My dotfiles. The current iteration utilizes GNU Stow via make
. This setup is inspired by this post.
is designed to be almost a lights-out installation and setup guide for new machines, too.
Base installation process follows this article for Arch (btw).
- Create a user
- Add user to
- Install package manager
sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git
git clone
cd paru
makepkg -si
cd ~
rm -rf paru
MacPorts is assumed for macOS. Use sudo port selfupdate
to update the local ports tree.
# Generate a new SSH key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
# add ~/.ssh/ to Github
mkdir ~/git/
git clone [email protected]:sarumont/dotfiles.git ~/git/dotfiles
cd ~/git/dotfiles
paru -S stow
make # installs all links
sudo gpasswd -a $(whoami) disk
sudo gpasswd -a $(whoami) storage
sudo gpasswd -a $(whoami) users
sudo gpasswd -a $(whoami) input
sudo gpasswd -a $(whoami) audio
sudo gpasswd -a $(whoami) video
This repo stores global git configuration in ~/.config/git/config
. This leaves ~/.gitconfig
for local overrides. You can set your name and email:
git config --global Zaphod Beeblebrox
git config --global [email protected]
We need to configure git
to use your SSH key as the signing key. There should only be one key in your keyring if you've followed these instructions. If you have multiple keys, copy-paste the one you want to use rather than using the ssh-add -L
command below.
git config --global user.signingkey "$(ssh-add -L)"
git config --global gpg.ssh.allowedSignersFile ~/.ssh/allowed_signers
echo EMAIL $(ssh-add -L) > ~/.ssh/allowed_signers
Note that these commands need to be run after installing keychain
Local overrides are managed via stow
using the make host
command. This looks for a dir called .hosts-$(hostname)
and applies that as a vault. This applies side-by-side, so it does not support overwriting.
The following local zsh overrides are supported:
in your ~/.local/sh/zshenv
to point to an Obsidian Vault. This allows obsidian.nvim
to utilize it. It defaults to ~/notes
I have a private repository that is an overlay on top of this one called privfiles
. I now manage it the same way (with stow
) and use it to store e.g. secrets and configurations which I do not want to be public knowledge.
paru -S zsh starship neovim openssh go-yq exa eva bat hexyl zip unzip fzf ripgrep fd \
whois gotop jq tmux direnv at keychain zoxide usbutils stow smartmontools
sudo port install starship neovim tmux tmux-pasteboard exa bat hexyl ripgrep fd gotop \
direnv yq pinentry-mac keychain zoxide stow
# oh my zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# zsh-syntax-highlighting
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
# zsh-nvm
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-nvm
# change shell to zsh (Arch: /usr/bin/zsh, macOS: /bin/zsh)
# install tmux plugin manager (tpm)
git clone ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm
# start tmux and run <prefix>I to install all plugins
paru -S sway waybar swaylock swaybg wob \
alacritty firefox man-db gammastep adw-gtk-theme \
polkit playerctl grimshot xorg-xwayland \
yubioath-desktop yubikey-manager \
imv mpv nautilus udevil devmon cifs-utils evince neofetch \
wl-clipboard xdg-desktop-portal-wlr darkman
systemctl --user enable --now playerctld
systemctl --user enable --now devmon
systemctl --user enable --now darkman
mkdir -p ~/.config/alacritty/themes
git clone ~/.config/alacritty/themes
paru -S noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts \
otf-firamono-nerd otf-fira-mono-italic-git \
ttf-dejavu \
ttf-ubuntu-nerd ttf-ubuntu-mono-nerd ttf-roboto \
ttf-roboto-mono ttf-ms-fonts
paru -S syncthing
systemctl --user enable --now syncthing
paru -S tailscale
sudo systemctl enable --now tailscaled
sudo tailscale login
sudo tailscale up --operator=$(whoami) --accept-routes
paru -S battop wluma light tlp
Configure power management via the Arch Wiki article. Also this Framework thread is useful, especially for GPU rendering config.
# TODO: still WIP userspace battery charge threshold
paru -S threshy
systemctl enable --now threshy
paru -S cups
sudo gpasswd -a $(whoami) cups
paru -S pipewire pipewire-pulse easyeffects easyeffects-presets spotify \
pavucontrol lsp-plugins plexamp-appimage
systemctl --user enable --now pipewire
# configure easyeffects
# bluetooth
paru -S bluez bluez-utils bluetuith
sudo systemctl enable --now bluetooth.service
paru -S mpc ncmpcpp mpd mpdevil
python -m venv ~/.beets-venv
paru -S imagemagick
pip install beets pylast pyxdg httpx flask requests # TODO: not working under Python 3.12: beets-xtractor
Now, configure and mount your music dir. Drop the following into ~/.local/beets/config.yaml
directory: /media/chocobo/music
library: /home/sarumont/.local/beets/library.blb
log: /home/sarumont/.local/beets/import.log
And begin the import!
Development tools. Season these to taste based on your needs.
paru -S kcat-cli rubygems jwt-cli httpie aws-cli-v2-bin docker vault
gem install schema-evolution-manager
paru -S go delve
sudo port install go delve
curl -s "" | zsh
source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
sdk i maven
sdk i gradle
sdk ls java
sdk i java <whatever version you want/need>
paru -S kubectl terragrunt helm telepresence2
paru -S rancher-k3d-bin
Most of this is from the Arch Wiki
paru -S sof-firmware intel-media-driver fprintd gnome-polkit
Edit /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/sensitivity
as necessary. I like 110
as the value (default is 128
- Enable color output in
- uncommentColor
- add
mount options in/etc/udevil/udevil.conf
(both allowed and default) - enable/start
:systemctl --user enable --now devmon
- edit
and setMAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)"
to parallelize compilation - enable/start
:sudo systemctl enable --now avahi-daemon.service
I ripped this idea from Waylon Walker. Basically, this creates a directory that is a "gallery" of projects, tying into tmux keybindings (see C-w
). You can add multiple galleries (work, oss, etc.) and corresponding keybindings in your tmux.conf
I keep this as a zsh
function inside of ~/.local/sh/functions.zsh
and run it periodically to keep the galleries up to date:
update_link_galleries() {
rm -rf ~/work
mkdir ~/work
ln -sf ~/* ~/work
rm -rf ~/work
mkdir ~/work
ln -sf ~/work/* ~/git
- wluma (need autostart)
- gammastep (need autostart)
- fprintd
- alacritty config
- missing devicons..?
- GDM fprint
- dark mode/light mode
- geoclue?
- local overrides
- privfiles (same as local overrides)
- power management
- printing
- darkman (see if it works, add config gotchas to README)
- plex (downloads)
- trackpad tap (better)
- privfiles / locals conflicting (.local/sh)
- bluetooth
- Tailscale statusbar
- clipman / parcellite / clipboard manager via Wofi
- screen auto locking (w/ fprint?) swaywm/swaylock#61 (comment)
Shout-out to @notlesh for dropping me this awesome link, which has influenced some of my configuration now.