Releases: samvera/hydra-head
Releases · samvera/hydra-head
- 2014-07-14: Unifying download response header behavior [Jeremy Friesen]
- 2014-07-17: Ability should use the rails logger rather than Loggable [Justin Coyne]
- 2014-07-18: Adjust the tested versions of Ruby to the latest patch available on Travis [Justin Coyne]
- 2014-07-17: loosen active-fedora spec to ~> 7.0 in preparation for 7.1.0 [Justin Coyne]
- 2014-06-24: Only deactivate lease/embargo when there is a lease/embargo deactivate_lease! and deactivate_embargo! shouldn't do anything unless there is a lease_expiration_date or an embargo_release_date [Justin Coyne]
- 2014-06-24: Upgrade to rspec 3 [Justin Coyne]
Hydra Head 7.1.0
New features:
- Embargo and Lease support
Hydra Head 6.5.2
Tweaks for Embargo Release Date
- Allow blank embargo release date [Glen Horton]
- Add test for replacing an embargo date with a nil value [Glen Horton]
Hydra Head 6.4.2
2014-04-14: Add the rake task to make the build directory [Jeremy Friesen]
2014-04-01: Add test for replacing an embargo date with a nil value [Glen Horton]
2014-03-31: Allow blank embargo release date [Glen Horton]
We are using embargo in Curate, but users currently cannot manually
switch an object from embargoed status. Once a date is set, it
cannot be removed because embargo_release_date doesn't accept nil
2014-02-04: Added Hydra::AccessControls::Permission#to_hash for better
compatibility with hash-based permissions Added unit test module for
Hydra::AccessControls::Permission [David Chandek-Stark]
2014-02-04: Hydra::Admin policy updated to use has_attributes instead of
deprecated delegate/delegate_to. Require ActiveFedora ~> 6.7 in
hydra-access-controls for #has_attributes [David Chandek-Stark]
- Abilities no longer confers the ability to create any kind of object to registered users. If you want to retain that behavior add this to app/models/ability.rb
def create_permissions
can :create, :all if user_groups.include? 'registered'
- Hydra::Controller::DownloadBehavior raises a CanCan::AccessDenied instead of Hydra::AccessDenied
is no longer passing a reference to one big solr document, so if you are overridingto_solr
and you have a line in that method that looks like this:
change it to:
solr_doc = super(solr_doc)
- RoleMapper now has one config file -- role_map.yml -- with sections for each Rails environment, instead of separate files (role_map_test.yml, role_map_development.yml, etc.)
- Patch Hydra::AccessControlsEnforcement#escape_filter to support
group/role names containing colons. [David Chandek-Stark] - Fixed Solr field name [David Chandek-Stark]
- Amended Hydra::User#groups to pass self to RoleMapper.roles in order to avoid
redundant user lookup. Fixes #111. [David Chandek-Stark] - Moved controller mixins into concerns [Justin Coyne]
- Added #permissions= as deprecated to maintain backward compatibility
of Hydra::AdminPolicy with hydra-head < 6.4. (In hydra-head < 6.4
Hydra::AdminPolicy included Hydra::ModelMixins::RightsMetadata, which provided
#permissions=.) [David Chandek-Stark] - Removed deprecated modules from ModsAsset [Justin Coyne]
- Removed RedCloth dependency [Justin Coyne]
- Some of the delegated methods weren't pointing at their intended
target [Justin Coyne] - Pin to active-fedora >= 6.6.0.rc1 and refactor usage of delegate to
avoid deprecation warnings [Justin Coyne] - Update rail [Justin Coyne]
- Hydra::PolicyAwareAbility#policy_pid_for modified to handle
multiple objects having different policies (Fixes #101). Implemented pending
tests for Hydra::PolicyAwareAbility#test_read_from_policy and
#test_read_from_policy. [David Chandek-Stark] - Deprecate Hydra::ModelMixins::SolrDocumentExtension [Justin Coyne]
- Deprecate Hydra::ModelMixins::CommonMetadata [Justin Coyne]
- Remove duplicate code [Justin Coyne]
- Remove lib/hydra.rb so that the hydra gem can load normally [Justin Coyne]
- Substituted double for the now deprecated mock() and stub() [Justin Coyne]
- Adds #asset_param_key method to DownloadBehavior to support overriding
the default params key (:id) for the asset PID. [David Chandek-Stark] - Added the derived property visibility, from sufia [Justin Coyne]
- Added nested attributes for permissions [Justin Coyne]
- PolicyAwareAbility should include Ability so you don't have to [Justin Coyne]
- All policies should be applied to gated discovery when more than 10
are applicable [Chris Colvar] - Deprecated Hydra::ModelMixins::RightsMetadata [Justin Coyne]
- Default ability shouldn't have policy methods [Justin Coyne]
- Escape spaces in group names in solr query conditions [Chris Colvard]
- Deprecating and removing calls to .is_puublic? [Adam Wead]
- Issue 78: Adding blank custom_permissions method with comments [Adam Wead]
- Updating README [Adam Wead]
- Add an ability.rb file when running the generator [Adam Wead]