name:"Video during breaks (30 sec)",description:"Sponsor videos (with audio) will be played in randomized order between talks and during some of the breaks."},{name:"Booth on-site",description:"You will get a booth at Bio Rex Helsinki.\n\nYour booth includes:\n- a TV-screen for demonstration\n- company logo on booth\n- bar table with chair"},{name:"Booth online",description:"You will get an online booth at, where you can have up to four items such as:\n- PDF documents\n- hyperlinks\n- iFrames\n- YouTube videos"},{name:"Be part in a game",description:"Participants will be engaged in a game and your sponsor booth will be one of the ways for them to collect a prize. It's up to you what activity you prepare for them!"},{name:"Lead scanning",description:"You'll have the opportunity to use our lead scanning to get in contact with our on-site visitors in Helsinki. More information:"},{name:"Publish job offers",description:"We give you the opportunity to post job offers on our noticeboard in Helsinki and online."},{name:"Max. 10 sponsors",description:"Due to the size of Bio Rex at RoboCon Helsinki we do have limited availability of 10 booths.\n\nRobot Framework Foundation members do have a preferred access.\nTherefore, if you are not member of Foundation, we will reserve a spot when you book, but invoice it after September, if the spots are not all required by Foundation members. "}],voucher:"SPONSORGOLD"},{name:"Platinum",price:"12000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo (large)",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. **Large** company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free tickets (4+4)",description:"You will get:\n\n- 4 free tickets for the online part of RoboCon\n\nAND\n\n- 4 free Helsinki tickets, which include access to online part as well."},{name:"Dedicated spotlight",description:"Dedicated time to showcase your company or product between talks. This is a chance for the people to engage with you. There will be one dedicated spot to meet the sponsor. This way people know when to meet the sponsor and you can have a presentation etc. there during your break."},{name:"Video during breaks (30 sec)",description:"Sponsor videos (with audio) will be played in randomized order for full audience and during some of the breaks."},{name:"Booth on-site (premium)",description:"You will get a platinum booth for one day at Bio Rex Helsinki.\n\nYour booth includes:\n- a horizontal TV-screen for demonstration\n- company logo on booth\n- bar table with chair\n- lounge table with lounge chairs\n\n**On the other day you will get a normal Gold sponsor booth.**"},{name:"Booth online (premium)",description:"You will get a platinum online booth at, where you can have up to ten items like:\n- PDF documents\n- hyperlinks\n- iFrames\n- Youtube videos\n\nOn the one day where you are the Platinum sponsor your booth will be at the center of the conferece."},{name:"Be part in a game",description:"Participants will be engaged in a game and your sponsor booth will be one of the ways for them to collect a prize. It's up to you what activity you prepare for them!"},{name:"Lead scanning",description:"You will have the oportunity to use our lead scanning to get in contact with our on-site visitors in Helsinki.\n\nSee here for more information:"},{name:"Publish job offers",description:"We give you the opportunity to post job offers on our noticeboard in Helsinki and online."},{name:"Featured sponsor for 1 day",description:"Your company will be the platinum sponsor for one day of RoboCon.\n\nYou will be mentioned as the sponsor of this day once on-site and twice online.\n\nYou may want to book a second day of Platinum sponsoring in Helsinki for 8.000€, which gives you the platinum booth on both days."},{name:"Sponsor talk (~20 min)",description:"You will get a talk spot for a full talk (20 minutes) directly after keynote in Helsinki on-stage.\n\nYour talk will be recorded and streamed later in the online part of RoboCon."},{name:"Max. 2 sponsors",description:"Due to the 2 days duration of RoboCon Helsinki and one Platinum Sponsor per day, there are only 2 sponsoring spots available.\n\nRobot Framework Foundation members do have a preferred access.\nMembers who book Online + Helsinki Sponsorship are also preferred and have higher priority compared to Online Only.\nTherefore, if you are not member of Foundation, we will reserve a spot when you book, but invoice it after September, if the spots are not all required by Foundation members. "}],voucher:"SPONSORPLATINUM"}],online:[{name:"Silver",price:"1000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo (small)",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. **Small** company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free online ticket (1)",description:"One free ticket for the online part of RoboCon"}],voucher:"SPONSORSILVERONLINE"},{name:"Online Gold",price:"3000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. Company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free tickets (4 online)",description:"You will get:\n\n- 4 free online tickets for the online part of RoboCon."},{name:"Dedicated spotlight",description:"Dedicated time to showcase your company or product between talks. This is a chance for the people to engage with you. There will be one dedicated spot to meet the sponsor. This way people know when to meet the sponsor and you can have a presentation etc. there during your break."},{name:"Video during breaks (30 sec)",description:"Sponsor videos (with audio) will be played in randomized order for full audience and during some of the breaks."},{name:"Booth online",description:"You will get an online booth at, where you can have up to four items like:\n- PDF documents\n- hyperlinks\n- iFrames\n- Youtube videos"},{name:"Publish job offers",description:"We give you the opportunity to post job offers on our noticeboard online."},{name:"Max. 10 sponsors",description:"There is a limited availability of 10 booths.\n\nRobot Framework Foundation members do have a preferred access.\nTherefore, if you are not member of Foundation, we will reserve a spot when you book, but invoice it after September, if the spots are not all required by Foundation members. "}],voucher:"SPONSORGOLDONLINE"},{name:"Online Platinum",price:"6000 €",perks:[{name:"Company logo (large)",description:"Your company logo will be visible on, our photo wall on site at Helsinki and at our online venue. **Premium size** company logo on screen between presentations."},{name:"Social media",description:"We will mention your company on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook."},{name:"Free tickets (6 online)",description:"You will get:\n\n- 8 free online tickets for the online part of RoboCon 2024"},{name:"Dedicated spotlight",description:"Dedicated time to showcase your company or product between talks. This is a chance for the people to engage with you. There will be one dedicated spot to meet the sponsor. This way people know when to meet the sponsor and you can have a presentation etc. there during your break."},{name:"Video during breaks (30 sec)",description:"Sponsor videos (with audio) will be played in randomized order for full audience and during some of the breaks."},{name:"Booth online (premium)",description:"You will get a premium online booth at, where you can have up to ten items like:\n- PDF documents\n- hyperlinks\n- iFrames\n- Youtube videos\n\nOn the one day where you are the Platinum sponsor your booth will be at the center of the conferece."},{name:"Publish job offers",description:"We give you the opportunity to post job offers on our noticeboard online."},{name:"Featured sponsor for 1 day",description:"Your company will be the Platinum sponsor for one day of RoboCon.\n\nYou will be mentioned twice as the sponsor of this day and your logo will be shown."},{name:"Video after Keynote (~5 min)",description:"You will get a spot for a video (5 minutes) directly after the online keynote.\n\nYour talk shall be pre-recorded and will be streamed before people are sent to the first break."},{name:"Max. 2 sponsors",description:"Due to the duration of RoboCon and one Platinum Sponsor per day, there are only 2 sponsoring spots available.\n\nRobot Framework Foundation members do have a preferred access.\nMembers who book Online + Helsinki Sponsorship are also preferred and have higher priority.\nTherefore, if you are not member of Foundation, we will reserve a spot when you book, but invoice it after September, if the spots are not all required by Foundation members. "}],voucher:"SPONSORPLATINUMONLINE"}]}},xa={previousTalks:{title:"Previous Talks",body:'All RoboCon talks over the years have been recorded. Feel free to watch them here or directly in YouTube.
',talks:[{year:2022,playlistLink:"",list:[{title:"Keynote: Robot Framework",url:"",authors:["René Rohner","Ed Manlove","Pekka Klärck"]},{title:"Robocorp == RPA for Developers",url:"",authors:["Antti Karjalainen"]},{title:"Test Intelligence for and with the Robot Framework",url:"",authors:["Elmar Juergens"]},{title:"Our Robot Framework Automation Journey : Medidata Solutions",url:"",authors:["Karthik Selvarajan","Allen Lee"]},{title:"Tests are talking, are you ready to listen?",url:"",authors:["Tatu Aalto"]},{title:"How Robocop evolved to 2.0?",url:"",authors:["Mateusz Nojek"]},{title:"Tidy your code with Robotidy",url:"",authors:["Bartłomiej Hirsz"]},{title:"Project and package management: Poetry for robots",url:"",authors:["Robin Mackaij"]},{title:"CamundaLibrary - Updates and Roadmap",url:"",authors:["Markus Stahl"]},{title:"Accessibility checking with Browser Extensions",url:"",authors:["Elout van Leeuwen"]},{title:"Web-scale Robot Framework with JupyterLite",url:"",authors:["Asko Soukka","Nicholas Bollweg"]},{title:"Robots In Space",url:"",authors:["Jeff King"]},{title:"Using implicit context to create rich behavior driven keywords",url:"",authors:["Samuel Montgomery-Blinn"]},{title:"Robot Framework Is Not ...",url:"",authors:["Kelby Stine"]},{title:"Combining all test reports to one",url:"",authors:["Timo Stordell"]},{title:"Analyze your code like true detective",url:"",authors:["Bartłomiej Hirsz"]},{title:"Yet another API talk, but this one is different...",url:"",authors:["Mateusz Nojek"]},{title:"Output Robot Framework report using Github Actions",url:"",authors:["Joonas Venäläinen"]},{title:"Reactive Robot - Fastest way to turn Robot Framework projects into event-driven services",url:"",authors:["Yusuf Can Bayrak"]},{title:"\\u201cFor the very first time\\u201d - Start to Code, Test, Package & Publish your first Library",url:"",authors:["Many Kasiriha"]},{title:"Robot Framework for silicon validation",url:"",authors:["Franz Haas","Sebastian Herz"]},{title:"HybridApp - hybrid testing",url:"",authors:["Jacek Kohut"]},{title:"Introducing OpenApiDriver...and OpenApiLibCore!",url:"",authors:["Robin Mackaij"]},{title:"Robot Framework and commercial testing tools integration - based on regression project for SWT app",url:"",authors:["Krzysztof Trybus","Gregor Schmid"]},{title:"Eggplant Library - connecting Robot Framework to advanced image based automation",url:"",authors:["Andre Mochinin","Rico Feist"]},{title:"Year with Browser library",url:"",authors:["Tatu Aalto","René Rohner","Kerkko Pelttari"]},{title:"Robots in the Clouds: Experiences with Using Robotframework with Cloud Providers",url:"",authors:["Josh Grant"]},{title:"The neuroscience of learning, creativity and collaboration",url:"",authors:["Katri Saarikivi"]}]},{year:2021,playlistLink:"",list:[{authors:["Pekka Klärck","Ismo Aro"],title:"KEYNOTE: WHERE'S ROBOT FRAMEWORK IN 2021",url:""},{authors:["Mateusz Nojek","Bartłomiej Hirsz"],title:"HOW TO AVOID JAIL FOR NASTY CODE?",url:""},{authors:["Many Kasiriha"],title:"PRINT IS NOT DEAD - VISUAL DOCUMENT TESTING WITH ROBOT FRAMEWORK",url:""},{authors:["Mikko Korpela","Tatu Aalto","Kerkko Pelttari","René Rohner"],title:"BROWSER LIBRARY - INTRODUCTION",url:""},{authors:["Diogo Rede"],title:"E-COMMERCE WEB AUTOMATION AT SCALE",url:""},{authors:["Maciej Wiczk"],title:"RFHUB2 - NEW TAKE ON ROBOTFRAMEWORK ASSET DOCUMENTATION",url:""},{authors:["Luca Giovenzana"],title:"WHAT'S NEW IN REQUESTSLIBRARY 0.9",url:""},{authors:["Patrik Zakovič","Marián Macek"],title:"THE JOURNEY OF BUILDING TEST AUTOMATION PLATFORM IN THE BANK",url:""},{authors:["Simon Meggle"],title:"ROBOTMK: TESTING MEETS MONITORING",url:""},{authors:["Tuomas Pitkänen"],title:"ROBOT MAKES MUSIC",url:""},{authors:["Pekka Klärck"],title:"CREATING ROBOT FRAMEWORK LIBRARIES: WHY AND HOW?",url:""},{authors:["Deepak Chourasia"],title:"ROBOT FRAMEWORK AND JOURNEY FROM CATHEDRAL TO BAZAR",url:""},{authors:["Antti Karjalainen"],title:"OPEN-SOURCE STACK FOR RPA",url:""},{authors:["Tuukka Virtanen"],title:"HOW TO FIND THE BEST ROBOT FRAMEWORK LIBRARIES?",url:""},{authors:["Fabio Zadrozny"],title:"ROBOTFRAMEWORK LANGUAGE SERVER",url:""},{authors:["Markus Stahl"],title:"HOW TO START WITH OPEN SOURCE RPA",url:""},{authors:["Cindy Huffman"],title:"AUTOMATING CUSTOMER JOURNEYS AS UI ACCEPTANCE SCENARIOS",url:""},{authors:["Esko Hannula"],title:"HYPERAUTOMATION OR HYPE-AUTOMATION: AUTOMATION LANDSCAPE OF THE FUTURE",url:""},{authors:["Dave Martin"],title:"ZERO TO HERO IN 2 WEEKS",url:""},{authors:["Elisabeth Hendrickson"],title:"KEYNOTE: ROBOT FRAMEWORK THROUGH THE LENS OF HISTORY",url:""},{authors:["Gojko Adžić"],title:"KEYNOTE: YOU'RE TESTING WHAT?",url:""},{authors:["Juho Saarinen"],title:"ROBOT FRAMEWORK AFTER JYTHON",url:""},{authors:["Bartłomiej Hirsz"],title:"NEW PARSING API FOR ROBOT FRAMEWORK - HOW TO CREATE OWN TOOLS",url:""},{authors:["Tatu Aalto"],title:"PYTHONLIBCORE THE SECRET BEHIND SELENIUMLIBRARY",url:""},{authors:["Mikko Korpela","Tatu Aalto","Kerkko Pelttari","René Rohner"],title:"ROBOTFRAMEWORK BROWSER LIBRARY - A DEEP DIVE",url:""},{authors:["Nils Balkow-Tychsen","Michał Wcisło"],title:"HOW KUBERNETES BRINGS QA AND DEVOPS CLOSER TOGETHER",url:""},{authors:["Samuel Montgomery-Blinn"],title:"(AB)USING ROBOTFRAMEWORK-DATADRIVER FOR FUN AND PROFIT",url:""},{authors:["Raphael Roems"],title:"BACKEND TESTING USING ROBOT FRAMEWORK AND SOAPUI",url:""},{authors:["Markus Stahl"],title:"ROBOTFRAMEWORK-CAMUNDA LIBRARY: ORCHESTRATING ROBOTIC TASKS",url:""},{authors:["Tommi Oinonen"],title:"WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG?! - AN ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION",url:""}]},{year:2020,playlistLink:"",list:[{authors:["Jeff King"],title:"ROBOT FRAMEWORK AND THE ONE MAN ROBOT BAND",url:""},{authors:["Anaïs van Asselt"],title:"IMPLEMENTING A TEST AUTOMATION ARCHITECTURE IN A GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION",url:""},{authors:["Antti Karjalainen"],title:"THE OPEN RPA ECOSYSTEM",url:""},{authors:["Petteri Mannersalo"],title:"ROBOT FRAMEWORK AS AN ENABLER FOR INTELLIGENT PROCESS AUTOMATION",url:""},{authors:["Tuomas Lempiäinen"],title:"QA DRIVEN RPA AT VEIKKAUS",url:""},{authors:["Virpi Luostarinen","Mikael Siirtola"],title:"RPA ON RAILS: AUTOMATING MANUAL PROCESSES AT VR",url:""},{authors:["Kristina Sabotic"],title:"END-TO-END TESTING FOR END-USERS",url:""},{authors:["Luca Giovenzana","Angelo Caovilla"],title:"BEWARE THE BRITTLE DRAGON",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks I",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks II",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks III",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks IV",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks V",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks VI",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks VII",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks VIII",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks IX",url:""},{authors:["Ismo Aro"],title:"Day II",url:""},{authors:["KEYNOTE: Pekka Klärck"],title:"WHAT'S NEW? WHAT'S NEXT? WHO ARE WE?",url:""},{authors:["Akseli Lukkarila"],title:"ACCEPTANCE TESTING A REAL-TIME MUSIC EDUCATION APPLICATION WITH AUDIO",url:""},{authors:["Maria Prokhorova"],title:"NEW IMAGE LIBRARY FOR ADVANCED IMAGE PROCESSING",url:""},{authors:["Tatu Aalto"],title:"SELENIUMLIBRARY 4.0: PLUGIN API AND EVENT FIRING WEBDRIVER SUPPORT",url:""},{authors:["René Rohner"],title:"DATADRIVER OR: HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE OPEN SOURCE",url:""},{authors:["Tommi Oinonen"],title:"SELF MANAGING TESTING PIPELINES",url:""},{authors:["Juho Saarinen"],title:"ROBOT FRAMEWORK REMOTE LIBRARY IN PRACTICE (WITH DEMOS)",url:""},{authors:["Maciej Brzozowski"],title:"MICROSERVICES TESTING USING ARGO: CONTAINER-NATIVE WORKFLOWS FOR KUBERNETES",url:""},{authors:["Joonas Köppä","Riku Halonen"],title:"ORCHESTRATING ROBOT FRAMEWORK TEST CONTAINERS AND REMOTE LIBRARIES IN KUBERNETES",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks I",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks II",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks III",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks IV",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks V",url:""},{title:"Day II - Lightning Talks VI",url:""}]},{year:2019,playlistLink:"",list:[{authors:["Ismo Aro","Pekka Klärck"],title:"Welcome back! What's new since RoboCon 2018?",url:""},{authors:["Antti Karjalainen"],title:"The start of the open source RPA movement",url:""},{authors:["Juho Saarinen"],title:"Evolution of Robot Framework user",url:""},{authors:["Tatu Aalto"],title:"Decade with SeleniumLibrary and browsers' UI automation",url:""},{authors:["Brady Hill"],title:"RobotFramework for Embedded Software Testing",url:""},{authors:["Nguyen Huu Bach"],title:"RENAT - a network testing plugin based on Robot Framework",url:""},{authors:["Mikael Siirtola"],title:"Robot Framework with Patient Monitors: Test Automation at GE Healthcare Finland",url:""},{authors:["Päivi Raulamo-Jurvanen"],title:"Practical Experiences on Evaluating Software Testing Tools",url:""},{authors:["Nicholas Bollweg","Asko Soukka"],title:"Robots from Jupyter The Future of Authoring Tests and Tasks",url:""},{authors:["Joonas Lehtimäki"],title:"Dynamically scalable test environment on top of Kubernetes",url:""},{authors:["Oleksandr Kravchenko"],title:"Dynamic Generation of Model Based Testcases Using Listener Interface Version 3",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks I",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks II",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks III",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks IV",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks V",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks VI",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks VII",url:""}]},{year:2018,playlistLink:"",list:[{authors:["Ismo Aro"],title:"Robot Framework Foundation: Welcome to RoboCon",url:""},{authors:["Pekka Klärck"],title:"How Did We Get Here? Where Do We Go Next?",url:""},{authors:["Régis Déau"],title:"The Naked Truth About Successful Test Automation Journey",url:""},{authors:["Aldina Codesso-Lipponen"],title:"Mega Robot Projects - What To Expect",url:""},{authors:["Asko Soukka"],title:"Robot Framework in Plone CMS Project",url:""},{authors:["Ed Manlove"],title:"The Importance of Open Source Communities",url:""},{authors:["Anssi Syrjäsalo"],title:"Towards Contract - Based API Testing with a New Rest Json Test Library",url:""},{authors:["Tatu Aalto"],title:"Extending SeleniumLibrary 3.0",url:""},{authors:["Martin Taylor"],title:"Design Patterns for Efficient Multi-Platform",url:""},{authors:["Mikko Korpela"],title:"Parallel test execution with Pabot",url:""},{title:"Lightning Talks",url:""}]}]}},Ea={intro:{title:"Hello",body:'\nRoboCon 2023 was a hybrid conference in two parts.\n First conference part was fully in-person in Helsinki,\n where all the talks and other content were live at Bio Rex on January 19th & 20th 2023.
\nThe online conference took place from March 1st to March 3rd\n with three amazing days full of online content.
\nAll talks were recorded and they will be released for everyone before RoboCon 2024.
\nA big thank you for all who participated!
\n '},cfp:{title:"CFP",body:'\n"Call For Proposal" is open now. Please submit your talk proposal in a timely manner.
\n\nCFP for talks in Helsinki is open until September 25th - here
\nFor onsite speakers, we will compensate travel costs up-to 500€ on top of the free conference ticket with a backstage pass.
\nWithin the CFP for onsite talks, you can agree on the duplication of your proposal to the online part of RoboCon 23 at the end of February.
\n\nCFP for online talks is open until October 16th - here
\nAlso online speakers will get the free online conference tickets and if needed we will compensate for proper audio equipment for the speakers.
\n '},sponsors:{link:"sponsor",tiers:{small:"",medium:"",large:""},large:[],medium:[{img:"continero.png",href:""},{img:"eficode.png",href:""},{img:"fsecure.png",href:""},{img:"gofore.png",href:""},{img:"imbus.png",href:""},{img:"knowit.png",href:""},{img:"northcode.png",href:""},{img:"qfactory.png",href:""},{img:"robocorp.png",href:""},{img:"vala.png",href:""}],small:[]}},Fa={langName:"English",newsBanner:"",navbar:{links:[{text:"Home",name:"Home"},{text:"RBCN23",name:"Robocon2023",theme:"theme-2023"},{text:"Sponsor",name:"Sponsor"},{text:"Archive",name:"Archive"}]},home:Ma,germany:Ca,sponsor:Aa,archive:xa,page2023:Ea},Da={intro:{title:"Hallo",body:'Diesen Herbst ist die RoboCon zu Gast auf dem Software QS-Tag in Frankfurt.
\nErstmalig werden wir die Möglichkeit haben im Zentrums der EU eine eintägige RoboCon zu veranstalten.\n Die RoboCon wird sich mit dem Software QS-Tag ein Konferenzgebäude teilen und der Austausch mit den Besuchern des\n QS-Tages wird zu interessanten Gesprächen führen.
\nWenn Sie ein Hotelzimmer für die Nächte rund um die RoboCon im Konferenzhotel benötigen,\n wenden Sie sich bitte an qs-tag(at)\n Wir haben noch wenige Zimmer zur Verfügung.
\nAls Besucher mit einem RoboCon Ticket, steht ausschließlich der RoboCon Track zur Verfügung.\n Wünscht Ihr die RoboCon und den QS-Tag auf beiden Tagen (5. & 6. Oktober) besuchen zu können, inkl. Übernachtung im Konferenzhotel, so bucht ein Ticket zum Software QS-Tag auf\n
\nWir freuen uns dich auf der RoboCon zu sehen!
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