- Blockchain Portfolio: sahilrajput03.ml/blockchain_portfolio
- Contact Me: sahilrajput03.ml/me
- Group Video Call App, Github Repository
- Group Text Chat App, Github Repository
- Axios playground
- Graphql Playground - Query with power
- Json backendserver
- Fly 🚀︎ a codesandbox
- Demo of
- Device Width React, Github Repository
- rpc-middleware for ExpressJs - A rpc specification based nodejs/expressjs middleware
- useWhat - Dead simple REACT state management solution
- useStateM - Namespace based immer based REACT state management solution
- jsonbackend - A memory based json database server ~ fun, inspired from mongoose syntax
- useEffectFactory - complex hooks in one place
- r_global - External key-value store (React)
- mongo-quick - Learn making npm packages via mongoose abstraction
- react-fetch2 - Hook free react data fetching library
- obj-json - A cli tool to convert js object to json on cli
- Pagelist React Component - Testing apps in isolation made easy
- flash-runner - Single worker test runner
- context-maker - Provides simple use of context api for react
- sahilrajput03-logger - A request logger middleware and general logging tool for server in nodejs/express for coloured output (Why? A. morgan prints single coloured logs)
- sahilrajput03.ml
- linux config
- sahilrajput.ml
- sahilrajput03.ml
- sahilrajput03.github.io
- Docs
- Uses - Curated list of sofwares for Windows
- Jaadujinn.ml