- Using prompt ask user below questions and then print these values in console
- What is your name
- What is your batch name
- What is your birth year
Now print name, batch name and age in the console. Let's say if birth year of the user is 1991 then output should be his/her current age 31 years
- Print numbers like 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 until the number is less than 100.
- Write the differences between truthy and falsy values.
- Write the differences between implicit and explicit type conversion.
- Ask user a question "Do you want to study Nodejs"? If user click on "OK" button then print "Yes" else print "No" in the console
- Take one number. If number is odd and less than 20 then in alert box show "Yes" and else show "No" in alert box.
- If rating is 5 then print Excellent. If rating is 4 then print Good. If rating is 3 then print Average. If rating is 2 then print Poor. If rating is 1 then print Very Poor else print Invalid rating
- What is the significance of use strict ?
- Convert any if else condition to ternary operator.
- Check if a number is divisible by 13 or not. If yes then check number is also divisible by 4 or not. If both conditions matches then print "Yes" else print "No".