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Releases: runZeroInc/runzero-sdk-py


13 Oct 00:03
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[0.7.0] - 2023-10-12

  • runzero.types.ImportAsset now supports associating vulnerabilities with an asset by adding a runzero.types.Vulnerability type to be set on the ImportAsset.vulnerabilities field.
  • runzero.types.ImportAsset now supports associating software with an asset by adding a runzero.types.Software type to be set on the field.
  • runzero.types.ImportAsset.custom_attributes no longer requires using the CustomAttribute type to wrap your string values. You can now use a Dict[str, str] directly.
  • runzero.types.CustomAttribute has been deprecated and will be removed in the v1.0 release of the SDK.
  • Updated license requirement verbiage to reflect the new Platform license requirement.
  • Added official support for Python 3.12.


14 Sep 20:59
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[0.6.0] - 2023-09-14

  • The SDK now supports the exclude_unknown option in the ImportTask object which will ignore any asset that does not merge into an existing asset in your inventory.
  • Updated the create_upload_custom_integration example file to highlight the exclude_unknown functionality.


11 Sep 15:50
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[0.5.0] - 2023-09-11

  • Improved the validation on the ImportAsset class to now catch and surface issues with the custom_attributes field which would have caused an import task to fail during processing.
  • Added new runzero.ValidationError and runzero.types.AddressValueError exceptions as part of the SDK package exports.
  • Updated dependencies to require the latest version of both requests and certifi as both contained security updates.


03 May 02:48
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[0.4.0] - 2023-05-02

  • Improved project documentation and tests.
  • Moved to PyPI's new and more secure Trusted Publisher workflow for package maintainers.
  • Removed spurious run_zero_id from NewAssetImport requests - a change made alongside updated OpenAPI spec.
  • Added ability to hide and halt or unschedule scans/tasks.


26 Apr 00:16
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[0.3.0] - 2023-04-25

  • Added autogenerated HTML project documentation which publishes to in cadence with releases.
  • Added task, scan, and template management capabilities to SDK.
  • Added explorer management capabilities to SDK.
  • Added hosted zone enumeration to SDK.
  • Added source_id field to Task objects.
  • Updated example code to demonstrate forcing data to be merged onto a known runZero asset ID, allowing
    for arbitrary asset matching, programmatically defined.


11 Apr 03:53
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[0.2.0] - 2023-04-10

  • Increase supported custom integration icon size from 32x32 to 256x256
  • Loosen restrictions on MAC address input validation, permitting all types that the runZero platform can accept.
  • Remove ability to specify last seen timestamp on asset imports. Though the server retained the timestamp as a
    custom property, it is not a merge-able property. This is likely to cause confusion. API users are advised
    to use any invented custom property to hold this value.
  • Added new 'RateLimitError' exception to inform the user when they reach their daily usage limit.
  • Rename all occurrences in API docs, models, types, routes of 'sources' or 'custom sources' with 'custom integrations'


30 Mar 15:26
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[0.1.1] - 2023-03-30

  • Require the latest version of transitive dependency 'certifi'.
  • Simplified and restructured the imports for the runzero sdk so that all type definitions come from the runzero.types module, all API managers come from the runzero.api module, and only named exceptions and the client come from the root runzero module.
  • Improved the ergonomics of the Tag, Hostname, and CustomAttributes types.
  • Removed the asset_from_json and asset_from_csv functions. In place of those functions, we are now providing an example of how to transform your data into an ImportAsset for uploading. This enables users to handle converting their own data much more accurately than an abstracted function ever could.


24 Mar 20:36
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Initial Beta Release of the runZero Platform SDK