This is an ongoing work to compare chaincode written in Node.js and Golang.
To clean up the system we have to delete the content of the data folder (leader data) and the content of the artifacts folder.
rm -R $(pwd)/ledgerData/*
rm $(pwd)/artifacts/*
docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q)
docker volume prune
We have two APIs to communicate with he ledger.
- fabric-contract-api (contract interface)
- provides the contract interface. A high level API for application developers to implement Smart Contracts)
- fabric-shim (chaincode interface)
- provides the chaincode interface. A lower level API for implementing Smart Contracts. It also provides the implementation to support communication with Hyperledger Fabric peers for Smart Contracts written using the fabric-contract-api together with the fabric-chaincode-node cli to launch Chaincode or Smart Contracts.
See the files:
cd fabric/fabric-samples/dev-network/chaincode/nodejs
mkdir cs01 && cd cs01
npm init
npm install --save fabric-contract-api fabric-shim
# we need this also for the chaincode start command fabric-chaincode-node under ./node_modules/.bin/
touch index.html
mkdir lib
touch lib/cs01.js
# modify the package.json file > scripts.start section
"scripts": {
"start": "fabric-chaincode-node start",
Terminal one is responsible for running the network without the chaincode container.
export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$(pwd)/sampleconfig
# generate the genesis block for the ordering service
configtxgen -profile SampleDevModeSolo -channelID syschannel -outputBlock genesisblock -configPath $FABRIC_CFG_PATH -outputBlock $(pwd)/artifacts/genesis.block
# create channel creation transaction
configtxgen -channelID ch1 -outputCreateChannelTx $(pwd)/artifacts/ch1.tx -profile SampleSingleMSPChannel -configPath $FABRIC_CFG_PATH
# start the network
docker-compose up
export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$(pwd)/sampleconfig
# create a new channel
peer channel create -o --outputBlock $(pwd)/artifacts/ch1.block -c ch1 -f $(pwd)/artifacts/ch1.tx
# dev peer joins the channel
peer channel join -b $(pwd)/artifacts/ch1.block
# package the node.js chaincode
peer lifecycle chaincode package cs01.tar.gz --path chaincode/nodejs/cs01 --lang node --label mycc
# install the node.js chaincode
peer lifecycle chaincode install cs01.tar.gz --peerAddresses localhost:7051
# check if chaincode is installed
peer lifecycle chaincode queryinstalled --peerAddresses localhost:7051
# remember the package Id
export PK_ID=mycc:ecbc4ec15302eace477c8f2fe3645b4b7315427fcf89f7dd710d455aa130f268
cd chaincode/nodejs/cs01
#### Start the node.js Chaincode ####
CORE_CHAINCODE_LOGLEVEL=debug CORE_PEER_ADDRESS= CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED=false CORE_CHAINCODE_ID_NAME=$PK_ID ./node_modules/.bin/fabric-chaincode-node start --peer.address
cd fabric/fabric-samples/dev-network/
export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$(pwd)/sampleconfig
# remember the package Id
export PK_ID=mycc:ecbc4ec15302eace477c8f2fe3645b4b7315427fcf89f7dd710d455aa130f268
# approve the chaincode
peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg -o --channelID ch1 --name mycc --version 1.0 --sequence 1 --init-required --signature-policy "OR ('SampleOrg.member')" --package-id $PK_ID
peer lifecycle chaincode checkcommitreadiness -o --channelID ch1 --name mycc --version 1.0 --sequence 1 --init-required --signature-policy "OR ('SampleOrg.member')"
peer lifecycle chaincode commit -o --channelID ch1 --name mycc --version 1.0 --sequence 1 --init-required --signature-policy "OR ('SampleOrg.member')" --peerAddresses
# call the --isInit option only for the first time
peer chaincode invoke -o -C ch1 -n mycc -c '{"Args":["storeCs","100","2021-02-21T17:15:57.928Z","reco"]}' --isInit
# query the chaincode
peer chaincode query -o -C ch1 -n mycc -c '{"Args":["getCsByYearMonth","2021~1~c475e5e57cd2a2dd2a4a66eb1e94c5f1dd1aad7fe5f25d458051411b058f6795"]}' | jq .
# use the chaincode
peer chaincode invoke -o -C ch1 -n mycc -c '{"Args":["storeCs","540.34","2021-04-22T17:15:57.928Z","reve"]}'
peer chaincode query -o -C ch1 -n mycc -c '{"Args":["getCsByYearMonth","2021~3~1ac634c81f3b17dce80585b3cba9ae088493f2bae999e54fbc9f9bcd54173ca6"]}' | jq .
peer chaincode query -o -C ch1 -n mycc -c '{"Args":["getCsByYearMonth","2021~2"]}' | jq .
cd $HOME/fabric/fabric-samples/test-network
export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=../config
# Start network and install the chaincode in one single line
./ createChannel -c channel1 && ./ deployCC -c channel1 -ccn cs01CC -ccl javascript -ccv 1 -ccs 1 -ccp ../dev-network/chaincode/nodejs/cs01
# check your logs
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-test-net.yaml logs -f
# in terminal 2 - make clear who you are
. ./scripts/
setGlobals 1
# use the script
# invoke it by hand
peer chaincode invoke -o localhost:7050 --ordererTLSHostnameOverride --tls --cafile ${PWD}/organizations/ordererOrganizations/ -C channel1 -n cs01CC --peerAddresses localhost:7051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/ --peerAddresses localhost:9051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/ -c '{"Args":["storeCs","6555","2021-06-21T17:15:57.928Z","reco"]}'
# do the queries
peer chaincode query -o -C channel1 -n cs01CC -c '{"Args":["getCsByYearMonth","2021~1~fda3f767386ddb137ef6b09eb722339864c05b87a0f64a10a8ccceec9c28db50"]}' | jq .
peer chaincode query -o -C channel1 -n cs01CC -c '{"Args":["getCsByYearMonth","2021~2"]}' | jq .
peer chaincode query -o -C channel1 -n cs01CC -c '{"Args":["getCsByYearMonth","2020"]}' | jq .