If you do not know how to create a pull request follow this tutorial
You can either contribute by adding project to the project page or adding blog to the blog page. The only condition is that the project should be begineer friendly. You can follow the following steps in order to contribute a project to project page..
- Keep the following things Ready :
- Your Project Name
- Timeline of Your Projects
- TechStack used in the project
- Project Description
- Live Demo link
- Source Code link / Github Repo Link
- Your Profile link (Github/ Linkedin/ Stackoverflow/ Portfolio/ Coding Profile)
- Go to the project.html page and right above the footer tag. Edit the code given below and paste this.
- You can also add your own blogs on the blog.html page similarly.
<section class="section">
<h2 class="project-heading">Your Project Name</h2>
<p class="project-date"> Timeline of Your Projects</p>
<p class="tech-stack">
<strong class="highlight-white">Tech Stack Used:</strong> <em>Technologies used in your Project.
<p class="description mb-2">
Project Description </p>
<p class="project-links">
<a target="_blank" href="Your project Link" class="link primary-link">Live Demo</a>
<a target="_blank" href="Your Github Repo of the project" class="link secondary-link">View
<a target="_blank" href="Your Profile link/" class="link primary-link">Created By</a>