The FastLED noise functions can seem a little hard to understand if you don't know how they behave. Let's try and change that! The video covers the following content:
- What is noise?
- inoise8(x)
- Evolving noise through time
- Using fill_raw_noise8 and fill_noise16
We have barely scratched the surface of what's possible in this video, but it was long enough already. Using scale and x as the inoise8(x)
parameters is completely optional, you can put whatever numbers or values you like in there. Have a play and see what's possible!
I have included the processing code here in case anyone wants to play with it. Just a couple of things to note:
- Please don't use this as an example of how to do serial communication between processing and an Arduino. It was hacked together quickly just for this demo!
- I have chosen 56 points of noise to display on the graph for a good reason - my demo strip has 18 LEDs so this divides nicely for display. You will have to change these numbers for your own use case.
- I used the amazing grafica library to create the chart, and the also-brilliant ControlP5 library for the UI components.
- FastLED noise functions FastLED API docs
- An general explanation of noise YouTube