It's a prerequisite for the Hands On Session
Visit - use your personal email
You will receive an email to confirm the Docker Hub account, once confirmed, your account is created with Docker Hub.
This is a free online lab environment for Docker, you can access it using the Docker Hub account create using the above steps, visit and click on Login. This will open up a pop-up for login, ensure you don’t have pop-up blocker enabled in your browser. Once logged in with Docker, you should see the start button, click on Start
Click on ‘ADD NEW INSTANCE’ label under Instance in the left hand side navbar. This will spawn up a docker instance for running lab tasks. Congratulations ! You have successfully setup your lab. You can click on close session if you want to close the lab.
- Run a container
- Run multiple containers
- Remove the containers
Verify version of docker
docker --version
List docker images
docker images
Pull tomcat docker image
docker pull tomcat:8.0
Verify that tomcat docker image is pulled successfully or not
docker images
Run container A
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name containerA tomcat:8.0
List running Docker processes
docker ps
Test the application deployed in a container
curl http://localhost:8080
Pull java docker image
docker pull openjdk:8
Run container B
docker run --name containerB openjdk:8
List all docker processes
docker ps -a
List all docker processes
docker ps -a
Stop running container
docker stop containerA
List all docker processes
docker ps -a
Remove all containers
docker rm containerA containerB
Verify whether docker containers removed or not
docker ps -a
- Create a Java App (without using Docker)
- Create and build the Docker image
- Run the Docker image
- Push to a central registry
- Deploy a change
- Understand image layers
- Remove containers
Run container
docker run -it --name javacontainer openjdk:8
Clone the HelloWorld java program
git clone
Go inside the cloned directory
cd ./b95b2903d391af2191c63411efb2e113
Compile HelloWorld java program
Copy the class to root
cp ./HelloWorld.class /
Go to root
cd /
Test the HelloWorld java program
java HelloWorld
Run apt-get update
apt-get update
Install nano file editor
apt-get install nano
Open bashrc file
nano ~/.bashrc
Add following command at the end and the save using ctrl+o & ctrl+x
java HelloWorld
Test the changes
source ~/.bashrc
Exit from the container
Commit the container to create new docker image
docker commit javacontainer helloworld:1
List all docker images
docker images
Remove the javacontainer
docker rm javacontainer
Run helloworld container
docker run -it --name helloworldcontainer helloworld:1
Exit from the container
Remove the helloworldcontainer
docker rm helloworldcontainer
Tag the docker image, Here instead of sagarj use your own docker hub username
docker tag helloworld:1 sagarj/helloworld:1
List all the docker image
docker images
Do docker login. Provide your docker hub username & password
docker login
Push helloworld docker image into the docker hub repository
docker push sagarj/helloworld:1
Vist the docker hub and verify that your image is pushed or not
Run the helloworldcontainer
docker run -it --name javacontainer helloworld:1
Go inside the cloned directory
cd ./b95b2903d391af2191c63411efb2e113
Edit the HelloWorld program and update the message
Compile HelloWorld java program
Copy the class to root
cp ./HelloWorld.class /
Go to root
cd /
Test the HelloWorld java program
java HelloWorld
Exit from the javacontainer
Commit the changes
docker commit javacontainer sagarj/helloworld:2
List all docker images
docker images
Remove the javacontainer
docker rm javacontainer
Test the HelloWorld container
docker run --name updatedcontainer -it sagarj/helloworld:2
Exit from the updatedcontainer
Push helloworld docker image into the docker hub repository
docker push sagarj/helloworld:1
Vist the docker hub and verify that your image is pushed or not
Clean up the containers
docker system prune
Clean up the images
docker rmi -f $(docker images)