- reference_hg38: Reference fasta file, index files, and resource files according to human genome assembly hg38.
- reference_hg19: Reference fasta file, index files, and resource files according to human genome assembly hg19.
- germlineWGS_hg38: Germline whole genome sequence (WGS) data mapped on hg38.
- somaticWGS_hg38: Somatic WGS data mapped on hg38.
- somaticCNV_hg19: Somatic copy number variation (CNV) data mapped on hg19.
- germlineRNA_hg19: Germline RNA-Seq data mapped on hg19.
You can install cwltool
by executing the following commands:
$ cd /path/to/working/directory/
$ python -m venv cwlenv
$ . cwlenv/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Please confirm the cwltool
$ cwltool --version
/path/to/working/directory/cwlenv/bin/cwltool 3.1.20230201224320
Download reference file, index files, and resource files from the URLs listed in reference_hg38.download_links.txt by executing the following commnd:
$ cd /path/to/working/directory/
$ OUTDIR=reference_hg38 ; mkdir -p $OUTDIR ; for url in `cat sauerkraut/download_links/reference_hg38.download_links.txt` ; do echo $url ; file=`basename $url` ; if [ ! -f ${OUTDIR}/$file ] ; then wget $url -O ${OUTDIR}/$file ; fi ; done