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Releases: scikit-hep/uproot5


22 Jul 17:04
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5.0.0rc1 Pre-release

This is the first 5.0 (pre) release!

It should not be considered stable, and it strictly requires Awkward 2.0, so you need to have the latest pre-release of that. This may be reflected in the lazy import of awkward; if not, a subsequent 5.0 pre-release will get that right.

Changes relative to any 4.x release:

@kkothari2001 removed the uproot.lazy function (though a stub remains for the sake of keeping the documentation until 5.0 is actually released): PR #615. Updated the entire codebase from Awkward 1.x to Awkward 2.x: PR #620.

@aryan26roy changed arguments in the awkward_form method: PR #617. (@jpivarski fixed a bug in it: PR #622.) @aryan26roy completed an AwkwardForth-based reader for AsStrings: PR #616. Made the Python code generation in more readable: #629. Revised the way that the AwkwardForth code generator would pass through the control flow: PR #636.

@henryiii added dependabot for GitHub Actions: PR #631. Cleaned up flake8: PR #527.

@jpivarski fixed a performance bug, to allow linear-time iteration over TDirectory fields: PR #638 (backported to v4 as well). Set up as close as possible to full-coverage tests for AwkwardForth: #637.


02 Jul 19:51
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@jpivarski fixed an O(nยฒ) scaling bug in getting data from TDirectories. Now it's O(n). (Matters for large TDirectories.)

PR #638 in main and #639 in main-v4. This release is from main-v4.


22 Jun 17:30
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@jpivarski cleanly ensured all Interpretation.awkward_form signatures have been reverted (even AsJagged): PR #627.


22 Jun 15:34
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@jpivarski applied this fix: #618 (comment).


21 Jun 22:05
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First Uproot 4 release from the bug-fix branch.

@jpivarski added a TMatrixTSym model (long stalled PR): #484.

@aryan26roy restored the argument list of Interpretation.awkward_form, a public function: PR #618.


21 Jun 12:20
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@kkothari2001 implemented uproot.dask (for library="np" only), a new function to provide Uproot data as Dask arrays: PRs #578, #603. Added another new function, uproot.num_entries, for getting the number of TTree entries from a set of files with minimal reading: PR #609.

@jpivarski removed tests that rely on a ROOT TStreamerInfo behavior: PR #612. Changed awkward_form arguments to (self, file, context) so that new pseudo-arguments can be passed through the context without another major code change: PR #611. This is to prepare for @aryan26roy's AwkwardForth implementation of AsObjects interpretations (see #610, WIP targeting Uproot 5).

Note: this is the last Uproot 4 release before the repo branches into main (for version 5) and main-v4 (for bug-fixes in Uproot 4, starting with 4.3.0). Uproot 5 will incorporate Awkward version 2, as described in the Awkward road map, but it will have minimal interface changes relative to Uproot 4 (mostly just uproot.lazy โ†’ uproot.dask).


11 May 21:49
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@jpivarski fixed the use of Unicode names for objects in ROOT files: PR #577. Made flow=True mean the same thing for Uproot histograms as hist: PR #582. Added an interpretation for ROOT::VecOps::RVec: PR #593. Replaced an error message in HTTPSource with a fallback to the non-multipart-GET case: PR #594. Put an upper limit on the time KeyInFileError takes to print itself: PR #595.


14 Mar 21:00
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@jpivarski fixed #572: PR #573.


08 Mar 15:29
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@henryiii removed wheel from pyproject.toml: PR #565.

@jpivarski added a rule to skip parsing Float16/Double32 TBranch titles if the title is not parsable (and just assume default number of bits): PR #561. Removed references to deprecated distutils and Pandas Int64Index: PR #564. Removed the rule that interpreted fBits as 1 byte (it's 4 bytes everywhere except in some branches of some Delphes files): PR #570.


14 Feb 20:50
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Dropped support for Pythons 2.7 and 3.5: PR #525. From now on, Uproot only supports Python 3.6 and up.

@henryiii dropped Python2isms from the codebase: PR #526.

@jrueb made writing to Python file handles work (fixed a half-finished, forgotten implementation): PR #538.

@jpivarski fixed cut jagged-array corner-case in library="pd". Fixed a case in which the instance version is 0, but the streamer version is not: PR #537. Fixed uproot.WritableTTree.extend when the metadata needs to be rewritten: PR #547. When checking to see if something in file["name"] = something is an Awkward Array or Pandas DataFrame for creating a TTree, also check for superclasses (the whole mro): PR #557.