- remove usage of #present? (@ryanong)
- Hash as argument got turned into keyword arguments (@svenpl)
- drop support for ruby older than 2.7 (@ryanong)
- Fix private method call errors for older ruby versions (@dylanahsmith)
class causes an error (@mizukami234)- Fix
on class method (@jfirebaugh)
- Fix subroutine call with hash as last arg (@dtheo-ad)
- Ruby 2.7+ support (@casperisfine)
- Fix call_through w/ instance methods (@lreeves)
- Replace implicit Proc.new by explicit given block reference (@Hugo-Hache)
- Remove 2.7 warnings (@byroot)
- drop support for ruby 1.9.3, 2.0. Only support 2.1+ (@dylanahsmith)
- support named arguments (@dylanahsmith)
- Fix readme (@ignat-z)
- Double performance of spy lookups (@BlakeMesdag)
- Support for minitest 5.1
- Support for minitest 5.0
- Allow
to accept a block - Add automatic test integration for TestUnit, Minitest and Rspec
- Fix a few rubinius tests
- Fix Agency recruiting of mock
Added Mock
book = Spy.mock(Book, author: "John Steinbeck")
Deprecate Double and use Mock instead
Fix Exceptions so they can have custom messages
- Add custom exception classes
- Fix airty checking of Spy::Subroutine#and_return
- Fix marshal dumping
- Add Docs
- Make error messages clearer
- Make compatible with ruby 2.0.0
- fix missing CallLog
- Add CallLog
- Fix constant stubbing
- Ensure spy is logging all calls even if an error is raised
- add Spy::Subroutine#called_with
- add Spy#and_raise
- add Spy#and_throw
- add Spy#and_yield
- add Constant stubbing
- fix private method lookups
Stub objects
Spy.on(book, :title).and_return("East of Eden")
Create Doubles
Spy.double("Double Name", stub: :method)