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Aleksander Machniak edited this page Jul 12, 2018 · 6 revisions

Available Plugin Hooks

The registered callback function receives a hash array as single argument which contains hook specific data (called Arguments in the following list). It can then alter some of these values (listed as Return values) by returning a hash array containing the modified values.


Global Hooks


When the application is initialized. This is the place where task and action arguments can be altered.


  • task
  • action

Return values:

  • task
  • action


(since 0.7-beta)

When the application is ready, user is authenticated and the request was checked. This is the place where task and action arguments can be altered too. It is executed before any actions and task's files.


  • task
  • action

Return values:

  • task
  • action


On direct access to a config option, plugins can inject their own values or implement an alternative storage for configuration.


  • name
  • default
  • result

Return values:

  • result


Former mailboxes_list

Triggered whenever a list of the mailboxes is requested from the IMAP class. If no plugin returns a list, the default list is retrieved.


  • root: Root folder
  • name: Folder name pattern
  • filter: Optional filter
  • mode: Query mode: LSUB or LIST

Return values:

  • folders: Folders list to be used


When the mailbox list is about to be rendered. This hook allows plugins to alter the folder tree or to localize folder names.


  • list: The hierarchical list of mailboxes
  • delimiter: IMAP hierarchy delimiter

Return values:

  • list


Triggered every time a message is sent to the logs. Setting the abort field to true finishes log action before writing to file.


  • name: The name of the target log
  • line: The line to write to the log

Return values:

  • name
  • line
  • abort


Called for debug logging. Setting the abort field to true avoids regular debug logging which will again trigger the write_loghook.


  • args: List of variables to dump

Return values:

  • args
  • abort


Triggered whenever a email-to-user lookup is executed.


  • email: E-mail address

Return values:

  • user: User login


Triggered whenever a login-to-email lookup is executed. Can be used also to set initial identities for a new user.


  • user: User login
  • first: True if one entry is expected
  • extended: True if array result (email and identity data) is expected

Return values:

  • email: E-mail address (or array of arrays with keys: email, name, organization, reply-to, bcc, signature, html_signature)


(since 0.6-beta)

Request tokens created for CSRF prevention are passed to this hook before they're used. A plugin can register or even alter these request tokens.


  • value

Return values:

  • value


(since 0.9-rc)

Hook triggered by periodic polling requests from the client to collect updates or new data. This only happens on AJAX requests and plugins can execute actions on the client by adding command calls to the output object:



  • last: timestamp of last refresh call

Return values: none.

Task "login"


Before the user login on the IMAP server is performed.


  • host
  • user
  • pass
  • cookiecheck
  • valid

Return values:

  • host
  • user
  • pass
  • cookiecheck: set to false to disable cookie check
  • valid: set to true to disable CSRF check. (since 0.5.1)
  • abort: set to true to skip the imap login and fail
  • error: if using abort, also set error to any string (else you will get a storage error)


Triggered after a user successfully logged in. This hook allows a plugin to control the redirect after the login form was submitted. Information about the current user can be obtained from the rcube_user object at rcmail::get_instance()->user


  • [url parameters, e.g. task, action, etc.]

Return values:

  • task
  • action
  • [more url parameters]


Triggered if user authentication failed. Could be useful for logging or to give more detailed feedback to the user why the login failed.


  • host
  • user
  • code

Return values: none.


When a somebody logs in the first time and a local user is created. Return values will also be used to create the default identity for this new user.


  • user
  • user_name
  • user_email
  • host

Return values:

  • user_name
  • user_email
  • alias
  • language

Task "logout"


Triggered when a user logs out and the session is destroyed.

Arguments: none.

Return values: none.


After the user is logged out and the session is killed, this hook is triggered. The arguments still contain some user info which is not available in $_SESSION anymore. It's also possible to redirect to some other URL in this hook because it's the last action in the logout process.


  • host
  • user
  • language

Return values: none.

Task "mail"


Former imap_init

This hook allows you to configure some IMAP communications options.


  • fetch_headers: String appended to the FETCH HEADER.FIELDS () list
  • message_flags: Hash array with message flags and their IMAP equivalents

Return values:

  • fetch_headers: String with additional headers to be fetched (separated by space)
  • message_flags


Triggered right before connecting to the IMAP server. Similar to the authenticate hook but triggered in every step not just on login.


  • host
  • user
  • attempt: Number of connection attempt (if retry is returned)

Return values:

  • host
  • user
  • pass
  • retry: Set this to true for anther connection attempt


(since 1.1-beta)

Triggered after successful IMAP logins.


  • host
  • user
  • session: IMAP session identifier if provided by the server

Return values: none.


Triggered when a message is loaded from the server, namely when a new rcube_message object was created. This allows one to analyze the structured message object and find specific attachments, headers or contents for further actions.


  • object: The rcube_message instance

Return values: none.


Triggered when a message is loaded and its SEEN flag is set. The message argument will give you access to all the message headers and its structure.


  • uid
  • mailbox
  • message: The according rcube_message instance

Return values: none.


Triggered for every part of the message structure when it's parsing is processed. The structure argument holds a hierarchical list of the current part and its sub-parts.


  • object: The rcube_message instance
  • structure: The raw part structure from the IMAP server
  • mimetype: Content type of the part (lowercase)
  • recursive: True if the part is parsed recursively (a sub-part)

Return values:

  • structure
  • mimetype
  • recursive


Triggered before a message part (text or html) is cleaned/formatted.


  • type
  • body
  • safe
  • plain
  • inline_html

Return values:

  • type
  • body
  • safe
  • plain
  • inline_html


After message text part formatting.


  • type
  • body
  • safe
  • plain
  • inline_html

Return values:

  • body


(since 0.8-beta)

Callback when downloading or displaying a non-text part of a message (e.g. an attachment).


  • uid: The message UID
  • id: The part's mime number
  • mimetype: The part's mime type
  • download: True if download is forced
  • part: The message part structure

Return values:

  • mimetype
  • download
  • body


Triggered when building the message headers table for display. If you want to add more headers, you need to fetch them at the storage_init hook.


  • output: Hash array with all the headers to be put into the html table
  • headers: Message headers object

Return values:

  • output: Altered headers array


Sets message safe flag when a message contains a HTML part. This hooks allows plugins to alter the safe flag after the lookup for known senders was executed. Check $args['message']->is_safe and set $args['message']->set_safe(true|false) to modify the setting.


  • message: The according rcube_message instance

Return values: none.


Hook to render the alert box displayed above a message when links to remote images or resources are detected. This is also triggered for draft messages showing the edit button.


  • content: Array with alert box contents
  • message: The according rcube_message instance

Return values:

  • content: Altered headers array


Contents prepended to the message body block when viewing an email message.


  • part: rcube_message_part instance of the rendered body part
  • prefix: The content to be prepended

Return values:

  • prefix


Triggered when the compose step is executed (before redirecting). This allows a plugin to manipulate the request parameters and pre-fill the compose form. Even attachments can be appended to the message using this hook.


  • param: Array with request parameters

Return values:

  • param: _Compose parameters like 'to', 'subject', 'body' _
  • attachments: _Array of attachments to be added. An entry (array) should contain the fields 'path', 'name' and 'mimetype' _


Triggered during the compose step. This allows a plugin to modify the body of a message after the blank/draft/forward has been assembled, but before the compose form is displayed.


  • body: The body of the message

Return values:

  • body: The body of the message


Triggered every time a user uploads an attachment in message compose mode. This hook is mainly used by core plugins that handle the storage of the uploaded files.


  • path: Temporary file path to the uploaded file
  • name: The original file name
  • mimetype: Detected mime-type

Return values:

  • status: True if the file was successfully stored (required)
  • error: Error message in case a plugin rejects the upload and sets the abort flag
  • id: The unique ID of the file to get retrieve it later on (required)
  • name
  • mimetype
  • abort


Triggered for every attachment of forwarded message before compose. This hook is mainly used by core plugins that handle the storage of mail attachments.


  • path: Temporary file path or
  • data: File contents (if path is empty)
  • name: The original file name
  • mimetype: Detected mime-type
  • content_id: Message part ID

Return values:

  • status: True if the file was successfully stored (required)
  • id: The unique ID of the file to get retrieve it later on (required)
  • name
  • mimetype


(deprecated, use [#message_before_send message_before_send] or [#message_ready message_ready] hooks instead)

Before a mail message is sent, this hooks allows you to set additional mail headers.


  • headers: Hash array with current message headers

Return values:

  • headers
  • abort: If true the message will not be sent
  • message: The reason why the message was not sent which will be shown to the user


Before a mail message is composed, this hook is triggered before adding the message body contents.


  • body: The message body to be added
  • type: html|plain|alternative
  • message: Reference to current MailMime object

Return values:

  • body


(since 1.2-beta)

Before a composed message is either sent or saved as draft, this hook allows final modifications to the mime structure.


  • message: Reference to current MailMime object

Return values:

  • message: The modified or completely replaced MailMime object


Triggered when before opening an SMTP connection to send a message. Some SMTP related config options are passed as arguments and can be altered by a plugin.


  • smtp_server
  • smtp_port
  • smtp_user
  • smtp_pass
  • smtp_auth_type
  • smtp_helo_host

Return values: all arguments


Triggered before message is finally sent


  • message: Message object (Mail_mime)
  • from: Sender address string
  • mailto: Either a comma-separated list of recipients (RFC822 compliant), or an array of recipients, each RFC822 valid
  • options: SMTP options

Return values:

  • message
  • from
  • mailto
  • options
  • abort: Aborts sending operation.
  • error: Error message as string or arguments to be passed to rcube::gettext(). Used with abort=true
  • result: Boolean result of send operation. Used with abort=true.


Triggered when a message is finally sent This hook doesn't have any return values but can be used for logging or notifications.


  • headers: Hash array with all message headers
  • body: The full message body as text or file handle

Return values: none.


(since 0.8-beta)

Triggered when a message is saved as draft . This hook can be used for logging or notifications and it can overwrite the displayed confirmation message.


  • msgid: The message ID header value
  • uid: The UID of the message saved
  • folder: The folder where the message was saved in

Return values:

  • message: Confirmation message text to display


Triggered before checking the given folders for new messages. Plugins can alter the list of folders to be considered for the checking.


  • folders: The list of folders to be checked
  • all: True if checking all folders is enabled

Return values:

  • folders


Triggered in step check_recent if some new (recent) messages are available. This hook doesn't have any return values but it can add some javascript actions to the output.


  • mailbox: The current mailbox

Return values: none.


Triggered to add HTML editor scripts into the page. You can use it to replace default TinyMCE editor.


  • mode: Editor mode. Specifies where editor is used. For identity signature or message body

Return values:

  • abort


Triggered after fetching mailbox quota resource usage and limits from IMAP server.


  • total: Mailbox size limit in kilobytes. Not set if server doesn't support IMAP quota.
  • used: Current mailbox size in kilobytes. Not set if server doesn't support IMAP quota.
  • percent: Current mailbox size in percent. Not set if server doesn't support IMAP quota.

Return values:

  • total: Mailbox size limit in kilobytes.
  • used: Current mailbox size in kilobytes.
  • percent: Current mailbox size in percent.


Triggered before sending the message list. You can use it to set message headers, list_cols/list_flags and other rcube_mail_header variables. Also use it to pass additional plugin related flags to the UI using the extra_flags array.


  • messages: List of message headers.
  • cols: All the currently visible columns.

Return values:

  • messages
  • cols

Task "addressbook"


Triggered when building the list of address sources in the address book view. Each entry in the sources list needs to hold the following fields: id, name, readonly.


  • sources: Hash array with list of available address books

Return values:

  • sources


This hook is triggered each time an address book object is requested. The id parameter specifies which address book the application needs. If it's the ID of the plugins' address book, this hooks should return an according instance of a rcube_addressbook implementation.


  • id

Return values:

  • instance: Instance of an address book implementation derived from rcube_addressbook


(since 1.0-beta)

Triggered before an contact record is saved (e.g. created or updated). A plugin can perform additional validation checks and reject the contact data from being saved.


  • record: Hash array with record fields
  • autofix: Attempt to automatically fill the missing fields
  • valid: Result of the default pre-validation

Return values:

  • record: Record data with corrected values
  • valid: Set to false if invalid
  • error: Provide a reason if validation failed
  • abort


Triggered when an new address book record is created. A plugin can prevent the contact to be created by setting the abort field to true. The user is then rejected back to the input form.


  • record: Hash array with record fields
  • source: Address book identifier

Return values:

  • record
  • abort


Triggered when an address book record is saved. As in the create_contact hook this action can be aborted by setting the abort field to true.


  • id
  • record: Hash array with record fields
  • source: Address book identifier

Return values:

  • record
  • abort


Triggered when an address book record is to be deleted. To abort the deletion a plugin can set the abort field to true.


  • id
  • source: Address book identifier

Return values:

  • abort


(since 0.6-beta)

When saving a contact without name field or when adding a contact from mail task, all data is passed to this hook where the display name can be composed.


  • name: The name of the contact to be saved (could be empty)
  • email: E-mail address
  • prefix
  • firstname
  • middlename
  • surname
  • suffix

Return values:

  • name


(since 0.4-beta)

Triggered when a contacts group is to be created. A plugin can set the abort field to true in order to prevent the creation of this group.


  • name: The name of the group to create
  • source: Address book identifier

Return values:

  • name
  • abort
  • message: Reason why this operation was aborted


(since 0.4-beta)

Triggered when a specific contacts group should be deleted. To abort the deletion a plugin can set the abort field to true.


  • group_id: The group identifier
  • source: Address book identifier

Return values:

  • abort
  • message: Reason why this operation was aborted


(since 0.4-beta)

This hook is triggered when a contacts group is renamed. To abort this operation a plugin can set the abort field to true.


  • group_id: The group identifier
  • name: New name of the group
  • source: Address book identifier

Return values:

  • abort
  • message: Reason why this operation was aborted


(since 0.4-beta)

When one or more contacts are added to a contacts group. A plugin can set the abort field to true in order to prevent this action.


  • ids: List of contact IDs (string separated by comma)
  • group_id: The group identifier
  • source: Address book identifier

Return values:

  • ids
  • abort
  • message: Reason why this operation was aborted


(since 0.4-beta)

Contacts are about to be removed from a group. A plugin can set the abort field to true in order to prevent this action.


  • ids: List of contact IDs (string separated by comma)
  • group_id: The group identifier
  • source: Address book identifier

Return values:

  • ids
  • abort
  • message: Reason why this operation was aborted

Task "settings"


(since 1.0-beta)

Hook to render the top level list of settings sections (aka "tabs"). Plugins which want to define a new section in the settings screen should use this hook instead of injecting a new item with javascript or using the "tabs" #template_container hook. Just append the following struct to the actions argument:

  'command' => '<the-command-executed-on-click>',
  'type' => 'link',
  'label' => '<plugin>.<label-name>',
  'title' => '<plugin>.<label-name>',
  'class' => '<css-class-name>',


  • actions: reference to an html_table object
  • attrib: HTML attributes

Return values:

  • actions
  • attrib


Allows a plugin to modify the main table on the manage folders screen


  • table: reference to an html_table object

Return values: none.


(since 1.0-beta)

Allows a plugin to inject data into the array of preferences about to be saved


  • prefs: Hash array with prefs to be saved

Return values:

  • result: boolean
  • abort: boolean
  • prefs: array


As opposed to the preferences_save hook, this is triggered whenever user preferences are updated. And that's not limited to the preferences section but can also be executed by another plugin.


  • prefs: Hash array with prefs to be updated
  • old: Hash array with currently stored user preferences
  • userid: The ID of the user these prefs are saved for

Return values:

  • prefs: array
  • old: array
  • abort: boolean


Allows a plugin to modify the user preferences table. This hook is triggered for each section of the user prefs pane. The section is denoted in the section parameter. Possible values are general, mailbox, mailview, compose, folders, server


  • section: which section of the prefs pane
  • blocks: reference to an array containing preferences blocks/options

Return values:

  • blocks


Allows a plugin to modify the user preferences sections list.


  • list: list (hash array) of sections
  • cols: column names to display

Return values:

  • list
  • cols


Triggered when a users identities are listed.


  • list: The list of identity records
  • cols: List of cols to be displayed

Return values:

  • list
  • cols


Triggered when a user attempts to create a new sender identity. A plugin can prevent the record to be created by setting the abort field to true. The user is then rejected back to the input form.


  • login: True if triggered at login when a new user is created (deprecated)
  • record: Hash array with identity record fields

Return values:

  • record
  • abort


(since 1.1.2)

Triggered when a user successfully saved a new sender identity. In addition to the record property, the arguments also contain the ID of the new identity record.


  • id: The ID of the newly created identity record
  • record: Hash array with identity record fields

Return values:


Triggered when a user changes one of his sender identities. As in the create_identity hook this action can be aborted by setting the abort field to true.


  • id
  • record: Hash array with identity record fields

Return values:

  • record
  • abort


Triggered when a sender identity is to be deleted. To abort the deletion a plugin can set the abort field to true.


  • id

Return values:

  • abort


Triggered when identity edit form is being build.


  • form: Form content definition array.
  • record: Identity data array.

Return values:

  • form
  • record

Template Hooks

The RoundCube skin retrieves certain parts (e.g. message list, folders list, etc.) from the application with special tags within the HTML templates: <roundcube:object name="someobject" ... />. Template hooks are triggered once a template object is rendered. A plugin can alter or extend the html content of a template object.

The hooks are named template_object_* where * is the name of the object. A list of all available template objects is given in [wiki:Doc_SkinML#Contentobjects].


  • content
  • [tag attributes]

Return values:

  • content


Allows a plugin the add HTML content to a specific container. A skin template may specify several containers (e.g. taskbar, toolbar, etc...). This hook is triggered when the template engine processes such a container and it is also internally used for adding buttons using $this->add_button(attrib, container). Remember to always add or prepend to the content argument and never replace it entirely.


  • name: Name of the container
  • content: The container content

Return values:

  • content


Triggered after a template was parsed, just before sending the HTML page to the client. This is the place where plugins can add additional content to the page which is not related to any template object. Use $rcmail->output->add_footer() or $this->include_script() to extend the html page. Of course it's also possible to directly alter the content attribute.


  • template: Name of the rendred template
  • content: The HTML source

Return values:

  • content


(since 0.6-beta)

The final HTML code of a page is passed to this hook before delivering it to the browser. Final string-based modifications on the content can be made here.


  • content: The HTML source

Return values:

  • content


(since 1.0-beta)

This is the render_page equivalent for AJAX calls and the final opportunity for plugins to append or modify the server response to the client.


  • response: The full response data structure before being serialized to json

Return values:

  • response

Missing documentation

Hooks that appear to be missing documentation. Obtained by searching for all calls to plugins->exec_hook in the source of git master:

  • attachment_delete
  • attachment_display
  • attachment_get
  • attachments_cleanup
  • contact_form
  • contact_listname
  • contact_photo
  • contact_undelete
  • folder_create
  • folder_delete
  • folder_form
  • folder_rename
  • folder_update
  • identity_select
  • responses_list
  • save_hook
  • saved_search_create
  • saved_search_delete
  • saved_search_get
  • saved_search_list
  • spell_dictionary_get
  • spell_dictionary_save
  • template_plugin_include
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