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File metadata and controls

390 lines (306 loc) · 17.2 KB


This service enables the control of different GPIO input & output devices for controlling the Phoniebox. It uses to a configuration file to configure the active devices.

How to create and run the service?

  • The service can be activated during installation with the installscript.
  • If the service was not activated during installation, you can alternatively use sudo in this folder (components/gpio_control).

How to edit configuration files?

The configuration file is located here: ~/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/settings/gpio_settings.ini Editing the configuration file and restarting the service with sudo systemctl restart phoniebox-gpio-control will activate the new settings.

In the following the different devices are described. Each device can have actions which correspond to function calls. Up to now the following input devices are implemented:

  • Button: A simple button with optional long-press actions like hold and repeat functionality or delayed action. Its main parameters are: Pin (use GPIO number here) and functionCall. For additional options, see extended documentation below.

  • ShutdownButton: A specialized implementation for a shutdown button with integrated (but optional) LED support. It initializes a shutdown if the button is pressed more than time_pressed seconds and a (optional) LED on GPIO led_pin is flashing until that time is reached. For additional information, see extended documentation below.

  • TwoButtonControl: This Device uses two Buttons and implements a third action if both buttons are pressed together. See extended documentation below.

  • RotaryEncoder: Control of a rotary encoder, for example KY040. It can be configured using Pin1 and Pin2 (use GPIO numbers here), functionCall1, functionCall2 see extended documentation below.

  • StatusLED: A LED which will light up once the Phoniebox has fully booted up and is ready to be used. For additional information, see extended documentation below.

Each section needs to be activated by setting enabled: True.

Extended documentation

This section provides some extended documentation and guideline. Especially some exemplary configurations are introduced showing how these controls can be set up in the configuration file ~/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/settings/gpio_settings.ini.


At the most basic level, a button can be created using an ini entry like this:

enabled: True
Type: Button
Pin: 27
functionCall: functionCallPlayerPause
  • enabled: This needs to be True for the button to work.
  • Pin: GPIO number
  • functionCall: Primary function that you want to be called on a button press. See function documentation below.

However, a button has more parameters than these. In the following comprehensive list you can also find the default values which are used automatically if you leave out these settings:

  • functionCallArgs: Arguments for primary function, defaults to None. Arguments are ignored, if functionCall does not take any.


Since v2.8.0 the behavior of hold_mode SecondFunc and SecondFuncRepeat has changed. The secondary function is no longer triggered additionally to the primary function. Now its called exclusively if hold_time is reached. The primary function will only be triggered if the button is pressed shorter then hold_time! Existing configurations may need to adapt to this.

  • hold_mode: Specifies what shall happen if the button is held pressed for longer than hold_time:

    • None (Default): Nothing special will happen.
    • Repeat: The configured functionCall is instantly called and repeatedly after each hold_time interval.
    • Postpone: The function will not be called before hold_time, i.e. the button needs to be pressed this long to activate the function
    • SecondFunc: Pressing the button (shorter than hold_time) will execute the function functionCall with functionCallArgs. Holding the button for at least hold_time will execute the function functionCall2 with functionCall2Args.
    • SecondFuncRepeat: Like SecondFunc, but functionCall2 is repeated after each hold_time interval.

    Holding the button even longer than hold_time will cause no further action unless you are in the Repeat or SecondFuncRepeat mode.

  • hold_time: Reference time for this buttons hold_mode feature in seconds. Default is 0.3. This setting is ignored if hold_mode is unset or None

  • functionCall2: Secondary function, default is None. This setting is ignored unless hold_mode is set to SecondFunc or SecondFuncRepeat.

  • functionCall2Args: Arguments for secondary function, default is None. Arguments are ignored, if functionCall2 does not take any.

  • pull_up_down: Configures the internal Pull up/down resistors. Valid settings:

    • pull_up (Default). Internal pull-up resistors are activated. Use this if you attached a button to GND to the GPIO pin without any external pull-up resistor.
    • pull_down. Use this if you need the internal pull-down resistor activated.
    • pull_off. Use this to deactivate internal pull-up/pulldown resistors. This is useful if your wiring includes your own (external) pull up / down resistors.
  • edge: Configures the events in which the GPIO library shall trigger the callback function. Valid settings:

    • falling (Default). Triggers if the GPIO voltage goes down.
    • rising. Triggers only if the GPIO voltage goes up.
    • both. Triggers in both cases.
  • bouncetime: This is a setting of the GPIO library to limit bouncing effects during button usage. Default is 500 ms.

  • antibouncehack: Despite the integrated bounce reduction of the GPIO library some users may notice false triggers of their buttons (e.g. unrequested / double actions when releasing the button). If you encounter such problems, try setting this to True to activate an additional countermeasure.


If you prefer, you may also use Type: SimpleButton instead of Type: Button - this makes no difference.


An extended ShutdownButton can be created using an ini entry like these:

enabled: True
Type:  ShutdownButton
Pin: 3

enabled: True
Type:  ShutdownButton
Pin: 3
led_pin: 17
  • enabled: This needs to be True for the extended shutdown button to work.
  • Pin: GPIO number of the button
  • led_pin: GPIO number of the LED (Default is None). Note that you should not attach LEDs to GPIO ports without a matching resistor in line.

Again, there are more parameters than these. In the following comprehensive list you can also find the default values which are used automatically if you leave out these settings:

  • hold_time: This parameter controls how many seconds (default: 3.0) the button has to be hold until shutdown will be initiated.
  • iteration_time: This parameter determines the flashing speed of the LED indicator. Default value is 0.2 seconds.
  • functionCall: While the default action is functionCallShutdown, you might use this button type even with other functions than system shutdown (again, see function documentation below for a list of available functions).

Furthermore, the following settings can be used as described for the regular buttons: pull_up_down, edge, bouncetime, antibouncehack, functionCallArgs

Note that using a ShutdownButton without a LED can also be implemented with a normal button like this:

enabled: True
Type: Button
Pin: 3
hold_mode: Postpone
hold_time: 3.0
functionCall: functionCallShutdown


A TwoButtonControl can be created using an ini entry like this:

enabled: True
Type: TwoButtonControl
Pin1: 24
Pin2: 25
functionCall1: functionCallPlayerNext
functionCall2: functionCallPlayerPrev
functionCallTwoButtons: functionCallPlayerStop

In this example, you can navigate to the previous or, respectively next track by pushing the respective button. If you push both buttons simultaneously, the player stops.

It is possible to combine the TwoButtonControl with the Repeat mode, e.g. to increment the volume further while the button keeps getting held:

enabled: True
Type: TwoButtonControl
Pin1: 5
Pin2: 6
hold_mode: Repeat
hold_time: 0.3
functionCall1: functionCallVolU
functionCall2: functionCallVolD
functionCallTwoButtons: functionCallVol0

In this example, the volume will be in-/decreased step-wise using intervals of 0.3 seconds while the respective button is held. If both buttons are pushed simultaneously, the player is muted (volume 0). In this example, Pin1 is used for increasing the volume, while Pin2 decreases it.

Function arguments can also be passed to this control with the settings functionCall1Args, functionCall2Args, functionCallTwoButtonsArgs

Furthermore, the following settings can be used as described for the regular buttons: pull_up_down, edge, bouncetime, antibouncehack


A RotaryEncoder can be created using an ini entry like this:

enabled: True
Type: RotaryEncoder
Pin1: 22
Pin2: 23
timeBase: 0.1
functionCall1: functionCallVolU
functionCall2: functionCallVolD
  • enabled: This needs to be True for the rotary encoder to work.

  • Pin1: GPIO number corresponding to rotary direction "clockwise" ('CLK')

  • Pin2: GPIO number corresponding to rotary direction "counter clockwise" ('DT')

  • functionCall1: function called for every rotation step corresponding to rotary direction "clockwise". See below for passed arguments. See function documentation below.

  • functionCall2: function called for every rotation step corresponding to rotary direction "counter clockwise". See below for passed arguments. See function documentation below.

  • timeBase: Factor used for calculating the rotation value base on rotation speed, defaults to 0.1. Use 0 for deactivating rotation speed influence.


    • a single rotation step leads to the value 1 passed to the function.
    • steady rotation of two to or more steps, leads to the value 1 for the first call and the value 2 for all further calls.
    • speeding up rotation of two to or more steps, leads to the value 1 for the first call, the value 2 for the second, the value 3 for the third and so on.
  • functionCall1Args: Arguments for functionCall1, defaults to None. If defined takes precedence over rotation value. Arguments are ignored, if functionCall1 does not take any.

  • functionCall2Args: Arguments for functionCall2, defaults to None. If defined takes precedence over rotation value. Arguments are ignored, if functionCall1 does not take any.

To also use the push button of the encoder just a button definition:

enabled: True
Type: Button
Pin: 27
functionCall: functionCallVol0

Note that the old configuration entries PinUp/PinDown and functionCallUp/functionCallDown are deprecated and might stop working in future.

enabled: True
Type: RotaryEncoder
Pin1: 22
Pin2: 23
timeBase: 0.1
functionCall1: functionCallPlayerSeekFwd
functionCall1Args: 5
functionCall2: functionCallPlayerSeekBack
functionCall2Args: 5

In this example, the encoder will be used to seek for- and backwards by 5 seconds on every rotation step. The rotation value will NOT be used in this case as the function args are defined!

Circuit diagram

  .---------------.                      .---------------.
  |               |                      |               |
  |           CLK |----------------------| GPIO 22       |
  |               |                      |               |
  |           DT  |----------------------| GPIO 23       |
  |               |                      |               |
  |           SW  |----------------------| GPIO 27       |
  |               |                      |               |
  |           +   |----------------------| 3.3V          |
  |               |                      |               |
  |           GND |----------------------| GND           |
  |               |                      |               |
  '---------------'                      '---------------'
       KY-040                                Raspberry


A StatusLED can be created using an ini entry like this:

enabled: True
Type: StatusLED
Pin: 14
  • Pin: GPIO number of the LED (mandatory option). Note that you should not attach LEDs to GPIO ports without a matching resistor in line.


If you prefer, you may also use Type: MPDStatusLED instead of Type: StatusLED - this makes no difference.

Further examples

By tapping the potential of the features presented above, you can create buttons like this:

Play random tracks or folders

If you have buttons to navigate to the next/previous track it might be a good idea to define that holding these buttons for a certain time (e.g. 2 seconds) will activate a random (surpise!) track or even folder/card. This might look like this

enabled: True
Type:  Button
Pin: 24
pull_up_down: pull_up
hold_time: 2.0
hold_mode: SecondFunc
functionCall: functionCallPlayerNext
functionCall2: functionCallPlayerRandomTrack

enabled: True
Type:  Button
Pin: 25
pull_up_down: pull_up
hold_time: 2.0
hold_mode: SecondFunc
functionCall: functionCallPlayerPrev
functionCall2: functionCallPlayerRandomFolder

Short and long jumps

If you are using two buttons to jump backwards or forwards within the current track, you can use the repeated hold action to allow larger jumps:

enabled: True
Type:  Button
Pin: 24
pull_up_down: pull_up
hold_time: 5.0
hold_mode: SecondFuncRepeat
functionCall: functionCallPlayerSeekFwd
functionCallArgs: 5
functionCall2: functionCallPlayerSeekFarFwd
functionCall2Args: 30

In this example, a short press initiates a short jump forward by customized 5 seconds (functionCallPlayerSeekFwd) while holding the button will cause further, longer jumps. In this case it will cause a jump of customized 30 seconds forward (functionCallPlayerSeekFarFwd) every 5 seconds. For jumping backwards, this can be done equivalently (see function list below).

Use Buttons to start playlists

To use GPIO-Pins to play music, you can emulate a card scan with the function functionCallTriggerPlayCardId. Supply the cardid as functionCallArgs. This behaves like a card scan, so you must link a folder to the id (on first press it will show up in the Web App as new card).

enabled: False
Type: Button
Pin: 4
pull_up_down: pull_up
functionCall: functionCallTriggerPlayCardId
functionCallArgs: 1

You can also directly link a folder to the button with functionCallTriggerPlayFolder. Supply the folder as functionCallArgs.

enabled: False
Type: Button
Pin: 4
pull_up_down: pull_up
functionCall: functionCallTriggerPlayFolder
functionCallArgs: someRelativeFolderName


The available functions are defined/implemented in components/gpio_control/

  • functionCallShutdown: System shutdown
  • functionCallVolU: Volume up (custom steps as optional argument)
  • functionCallVolD: Volume down (custom steps as optional argument)
  • functionCallVol0: Mute
  • functionCallPlayerNext: Next track
  • functionCallPlayerPrev: Previous track
  • functionCallPlayerPauseForce: Pause (forced)
  • functionCallPlayerPause: Pause
  • functionCallRecordStart: Start recording
  • functionCallRecordStop: Stop recording
  • functionCallRecordPlayLatest: Play latest recording
  • functionCallToggleWifi: Toggle WIFI
  • functionCallPlayerStop: Stop Player
  • functionCallPlayerSeekFwd: Seek 10 seconds forward (custom seconds as optional argument)
  • functionCallPlayerSeekBack: Seek 10 seconds backward (custom seconds as optional argument)
  • functionCallPlayerSeekFarFwd: Seek 1 minute forward (custom seconds as optional argument)
  • functionCallPlayerSeekFarBack: Seek 1 minute backward (custom seconds as optional argument)
  • functionCallPlayerRandomTrack: Jumps to random track (within current playlist)
  • functionCallPlayerRandomCard: Activate a random card
  • functionCallPlayerRandomFolder: Play a random folder
  • functionCallBluetoothToggle: Switches to the audio device (e.g. speaker, bluetooth headphones), default 'toggle' (mode as optional argument)
  • functionCallTriggerPlayCardId: Trigger play for cardid given as argument
  • functionCallTriggerPlayFolder: Trigger play for folder given as argument


If you encounter bouncing effects with your buttons like unrequested/double actions after releasing a button, you can try to set antibouncehack to True:

enabled: True
Type:  Button
Pin: 26
functionCall: functionCallPlayerNext
antibouncehack: True

Instead of adding this to each button, you can also define it as default for all elements, by inserting the statement into the Default section which can be found at the beginning of the ~/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/settings/gpio_settings.ini file:

enabled: True
antibouncehack: True