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Migrating from PNotify 4

New Features in v5!!

PNotify 5 has breaking changes:

Major Breaking Changes

  • The new modalish flow is the default flow. The default stack is configured to use it. To go back to the old behavior, use PNotify.defaultStack.maxOpen = Infinity; PNotify.defaultStack.modal = false;.
  • Using the factory functions is required. Using the new keyword will break your notice.
  • IIFE scripts have been replaced with UMD scripts, since static methods and properties are now module exports.
    • The dist folder structure has changed. It's simpler now. All CSS and UMD scripts are right under dist.
  • The Buttons module has been integrated into PNotify Core. Everyone was using it anyway. All the options are the same (except for classes), they're just core options now.
  • Modules dont alter PNotify Core anymore. Instead, they are only used when they are explicitly added to the modules option.
    • Since they don't add themselves to PNotify anymore, the ones with a single option to toggle on/off, like Desktop, don't have that option anymore. If you don't want the functionality, don't include the module.
    • The way you add them and their options is different. Now modules is a Map, where the module itself is the key, and the options are the value.
  • Bootstrap styling, Glyphicon icons, and Font Awesome icons are now provided by modules, rather than being built in.
  • The deprecated remove(), removeAll(), cancelRemove(), etc. methods have been removed. (Use close(), stack.close(), cancelClose().)
  • The autoDisplay option has been renamed autoOpen.
  • There is no longer a global array, and therefore, no longer closeAll() and positionAll() methods.
  • Stacks use a Stack class now.
    • Stacks now have close() and position() methods.
    • The stack option overlayClose now defaults to true.
  • notice.get() is no longer available.
  • Dark mode is enabled by default if the user has enabled it on their OS! Use PNotify.defaults.mode = 'light'; to remove this functionality.
  • The History module has been removed.
    • The showLast() and showAll() methods are now the openLast() and open() methods of the Stack, respectively.
    • The maxInStack option has been replaced with stack.maxOpen. To use the old behavior, set stack.maxStrategy to 'close'.
  • The Callbacks module has been removed.
    • The lifecycle events have been turned into actual events. You can use notice.on('pnotify:beforeOpen') and the like.
  • The 'ui-pnotify' class and 'ui-pnotify-*' classes have been changed to just 'pnotify' and 'pnotify-*', respectively.
  • The 'ui-pnotify' attribute has been changed to 'data-pnotify'.
  • The cornerClass options has been removed, as has the ui-pnotify-sharp class. If you want border-radius: 0;, just use a custom class.
  • Methods are no longer chainable. (Sorry.)

Minor Breaking Changes.

  • It's built using Svelte 3, which has a slightly different component API than Svelte 2.
  • The title is no longer an h4 element. It is now just a div.
  • The deprecated NonBlock module has been removed.
  • White space formatting has changed. HTML notices no longer use white-space: pre-line;. Only regular text notices. But also titles do too now.
  •, callback) is no longer needed. on() returns a function that will remove the listener when invoked.
  • Confirm module's events changed from pnotify.confirm and pnotify.cancel to pnotify:confirm and pnotify:cancel.
    • The event value for prompts moved from event.value to event.detail.value.
  • The Mobile module now always styles notices. If you don't want styling, don't use the module.
  • Animate.css support in legacy browsers has been removed.
  • Some styling props and classes have changed, like pinDown, actionBar, etc.
  • The styling class ending in '-element' has changed to '-elem'.
  • Material styling is no longer a module, but rather just a CSS file.
  • There is no longer a Compat module for running PNotify 3 code, and one will not be provided for running PNotify 4 code.
  • PNotify.styling renamed to PNotify.styles. (Only relevant for creating modules.)
  • The VERSION constant has been removed.
  • The default labels for the sticker button has changed to 'Pin' and 'Unpin'.