calling npmjs is being Throttling by them, so when doing search write package with little dependecies ...
The project will search for package in npmjs and will insert to DB, and could be searach by 1)ElasticSearch 2)DB-postgres 3)api-{package_name}/{version} .
Each package will show also his dependency, so it will look like package tree.
Best approach is to Clone whole NPM metadata DB server with IT tools we have api call limit. so, i wont add threading when scraping, or if i will add it will be a few (and none recursivly).
need to add:
Full recursive tree view - Front end- Done- tests
periodic celery task. currently by url call: and also periodically(timing in our setting py file )- split db and call for api by threading.
good looking UI added colors. need to add: search being made message when in searching process.with: optimise adding to model
- refine code so it will be fit for different languages libraries (pipy - python, nugat-c# and more.....)
Caching with elasticsearch. search hierarcy: 1)caching- elasticsearch 2) DB 3) api call/scraping- security for password in production - (not matter now)
- website data coruption- when runing task could be situation of all db ruin if the website destionation will decide to change there package data answering.
block searching all Npm Packages in Back end - to change from viewsets in packages__app/api/view ...( not matter now)- logging on DB or on file
async function fetch on Front end.
In elasticsearch container:
in shell post ->
checking every search in code and create if not exists, need to change to make on server restart, or on elasticsearch image built.
curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/elastic_packages_tree?pretty'
The command will make index (that will correlate to index in settings file)
Elastic :
showing Documents in index:
>> http://localhost:9200/elastic_packages_tree/_search
delete index from elastic container shell >> curl -XDELETE 0:9200/elastic_packages_tree