v13.1.2 (2020-01-23)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare for release #1414 (cjcolvar)
- Always rewind IO content even when the file is new. #1413 (cjcolvar)
- Adding Ruby 2.7 and updating the existing Ruby and Rails releases on the CircleCI config. #1412 (jrgriffiniii)
v13.1.1 (2019-10-01)
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrades the dependency for faraday-encoding in order to ensure that FrozenError is not raised for HTTP request body content; Releases 13.1.1 #1409 (jrgriffiniii)
v13.1.0 (2019-09-18)
v13.0.0 (2019-08-19)
v12.2.0 (2019-08-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Test against Rails release 5.1.7, along with Ruby releases 2.6.3, 2.5.5, and 2.4.6 #1386
v12.1.1 (2019-04-03)
Closed issues:
- Solr config refers to deprecated LatLonType #1370
v12.1.0 (2019-02-28)
v8.7.0 (2018-12-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 13.1.0 #1408 (no-reply)
- Deprecate
#1407 (no-reply) - Readd support for Ruby 2.4.7 #1404 (no-reply)
- Rails 6 #1403 (no-reply)
- Force overwrite of
files if they have changes #1400 (no-reply) - Releases version 13.0.0 #1399 (jrgriffiniii)
- Update CircleCI Ruby and Rails versions #1390 (botimer)
- Updates the CircleCI configuration to test against Rails release 5.1.7, along with Ruby releases 2.6.3, 2.5.5, and 2.4.6 #1387 (jrgriffiniii)
- Releases version 12.2.0 #1385 (jrgriffiniii)
- Removes the dependency for solrizer #1384 (jrgriffiniii)
- Adds support for Float value indexing and ensures that Solrizer errors are defined within the global namespace #1383 (jrgriffiniii)
- Prep for 12.1.1 release #1382 (bess)
- Remove deprecated Solr StandardFilter #1380 (bess)
- Use samvera orb #1379 (cjcolvar)
- Pin the version of rails that is used #1377 (jcoyne)
- Remove references to
from Solr schema #1376 (no-reply) - Add and test Ruby 2.6.0 #1375 (no-reply)
- Use PointField Solr types rather than deprecated Trie* types #1368 (jcoyne)
- Limit support to Rails 5.2; add support for
1.0 #1366 (no-reply) - Prepare release 12.1.0 #1365 (no-reply)
- Clarify support in build matrix #1364 (no-reply)
- Fix
#1361 (no-reply) - Link TODOs to recorded issues #1359 (botimer)
- Maintenance templates #1356 (barmintor)
- Implement enumeration for
#1348 (no-reply) - Removing remaining references to the projecthydra GitHub organization in the code base #1328 (jrgriffiniii)
- Adding the Coveralls badge and restructuring spec helper for Coveralls reporting #1326 (jrgriffiniii)
- Updating CONTRIBUTING with references to Samvera #1325 (jrgriffiniii)
- Resolve #1321; Remove Gemnasium badge #1324 (botimer)
- Allow faraday 0.15 #1323 (jcoyne)
- Run and test validation callbacks #1322 (cjcolvar)
- Update rubocop to 0.56.0 #1313 (jcoyne)
- Fix support for Rails 5.2 #1312 (cjcolvar)
- suggest searchComponent and requestHandler disabled by default #1311 (cjcolvar)
- Add Solr dateRange field type and dynamic fields to schema.xml #1304 (cjcolvar)
- Request ntriples when fetching descendants to avoid timeout issues #1300 (cjcolvar)
- Allow for a pluggable minter service #1295 (jcoyne)
- Rename solr/config directory to solr/conf #1294 (jcoyne)
- Adding update_index callback hooks #1282 (jeremyf)
v8.6.0 (2018-12-10)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Add a helpful error when the has_model_ssim is missing #1373 (jcoyne)
- Add has_model so that the indexed value can be overridden #1371 (jcoyne)
v11.5.4 (2018-09-24)
Merged pull requests:
v11.5.3 (2018-09-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 11.5.3 #1360 (no-reply)
- Pin to Rails 5.1 #1355 (no-reply)
- Implement enumeration for
#1353 (no-reply)
v12.0.2 (2018-09-21)
Closed issues:
- Update README/Code_of_Conduct/CONTRIBUTING/etc to CCMWG Templates #1349
- Remove Gemnasium from README #1321
- Confirm copyright statement/years #1320
- Convert TODO comments to issues #1319
- Change Rubygems Homepage to Samvera org #1318
- Clean up references to Hydra / Samvera #1317
- Report coverage to Coveralls #1316
- ActiveFedora.clean! should delete permission template entries from the database #1314
Merged pull requests:
- Bump version of solr_wrapper to get around failed download of solr and fix travis build #1357 (no-reply)
- Pin to Rails 5.1 #1351 (no-reply)
- Bump version to 12.0.2 #1350 (no-reply)
v8.5.0 (2018-04-26)
Merged pull requests:
v8.4.2 (2018-03-13)
Merged pull requests:
v12.0.1 (2018-01-12)
Merged pull requests:
- Restore equivalent_class? method #1298 (jcoyne)
- Overwrite the .solr_wrapper.yml provided by blacklight #1293 (jcoyne)
v11.5.2 (2017-11-08)
Merged pull requests:
v11.5.1 (2017-11-08)
Merged pull requests:
v12.0.0 (2017-11-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 12.0.0 #1288 (no-reply)
- Add support for ActiveTriples 1.0.0 #1287 (no-reply)
- Treat
implementers as singular values #1286 (no-reply) - Allow SolrService to submit queries via HTTP POST #1283 (mjgiarlo)
- Add an IO like object for Fedora files #1281 (ojlyytinen)
- Remove deprecated defaultOperator and defaultSearchField solr configs #1280 (geekscruff)
- Make the comment reflect the correct wrapper #1279 (mark-dce)
- Prevent
from throwing exceptions #1277 (atz) - Allow the descendant fetcher to be more flexible by grouping uris by model #1275 (cjcolvar)
- Rescue ObjectNotFoundError in find_each #1273 (hackmastera)
- Request options allow for setting timeout of Fedora client #1271 (cjcolvar)
- Change Hydra to Samvera #1265 (jcoyne)
- Allow access to ETag with
#1263 (no-reply) - Bump version to 12.0.0.alpha #1262 (jcoyne)
- Call get instead of HEAD + GET #1261 (jcoyne)
- Set the proper string encoding on responses #1259 (jcoyne)
- No need to set RSolr 2.0 explicitly #1257 (jcoyne)
- Bump LDP version to ~> 0.7.0 #1255 (jcoyne)
- Bump rspec requirement to ~>3.5 #1253 (atz)
- File metadata should have a modified_date #1252 (cjcolvar)
- Make solr.yml consistent w/ blacklight.yml (and itself) #1249 (atz)
- Instrument uncached fetches #1248 (jcoyne)
- Merge Solrizer into ActiveFedora #1223 (jcoyne)
v11.5.0 (2017-10-12)
Closed issues:
- AF::SolrService.query should permit HTTP POST #399
Merged pull requests:
v11.4.1 (2017-10-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Connection should support timeout option #1105
Fixed bugs:
- exists? throws exception on class mismatch instead of returning false #1276
v8.4.1 (2017-07-12)
Merged pull requests:
v11.4.0 (2017-06-28)
Merged pull requests:
- [backport] Allow access to ETag with
#1266 (jcoyne) - [backport] Call get instead of HEAD + GET #1264 (jcoyne)
v11.3.1 (2017-06-15)
Closed issues:
- Text files read from fedora do not have encoding set. #1258
- ActiveFedora::Base.first fails by assuming id=1 #1254
Merged pull requests:
v11.3.0 (2017-06-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- AF::Base initialization should not require a FCR4 connection #1060
Closed issues:
- rake spec fails with
undefined method shared\_context\_metadata\_behavior=...
#1229 - README instructions for test solr_wrapper wrong #1216
- Calling ActiveFedora.fedora.user should not connect to the repository. #880
- << on properties doesn't persist #768
- Optimize reads #463
- RDF wiki, lesson 2 should use datastreams #359
Merged pull requests:
v11.2.0 (2017-05-18)
Closed issues:
- Unknown attribute: _attributes #1237
Merged pull requests:
- Update travis build matrix #1243 (cbeer)
- Release 11.2.0 #1242 (dazza-codes)
- Expose solr connection options as an attribute #1241 (cbeer)
- YAML.safe_load - allow YAML aliases - loading solr.yml and fedora.yml #1240 (dazza-codes)
- more powerful ActiveFedora::FixityService #1239 (jrochkind)
- Metadata node save #1235 (cjcolvar)
- Pass nil instead of a nil RDF::URI as subject to Ldp::Resource to avoid head request #1233 (cjcolvar)
- Raise expected RuntimeError by using correct variable #1232 (cjcolvar)
- Pass the index_config to the RDF::IndexingService #1231 (jcoyne)
- Fix 1219 #1230 (barmintor)
- Add Indexing::Map#merge #1227 (jcoyne)
- Don't shadow attr_accessor with custom accessor method #1226 (jcoyne)
- Indexing::Map::IndexObject takes behaviors as a parameter #1225 (jcoyne)
- Update documentation #1224 (jcoyne)
- Indexing#descendant_uris capable of prioritizing at front of list #1219 (jrochkind)
- #reindex_everything improvements #1218 (jrochkind)
- Update rspec descriptions to avoid "should" #1217 (jcoyne)
v11.1.6 (2017-04-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Update fcrepo_wrapper command in README to use the correct port #1221 (escowles)
- Empty out nodes directly. #1215 (tpendragon)
- Removing an exclusion for a non-existent file #1214 (jeremyf)
- Fixing fcrepo_wrapper behavior in
task #1213 (jeremyf) - Fix ActiveFedora::Inheritance.base_class for deep File descendants #1211 (mbklein)
- print IDs in more error messages #1206 (dunn)
v11.1.5 (2017-03-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Bump to version 11.1.5 #1210 (hortongn)
- When updating triples avoid the cache #1209 (jcoyne)
- Add documentation about init_root_path #1208 (jcoyne)
- Update rubocop to the latest release #1207 (jcoyne)
- Bump version to 11.1.3 #1203 (jcoyne)
v11.1.4 (2017-02-09)
Merged pull requests:
v7.3.1 (2017-02-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix dependency snafu #1204 (dchandekstark)
v7.3.0 (2017-02-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Loosened Rubydora dependency for 2.x. #1200 (dchandekstark)
- Belongs-to fallback should gracefully fail when unable to find associ… #1161 (cbeer)
v11.1.3 (2017-02-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Refresh container resource triples #1202 (jcoyne)
- Add missing update! method #1196 (jcoyne)
- Allow Solrizer version 4.0 #1195 (jcoyne)
- Explain which id could not be found #1194 (jcoyne)
- Register ObjectNotFoundError as an Error ActionDispatch rescues #1193 (jcoyne)
v8.4.0 (2017-02-03)
Merged pull requests:
- Version 8.4.0 #1198 (dchandekstark)
- Loosens rubydora dependency to allow using 2.x #1197 (dchandekstark)
v11.1.2 (2017-01-25)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Eager load all the code in eager_load blocks #1192 (jcoyne)
- Eager load ActiveFedora #1191 (jcoyne)
- Ensuring up to date system gems #1190 (jeremyf)
- Warn if you don't pass :rows to SolrService.query #1188 (jcoyne)
- Ensuring NullLogger responds to logging questions #1187 (jeremyf)
v11.1.1 (2017-01-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Don't modify passed in attributes #1186 (jcoyne)
- When rails initializes, set the log if it previously was a NullLogger #1185 (jcoyne)
v11.1.0 (2017-01-13)
Merged pull requests:
- Casting an RDF::URI to a RDF::URI is unnecessary #1183 (jcoyne)
- Replace deprecated Fixnum with Integer #1182 (jcoyne)
- Removing invalid namespaces from tests #1181 (escowles)
- Correct the documentation #1180 (jcoyne)
- Fix reindex_everything for use with active_fedora-noid #1175 (cjcolvar)
- There is no need to pin rake any longer #1174 (jcoyne)
- Allow logger to be set by default. Fixes #1170 #1171 (jcoyne)
- Add return value YARD doc #1169 (jcoyne)
- Update to latest Rubocop #1168 (awead)
- Stop spamming IRC with Travis builds #1166 (mjgiarlo)
- Changing file to accept any object that responds to URI including ano… #1162 (carolyncole)
- Test with rsolr 2.x #1155 (cbeer)
- Use ActiveFedora::NullLogger #1153 (awead)
v8.3.0 (2016-11-21)
Merged pull requests:
v10.3.0 (2016-11-21)
Merged pull requests:
- Backport base_uri method to keep reindex_everything from erring with new af-noid #1178 (hackmastera)
v8.2.2 (2016-11-17)
Closed issues:
- Update external content handling for Fedora 4.7.0-RC #1156
Merged pull requests:
- Override #inherited instead of using deprecated alias_method_chain #1177 (cbeer)
- Fix up tests broken by rspec 2 -> 3 conversion #1164 (cbeer)
- Convert specs to RSpec 3.5.4 syntax with Transpec #1163 (cbeer)
v9.7.3 (2016-10-31)
Closed issues:
- Logger causes infinite recursion #1170
Merged pull requests:
- Eliminate an unnecessary read of local content #1172 (carolyncole)
v8.2.1 (2016-10-18)
Merged pull requests:
v8.2.0 (2016-10-17)
Merged pull requests:
v7.2.0 (2016-10-17)
Merged pull requests:
v6.8.0 (2016-10-13)
Merged pull requests:
v11.0.1 (2016-09-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Guard for nil logger #1152 (jcoyne)
- Cast RDF Literals to strings when indexing. #1151 (tpendragon)
v11.0.0 (2016-09-13)
Closed issues:
- Remove .send call from FedoraAttributes/OrderedList #1111
- Enforce cardinality of properties on ActiveFedora::RDFDatastream like it is for ActiveFedora::Base #776
- RDF::StrictVocabulary.term is introduced in rdf 1.1.4 #669
- Add rdf-vocab 0.4.0 dependency and remove vocabs #651
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrade to ActiveTriples 0.11 #1149 (jcoyne)
- Rename to_class_uri to to_rdf_representation #1148 (jcoyne)
- Querying for relationships should use solr raw query #1147 (jcoyne)
- Update rspec configuration with new default settings #1145 (cbeer)
- Bump dependency on rsolr to >= 1.1.2 #1144 (jcoyne)
- Remove unused methods #1143 (jcoyne)
- Additional datastreams cleanup #1142 (cbeer)
v10.3.0.rc2 (2016-08-18)
v11.0.0.rc7 (2016-08-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Lookup inverse using predicate #1141 (jcoyne)
- Remove delegates to removed methods #1139 (cjcolvar)
- Remove Datastreams #1130 (jcoyne)
v10.3.0.rc1 (2016-08-18)
Merged pull requests:
v11.0.0.rc6 (2016-08-12)
Merged pull requests:
- Solr wrapper bump #1136 (atz)
- solr_wrapper now uses the generated solr configs for testing AF instead of a separate directory tree of Solr configs #1135 (mjgiarlo)
- Bump rubocop-rspec version #1134 (atz)
- Adding in the terms handler so that generated apps include this by default #1120 (carolyncole)
v10.2.1 (2016-08-12)
Merged pull requests:
v11.0.0.rc5 (2016-08-11)
Merged pull requests:
v11.0.0.rc4 (2016-08-10)
Merged pull requests:
v10.2.0 (2016-08-10)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove linkeddata (following #1131) -- backport to latest stable branch #1132 (mjgiarlo)
- Align solr config from Sufia with what's in AF #1129 (mjgiarlo)
- Deprecate calling ActiveFedora::Base#initialize with a String argument #1126 (jcoyne)
v11.0.0.rc3 (2016-08-10)
Closed issues:
- ActionController::Parameters is not acceptable. #1122
Merged pull requests:
- Refactor spec #1128 (jcoyne)
- Remove ActiveFedora::Base#initialize with a String argument #1127 (jcoyne)
v11.0.0.rc2 (2016-08-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Reference actual classes #1121 (jcoyne)
- Fixing for latest rubocop-rspec #1119 (carolyncole)
v11.0.0.rc1 (2016-07-29)
Merged pull requests:
- Model template uses has_subresource. Fixes #1090 #1118 (jcoyne)
- Run rubocop before starting the test server #1117 (jcoyne)
- Throw abort to terminate callbacks #1116 (jcoyne)
- Remove load_instance_from_solr #1113 (jcoyne)
- Update to latest rubocop and rubocop-rspec #1112 (jcoyne)
- Performance Improvements #1109 (tpendragon)
- Update Active Triples #1107 (jcoyne)
v10.1.0 (2016-07-29)
Fixed bugs:
- Naming of contains, directly_contains, etc. on Reflection class is confusing #811
Closed issues:
- Remove indexed profile (or turn it off by default) #1110
- Model template uses removed method
#1090 - Can't load a belongs_to association on a record loaded from solr. #946
- load_instance_from_solr causes multivalue error. #877
- Rdf datastreams get loaded on AF::Base.find #33
Merged pull requests:
v10.1.0.rc1 (2016-07-11)
Fixed bugs:
- ActiveFedora::WithMetadata::MetadataNode#save isn't working #1083
Merged pull requests:
- Sending multiple values from a where cluase will join with OR #1106 (carolyncole)
- Remove autoload of non-existant class #1099 (jcoyne)
- Deprecate datastreams #1098 (jcoyne)
- Remove prefix method from File #1097 (jcoyne)
- Remove unused methods from OmDatastream #1096 (jcoyne)
- Remove configure_jetty rake task #1095 (jcoyne)
v9.7.2 (2016-07-01)
Merged pull requests:
- Adding the ability to join with OR from a where clause #1103 (carolyncole)
- Fixing rubocop for latest version #1102 (carolyncole)
v10.0.0 (2016-06-08)
Merged pull requests:
v10.0.0.beta4 (2016-06-03)
Merged pull requests:
- Stop indexing on active_fedora_model_ssi #1093 (jcoyne)
- AF::File#save! should persist metadata #1091 (jcoyne)
v10.0.0.beta3 (2016-05-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Missing an ActiveFedora::File#content? method #1082
Closed issues:
- Updating ActiveFedora::File.mime-type #890
Merged pull requests:
- Filter out records marked_as_deleted #1089 (jcoyne)
- Eliminate an unnecessary read of local content #1088 (jcoyne)
- Set the solrizer logger in the railtie. Fixes #997 #1087 (jcoyne)
- Make the MetadataNode conform to the AF::Base API #1086 (jcoyne)
- remove unnecessary require of deprecation #1085 (jcoyne)
- ActiveFedora::File.mime_type should be updatable. Fixes #890, #1083 #1084 (mjgiarlo)
- Restore defaults to with_server #1079 (jcoyne)
v10.0.0.beta2 (2016-05-12)
Closed issues:
- Assigning a singular minted relationship value to a non-multiple property causes an error? #1067
Merged pull requests:
- Using generated config files for fedora & solr #1078 (escowles)
- Metadata class factory #1077 (awead)
v10.0.0.beta1 (2016-05-10)
v9.13.0 (2016-05-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove deprecations in preparation for AF 10.0 #1076 (jcoyne)
- Deprecate AF::SimpleDatastream #1075 (jcoyne)
- Use Deprecation.warn on AS::Concern ClassMethods #1074 (jcoyne)
- Add a Basic Container association #1073 (jcoyne)
- Renamed
#1072 (jcoyne) - Have generators create wrapper config files for test #1071 (mark-dce)
- Update solr_wrapper and fcrepo_wrapper dot-file defaults #1070 (mark-dce)
- Don't raise an error if you check if a deleted object is new #1069 (jcoyne)
- Suppress AF::Cleaner errors when running the test suite #1066 (cbeer)
- Defer
until it is required #1065 (cbeer)
v9.12.0 (2016-04-19)
Fixed bugs:
- model returned by ActiveFedora::SolrHit. instantiate_with_json is persisted? -> false #1054
- File streaming does not account for SSL #992
Merged pull requests:
- Update graph instead of destroying it #1063 (narogers)
- #992 detect https url for FCREPO and use_ssl appropriately #1062 (barmintor)
- Update SolrService.register to support passing in the url as one of the option keys #1061 (cbeer)
- SolrHit#instantiate_with_json should create persisted objects #1056 (cbeer)
v9.11.0 (2016-04-15)
Closed issues:
- Update Schema.xml for Solr 6 #1058
- Streamed content doesn't follow redirects #1051
- Release Notes for Fedora4 #639
Merged pull requests:
- Update schema for Solr 6 #1059 (atz)
- Update schema for Solr 5+6 compatibility #1057 (cbeer)
- Fedora 4.5.1-RC compatibility #1053 (escowles)
- follow redirects for content streaming, closes #1051 #1052 (lbiedinger)
- Push AF::Fedora#init_base_path down into #connection #1050 (cbeer)
- Add DangerousAttributeError exception and test the triggering case #1049 (cbeer)
- Align new aggregation associations with existing conventions #1048 (cbeer)
- Use a version of activesupport >= 4.2.4 #1047 (jcoyne)
- Pass the block from find_in_batches to search_in_batches #1045 (jcoyne)
- Enable
dependent: destroy
for HasManyAssociation #1044 (jcoyne) - Merge activefedora-aggregations into active-fedora #1043 (cbeer)
- ActiveFedora::RecordInvalid should be a ActiveFedoraError #1042 (cbeer)
v9.10.4 (2016-03-28)
Closed issues:
- Updating mime-type puts FCRepo 4.5.0 in a bad state #1046
v9.10.3 (2016-03-28)
v9.10.2 (2016-03-28)
v9.10.1 (2016-03-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove extra underscore from reflect_on_association #1041 (tpendragon)
v9.10.0 (2016-03-24)
Merged pull requests:
- Continued alignment of associations with upstream changes #1038 (cbeer)
- Update reflections and associations #1037 (cbeer)
- Wrapper config #1036 (jcoyne)
- ActiveFedora::File.mime_type should be updatable #1035 (cjcolvar)
v9.10.0.pre2 (2016-03-22)
Closed issues:
- has_many assertions that are not persisted are not showing in size #1030
Merged pull requests:
- Deprecate delegating attributes to associated objects #1034 (jcoyne)
- Update AF::AttributeMethods with upstream changes #1033 (cbeer)
- Correctly find the size of a collection in memory #1032 (jcoyne)
- Update scoping with latest upstream changes #1031 (cbeer)
- Update callbacks with upstream improvements #1028 (cbeer)
v9.10.0.pre1 (2016-03-19)
Closed issues:
- has_many for a new owner is returning all the orphan records #1008
- ActiveFedora should set Solrizer.logger #997
Merged pull requests:
- Update Validations with latest upstream changes #1029 (cbeer)
- Delegate count to the scope #1027 (jcoyne)
- Update nested attributes with upstream improvements #1026 (cbeer)
- Update minimum versions of ruby and activesupport #1025 (cbeer)
- Begin updating associations to latest Rails conventions #1024 (cbeer)
- Unconditionally run coverage reports when running tests #1023 (cbeer)
- Remove or deprecate unused code #1022 (cbeer)
- Extract SolrService.get to send requests to Solr and get the original response #1020 (cbeer)
- Silence SolrQueryBuilder deprecation warnings when running tests #1019 (cbeer)
- Simplify ActiveFedora::SolrQueryBuilder #1018 (cbeer)
- Deprecate unused methods #1016 (jcoyne)
- ActiveFedora depends on Solrizer #1015 (jcoyne)
- Don't rely on exceptions for flow control #1014 (jcoyne)
- Update testing versions of Ruby and Rails #1013 (jcoyne)
- Add default scopes #1012 (jcoyne)
- Extract SolrHit class to wrap Solr response documents #1011 (cbeer)
- Push .search_by_id into ActiveFedora::FinderMethod #1010 (cbeer)
- Rename find_with_conditions and find_in_batches to search_with_conditions and search_in_batches #1009 (cbeer)
- Provide class-level accessors for solr configuration options #1007 (cbeer)
- Use the same logic for lazy_reify_solr_results and reify_solr_results #1006 (cbeer)
- Move indexer to a class attribute #1005 (jcoyne)
- Fix build breaking due to Rake 11.0.1, Rubocop 0.38.0 and ActiveModel 4.2.6 #1003 (jcoyne)
- Unify type to model mapping code #1002 (cbeer)
- Update to use ldp 0.5 #1000 (cbeer)
v9.9.1 (2016-03-05)
Merged pull requests:
v9.9.0 (2016-02-15)
Closed issues:
- AF config needs a way to inject Faraday options #985
Merged pull requests:
- Update development configs to use environment variables #994 (jcoyne)
- Generalize the with_server method #993 (jcoyne)
- Use local configurations for solr #990 (jcoyne)
- Share the test server method with downstream apps #988 (jcoyne)
- Adds SSL options to config (closes #985) #986 (dchandekstark)
- Fixes for rubocop 0.37.1 #984 (jcoyne)
- To be an XMLSchema#dateTime the TZ must have a colon #983 (jcoyne)
- Add a rake task for running spec without rubocop #982 (jcoyne)
- Use the correct flag to fcrepo_wrapper #981 (jcoyne)
- Don't default facet.limit #980 (jcoyne)
- Start solr and fedora on a random open port #979 (jcoyne)
- Add support for customizable Solr request handlers. #960 (ojlyytinen)
v9.8.2 (2016-02-05)
Closed issues:
- rails g active_fedora:config:solr should generate solr 5 configs #970
Merged pull requests:
- Restore the permissions handler #977 (jcoyne)
- Add extract handler to solrconfig #976 (jcoyne)
- Run test FCRepo on a separate instance from development #975 (jcoyne)
v9.8.1 (2016-02-05)
Fixed bugs:
- AF::File callbacks are not triggered #972
Merged pull requests:
- Runs AF::File callbacks (fixes #972) #973 (dchandekstark)
- Generate solr 5 configs #971 (jcoyne)
v9.8.0 (2016-02-05)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove unused files #969 (jcoyne)
- Test on Solr 5 #968 (jcoyne)
- Pass hash of options to index.as #966 (awead)
v9.7.1 (2016-01-29)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- The jcr/mix versionable predicate is no longer used #965 (awead)
- Add detail to SolrQueryBuilder.construct_query_for_pids deprecation #964 (dchandekstark)
- Updating to the latest Rubocop #963 (awead)
- Adds :PID property to ActiveFedora::RDF::Fcrepo::Model vocab #957 (dchandekstark)
v9.7.0 (2015-11-30)
Closed issues:
- Re-add and deprecate FileConfigurator.get_config_path #949
- Adding to a :has_many relationship does not propagate errors. #78
- AF 5.x + Rubydora >= 1.4 test failures #55
Merged pull requests:
- Allowing access to the gone? method from outside the object #955 (carolyncole)
- Silence deprecation warning in test #954 (jcoyne)
- Test deprecation using mocks #953 (jcoyne)
- Use rdf-vocab gem for DC vocab #952 (jcoyne)
- Give an error when the user queries for a non-existant reflection #951 (jcoyne)
- Re-add get_config_path method (removed in 9.6.0) with deprecation war… #950 (coblej)
- Adds explicit require of 'rdf/vocab' to AF::FedoraAttributes #945 (dchandekstark)
- ids_reader should not return duplicates. #944 (tpendragon)
- Fix YARD documentation #943 (jcoyne)
- Don't try to parse empty dates #939 (awead)
v9.6.2 (2015-11-09)
Merged pull requests:
v9.6.1 (2015-11-03)
Closed issues:
- Cant convert nil to string. #937
Merged pull requests:
v9.6.0 (2015-11-02)
Closed issues:
- Persistence#save_contained_resources loads files just to see if they are changed #928
- serialize_attached_files should not load files #927
- ActiveFedor::File#refresh should clear @ds_content #913
- Create_date and modified_date raise errors with instances loaded from Solr #905
- solr loads only one nested attribute #870
Merged pull requests:
- Loosen dependency on rdf-rdfxml #936 (jcoyne)
- Allow developers to override resource_class. #933 (tpendragon)
- Makes
behave consistently in AF::AssociationHash #932 (dchandekstark) - Fix issue where xml datastreams reverting after save, closes #913 #931 (hellbunnie)
- Avoid unnecessary loads #930 (jcoyne)
- refactor persistence spec to not use deprecated methods #929 (jcoyne)
- Create an ids_reader for indirect containers #926 (jcoyne)
- Don't load all the members of an IndirectContainer on concat #925 (jcoyne)
- Add rubocop #924 (jcoyne)
- Save time zone information for DateTimes. Solr returns DateTimes rather than Strings. #923 (ojlyytinen)
- Return values for inherited attributes the same way we do for properties #922 (awead)
- Load create_date and modified_date from Solr. #921 (ojlyytinen)
- Adds ActiveFedora::Checksum class to encapsulate file digest info. #919 (dchandekstark)
- Append val to solr array instead of replacing when appropriate. #918 (hackmastera)
- Adds
attribute method to File. #917 (dchandekstark)
v9.5.0 (2015-10-16)
Closed issues:
- When query with nil value should always return an empty relation #910
- Create wiki page for migration strategy from AF 8 to 9 #895
Merged pull requests:
- query for nil creates correct query #912 (jcoyne)
- Support both Fedora and Premis predicates, supports Fedora 4.4 #911 (awead)
- AssociationHash - alias
#907 (dchandekstark) - Fixed syntax error in raise statement #906 (dchandekstark)
- Let autoload do its thing #904 (jcoyne)
- Allow for sub RDF Sources via contains #901 (tpendragon)
v9.4.3 (2015-09-30)
Closed issues:
- Tests failing and other problems due an update in rdf-vocab. #894
Merged pull requests:
v9.4.2 (2015-09-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Don't skip reject_if when _destroy is passed #900 (jcoyne)
- Don't use Fcrepo digest predicate from rdf-vocab #899 (jcoyne)
- Updating documentation of Indexing Service #898 (jeremyf)
- Moving a method to protected #897 (jeremyf)
- Add high-level comment for Indexing module. #896 (hackmastera)
- Refactor nested_attribute_spec #893 (jcoyne)
v9.4.1 (2015-09-18)
Merged pull requests:
v9.4.0 (2015-09-03)
Fixed bugs:
- DirectlyContainsAssociation can't exist on a node with an id shorter than 8 characters. #862
Closed issues:
- Should we use RDF::Vocab::Fcrepo4 instead of a local vocabulary? #886
- Don't run validator when deleteing. #885
- AF::File::Attributes should find digests atop Fedora 4.3.0 #883
- Revert "Requst Inbound Relations" #875
Merged pull requests:
- Don't run type validators on destroy. #888 (tpendragon)
- Using Fcrepo4 and LDP from RDF::Vocab instead of local versions #887 (escowles)
- Using premis:hasMessageDigest for checksum #884 (escowles)
- Update README to reflect dependency on Solr 4.10 #881 (pgwillia)
- Enable support for hash URIs. #878 (tpendragon)
- Stop using InboundRelationConnection #876 (jcoyne)
v9.3.0 (2015-08-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Records should be able to be marshaled and loaded #872 (jcoyne)
- RDF association ids setter should handle nil #869 (jcoyne)
- Add collection#select using block syntax. #868 (tpendragon)
- Add type validator objects to associations. #867 (tpendragon)
v9.2.1 (2015-07-23)
Closed issues:
- delete from association should only return actual deleted objects #864
- Load_instance_from_solr has issues if model has properties that aren't saved in profile_json #856
- ActiveFedora::Base.uri_to_id doesn't properly handle long ids #855
- ContainerProxy should respond to each_with_index. #851
- Prefer quick check of id before full object check #849
Merged pull requests:
- Don't delete unrelated objects in Collection Association #866 (tpendragon)
- ChangeSet shouldn't record other subjects. #863 (tpendragon)
- Update unit test style #861 (jcoyne)
- Improve handling of imperfect profile_json when loading instances from Solr. #860 (ojlyytinen)
- Test suite in CI should use Java 8 for Hydra-Jetty #854 (mjgiarlo)
- Relation should respond to enumerable methods #852 (jcoyne)
v9.2.0 (2015-07-08)
Merged pull requests:
v9.2.0.rc2 (2015-07-01)
Merged pull requests:
v9.2.0.rc1 (2015-06-30)
Fixed bugs:
- Can't delete Direct Container Files #794
Closed issues:
- ActiveFedora::File should error if a file is saved without content #831
- Associations do not allow chaining relations #352
Merged pull requests:
- Refactor CollectionAssociation#reset #844 (jcoyne)
- make CollectionAssociation#find_target private #843 (jcoyne)
- The uri() method should return an RDF::URI #841 (jcoyne)
- Refactor File#== to avoid an unnecessary API call #840 (jcoyne)
- Use the solr terms query when fetching by id #839 (jcoyne)
- Allow File constructor to take a block. #838 (jcoyne)
- Avoid unnecessary solr query #837 (jcoyne)
- For an AF record the primary key is always
#836 (jcoyne) - Save method has been updated to be inline with Rails and return boolean... #834 (hectorcorrea)
- Implements delete for direct containers. #832 (hectorcorrea)
- RDF::IndexingService indexes objects & properties #830 (awead)
- Reorganizing ActiveFedora:File code #829 (awead)
- Make autosave tests more specific #828 (awead)
- Use foreign_key in case user has specified one #827 (awead)
- Removing unneeded line #825 (carolyncole)
- refactoring equals for readability #824 (carolyncole)
- Refactoring ActiveFedora::File to use ActiveFedora::Persistence #823 (carolyncole)
- Removing dead define_destroy_hook method #822 (awead)
- Refactoring .find_target for HasAndBelongsToMany #819 (awead)
- Return relation for .limit, fixes #352 #818 (awead)
- Refactoring DelegatedAttribute #817 (awead)
- (Needs Review) implements directly_contains_one association #816 (flyingzumwalt)
- Forward port changes from the 9.1-stable branch. #814 (jcoyne)
- Create a blacklist to disallow mutating relations #812 (jcoyne)
- Remove unnecessary dependency on rdf-vocab #808 (jcoyne)
- Add apply_schema support to AF. #807 (tpendragon)
- Direct/Indirect containers should have an include? method #806 (jcoyne)
- A SolrBackedResource should be enumerable #804 (jcoyne)
- Translation procs should not overwrite one another #803 (jcoyne)
- Replace Service Object for OO Deletes #802 (tpendragon)
- Indirect container delete bug #801 (tpendragon)
- Update ActiveTriples #798 (tpendragon)
- Delete Indirect Proxies #796 (tpendragon)
- Add direct containers #788 (jcoyne)
- Add optional prefix to resource URI #780 (awead)
v9.1.2 (2015-06-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Track type as a changed attribute in MetadataNode #787 (jcoyne)
- File#save should return true if there is nothing to save #785 (jcoyne)
- CollectionAssociation should generate a solr query lazily #783 (jcoyne)
v8.1.0 (2015-05-18)
Closed issues:
- Delete on indirect container #800
- Can't delete Indirect Container proxies. #793
- Allow rdf:type on ActiveFedora::File #792
- File should save metadata changes even if content is unchanged #784
- The contains method should use LDP and use the /files/ container #714
- Use LDP for membership #713
Merged pull requests:
- Added ldp:IndirectContainer #790 (jcoyne)
- Version 8.1.0 #779 (dchandekstark)
- Patches casting behavior #777 (dchandekstark)
v9.1.1 (2015-04-17)
Merged pull requests:
v9.1.0 (2015-04-16)
Closed issues:
property does not delegate correctly. #769
Merged pull requests:
v9.1.0.rc1 (2015-04-15)
Closed issues:
- HasAndBelongsToManyAssociation#delete_records assumes the inverse is a HABTM #763
- RuntimeError when saveing HABTM #760
- has_and_belongs_to_many build is not persising the relationship #752
Merged pull requests:
- Requires 'deprecation' for ActiveFedora::File #766 (afred)
- Make #translate_id_to_uri/uri_to_id reliable. #765 (tpendragon)
- The indexing hints should be inheritable (backport from master) #762 (jcoyne)
- Fix inverse of has many #761 (jcoyne)
- Content model inheritance #758 (stkenny)
- Only set/save the inverse on a HABTM if the inverse is also HABTM #757 (jcoyne)
- Derive a foreign_key ending with
if the inverse is a collection #756 (jcoyne) - Raise an error when the inverse relationship can not be found. #755 (jcoyne)
- Refactor has_and_belongs_to_many_associations_spec #754 (jcoyne)
- Remove unused sample classes #753 (jcoyne)
- Clean Connection #750 (tpendragon)
- Sort versions as dates not as strings #749 (mjgiarlo)
- The indexing hints should be inheritable #748 (jcoyne)
- Add a mechanism to set rdf_label on the ActiveTriple resource #747 (jcoyne)
- Prevents an object from being loaded to the incorrect class. #745 (hectorcorrea)
- Allow property to delegate to a datastream. Ref #736 #744 (jcoyne)
- Move the indexing logic to the model. Fixes #736 #743 (jcoyne)
v9.0.7 (2015-04-07)
Closed issues:
- Make RDF and XML attribute definition syntax consistent #736
Merged pull requests:
v8.0.1 (2015-03-27)
Merged pull requests:
v9.0.6 (2015-03-27)
Closed issues:
- property_config nil after setting type #737
Merged pull requests:
v9.0.5 (2015-03-26)
Closed issues:
- File#default_attributes doesn't seem to be used. Remove it. #732
- Deprecate attach_file, add_file can do the same and more. #728
Merged pull requests:
- Properties named *_id should not break the change set #735 (cjcolvar)
- Add rdf:type assertions to ActiveFedora::Base #734 (jcoyne)
- Remove #default_attributes. Fixes #732 #733 (cjcolvar)
- Make sure datastreams get configured on load as well as new/create #730 (mbklein)
- Allow a has_many association to specify an explicit foreign key via the :as option #729 (mbklein)
v9.0.4 (2015-03-11)
Merged pull requests:
v9.0.3 (2015-03-06)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Encapsulate solr_escape and make it private #723 (jcoyne)
- Use modified RSolr.solr_escape method #722 (awead)
v9.0.2 (2015-02-24)
Closed issues:
- Opitimize HTTP interaction with Fedora 4 #493
Merged pull requests:
- Jettywrapper doesn't require hydra_jetty_version #719 (awead)
- Support basic authorization to Fedora #717 (awead)
- Provide more documentation around delete and destroy [ci skip] #715 (jcoyne)
- Avoid unnecessary HEAD request on file retrieval. Fixes #493 #711 (jcoyne)
v9.0.1 (2015-02-10)
Merged pull requests:
v9.0.0 (2015-01-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- should stream large files to fedora instead of loading the file completely into memory before sending #700
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- quotes in filenames should be escaped #693
- If base_path isn't set then Object.URI is wrong. #680
- There should be a warning if you specify two properties that share the same predicate. #662
- If base_path is not set in fedora.yml, auto-casting doesn't work in ActiveFedora::Base.find #657
Merged pull requests:
- When save! is called only validate once #710 (jcoyne)
- Add 'eradicate' option to ActiveFedora::Base#destroy #709 (mjgiarlo)
- Deprecate the three and four arg constructor to add_file #708 (jcoyne)
- File#stream should return a FileBody object #707 (jcoyne)
- Deprecate File#add_file_datastream and the dsid parameter #706 (jcoyne)
- File#last_modified removed #703 (jcoyne)
- Don't read streams into a string before saving #701 (jcoyne)
- Encodes file name in HTTP header to allow for special characters in filename #699 (hectorcorrea)
- Caching #697 (jcoyne)
- Fixes bug that prevented ActiveFedora from deserializing classes #696 (hectorcorrea)
- Removed ActiveFedora::RDF::RelsExt #695 (jcoyne)
- Load singular datastream attributes from solr #694 (jcoyne)
- Jetty should wait a bit longer before unblocking #692 (mjgiarlo)
v9.0.0.rc3 (2015-01-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Use Fcrepo4 class repository definitions #691 (awead)
- Pass nested attribute options to the resource #689 (jcoyne)
- Upgrade ActiveTriples to 0.6.0 #688 (jcoyne)
- After setting nested rdf attributes, mark the attributes as changed. #686 (jcoyne)
- Warn user when initial connection to Fedora fails and the URL does not e... #684 (hectorcorrea)
- Support nested attributes for RDF properties. Fixes #682 #683 (jcoyne)
- Warn when the same predicate is used in more than one property #681 (hectorcorrea)
- Fix reindex_everything. Fixes #678 #679 (jcoyne)
v8.0.0 (2015-01-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow AF::Base properties to accept nested attributes #672
Fixed bugs:
- Misleading 302 error from LDP when pointing to wrong Fedora URL #656
Closed issues:
- Setting rdf nested attributes (id) should update changed attributes #685
- accept nested attributes for a property on an AF::Base object #682
Merged pull requests:
- Bumped version to 8.0.0 #687 (dchandekstark)
v8.0.0.rc3 (2015-01-07)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Can assign single ActiveTriples::Resource to single-valued attribute (fi... #676 (dchandekstark)
- github issue 48 tests and YARD #629 (barmintor)
v9.0.0.rc2 (2015-01-07)
Merged pull requests:
v9.0.0.rc1 (2015-01-07)
Closed issues:
- active_fedora:model generator needs update for ActiveFedora 9 #665
- Incorporate Solrizer into ActiveFedora, It doesn't really have a purpose all alone. #664
- Add sanitize_for_mass_assignment to attributes= #658
- Option to refresh versions cache #641
- Explicitly sort versions according to creation date #640
Merged pull requests:
- Test on rails 4.2 and Ruby 2.2 #675 (jcoyne)
- Remove cucumber from the solr template #674 (jcoyne)
- Create an indexing service for RDF properties #673 (jcoyne)
- Renamed Base.get_descendent_uris to Base.descendent_uris #671 (jcoyne)
- Provide the URI as part of the error message when object recreation is a... #670 (jcoyne)
- Generate tests for model with RDF predicates #668 (jcoyne)
- Updates to model generator templates for latest version of rspec-rails #667 (jcoyne)
- Update the model generator. Fixes #665 #666 (jcoyne)
- reindex_everything should ignore non-RDF sources #663 (jcoyne)
- IndexingService#generate_solr_document should yield the solr document #661 (jcoyne)
- Restore the generator for fedora.yml #660 (jcoyne)
v9.0.0.beta8 (2014-12-19)
Fixed bugs:
- STATUS: 409 Could not remove triple when running ActiveFedora::Cleaner.clean! #647
Closed issues:
- Indexing should have a class for building the profile and not rely on to_json #654
- LoadableFromJson should filter json attributes #648
Merged pull requests:
- Add strong parameters validation #659 (jcoyne)
- Add a service object for indexing profile json documents #655 (jcoyne)
- fixes #648 Bug: LoadableFromJson raises error when you have extra fields... #652 (flyingzumwalt)
- Reload and sort versions #650 (awead)
- Raise an error if data could be lost from singularizing a list #649 (jcoyne)
v9.0.0.beta7 (2014-12-11)
Closed issues:
- CollectionAssociation#ids_reader does not cache results, reads from solr each time. #644
Merged pull requests:
- Bump ldp dependency to 0.2 #646 (jcoyne)
- PERF: Don't query solr again if we know there will be no results #645 (jcoyne)
- Single valued properties accessed via the Hash accessor should be singular #643 (jcoyne)
v9.0.0.beta6 (2014-12-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Define unique?(key) method #637
Merged pull requests:
v9.0.0.beta5 (2014-12-06)
Merged pull requests:
v9.0.0.beta4 (2014-12-05)
Fixed bugs:
- Using the attribute accessor
method should return nil for terms that are singular #631
Closed issues:
- Single-valued properties #632
- Refactor CollectionAssociation to use Reflection#solr_key #605
- Rubydora doesn't allow managed datastreams to be created with a dsLocation #48
Merged pull requests:
- Init the base path when the Fedora object is initialized #634 (jcoyne)
- Allow generated property methods to validate the cardinality of values. Fixes #632 #633 (jcoyne)
- Interface for versions #630 (awead)
v9.0.0.beta3 (2014-12-03)
Closed issues:
- Return version urls #627
- Return strings instead of RDF::Literals #625
- Create a method ActiveFedora::Base.initialize_root_resource #623
- Add a RDF Vocabulary for projecthydra namespace #615
- Add isGoverenedBy to RelsExt #613
Merged pull requests:
- Return array of version uris #628 (awead)
- Adds fix for content-lenght value missing for files uploaded via ActionD... #622 (hectorcorrea)
- Refactor lookup of solr fields Fixes #605 #611 (jcoyne)
- Describing bugs with pending tests #610 (awead)
v8.0.0.rc2 (2014-12-02)
Merged pull requests:
- Removed pending deprecations omitted in 8.0.0.rc1 #626 (dchandekstark)
v8.0.0.rc1 (2014-12-02)
Fixed bugs:
- Inconsistent behavior of #attributes= and #attributes causes problems with AF 8.0 #620
Closed issues:
- AF::OmDatastream#get_values_from_solr test failure #621
Merged pull requests:
- Removed pending deprecations for version 8.0.0. #624 (dchandekstark)
- Adding optional yml paramters as comments so people know they exist #618 (carolyncole)
- add RDF::Vocabulary subclasses for FCRepo3 and ProjectHydra #616 (barmintor)
- Fix to make sure all values are handled as arrays #612 (hectorcorrea)
- Object resource #500 (no-reply)
v9.0.0.beta2 (2014-11-25)
Merged pull requests:
v7.1.2 (2014-11-17)
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "clarified a comment" #569 (awead)
- clarified a comment #568 (bmaddy)
- Correction to comment example #495 (atz)
- Bug #479: Typo in XSD filename value stuck in config generator templates #480 (atz)
v9.0.0.beta1 (2014-11-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support calls to Fedora4 fixity check #475
Fixed bugs:
- add_file_datastream should check for a reflection #594
- SparqlInsert should not group delete clauses together #564
- Missing rdf_subject when loading from solr #542
- Fix versionable #506
Closed issues:
- Resolve pending versionable specs #599
- ActiveFedora::Rdf should be ActiveFedora::RDF #598
- Clean up duplication in Reflection and Builder::Association wrt
#597 - Folder table should have a
column #592 - Base constructors should take a block #589
- contains should be managed as an association. #579
- Update deprecation warnings. deprecation_horizon should change to 10.0 #571
- Deprecate AF::Base.find when called with hash arguments. #561
- AF::File#has_content? should return true if a file is attached, but it's not persisted. #560
- A SolrBackedObject should not be saveable. Make it read-only. #555
- PropertiesDatastream: Digital object is nil #553
- PropertiesDatastream.import_url: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1..3) #552
- Sufia read_groups empty #550
- Hydra::AccessControls::Permission(#29436440) expected, got Array(#15575200) #549
- Solr indexing error: Document is missing mandatory uniqueKey field: id #548
- Hydra::AccessControls::Permission does not have an attribute `type' #547
- Sufia file ownership test failures #546
- Undefined method `multiple' for nil:NilClass #545
- Undefined method `has_content?' for #<FileContentDatastream:0x000000084eae00> #544
- File#has_content? has gone missing #541
- The attributes module is not playing well with ActiveTriples #536
- Oracle branch fails in Travis #524
- load_datastreams should not instantiate the datastreams until needed #521
- Rename ActiveFedora::Datastream -> ActiveFedora::File #518
- do away with Persistence#reload_managed_properties #514
- rename defined_attributes to delegated_attributes #513
- Set up coveralls #511
- Get rid of CollectionAssociation#add_record_to_target_with_callbacks #510
- Associations that key off class_name are broken. #509
- Collapse has_file_datastream and has_metadata into has_datastream #508
- Test fails. Unsure of correct behavior. #507
- Only update when the object is changed #505
- Associations should use change tracking #504
- In LDP make a subclass of Ldp::HttpError for status code 410. #503
- Use fcr:metadata to assign properties to resources #499
- Remove references to fcr:content #498
- Do PUT requests with the exact modified date (precise to a thousandth of a second) #497
- Implement fcr:tombstone #496
- Detect ETag mismatches #494
- Refactor Base.reindex_everything #492
- Integration with ActiveTriples 0.4.0 #491
- Call .digest on datastreams to return urn #489
- Rename property argument on associations to predicate #483
- Config generator confused about xsd_xacml_policy1.0 value #479
- Enable locking #478
- Should ActiveFedora::Base.destroy_all clear Solr? #470
- On create, if we know the pid, raise an error if the node already exists. #409
- Deprecate #pid #407
- Pull fedora config out of fedora-lens #404
- Update AF to proxy object/datastream properties, cast them to arrays, and take the first value #86
Merged pull requests:
- Remove counte_cache and touch options from belongs_to association #608 (jcoyne)
- Remove deprecated rspec should_receive #607 (jcoyne)
- Translate property to predicate in Builder::Association #606 (jcoyne)
- Consistent use of RDF constant #604 (awead)
- Objects loaded from Solr should be read-only. Fixes #555 #603 (jcoyne)
- Query File for RDF.type fixes #599 #602 (awead)
- Extract errors to their own file. Add documentation #601 (jcoyne)
- Deprecate property, require predicate on associations. Fixes #483 #600 (jcoyne)
- Implements Versionable.has_versions? #596 (hectorcorrea)
- add_file_datastream should check for a reflection. Fixes #594 #595 (jcoyne)
- FilesHash should behave like a HashWithIndifferentAccess #593 (jcoyne)
- Deprecate File.new taking a Base as an argument #591 (jcoyne)
- ActiveFedora::Base.new should yield a block. Fixes #589 #590 (jcoyne)
- Remove Solrizer-Fedora integration #588 (jcoyne)
- Move the 'contains' logic into an association #587 (jcoyne)
- Separate the indexing concerns out of the Persistence module #585 (jcoyne)
- Create an IndexingService responsible for indexing resources #584 (jcoyne)
- Support fixity calls to Fedora #583 (awead)
- With metadata #582 (jcoyne)
- Deprecate calling .find with hash #581 (awead)
- Change deprecation horizon to 10.0 #580 (awead)
- Factor out the Ldp::Orm class #578 (jcoyne)
- Removed workaround for fcrepo/fcrepo#442 #577 (jcoyne)
- Don't get the HEAD of a non-existant resource #576 (jcoyne)
- Use the headers to get Content-Disposition #575 (jcoyne)
- Allow size to be nil if there is no content #574 (jcoyne)
- Remove alias_method_chain #573 (jcoyne)
- Files should be independent of the ActiveFedora::Base object. #572 (jcoyne)
- Changed ActiveFedora::File#persisted_size to simply return 0 if we're lo... #570 (afred)
- Refactors ActiveFedora::File#size to use two new methods, ActiveFedora::... #567 (afred)
- ActiveTriples properties should know that they are multiple. Fixes #547 #566 (jcoyne)
- Separate the SPARQL deletes so if one doesn't match the others still work #565 (jcoyne)
- Shifting onto a HABTM should immediately set the ids #563 (jcoyne)
- Should be able to call first on an attribute for a document loaded from Solr #562 (jcoyne)
- Adds tests for ActiveFedora::Attributes::ClassMethods.multiple? #559 (afred)
- Make resource_class a class method to avoid multiple declarations of Gen... #557 (jcoyne)
- load_instance_from_solr should be able to handle object associations #556 (jcoyne)
- Convenience methods from Rubydora #554 (awead)
- Refactor the associations to follow developments in ActiveRecord #551 (jcoyne)
- Create a separate resource class for each ActiveFedora::Base subclass #543 (jcoyne)
- Raise error unless orm.new? fixes #409 #539 (awead)
- Use a string for class property keys #538 (awead)
- Deprecates usage of #pid in favor of #id. #537 (afred)
- At0.4.0 #535 (no-reply)
- Bump test grid to rails 4.2.0.beta4 #533 (jcoyne)
- The contains method can now be called with a single argument (name) #532 (jcoyne)
- Use the namespaced (root) File model in solr config generator #531 (jcoyne)
- Use .eradiate for tombstones #530 (awead)
- Use the namespaced (root) File module for the model generator #529 (jcoyne)
- Use attached_files rather than the deprecated datastreams method #528 (jcoyne)
- Rely on autosave associations when setting nested attributes #527 (jcoyne)
- On a SPARQL insert each predicate should have its own independent variable #526 (jcoyne)
- Fetch digest uri from a resource #523 (awead)
- Grab the file name from the HEAD request now that fcrepo is fixed #522 (jcoyne)
- Rename Datastream to File. Fixes #518 #520 (jcoyne)
- Updates to Versionable #519 (awead)
- Extract cleanup logic from spec_helper into ActiveFedora::Cleaner #517 (jcoyne)
- Removed unused ActiveTriples predicates #516 (jcoyne)
- Consolidate has_metadata and has_file_datastream into contains. Fixes #508 #515 (jcoyne)
- Replaces ActiveFedora::Indexing.urls_from_sitemap_index with ActiveFedor... #512 (afred)
- Remove the ContainerResource from Datastream #501 (jcoyne)
- Attribute_names should be available via an instance method #488 (jcoyne)
- Enable create on an association to take attributes #487 (jcoyne)
- Allow polymorphic has_many associations #485 (jcoyne)
- Remove duplicate code (set_belongs_to_association_for) #484 (jcoyne)
- Put the ldp dependency in the gemspec #482 (jcoyne)
- Provide a sensible default for base_path #481 (jcoyne)
- Reimplement load_instance_from_solr #474 (jcoyne)
- Restore existing versions of datastreams #469 (awead)
v7.1.1 (2014-09-22)
Fixed bugs:
- Calling RdfDatstream#deserialize unexpectedly returns RubydoraRepository #471
- RDFDatastream#content= should accept IO #461
Closed issues:
- NoMethodError: undefined method properties= in activetriples branch #466
- NtriplesRDFDatastream should have default mimeType "application/n-triples" #464
- SimpleDatastream: undefined method `val' for "text/xml":String #459
- wrong number of arguments to save. #458
- Implement Range Requests for fedora 4 #456
- 500 ItemNotFoundException spec/integration/associations_spec.rb:268 #414
- 500 NPE spec/integration/has_and_belongs_to_many_associations_spec.rb:43 #413
- 412 ETag mismatch #412
- Reimplment AF::Indexing.reindex_everything as AF::Relation.index_all #410
- Generate a new rails app that is the prototype. #406
- Branch of Sufia and dependancies that can run for AF8 #405
- Include tests and functionality from Curate #274
- Expected setting a multi-value delegate attribute to return an array #141
Merged pull requests:
- RdfDatastream#deserialize should always return an RDF::Graph. Fixes #471 #472 (jcoyne)
- Set default mimeType for NtriplesRDFDatastream to 'application/n-triples' #465 (dchandekstark)
- RDFDatastream#content= patched to accept IO #462 (dchandekstark)
- Only set ds content in #create_datastream for managed and inline #460 (dchandekstark)
v7.1.0 (2014-07-18)
Closed issues:
- Appending to RDF List doesn't remove the nil #rest assertion #445
- Dependency Conflict for RSpec #437
Merged pull requests:
- Update Om and Rubydora depencencies #454 (jcoyne)
- Change the deprecation message so that it helps you find the problem #453 (jcoyne)
- Make logger an accessor that can be set #450 (jcoyne)
- Remove mediashelf-loggable #449 (jcoyne)
- Refactoring ActiveFedora::Rdf to use ActiveTriples #447 (no-reply)
- Add solr_page_size as a valid option for HABTM #443 (jcoyne)
- Fixes YAML serialization issues #440 (mbklein)
- Refactor for style/readability #438 (jcoyne)
- Fixed bug in ActiveFedora::FinderMethods#load_from_fedora #434 (dchandekstark)
- Adds :update_index option to `save' #433 (dchandekstark)
- Created pid instance variable so value can be retained after destroy #430 (dchandekstark)
- Added support to `exists?' finder method for a hash of conditions #429 (dchandekstark)
- Deprecate confusing attribute setter behaviors #428 (dchandekstark)
v6.7.8 (2014-06-25)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- ActiveFedora::DatastreamHash cannot be deserialized from YAML #439
- Finder method `exists?' should accept hash conditions #427
Merged pull requests:
v7.0.4 (2014-06-10)
Closed issues:
- Collection association finder doesn't respect where values. #423
Merged pull requests:
- Adding start/offset option for queries #421 (no-reply)
- Add #any? for Rspec 3 support #420 (cjcolvar)
v7.0.3 (2014-05-13)
Fixed bugs:
- construct_query_for_pids called with a string instead of an array #418
Closed issues:
- 412 ETag mismatch #411
- Fix reindex_everything #401
- Content-Length not given and Transfer-Encoding is not `chunked' #397
Merged pull requests:
- Remove invalid call to construct_query_for_pids. Reduced total number of... #419 (jcoyne)
- Define ActiveFedora::Rollback so it can be used in AutosaveAssociation #416 (cjcolvar)
- #association(name) should return nil if no association is found #415 (cjcolvar)
v7.0.2 (2014-04-17)
Fixed bugs:
- HasManyAssociation#count_records NameError #383
Closed issues:
- Setting non-existent attributes with RDF nested attributes fails silently #393
- RDF::ReaderError with 7.0.1 #387
Merged pull requests:
- Adding data.nil? guard for deserialize #398 (jeremyf)
- Enabled class_name constantization on access #396 (no-reply)
- Adding error for bad nested attribute arguments #395 (no-reply)
- Removed duplicate properties hash from AF::Rdf #394 (no-reply)
- Making missing AF::Base objects act as Resources #392 (no-reply)
- Fix belongs_to cmodel inheritance. #391 (scande3)
- fixing assignment of rdf_subjects in #attributes= #390 (no-reply)
- fixing misused RuntimeError in AF::Rdf::Resource #389 (no-reply)
- Passes all content setting through the deserialization method. #388 (tpendragon)
- Allow non-default ds type configurations in named ds specs #386 (barmintor)
- Add CollectionProxy#load_from_solr (delegated to association) #385 (dchandekstark)
- Corrected method call to :loaded! in HasManyAssociation (fixes #383) #384 (dchandekstark)
v7.0.1 (2014-04-01)
Closed issues:
- HasAndBelongsToManyAssociation does not have
Merged pull requests:
v7.0.0 (2014-03-31)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Adding check to be certain the owner has not already been deleted before... #380 (carolyncole)
v7.0.0.rc3 (2014-03-18)
Closed issues:
- ActiveFedora::Relation isn't caching properly #373
- SpecialThing sample class is broken. #368
- Calling datastream without dsid deprecation warning. #367
- Solr field name deprecation warning appearing by default in samples #366
- Datastream should take a :content option instead of :blob #365
- Rubydora 1.7.2 compatibility with AF 6.7.6 #354
- Rubydora 1.7.2 compatibility with AF 7.0.0 #353
- Unused lines in ActiveFedora::Associations::AssociationCollection#find_target break working code #234
Merged pull requests:
- Removed deprecated YAMLAdapter #379 (jcoyne)
- Move all the RDF related classes to the rdf directory #378 (jcoyne)
- Overhauling implementatation of ActiveFedora::Rdf #377 (no-reply)
- Track when a relation is loaded. Fixes #373 #376 (jcoyne)
- Test rails 4.1 #375 (jcoyne)
- Wrap string conditions in parentheses in order to preserve boolean logic #374 (cjcolvar)
- Allow chaining of #where with combination of string and hash arguments #372 (cjcolvar)
- stub repository_profile for sharding unit tests. Fixes #353 #371 (jcoyne)
- When initializing a datastream, autogenerate a dsid if none is supplied #370 (jcoyne)
- Fix OmDatastream#from_solr to work with solr prefixes #369 (jcoyne)
- Minor fixes to specs #363 (mbklein)
- Adding the ability to reload before call backs on save. #358 (carolyncole)
- Compare dates as dates (not strings). Fixes #356 #357 (jcoyne)
- Keep solr modification time in sync with fedora modification time. Issue #351 #355 (val99erie)
v6.7.7 (2014-02-26)
Closed issues:
- Intermittent failure in spec/integration/auditable_spec.rb #356
- Solr field 'system_modified_dtsi' doesn't get updated when you update a fedora object #351
Merged pull requests:
- Backported changes from master to 6-7-stable for rubydora 1.7.1+ compatibility #362 (dchandekstark)
v7.0.0.rc2 (2014-02-10)
Closed issues:
- Rubydora 1.7.1 breaks active-fedora tests #349
- Deprecate Datastream#validate_content_present #347
- Datastream#prefix should only be applied to fields defined by that datastream. #340
- 7.0.0.pre3 key error accessing property loaded from solr #333
- ActiveFedora 6.7.4 doesn't work with rubydora 1.7.0 #332
Merged pull requests:
- Rubydora 1.7.1 #350 (jcoyne)
- Refactor attribute methods for simplicity and readability #348 (jcoyne)
- remove copycode in DS model helpers #345 (barmintor)
- Move #where and #order into QueryMethods and test for immutability #344 (cjcolvar)
- abstract nokogiri-related DS methods into a reusable mixin #342 (barmintor)
- Datastream#prefix should be applied to fields defined by that datastream #341 (jcoyne)
- Default to empty graph if no graph supplied to initializer #338 (cjcolvar)
v6.7.6 (2014-01-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Patch ActiveFedora::SolrDigitalObject for Rubydora 1.7.0 compatibility. #339 (dchandekstark)
v7.0.0.rc1 (2014-01-21)
Merged pull requests:
- relation scopes should not be mutable #337 (jcoyne)
- When an object is loaded from solr, it should be able to access attributes #336 (jcoyne)
- Don't raise a key error if a field can't be found in the solr document #335 (jcoyne)
v6.7.5 (2014-01-17)
Merged pull requests:
v7.0.0.pre3 (2014-01-17)
Closed issues:
- OmDatastream#to_solr should prefix fields with datastream name #330
- Can Associations::AssociationProxy be a kind of ActiveFedora::Relation? #194
Merged pull requests:
- Create a mechanism to prefix fields in solr for OmDatastream #331 (jcoyne)
- Added SolrService.raw_query #329 (jcoyne)
- When dissociating deleted records from a has_many association check the ... #328 (jcoyne)
- Freeze should make the object immutable #327 (jcoyne)
- Consolidated logic paths for creating a solr clause #326 (jcoyne)
- Use rsolr 1.0.10.pre1 #325 (jcoyne)
- Use the escape mechanism in RSolr instead of maintaining our own #324 (jcoyne)
- Use soft commits to speed up AF requests #323 (jcoyne)
- Use #new_record? on internal objects to avoid a deprecation warning #322 (jcoyne)
v6.7.4 (2014-01-15)
v7.0.0.pre2 (2014-01-14)
Merged pull requests:
v7.0.0.pre1 (2014-01-13)
Closed issues:
- has_metadata should raise an error if the type argument isn't provided #309
- has_attributes should raise an exception if the datastream property isn't a string. #308
- Avoid calling respond_to? #295
Merged pull requests:
- The object should be indexed before triggering the after_save #319 (jcoyne)
- Rubydora 1.7 #318 (jcoyne)
- A nicer inspect. Show associations, no trailing commas #317 (jcoyne)
- Don't automatically load the associated object when setting the parent_id #316 (jcoyne)
- Add UnsavedDigitalObject#new_record? #315 (jcoyne)
- Reset the relationship when an id setter is called #314 (jcoyne)
- Accept a symbol as the datastream property for has_attributes. Fixes #308 #313 (jcoyne)
- Ensure that dsid and type are provided to has_metadata. Fixes #309 #312 (jcoyne)
- Added #find() on a collection relation #311 (jcoyne)
- Fix ActiveFedora under Ruby 2.1. #310 (jcoyne)
- Move query methods onto the relation instead of the class. #307 (jcoyne)
- Add destroy_all on a collection association #306 (jcoyne)
- Use explicit delegations #305 (jcoyne)
- Remove unused delegates. Simplify method_missing logic #304 (jcoyne)
- Added #select to Relation #303 (jcoyne)
- add scoping. Remove metaprogramming. #302 (jcoyne)
- CollectionProxy#new doesn't need method_missing #301 (jcoyne)
- Add hash options to CollectionAssociation#load_from_solr #300 (dchandekstark)
- Removed calls to Array.wrap #299 (jcoyne)
- ActiveFedora::SolrService.reify_solr_result modified to pass Solr hit to... #298 (dchandekstark)
- Cache registered attributes #297 (jcoyne)
- Added Base#to_json and Base#attributes. #296 (jcoyne)
- RDF datastreams should properly de/serialize integers #294 (jcoyne)
- Add a way to get the primary solr name for a field #293 (jcoyne)
- Renamed testing gemfiles #292 (jcoyne)
- Updating generator to not have generate method #290 (jeremyf)
- Adding #reflect_on_all_autosave_associations #289 (jeremyf)
- Force RDF data to be UTF-8 #286 (jcoyne)
- Freeze deleted objects #284 (jcoyne)
- Calling delete on an unsaved object should not raise an exception #283 (jcoyne)
- Upgrade to rdf-rdfxml 1.1.0 #282 (jcoyne)
- Simplify RdfDatastream#prefix #281 (jcoyne)
- Give a clue as to the class when trying to assign to an invalid attribute #280 (jcoyne)
- Removed dead code from SemanticNode #279 (jcoyne)
- Organize the methods in Base into their own modules. #278 (jcoyne)
- Deprecate Base.pids_from_uris #277 (jcoyne)
- Base doesn't need to extend Model #276 (jcoyne)
- Changes behavior of ActiveFedora::Base#find to treat empty arrays the sa... #273 (afred)
- Extracting .best_model_for from AF::Base #270 (jeremyf)
- Remove all textile and RedCloth dependencies #269 (jcoyne)
- attribute accessors shouldn't accept an unknown dsid #268 (jcoyne)
- has_attributes should raise an exception if the datastream property #267 (jcoyne)
- Removed spec that was a duplicate of spec/unit/base_delegate_spec.rb #264 (jcoyne)
- Rename base_delegate_spec to attributes_spec #263 (jcoyne)
- Removed spec that was duplicate of spec/integration/attributes_spec.rb #262 (jcoyne)
- Removed an incorrect usage of has_attributes. This applied only to delegate #261 (jcoyne)
- Adding more verbose logging to specs #260 (jeremyf)
v6.7.3 (2013-12-19)
v6.7.2 (2013-12-18)
Closed issues:
- Method missing for ActiveFedora::AutosaveAssociation#reflect_on_all_autosave_associations #254
v6.7.1 (2013-12-18)
Closed issues:
- GettingNoMethodError: undefined method `repository' for nil:NilClass while adding OMDatastream #275
- Calling #find with an empty array causes Rsolr to raise a HTTP 400 error. #272
- attribute readers should raise an exception if the supplied dsid isn't a known datastream #266
- has_attributes should raise an exception if the datastream property isn't specified. #265
- Should be able to use delegate with
parameter for multiple fields #255 - rdf-rdfxml version 1.0.2 breaks ActiveFedora specs #157
Merged pull requests:
v6.7.0 (2013-10-29)
Merged pull requests:
v6.7.0.rc1 (2013-10-25)
Merged pull requests:
list (2013-10-24)
Merged pull requests:
- Use hydra-jetty from master #258 (jcoyne)
- Alter test so that it's compatible with solr document produced by om 3.0.4 #253 (jcoyne)
- Remove vestigial test app #252 (jcoyne)
- Corrected Google group (Fixes #235). #238 (dchandekstark)
- Adding a loop for getting more than solr_page_size (default 200) results... #228 (carolyncole)
- Switch find's cast to default as true #225 (jeremyf)
- You should be able to access the id property like a stored property #222 (jcoyne)
- Id properties should just write to RELS-EXT without causing a load #221 (jcoyne)
- Replace method_missing datastream accessors with generated accessors #220 (jcoyne)
- Don't use inline datastreams for rdfxml #219 (jcoyne)
- Autosave associations ported from Rails #217 (jcoyne)
- bump to use hydra-jetty 5.2.0 #216 (cbeer)
- Fix inference for predicates on has_many relationships #215 (jcoyne)
- Callbacks for add and remove on a has_and_belongs_to_many association #214 (jcoyne)
- Don't attempt to remove associated objects that are already deleted. #213 (jcoyne)
- Added destroy on has_and_belongs_to_many #212 (jcoyne)
- Split has_and_belongs_to_many specs into their own file #211 (jcoyne)
- Association methods are now generated in modules #210 (jcoyne)
- Use proper objects to do the work of building associations. #209 (jcoyne)
- Split AssociationProxy into Association class (and subclasses) #208 (jcoyne)
- Removed deprecated options to find (:all, :first, :last) #206 (jcoyne)
- Removed deprecated class NokogiriDatastream #205 (jcoyne)
- Removed the deprecated unique attribute on delegates #204 (jcoyne)
- Remove deprecated methods including: #203 (jcoyne)
v6.6.1 (2013-10-23)
Closed issues:
- active_fedora depends on mime-types >= 1.16 #251
- ActiveFedora::Base.find should cast by default #223
Merged pull requests:
v6.6.0 (2013-10-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Add _destroy method for building nested forms #248 (jcoyne)
- Removed the pid placeholder
#247 (jcoyne) - Allow relationships to accept instances of RDF::URI as their predicates #246 (jcoyne)
- Remove internal deprecation #243 (jcoyne)
v5.7.1 (2013-10-08)
Merged pull requests:
v5.7.0 (2013-10-07)
Merged pull requests:
v6.6.0.rc5 (2013-10-04)
Closed issues:
- README points to wrong Google group for getting help #235
Merged pull requests:
- Error in find all #241 (jcoyne)
- Revert "Removed unused code that breaks certain use cases (Fixes #234)." #240 (jeremyf)
- Fix pr236 #239 (dchandekstark)
- Fix deprecation warning on has_many when class_name => 'ActiveFedora::Base' #237 (jcoyne)
- Removed unused code that breaks certain use cases #236 (dchandekstark)
v6.6.0.rc4 (2013-10-04)
Merged pull requests:
v6.6.0.rc3 (2013-10-03)
Merged pull requests:
v6.6.0.rc2 (2013-10-02)
Merged pull requests:
v6.6.0.rc1 (2013-09-30)
v6.6.0.pre4 (2013-09-28)
v6.6.0.pre3 (2013-09-27)
v6.6.0.pre2 (2013-09-27)
Merged pull requests:
v6.6.0.pre1 (2013-09-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Mass assignment, Computed properties and Complex properties in RDF #75
Fixed bugs:
- Rails 4 scaffold generator changed the methods it used #144
Closed issues:
- Infinite Loop in ActiveFedora::Associations::AssociationCollection.load_target #199
- find(:all) and find(:first) ignore :cast=>true #193
- delegate should default to single value (in 7.x) #147
- Problem deleting an object with a has_many relationship when the dependent object is deleted #36
Merged pull requests:
- Deprecate .find's cast default option #226 (jeremyf)
- Remove outdated fixture loading line from README. #218 (scande3)
- Support for extended cmodels (read-only) #207 (scande3)
- delegate and delegate_to should use 'multiple' rather than 'unique'. #202 (jcoyne)
- Deprecated find(:all), find(:first), find(:last) #201 (jcoyne)
- Prevent infinite loop when Fedora and Solr are out of sync (fixes #199) #200 (mbklein)
v6.5.1 (2013-09-10)
Merged pull requests:
- ActiveFedora::Predicates.set_predicates allows you to set predicates without wiping out existing configs #197 (flyingzumwalt)
v6.5.0 (2013-08-28)
Closed issues:
- ActiveFedora::Relation#last method not implemented #184
- Update integration tests to build objects programmatically, not use serialized FOXML. #96
- ActiveFedora::Base.reindex_everything indexes fedora reserved objects #70
Merged pull requests:
- Delegate relation methods to the array #196 (jcoyne)
- Use an error message that gives a thourough explanation and a suggestion... #195 (jcoyne)
- An empty query value that is a string should not return all documents. #192 (atomical)
- Include ActiveModel::Dirty on Base, call field_will_change! on delegated methods, and track changes on save #191 (cjcolvar)
- Rdf terminologies should be inheritable #189 (jcoyne)
- Error when assigning an attribute that hasn't been delegated #188 (jcoyne)
- Added RdfNode::TermProxy.first_or_create #187 (jcoyne)
- replace method_missing technique in rdf_node with an accessor generator #186 (jcoyne)
- Add ActiveFedora::Relation#last. Resolves #184 #185 (acurley)
- RdfNode::TermProxy.build should use the correct class #183 (jcoyne)
v6.4.5 (2013-08-05)
Merged pull requests:
- Clear rdf lists and proxies #182 (jcoyne)
- When defining rdf terms you should be able to say 'multivalue: false' #181 (jcoyne)
- Created RdfList#to_ary and a mechanism for building list nodes. #180 (jcoyne)
- Define UNASSIGNABLE_KEYS for RdfList.assign_nested_attributes... #179 (jcoyne)
- Added RdfList.each #178 (jcoyne)
- Cache the tail node in an RDFList #177 (jcoyne)
- class_from_string should have an exit condition when class can't be found #176 (jcoyne)
- Add a warning when you have already registered this RDF.type #175 (jcoyne)
- Rdf lists should only have one RDF.rest node #174 (jcoyne)
- RDF lists should be able to accept nested attributes as a hash #173 (jcoyne)
- Clean up YARD doc warnings #172 (jcoyne)
- An rdf node should be able to set rdf:about #171 (jcoyne)
- Remove RdfObject#get_values, it's inherited #170 (jcoyne)
v6.4.4 (2013-07-30)
Closed issues:
- ActiveFedora::Base.reindex_everything is too eager to update_everything. #160
Merged pull requests:
- Use get_config_path to get the path for the predicate_mappings.yml #168 (jcoyne)
- has_and_belongs_to_many can have more than 10 results. #167 (jcoyne)
- Don't reindex fedora-system objects in reindex_everything #163 (jcoyne)
- Adding "An ActiveModel" shared behavior #162 (jeremyf)
- Allow query parameter AF.reindex_everything #161 (jeremyf)
- The example test should look for Base.exists?() #159 (jcoyne)
- Filters belongs_to associations by :class_name #106 (simonlamb)
v6.4.3 (2013-07-16)
Closed issues:
- License missing from gemspec #154
Merged pull requests:
- class_from_string should find sibiling classes #158 (jcoyne)
- Ensuring that AF::Base.find("") raises exception #156 (jeremyf)
- Add lazy reification method to ActiveFedora::SolrService #155 (dchandekstark)
- Adding mailmap for improving changelog generation #153 (jeremyf)
- Updating active_support 4's gem dependency #152 (jeremyf)
- Tidying up hash key access of AF::Model #151 (jeremyf)
- Tidying up how ActiveFedora::Base.exists? behaves #150 (jeremyf)
- Remove foxml #149 (jcoyne)
- mock() and stub() are deprecated. Switched to double() #148 (jcoyne)
- Remove all serialized foxml in favor of programmatic creation of fixtures in preparation for Fedora 4 #102 (cjcolvar)
v6.4.2 (2013-07-10)
Merged pull requests:
v6.4.1 (2013-07-10)
Closed issues:
- Infer property on has_many #142
Merged pull requests:
- Infer the property on has_many. Fixes #142 #145 (jcoyne)
- Added new_record? method to Rdf nodes #140 (jcoyne)
- Test the behavior when the node can't be found #139 (jcoyne)
- Rdf nested attributes should accept hashes #138 (jcoyne)
- Added :type to ActiveFedora::QualifiedDublinCoreDatastream::DCTERMS. #137 (dchandekstark)
- Removed outdated comment that OmDatastream is just an alias for Nokogiri... #136 (dchandekstark)
- Added :path option to ActiveFedora::QualifiedDublinCoreDatastream#field ... #135 (dchandekstark)
- Generate datastream #134 (jcoyne)
- Autoload classes in app/models/datastreams #133 (jcoyne)
- Change generator template to not use named argument 'name' #132 (jcoyne)
- Remove unnecessary require of 'active_fedora/base' in model template #131 (jcoyne)
v6.4.0 (2013-07-01)
Closed issues:
- ActiveFedora::DatastreamCollections should no longer be "experimental" #129
Merged pull requests:
- Removing experimental designation, tidying-up the code #130 (awead)
- Providing a YAMLAdaptor for Psych dependency #128 (jeremyf)
v6.4.0.rc4 (2013-06-26)
Fixed bugs:
- ActiveFedora::Delegating issues with keys being string or symbol #123
Merged pull requests:
- better error message when TermProxy encounters bad metadata in the graph #127 (flyingzumwalt)
- Fixing delegate registry lookup #126 (jeremyf)
- Removed duplicate fields from ActiveFedora::QualifiedDublinCoreDatastream::DCTERMS #125 (dchandekstark)
- Delegate array methods should accept string keys. Fixes #123 #124 (jcoyne)
- Rdf nested lists #122 (flyingzumwalt)
v6.4.0.rc3 (2013-06-24)
Merged pull requests:
v6.4.0.rc2 (2013-06-24)
Merged pull requests:
v6.4.0.rc1 (2013-06-21)
Closed issues:
- Create active_fedora:model generator #91
Merged pull requests:
- Deprecated AF::Base#update_indexed_attributes #117 (jcoyne)
- Updating "active_fedora:model" rails generator #116 (jeremyf)
- Delegate all the array methods for RdfNode::TermProxy #115 (jcoyne)
- Added accepts_nested_attributes_for on RDFNodes #114 (jcoyne)
v6.3.0 (2013-06-14)
Closed issues:
- Fix typo in test notice: #97
- Update test to be order-agnostic #89
- Use _query_ and !raw to do solr query escaping #87
- Modify or remove tests that check for DC datastreams #85
- Remove use of narm: and hydrangea: namespaces in AF tests #84
- Use Rubydora's #mint to mint new PIDs #83
Merged pull requests:
- Added method: ActiveFedora::Base#required? #111 (jcoyne)
- Removed redundant MacroReflection#klass method definition. #110 (dchandekstark)
- Updated doc comment for .count to reflect change made in commit 1cd412a8... #109 (dchandekstark)
- Refactor test to use a model that makes sense conceptually [log skip] #108 (jcoyne)
- Adding CONTRIBUTORS and mailmap #107 (jeremyf)
- Add `args' param to ActiveFedora::SolrService.count #105 (dchandekstark)
- habtm#delete saves between the before and after hook. #104 (jcoyne)
- Added association delete callbacks #103 (jcoyne)
- Fix nested_attributes handling, implement documented functionality #101 (MBO)
- Simplify ci task by moving startup wait into the jetty.yml #99 (jcoyne)
- Remove unnecessary environment task #98 (cjcolvar)
- Closes #84 #95 (dchandekstark)
- Modify or remove tests that check for DC datastreams; deprecate Datastreams#dc in favor of Datastreams#datastreams["DC"] #94 (cjcolvar)
- Issue 87 solr query #93 (cbeer)
- Reworking datastream id spec to be order agnostic #92 (jeremyf)
- Using Rubydora's mint for assign_pid #90 (jeremyf)
- Fix validations unit test to pass legitimately #88 (acurley)
v6.2.0 (2013-06-05)
Closed issues:
- AF delete example in Wiki doesn't work for me #77
Merged pull requests:
- Make it work with rails4 #82 (jcoyne)
- Index object state so that deleted objects (objState=D) can be filtered. #81 (jcoyne)
- Label is just delegated #80 (jcoyne)
- Allow passing parameters to accessor delegates #79 (jcoyne)
- Consolidating class loading with ActiveFedora.class_from_string method #76 (jcoyne)
v6.1.1 (2013-05-08)
Merged pull requests:
v6.1.0 (2013-04-29)
Closed issues:
- Schema has qf=active_fedora_model_ssi but AF actually writes active_fedora_model_ssim #66
- Active Fedora 5.6 needs a more restrictive solrizer requirement #61
- ActiveFedora::Base.exists?(nil) returning true #56
- Don't use predicates.yml, Use RDF::Vocabulary instead. #38
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #56: ActiveFedora::Base.exists?(nil) returning true #72 (awead)
- Remove extraneous solr configs #71 (jcoyne)
- Copy changes from 30feeddcb896e8ad49907a49e76f69bda1038938 into the temp... #69 (jcoyne)
- Added some sensible defaults to the solrconfig. Removed comments about old fields #68 (jcoyne)
- active_fedora_model solr field should not be multivalued #67 (jcoyne)
- Add ActiveFedora::Base.decendants #65 (jcoyne)
- Fixed fields for solrconfig permissions #64 (jcoyne)
- Deprecate get_values_from_datastream. Fixes #52 #63 (jcoyne)
- Deprecate Attributes#update_datastream_attributes #62 (jcoyne)
- Use class_attribute for delegate registry so inheritance works. Fixes #59 #60 (jcoyne)
- new ActiveFedora::Auditable mixin - provides access to Fedora audit trail #58 (jcoyne)
- Make the deprecation message more helpful #57 (jcoyne)
- remove @owner.new_record? check from the association collection append o... #54 (cbeer)
- Fix has and belogns to many, so it calls remove_relationship on the righ... #53 (cbeer)
- Add jetty.yml to solr generator to overwrite the Blacklight jetty.yml. #30 (jkeck)
v5.6.3 (2013-04-11)
Fixed bugs:
- AF 6.0.0 delegate/delegate_to breaks if model is not direct subclass of AF::Base #59
Closed issues:
- Deprecate Attribute#get_values_from_datastream #52
v6.0.0 (2013-03-28)
v6.0.0.rc7 (2013-03-26)
Merged pull requests:
v6.0.0.rc6 (2013-03-12)
Closed issues:
- Save ends up creating OmDatastreams with template content even though they haven't been accessed. #39
v6.0.0.rc5 (2013-03-07)
Closed issues:
v6.0.0.rc4 (2013-02-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Updating to enable HTTP request with webmock #46 (jeremyf)
- Updating explicit path for rspec matchers #45 (jeremyf)
- Adding #match_fedora_datastream rspec matcher #44 (jeremyf)
v6.0.0.rc3 (2013-02-22)
v6.0.0.rc2 (2013-02-15)
v6.0.0.rc1 (2013-02-15)
Closed issues:
- datastream should have an .external? method #40
v5.6.2 (2013-02-06)
v5.6.1 (2013-02-04)
v6.0.0.pre10 (2013-02-04)
v6.0.0.pre9 (2013-02-03)
v5.6.0 (2013-02-02)
v6.0.0.pre8 (2013-02-02)
Closed issues:
- ActiveFedora::Base.delete_all should return a count, not a list of objects. #32
v6.0.0.pre7 (2013-01-30)
Closed issues:
- Regression in behavior of AF::Base#find when using :sort option. #35
v5.5.2 (2013-01-28)
Closed issues:
- Warn about multiple has_many relationships on one model sharing a predicate, or allow them to produce a solr query that can discriminate on the class_name attribute #25
v6.0.0.pre6 (2013-01-27)
v6.0.0.pre5 (2013-01-26)
v6.0.0.pre4 (2013-01-25)
v6.0.0.pre3 (2013-01-25)
v6.0.0.pre2 (2013-01-24)
v5.5.1 (2013-01-24)
Closed issues:
- RdfNode.rdf_type doesn't work when you pass a RDF::URI #34
v6.0.0.pre1 (2013-01-23)
v5.5.0 (2013-01-18)
Merged pull requests:
v5.5.0.rc2 (2013-01-17)
v5.5.0.rc1 (2013-01-15)
Merged pull requests:
- NomDatastream should allow options on set_terminology #28 (jeremyf)
- nom-xml gem should be in gemspec #27 (jeremyf)
v5.4.0 (2013-01-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Added delegate to is_a? for RDF #23 (carolyncole)
v5.3.1 (2012-12-20)
v5.3.0 (2012-12-20)
v5.2.1 (2012-12-12)
v5.2.0 (2012-12-11)
v5.1.0 (2012-12-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Adding active_fedora:model generator #16 (jeremyf)
- Adding generator for fedora and solr config #15 (jeremyf)
- Adding AF::Base#reload #12 (jeremyf)
v5.0.0 (2012-11-30)
v5.0.0.rc5 (2012-11-29)
Merged pull requests:
v5.0.0.rc4 (2012-11-28)
Merged pull requests:
v5.0.0.rc3 (2012-11-15)
v5.0.0.rc2 (2012-11-12)
v5.0.0.rc1 (2012-10-25)
v4.6.0.rc4 (2012-10-24)
v4.6.0.rc3 (2012-10-14)
v4.6.0.rc2 (2012-10-13)
v4.6.0.rc1 (2012-10-12)
v4.5.3 (2012-10-08)
v4.5.2 (2012-08-30)
Merged pull requests:
v4.5.1 (2012-08-16)
v4.5.0 (2012-07-30)
v4.4.1 (2012-07-20)
v4.4.0 (2012-06-29)
Merged pull requests:
v4.3.0 (2012-06-21)
Merged pull requests:
v4.2.0 (2012-06-12)
v4.1.0 (2012-05-09)
v4.0.0 (2012-04-23)
Merged pull requests:
v4.0.0.rc20 (2012-04-02)
Merged pull requests:
v4.0.0.rc19 (2012-03-30)
v4.0.0.rc18 (2012-03-29)
v4.0.0.rc17 (2012-03-29)
v4.0.0.rc16 (2012-03-26)
v4.0.0.rc15 (2012-03-18)
v4.0.0.rc14 (2012-03-18)
v4.0.0.rc13 (2012-03-16)
v4.0.0.rc12 (2012-03-16)
v4.0.0.rc11 (2012-03-13)
v4.0.0.rc10 (2012-03-12)
v4.0.0.rc9 (2012-03-08)
v4.0.0.rc8 (2012-03-07)
v4.0.0.rc7 (2012-03-07)
v4.0.0.rc6 (2012-03-07)
v4.0.0.rc5 (2012-03-07)
v4.0.0.rc4 (2012-03-07)
v4.0.0.rc3 (2012-03-07)
v4.0.0.rc2 (2012-03-06)
v4.0.0.rc1 (2012-03-04)
v3.3.2 (2012-02-27)
v3.3.1 (2012-02-06)
v3.3.0 (2012-01-30)
v3.2.2 (2012-01-20)
v3.2.0 (2012-01-09)
v3.1.6 (2012-01-05)
v3.2.0.pre7 (2012-01-04)
v3.2.0.pre6 (2012-01-03)
v3.2.0.pre5 (2012-01-02)
v3.2.0.pre4 (2012-01-01)
v3.2.0.pre3 (2011-12-30)
v3.2.0.pre2 (2011-12-29)
v3.2.0.pre1 (2011-12-21)
v3.1.5 (2011-12-14)
v3.1.4 (2011-11-28)
v3.1.3 (2011-11-18)
v3.1.2 (2011-11-18)
v3.1.1 (2011-11-09)
v3.1.0 (2011-11-07)
v3.1.0.rc4 (2011-11-02)
v3.1.0.rc3 (2011-10-31)
v3.1.0.rc2 (2011-10-28)
v3.1.0.rc1 (2011-10-27)
v3.1.0.pre14 (2011-10-27)
v3.1.0.pre13 (2011-10-27)
v3.1.0.pre12 (2011-10-21)
v3.1.0.pre11 (2011-10-21)
v3.1.0.pre10 (2011-10-20)
v3.1.0.pre9 (2011-10-20)
v3.0.7 (2011-10-20)
v3.0.6 (2011-10-19)
v3.1.0.pre8 (2011-10-18)
v3.1.0.pre7 (2011-10-14)
v3.1.0.pre6 (2011-10-13)
v3.1.0.pre5 (2011-10-13)
v3.1.0.pre4 (2011-10-13)
v3.1.0.pre3 (2011-10-13)
v3.0.5 (2011-10-11)
v3.1.0.pre2 (2011-10-11)
v3.1.0.pre1 (2011-10-11)
v2.3.8 (2011-09-24)
v3.0.4 (2011-09-16)
v3.0.3 (2011-09-08)
v3.0.2 (2011-09-08)
v3.0.1 (2011-09-08)
v3.0.0 (2011-09-02)
v2.3.7 (2011-09-02)
v2.3.6 (2011-08-31)
v2.3.5 (2011-08-31)
v2.3.4 (2011-08-29)
v2.3.3 (2011-07-19)
hydra-541 (2011-07-18)
v2.3.1 (2011-07-06)
v2.3.0 (2011-06-21)
v2.2.3 (2011-06-17)
v2.2.2 (2011-06-05)
v2.2.1 (2011-05-31)
v2.2.0 (2011-05-03)
v2.1.0 (2011-04-08)
v2.0.4 (2011-03-15)
v2.0.3 (2011-03-15)
v2.0.2 (2011-03-12)
v2.0.1 (2011-03-12)
v2.0.0 (2011-03-03)
v1.2.9 (2011-01-31)
v1.2.8 (2010-12-16)
v1.2.7 (2010-11-13)
v1.2.6 (2010-10-27)
v1.2.5 (2010-10-27)
v1.2.4 (2010-10-20)
v1.2.3 (2010-10-18)
v1.2.2 (2010-09-15)
v1.2.1 (2010-09-15)
v1.2.0 (2010-09-15)
v1.1.13 (2010-07-16)
v1.1.11 (2010-07-02)
v1.1.9 (2010-07-02)
v1.1.8 (2010-06-23)
v1.1.7 (2010-06-23)
v1.1.6 (2010-06-14)
v1.1.5 (2010-05-16)
v1.1.4 (2010-05-15)
v1.1.4.pre2 (2010-05-15)
v1.1.2 (2010-03-31)
v1.1.1 (2010-03-23)
v1.1.0 (2010-03-21)
v1.0.9 (2010-03-21)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator