"Nonparametric" here does not mean a parameter-less model, rather a model in which representations grow as more data are observed. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirichlet_process#Applications_of_the_Dirichlet_process)
In probability theory, a Dirichlet process is a random process that is a probability distribution whose domain is itself a random distribution. Given a Dirichlet process DP(H,a) where H is an arbitrary distribution and a is a positive real number, a draw from DP will return a random distribution (the output distribution) containing values drawn from H. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirichlet_process)
The Dirichlet Distribution gives the probability of a particular distribution given we have observed some counts of each outcome (having done repeated trials). Thus, we have a distribution over distributions. (http://www.clg.ox.ac.uk/abstracts/2010hilary/Exciting_Guide_to_Probability_Distributions-part2.pdf)
The Beta Distribution is a special case of the Dirichlet Distribution, where we have just two outcomes; given a number of successes out of n trails, what is the probability that our success probability p has a particular value? E.g. given we flipped a coin 100 times and got 50 heads, what is the probability that p(H) = 0.5?
Given a likelihood, the conjugate prior is the prior distribution such that the prior and the posterior are in the same famility of distributions.
- Bernoulli, Binomial --> Beta distribution
- Mulitonomial and categorical distributions --> Dirichlet distribution
- Poisson --> Gamma
E.g. Linear Dynamical System (LDS); For more complex time-series which are not well described globally by a single LDS, we may break the time-series into segments, each modeled by a potentially different LDS. This is the basis for the Switching LDS where, for each time-step t, a switch variable *s_t \in 1..S describes which of the LDSs is to be used. Also known as Jump Markov model/process, switching Kalman filter, Switching Linear Gaussian State-Space model, Conditional Linear Gaussian Model. (Expectation Correction for Smoothed Inference in Switching Linear Dynamical Systems - http://web4.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/d.barber/publications/barber_slds_jmlr_15nov06.pdf)
- MLE: Maximum Likelihood Estimate produces the value for probability that was most likely to have generated the observed data by counting. E.g. for a coin with X = HHHTTTTTT, P(heads) = count(H) / (count(H)+count(T)) = 4 / 10 = 0.4
- MAP: Maximum A Posteriori estimates the parameter that is most likely given the observed data. MAP applies Bayes' Rule (MLE does not), so the estimate can take into account prior knowledge.
Both MLE and MAP through away information, only a single "best" estimate pi with a value between 0 and 1 is a result. Better to take the whole distribution of P(pi|X) into account, with an expected value for P.
- Expected value of a function f(z), when z is discrete: E[f(z)] = \sum_{z} f(z)p(z). When continuous, the expected value is an integral: E[f(z)] = F f(z)p(z)dz.
In this case y is the outcome of the next coin flip, z = pi and f(z) = P(y|pi) and the distribution over which we take the expectation is P(pi|X). This results in the following expected value for the posterior probability of y given X: P(y|X) = F P(y|pi)P(pi|X)d.pi With Bayes: P(pi|X) = (P(X|pi)P(pi)) / P(X) = (P(X|pi)P(pi)) / F_{pi} P(X|pi)P(pi)d.pi
In real world problems it can be hard to obtain the exact (integral) denominator as in the last formula, so we can not determine P(pi|X) [meaning: the probability of a parameter given the observations]. Gibbs sampling allows to sample from a distribution that asymptotically follows P(pi|X) without explicit integrals calculation.
- Monte Carlo: methods that help obtain a desired value by performing simulations involving probabilistic choices.
A single experiment in which we draw from a distribution (e.g. coin flip), such that the outcome is independent of previous trial (\ie the coin has no memory).
Emily B. Fox, Erik B. Sudderth, Michael I. Jordan, and Alan S. Willsky