Expense Application - Loom Demo
- .NET SDK 8 installed on your machine.
- Docker/Docker Compose installed on your machine.
- Git installed on your machine.
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/ExpenseApplication.git
cd ExpenseApplication
Execute the following command to bring down existing Docker containers, volumes, and remove orphaned containers, then bring the Docker environment back up:
docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans && docker-compose up
Run the following commands to apply Entity Framework migrations and update the database:
cd ExpenseApplication
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate --project Infrastructure --startup-project Api
dotnet ef database update --project Infrastructure --startup-project Api
If you already have migrations, you can run the following command to drop the database and re-create it:
cd ExpenseApplication
dotnet ef database update --project Infrastructure --startup-project Api
The application will be accessible at http://localhost:5245
by default.
CreatedBy: Admin UserId
Status: Only admin can approve or reject expense requests.
Description: User add description for expense request.
PaymentDescription: Admin add description for expense request. Or error code from background job.
Method | Path |
POST | /api/Expense/ |
Create an expense record. Authorized users: [Admin, Personnel]
Method | Path |
GET | /api/Expense/ |
Retrieve expense records. Authorized users: [Admin]
Method | Path |
PUT | /api/Expense/{expenseRequestId} |
Update an expense record by expense request ID. Authorized users: [Admin].
Updating expense as approved do not fire background job. Only approve endpoint fires background job.
This endpoint can be used if expens is paid manually.
Method | Path |
DELETE | /api/Expense/{expenseRequestId} |
Delete an expense record by expense request ID. Authorized users: [Admin]
Method | Path |
GET | /api/Expense/{expenseRequestId} |
Retrieve an expense record by expense request ID. Authorized users: [Admin]
Method | Path |
PATCH | /api/Expense/Approve/{expenseRequestId} |
Approve an expense record by expense request ID. Authorized users: [Admin].
Admin users approve expense records by giving expense request id.
Checks if already approved and completed or paymentstatus is in progress. If not, updates expense record and fires background job.
Method | Path |
PATCH | /api/Expense/Reject/{expenseRequestId} |
Reject an expense record by expense request ID. Authorized users: [Admin].
Reject endpoint do not fire background job. Updates expense record immediately. And relevant fields are updated. Payment description, status, last updated date...
Method | Path |
GET | /api/Expense/ByUser |
Retrieve expense records for the authenticated user. Authorized users: [Admin, Personnel].
Admin users can give null user id to retrieve all expenses.
Personnel can only retrieve their own expenses.
Personnel can filter expenses by status and date range. Also Admin can filter expenses.
This api is queryable.
Method | Path |
POST | /api/ExpenseCategory |
Create a new expense category. Authorized users: [Admin]
Method | Path |
GET | /api/ExpenseCategory |
Retrieve all expense categories. Authorized users: [Admin]
Method | Path |
PUT | /api/ExpenseCategory/{expenseCategoryId} |
Update an expense category by expense category ID. Authorized users: [Admin]
Method | Path |
DELETE | /api/ExpenseCategory/{expenseCategoryId} |
Delete an expense category by expense category ID. Authorized users: [Admin] Category can not be deleted if category has pending expenses.
Method | Path |
GET | /api/ExpenseCategory/GetAllExpenseCategory |
Retrieve all expense categories. Authorized users: [Admin]
Method | Path |
POST | /api/PaymentSimulator/ProcessPayment |
Simulate the process of making a payment. Authorized users: [Anonymous].
Hangfire is used to simulate payment process. Hangfire is a background job library. It is used to simulate payment process.
Method | Path |
POST | /api/Report/ApprovedPaymentFrequencyReport |
Generate a report on the frequency of approved payments. Authorized users: [Admin].
Example response:
"type": "monthly",
"startDate": "01/01/2024 00:00:00",
"endDate": "31/01/2024 23:59:59",
"approvedCount": 16,
"approvedSum": 14400,
"averageApprovedAmount": 900
Method | Path |
POST | /api/Report/RejectedPaymentFrequencyReport |
Generate a report on the frequency of rejected payments. Authorized users: [Admin].
Example response:
"type": "weekly",
"startDate": "22/01/2024 00:00:00",
"endDate": "28/01/2024 23:59:59",
"rejectedCount": 0,
"rejectedSum": 0,
"averageRejectedAmount": 0
Method | Path |
POST | /api/Report/PersonnelExpenseFrequencyReport |
Generate a report on the frequency of personnel expenses. Authorized users: [Admin].
Example response:
"type": "monthly",
"startDate": "01/01/2024 00:00:00",
"endDate": "31/01/2024 23:59:59",
"totalPendingCount": 16,
"totalPendingSum": 6040,
"averagePendingAmount": 377.5,
"personnelExpenseFrequencies": [
"userId": 1,
"fullName": "Admin 1",
"pendingCount": 4,
"pendingSum": 1400,
"averagePendingAmount": 350
"userId": 2,
"fullName": "Admin 2"
Method | Path |
POST | /api/Report/PersonnelSummaryReport |
Generate a summary report on personnel expenses. Authorized users: [Admin, Personnel].
Personnel can only retrieve their own expenses.
Admin can retrieve all expenses if userId is null.
Example response:
"userId": 3,
"totalCount": 10,
"approvedCount": 4,
"rejectedCount": 2,
"pendingCount": 4,
"approvedPercentage": "40%",
"approvedSum": 6500,
"rejectedSum": 6500,
"pendingSum": 6500,
"expenses": [
"expenseRequestId": 3,
"userId": 0,
"categoryId": 3,
"expenseStatus": "Approved",
"paymentStatus": "Completed",
"paymentDescription": "Payment Not Made",
"amount": 2500,
"paymentMethod": "Cash",
"paymentLocation": "Office",
"documents": "PayrollDocs",
"description": "Personel maaşları ödendi.",
"creationDate": "09/01/2024 00:00:00",
"lastUpdateTime": "09/01/2024 00:00:00"
Method | Path |
POST | /api/Token |
Generate a new authentication token. Authorized users: [Anonymous].
JWT is used for authentication.
Roles: Admin, Personnel\
Method | Path |
POST | /api/User |
Create a new user. Authorized users: [Admin].
Method | Path |
GET | /api/User |
Retrieve all user records. Authorized users: [Admin].
Method | Path |
PUT | /api/User/{UserId} |
Update a user by user ID. Authorized users: [Admin].
Method | Path |
DELETE | /api/User/{UserId} |
Delete a user by user ID. Authorized users: [Admin].
User can not be deleted if user has pending expenses.
Method | Path |
PATCH | /api/User/ActivateUser |
Activate a user account. Authorized users: [Admin].
If a user try to login with deactivated account, user will get error message.
Users are blocked if they have 3 failed login attempts. Only admin can activate user.
Method | Path |
PATCH | /api/User/DeactivateUser |
Deactivate a user account. Authorized users: [Admin].
If a user try to login with deactivated account, user will get error message.
Blocked users can not login. So they can not be created expenses.
Method | Path |
GET | /api/User/GetAllUser |
Retrieve all user records. Authorized users: [Admin].
- Handlervalidator.cs and fluentvalidation is used for validation.
- Entities have unique index fields so additional validations are added for those like CategoryName, UserName, Email.
- Dependencies injected, code is decoupled. Avoid code duplication. Code can extended easily.
- 2 Admin, 2 Personnel users are created in migration. 42 expenses are created.
- Further Improvements: ApiResponse Class, I did not used apiresponse class so as to return appropriate status code and message. But it can be improved. Handling enums, ClassLevelCascadeMode etc.
Get token
Get JWT Token and use it in Authorization header.
After Authorization, you can use api endpoints. Here a test token you can also use it.
ExpenseRequestId 42 is pending. Admin can approve it.
"expenseRequestId": 42,
"userId": 1,
"categoryId": 10,
"expenseStatus": "Pending",
"paymentStatus": "Pending",
"paymentDescription": "Payment Not Made",
"amount": 300,
"paymentMethod": "Cash",
"paymentLocation": "Office",
"documents": "EducationReceipts",
"description": "Eğitim masrafları ödendi.",
"creationDate": "13/01/2024 00:00:00",
"lastUpdateTime": "06/01/2024 00:00:00"
Approve Expense
Payment simulator sleeps 6 seconds. And probabilisticly approves(90%) or rejects(10%) expense.\
Further information can be found in the link. Also in documentation folder there is a postman collection. You can import it to postman and test the api.