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mctq (development version)

  • The utility functions assign_date(), cycle_time(), round_time(), shorter_interval(), longer_interval(), shorter_duration(), longer_duration(), sum_time(), and vct_sum_time() were removed. These functions were deprecated on mctq 0.3.2. You can still find them in the lubritime package.
  • The utility function qplot_walk() was removed. This function was deprecated on mctq 0.3.2. You can still find it in the rutils package.
  • The ggplot2 package was removed as an import. It was only needed for qplot_walk().
  • The dependencies versions were updated.
  • Code indentation was changed to 2 spaces (it was 4 spaces).
  • magrittr pipe (%>%) was changed to the native R pipe (|>) when possible.
  • MCTQ now has a CRAN DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.mctq.
  • The vignette "Why Duration and not Period?" was removed.

mctq 0.3.2 (2023-02-19)

  • As of this version, a decoupling process related to some mctq utility functions will begin. Please pay attention to the deprecation warnings listed below.
  • Patch changes were made to random_mctq() to avoid warning messages due to lubridate package updates.
  • The utility functions assign_date(), cycle_time(), round_time(), shorter_interval(), longer_interval(), shorter_duration(), longer_duration(), sum_time(), and vct_sum_time() are now deprecated. These functions will be removed on the next mctq version. You can still find them in the lubritime package.
  • The utility function qplot_walk() is now deprecated. This function will be removed on the next mctq version. You can still find it in the rutils package.
  • qplot_walk() now uses ggplot2::geom_bar() or ggplot2::geom_histogram() to generate plots. It used ggplot2::qplot() before, now deprecated.
  • The ggplot2 package was added as an import. It's needed while qplot_walk() remains on the package and will be removed from imports in the next mctq version.
  • Mario Pedrazzoli and Ana Amelia Benedito-Silva were removed as authors. They were Scientific Advisers that helped with the initial mctq development, but are not part of the mctq project anymore.
  • The Interdisciplinary Sleep Research Group (GIPSO) was removed as funder. GIPSO is a research group that Mario and Daniel Vartanian have built together. Daniel (the main author and copyright holder of mctq) is no longer part of this group. The "funder" status was always symbolic.
  • The dependencies versions were updated.

mctq 0.3.1 (2022-11-03)

  • Patch changes were made to adapt the package to R-devel.
  • The dependencies versions were updated.

mctq 0.3.0 (2022-08-20)

  • Re-rendered documentation for compatibility with R-devel.
  • Some minor documentation issues were resolved.
  • mctq has been self-certified on the OpenSSF Best Practices Badge Program.
  • chronotype(), a wrapper function for msf_sc(), was removed.

mctq 0.2.0 (2022-05-08)

  • Some minor documentation issues were resolved.
  • shorter_interval() now don't have the inverse argument. Use longer_interval() instead.
  • shorter_duration() and longer_duration(), two functions that return the shorter and the longer duration between two hours, were introduced.
  • sjl_sc() and sjl_sc_rel(), two functions that allow the user to compute Jankowski's MCTQ sleep-corrected social jet lag, were introduced.

mctq 0.1.0 (2021-11-04)

  • First CRAN release. 🎉
  • You can now install mctq with install.packages("mctq").
  • We decided to wait for a little while before releasing a 1.0.0 (stable) mctq version. We don't intend to make any breaking changes, but we think is better to wait and see if the user community don't have any issues with the features.

mctq (prerelease)

  • mctq is now a peer-reviewed package by @ropensci! 🎉
  • The package repository was transferred to the @ropensci organization. All links related to mctq have been changed. Old links have a redirect protocol to point to the new repository and new website.

mctq (prerelease)

  • @jonkeane was added as a reviewer ('rev').
  • @leocadio-miguel was added as a reviewer ('rev').

Breaking changes

  • assign_date() now returns only Interval objects.
  • convert() and all convert_*() functions were removed. See a dedicated note about this below.
  • ms() was renamed to msl(). See a dedicated note about this below.
  • sd() was renamed to sdu(). See a dedicated note about this below.
  • shortest_interval() was renamed to shorter_interval().
  • shorter_interval() and longer_interval() now returns only Interval objects.
  • sum_time() now have different arguments and was divided in two functions: sum_time() (for non-vectorized sums) and vct_sum_time() (for vectorized sums).
  • sum_time() now returns only Duration objects.
  • To avoid any unknown compatibility issues, all packages on imports will now require the latest version of them at the moment of release.

New features

  • cycle_time(), a function to cycle time spans, was introduced.

Minor improvements and fixes

  • round_time() is now a S3 generic.
  • The user interface has gotten more stylish, thanks to the cli package (now on imports).
  • A new vignette was introduced, explaining why the mctq package use Duration instead of Period (objects from the lubridate package) as the default object for time spans.
  • Several typos were fixed in the documentation.
  • Several functions were optimized.

Note about removing convert()

convert() was created considering the user experience (sleep and chronobiology scientists). Since most of them don't have much experience with R and that time can have different types of representations (e.g., decimal hours, radian), convert() aim was to help transpose those difficulties, posing as an "universal translator" (🖖).

However, after much thought and consideration, we believe that the convert() feature may be out of the mctq scope. It can maybe be part of another package (a lubritime package perhaps? 😄). Other mctq tools, like shorter_interval() and sum_time(), could also be a part of that package (but are necessary in mctq for the time being). Hence, we decided to remove convert() and to instruct the user to check the lubridate and hms packages for parsing/conversion.

Note about renaming sd() and ms()

That was a tough, but necessary, call. Although we tried to preserve the original author's naming pattern for the MCTQ functions, the name sd provokes a dangerous name collision with the widely used stats::sd() function (standard deviation) and the name ms provokes a name collision with lubridate::ms() (a function for parsing minutes and seconds components). That's why we decided to renamed them. sdu() and msl() are the only exceptions, all the other mctq functions maintain a strong naming resemblance with the original author's naming pattern.

mctq (prerelease)

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.