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File metadata and controls

163 lines (116 loc) · 6.63 KB


just a dumb little collection of scripts i've found useful.

scripts require a github authorization token to be defined in the local environment. generate a token as described, then set it in your environment as $GITHUB_TOKEN

helper functions

  • Functions that help call the GitHub API or perform manipulation of local filesystem files using the git command

  • Functions that call local filesystem commands, such as mv, cp, and the base implementation of the git command

general-use/could be kinda-useful for you?

  • generates a json report of an org's repo's licenses
Usage: [-h] [-P] org

  Creates a report of which repos have which licenses.

  positional arguments:
    org                   Name of the organization

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -P, --exclude-private
                          Exclude private repos from this org
  • for a given github organization, applies a label uniformly across all repos
❯ python -m -h
usage: [-h] [-P] org name color description

Applies a specified label, with short description and color, to all repos in the
specified organization - either adding the label if it's not already there, or
updating it to match the specification if it is.

positional arguments:
  org                   Name of the organization
  name                  What's the case-sensitive name of the label to add/update?
  color                 What's 6-character hex code (no #) corresponding to label color?
  description           Description of label (< 100 characters)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -P, --exclude-private
                        Exclude private repos from this org
  • Export GitHub issues from one or more repos to json or csv. Not working for repos with >30 issues.
> python -m -h

usage: [-h] [-r] [-l LABEL] filetype repos [repos ...]

Use this script to collect issues (that aren't PRs) from one or more openedx GitHub repos.
GitHub provides a large number of fields on an issue; by default, this script filters those
to a small number of useful ones. Use the raw flag to see all available fields. Optionally,
provide a label to get issues only with that label.

positional arguments:
  filetype              can be one of `json` or `csv`
  repos                 One or more openedx repos to grab issues from

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r, --raw             If flagged, issues will be exported with all fields present.
  -l LABEL, --label LABEL
                        Only return GitHub issues with this label.
  • returns a list of prs generated from a GH query over PRs
usage: [-h] [-Q QUERY] [-B]

Takes a query over PRs and writes a json file that contains [pr_url, repo_name]
for each PR result in the query. Probably will do funky stuff if you don't
include 'is:pr' in your query.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -q QUERY, --query QUERY
                        GitHub query, as you'd do over in the UI. Example:
                          'is:pr author:YourUsername'. Defaults to Sarina's open
                          PRs over the openedx github org.

  -B, --branch-name     Adds the name of the branch the PR is being made from
                          (head ref) to the output list for the PR
  • given a json list of PR urls, attempts to merge them. outputs a json list of failures.

  • goes through a github org and checks out all its repos to a local directory. If the repo is already checked out, switches to the repo's default branch and pulls all upstream changes.

  • Goes through all repos in an org, clones them, makes a new branch, copies specific files, commits them, creates a pull request, and merges the pull request. Requires viewing the file and changing a bunch of variables at the end of the file.

  • shows how many requests you've got left. important: doesn't show secondary rate limit (which is not discoverable)

more specific to problems i've been solving

You might be able to take inspiration from some of these scripts but you'll definitely need to replace some hardcoded logic.

  • for each repo in your org, looks for a given string. If the string exists, switches to a new branch, replaces the string with a new string, commits changes, and opens a PR. Everything currently hard-coded, but would not be terribly difficult to make this one generic.

    • Assumes you've run replace_string_with_another, thus repos already have your working branch defined, and you don't want to open a new set of PRs. Checks out existing branch (or re-creates if existing was already merged) and performs another string swap with the new strings, and makes a new commit.

      Many things hard-coded but as above, wouldn't be super hard to genericize.

    • Basically, executes a command on every repo, on an existing branch. But this is a bit more specific - it first rolls back the previous commit, runs the command, then re-runs the original command. Description: For each repo in your org, first looks to see if one of the edx_lint files is present; if so, rolls back your branch, runs edx_lint, then re-runs the core logic to swap strings defined in replace_string_with_another.

      This could potentially be made more generic, but is so specific I can't imagine it's necessary.

  • non-generalized script to, for every repo in your org, copy a reference file onto a new branch and issue a pull request. Collects pull request URLs into an output json. Some associated files:

    • parses log output from add_depr_wkflw_issues if needed.

    • retries prs that failed to post correctly; takes in a set of info required to re-post them. Could probably be made more generic; this is good if you hit rate limits and have a list of ready-to-go branches that need PRs.

    • honestly not sure, this was made to correct some mistakes and is messy and undocumented. don't look at it.