A project from 100 days of code that showcases my working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Python, Flask, SQLite.
- Throught this project , I have learned how to start from small and add more features to make your full funtional website blog. THe project from scratch start with
- Created a simple blog structure and styling using basic HTML , CSS and python.
- Used Bootstrap to upgrade the blog's styling by changing the layout and format to make it look more beautiful and mobile-responsive
- Learned how to use HTML Form and WTForms to retrieve data entered by users to enable users to interact with the blog.
- Discovered how to store blog data, including posts and users, into a database using SQLite
- Builded a RESTFUL Blog that allows for easy post editing, deletion, and creation using HTTP methods.
- Incorporated user authentication and registration using Flask-Login to ensure the website's security and learned how to store user passwords securely by hashing them before storing them in the database.
Overall, this project was a fantastic learning experience that taught me how to start from scratch and add features to create a full-functional website. I hope to continue improving my web development skills and incorporating new features into my blog to create an even more engaging user experience.