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Development Patterns

E. Lynette Rayle edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 19 revisions

This is under construction. At this time, it is mostly a list of topics to cover. As topics are covered, you will see the text in the list turned into links to other wiki pages or documentation sources

  • Models

  • Patterns

    • Model-View-Controller
    • Presenters and Views
    • Forms and Change Sets
    • Publish-Subscribe
    • Transactions
    • Search Builders for Blacklight Solr
    • Accessing Solr outside of Blacklight
  • Deprecated or Deprecating Patterns

    • Actor Stack - Being replaced by Transactions
    • Forms - Forms that include HydraEditor::Form are being replaced by Valkyrie Change Sets by extending < Hyrax::ChangeSet. Both are in the forms directory.
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