export NEW_RELEASE=x.x.x
git checkout main
git fetch origin main
git rebase origin/main
git checkout -b release/$NEW_RELEASE
sed -i "0,/version = /{s/version = .*/version = \"${NEW_RELEASE}\"/}" pyproject.toml
uv sync --all-extras
uv lock --upgrade
uv run pre-commit run --all-files
uv run pytest
Write a short and understandable summary for the release. Can include images.
If not already created
gh issue create --label "release-summary" --milestone $NEW_RELEASE --title "$NEW_RELEASE Release Summary" --body "**Release highlights:**"
You can exclude the --body option to get an interactive editor or go into the issue on github and edit there.
Either via github or:
gh issue close ISSUE_NUMBER
Configuration settings are in .github_changelog_generator
EXCLUDE_TAGS will exclude all dev tags except for the current release dev tags.
Regex should be something like this ^((?!0\.9\.0)(.*dev\d))+
. The first match group negative matches on the current release and the second matches on releases ending with dev.
github_changelog_generator --future-release $NEW_RELEASE --exclude-tags-regex "$EXCLUDE_TAGS"
github_changelog_generator --future-release $NEW_RELEASE --exclude-tags-regex 'dev\d$'
You can ignore warnings about missing PR commits like below as these relate to PRs to branches other than main:
Warning: PR 111 merge commit was not found in the release branch or tagged git history and no rebased SHA comment was found
export RELEASE_NOTES=$(grep -Poz '(?<=\# Changelog\n\n)(.|\n)+?(?=\#\#)' CHANGELOG.md | tr '\0' '\n' )
echo "$RELEASE_NOTES" # Check the output and copy paste if necessary
git commit --all --verbose -m "Prepare $NEW_RELEASE"
git push origin release/$NEW_RELEASE -u
gh pr create --title "Prepare $NEW_RELEASE" --body "$RELEASE_NOTES" --label release-prep --base main
Create a squash commit and add the markdown from the PR description to the commit description.
gh pr merge --squash --body "$RELEASE_NOTES"
git checkout main
git fetch origin main
git rebase origin/main
Note, add changelog release notes as the tag commit message so gh release create --notes-from-tag
can be used to create a release draft.
git tag --annotate $NEW_RELEASE -m "$RELEASE_NOTES" # to create a signed tag replace --annotate with --sign
git push origin $NEW_RELEASE
This will automatically deploy to pypi
Skip this part under normal circumstances. Only required if protobuf minimum dependency is updated.
uv add "protobuf>$PROTOBUF_VERSION"
uv add --dev "types-protobuf>$PROTOBUF_VERSION"
Replace download url with correct version/platform
cd /var/tmp
wget https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v28.0/protoc-28.0-linux-x86_64.zip
unzip protoc-28.0-linux-x86_64.zip
sudo cp bin/protoc /usr/local/bin/
cd <project-dir>
protoc --version # check version as expected
export PROTO_DIR="firebase_messaging/proto"
protoc --proto_path=$PROTO_DIR --python_out=$PROTO_DIR $PROTO_DIR/android_checkin.proto $PROTO_DIR/checkin.proto $PROTO_DIR/mcs.proto
protoc --proto_path=$PROTO_DIR --pyi_out=$PROTO_DIR $PROTO_DIR/android_checkin.proto $PROTO_DIR/checkin.proto $PROTO_DIR/mcs.proto
doesn't do relative imports protocolbuffers/protobuf#1491
In checkin_pb2.py
and checkin_pb2.pyi
put from .
in front of import android_checkin_pb2 ...