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Python Package frappe-manager

The frappe-manager Python package introduces the fm command, serving as the entry point for the Frappe-Manager project. It offers a range of key functionalities:

  1. Metadata Generation: Automatically generates vital metadata essential for setting up a Bench environment. This includes the bench name, admin password, and a list of Frappeverse apps to be installed.

  2. Docker Compose Configuration: Customizes and generates a Docker Compose project using the generated metadata. This project encompasses various services necessary to support Frappe development effectively.

  3. Docker Compose Management: Simplifies Docker Compose project management by wrapping the Docker Compose CLI. This facilitates easy control and orchestration of containers within the development environment.

  4. Environment Management Commands: Equips developers with commands to efficiently manage the FrappeManager environment, streamlining common development tasks and enhancing productivity.

  5. CLI Directory Creation: Automatically creates a directory at ~/frappe to store Frappe-Manager managed benches. This directory includes several subdirectories tailored for different purposes:

    Directory Purpose
    logs Stores CLI logs
    sites Houses Docker Compose projects for benches
    migration Contains migration backups
    archived Stores failed migrated benches
    services Manages Docker Compose projects for services

Services Compose Project

  • Located at ~/frappe/services.
  • Manages these two services:
  • On MacOS, The user directive in Docker Compose is not utilized in OSX because the osxfs file system driver automatically handles UID/GID remapping. This ensures that files created within the container maintain the correct permissions when accessed from the host, and vice versa.
  • On Linux, the user directive is used to specify the user (and group) under which the container runs. This is often necessary to prevent permission issues on Linux.

Services compose services

  • global-db:

    • This service serves as the central database for all benches. All bench databases are stored here.

    • Uses mariadb:10.6 image.

    • The database credentials and configuration are stored in Docker secrets.

    • The following directories are mounted for this service:

      Source Destination Purpose
      fm-global-db-data /var/lib/mysql Database data (OSX)
      ./mariadb/data /var/lib/mysql Database data (Linux)
      ./mariadb/conf /etc/mysql Configuration files
      ./mariadb/logs /var/log/mysql Log files
  • global-nginx-proxy:

    • This service functions as a reverse proxy for all benches and exposes ports 80 and 443 to host.

    • Uses jwilder/nginx-proxy image.

    • The following directories are mounted for this service:

      Source Destination Purpose
      ./nginx-proxy/certs /etc/nginx/certs SSL certificates
      ./nginx-proxy/dhparam /etc/nginx/dhparam Diffie-Hellman parameters
      ./nginx-proxy/confd /etc/nginx/conf.d Config files generated by docker gen
      ./nginx-proxy/htpasswd /etc/nginx/htpasswd HTTP Basic Authentication
      ./nginx-proxy/vhostd /etc/nginx/vhost.d vhost configuration
      ./nginx-proxy/html /usr/share/nginx/html Static HTML files
      ./nginx-proxy/logs /var/log/nginx Log files
      ./nginx-proxy/run /var/run PID files
      ./nginx-proxy/ssl /usr/share/nginx/ssl SSL service related files
      ./nginx-proxy/cache /var/cache/nginx caching
      /var/run/docker.sock /tmp/docker.sock:ro Docker socket

Bench Compose Project

  • Bench compose compose project compose off bench services, worker services and Admin Tools services.
  • Bench configuration can be changed using bench_config.toml configuration file. Which is created after a bench is created.
  • Workers services are set to active by default and remain operational as long as the bench is running.
  • Admin tools services are enabled and disabled based on bench_config.toml.

Bench services

  • Frappe (custom build):

    • Configures the server environment, including setting up pyenv and server-specific configurations.
    • Creates a Bench environment for Frappe app development.
    • Installs required Frappeverse apps.
    • Creates and manages Frappe sites with associated databases.
    • Initiates Supervisor as the init process, containing a service for starting the Frappe development server.
  • Nginx (custom build):

    • Extends the features of the official Nginx Docker image.
    • Incorporates input from the frappe-manager Python package to create bench-specific Nginx configurations from templates.
  • redis-cache, redis-queue, redis-socketio: They set up Redis servers for caching, queuing, and real-time communication.

  • socketio: It sets up a Socket.IO server for real-time communication.

  • schedule: It sets up a scheduler for running background tasks.

Workers services

  • long worker: Worker for frappe long queue.
  • short worker: Worker for frappe short queue.

Admin Tools services

  • Adminer: A fully-featured database management tool, serving as an alternative to phpMyAdmin for database management.
  • Mailhog (custom build):
    • Custom build provided arm64 supported image.
    • An email testing tool with a fake SMTP server underneath, enabling email testing during development.

CLI logs

  • Stored in /home/<user>/frappe/logs/fm.log
  • Logs contains:
    • every fm command invoked by user.
    • executed docker commands, command output and return code.
    • exception happend during runtime.
  • Logs are rotated when the log size hits 10MB, the previous file is compressed as fm.log.1 when rotate limit is reached and only 3 such files are kept.
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