This is a much smaller design of the Smart Hand Controller (SHC) for OnStep*1. It is based on the OnStep ESP32 Smart Hand Controller circuit.
Therefore, the firmware is exactly the same as the ESP32 SHC, see the section Installing the Platform - For the ESP32 SHC on The Smart Hand Controller (SHC) page.
*1: OnStep is an open source GoTo motor drive for telescope mounts
- Note: Unlike the original ESP32 SHC, this design uses the DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1 with 30 pins.
- PCB ( refer to kicad directory )
- 0.96" SSD1306 OLED Module
- Note: Stick tape on the back side for insulation.
- Modular Jack 6P6C x 2
- The plastic pins for fixing the jacks should be cut out.
- 7 Resistor Network (2K ohm)
- 4 Resistor Network (2K ohm)
- 2.54mm Header Pins 15pin F x 2, 4pin M, 2pin M
- Momentary Tact Button Switches 0.2" x 0.24" x 7
- Buttons would need to be at least 0.24" long.
- Case ( refer to miniSHCcase.stl )
- The example on this page were produced using the MSLA LCD 3d printer.
Tape is attached to the back of the OLED module for insulation.
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To avoid interference with the OLED, the leads protruding from the through-holes are trimmed. |
Attach a pad to the lid to hold the board in place and close the lid. (In this picture, the lid is fastened with tape.) |
This is licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License, one of the well-known open-source hardware licenses.