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File metadata and controls

167 lines (127 loc) · 12.8 KB


Solana is a new blockchain protocol that has garrnered interest in the technology space due to its unique proof of history consensus algorithm that results in lightning fast transaction times. However, it has been plagued by numerous outages and scandals, most notably the bankruptcy of FTX, which invested heavily into the Solana ecosystem. Due to this, it would be helpful to keep track of the development and community sentiment around this growing ecosystem. Solana could be useful as a case study to be able to understand what makes a blockchain protocol successful and able to maintain community and developer support. The aim of this project is to build an automated pipeline to gather and synthesize data from community discussion around Solana. Using the PRAW API we will extract posts and comments from the Solana subreddit. This data will be transformed and then summarized into a dashboard to extract insight from the discussions of the burgeoning Solana community.

Questions This Project Seeks to Answer

  • Who are the top posters on the subreddit?
  • What posts have the most engagement? (Most comments, upvotes, etc.)
  • What is the average sentiment over time?
  • Do the posts who have the most upvotes always have the most comments?

Technology Stack

  • PRAW API to scrape for posts and associated comments from the Solana subreddit.
  • Google Cloud to upload data to a google cloud bucket and use BigQuery as our data warehouse. We will also set up a VM environment to host our prefect deployment.
  • Terraform for version control of our infrastructure.
  • Prefect will be used to orchestrate and monitor our pipeline.
  • SpaCy is an NLP library that we will use to calculate sentiment for both subreddit posts and comments.
  • DBT to transform out data in BigQuery and prepare it for visualization using SQL.
  • Looker Studio to visualize our transformed dataset.
  • Pandas to import and transform our dataset.

Pipeline Architecture


  • Terraform is used to setup the environment to run our pipeline. When run, the script creates our BigQuery dataset, bucket, and our VM to run our Prefect deployment.
  • A Prefect agent is run on our VM compute environment and runs any pending deployments. Using the PRAW API, our flow extracts data from the Solana subreddit, calculates the sentiment of the text data and loads it into a GCS bucket. The data from the bucket is then uploaded to BigQuery tables for further transformation using DBT.
  • DBT is used to further transform the data by combining the comments and posts data with their corresponding sentiment data. Data aggregations are also made to caluclate the number of comments for each post and calculate upvote/comment ratios.
  • Looker studio is used to visualize the fact data tables from the resulting transformations completed by DBT.

Structure of the Fact Tables


Column Data Type Description
post_id STRING Surrogate key created using DBT using submission_id and submission_created_time
submission_id STRING Reddit Submission ID
submission_author STRING Author of post
submission_title STRING Title of Post
submission_text STRING Text of post
sentiment_score NUMERIC Sentiment score of post
sentiment_label STRING Whether the text is postive, negative, or neutral
positive_words STRING postive words found in post
negative_words STRING negative words found in post
submission_upvotes INTEGER Number of upvotes post has
submission_downvotes INTEGER Nunber of downvotes post has
submission_created_time TIMESTAMP Time post was created in UTC
submission_url STRING URL post links to


Column Data Type Description
reply_id STRING Surrogate key created using DBT using comment_id and comment_created_time
comment_id STRING Reddit Comment ID
submission_id STRING Reddit Submission ID
comment_author STRING Author of comment
comment_text STRING Text of comment
sentiment_score NUMERIC Sentiment score of comment
sentiment_label STRING Whether the text is postive, negative, or neutral
positive_words STRING postive words found in comment
negative_words STRING negative words found in comment
comment_upvotes INTEGER Number of upvotes comment has
comment_downvotes INTEGER Nunber of downvotes comment has
comment_created_time TIMESTAMP Time comment was created in UTC
comment_url STRING URL comment links to


Column Data Type Description
post_id STRING Surrogate key created using DBT using submission_id and submission_created_time
submission_id STRING Reddit Submission ID
submission_author STRING Author of post
submission_title STRING Title of Post
submission_upvotes INTEGER Number of upvotes post has
submission_downvotes INTEGER Nunber of downvotes post has
num_comments INTEGER total number of comments the post has
upvote_comment_ratio FLOAT ratio of the number of upvotes divided by the number of comments. Metric to measure engagement.
submission_created_time TIMESTAMP Time post was created in UTC

Lineage Graph


  • staging.submission, staging.sentiments, and staging.comments are tables where we have loaded all of our collected subreddit data.
  • stg_submission, stg_sentiments, and stg_comments are views that apply some type casting and create new surrogate keys. This is to ensure that the api does not somehow extract the same id for two different posts.
  • fact_submission and fact_comments are tables that join the stg_submission and stg_comments with stg_sentiments. They are partitioned by the time of creation and clustered by sentiment label.
  • fact_engagement is a table that joins the fact_submission and fact_comments and applies some aggregations to calculate the number of comments per post and caluclate the upvote comment ratio.

Dashboard Preview

Access the dashboard here


Replication Steps

Create a Reddit Account

  1. You must create a reddit account in order to be able to scrape subreddit data.
  2. Once you have an account go here. Click on the create another app... button at the bottom of the page. Fill in the required fields and select web app. Click on create app
  3. Under the web_app text under your newly created app information you should have an id for your application. Record this and the secret key. You will need to parameterize your flow with these tokens in order to use the PRAW apiSetup Google Cloud

Setup Google Cloud

  1. Create a google cloud account
  2. Setup a new google cloud project.
  3. Create a new service account. Give the service account the Compute Admin, Service Account User, Storage Admin, Storage Object Admin, and BigQuery Admin Roles.
  4. After the service account has been created, click on Manage Keys under the Actions Menu. Click on the Add Key dropdown and click on Create new key. A prompt should pop up asking to download it as a json or P12 file. Choose the json format and click Create. Save your key file.
  5. Install the the Google Cloud CLI. Assuming you have an Ubuntu linux distro or similar as your environment, follow the directions for Debian/Ubuntu. Make sure you log in by running gcloud init. Choose the cloud project you created to use.
  6. Set the environment variable to point to your downloaded service account keys json file:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path/to/your/service-account-authkeys>.json

  1. Refresh token/session, and verify authentication gcloud auth application-default login

  2. Make sure these APIs are enabled for your project:

Setup VM Environment

  1. Clone the repo and cd into the Solana-Pipeline folder
  2. Install Terraform
  3. Make sure you have an SSH key generated to log into the VM.
  4. cd to the terraform directory and enter the commands terraform init, terraform plan, and terraform apply. You can remove the corresponding infrastructure by using terraform destroy. For the plan and destroy commands you will be prompted to input the following variables:
Variable Description
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID ID of the google cloud project
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL Email of the service account you used to generate the key file
SSH_USER Username you used for the SSH Key
SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH Path to the public SSH key
SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH Path of the script within the Solana-Pipeline directory
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE_PATH Keyfile of the service account
  1. Log in your newly created VM environment using the following command ssh -i /path/to/private/ssh/key username@vm_external_ip_address. As an alternative, follow this video to help setup SSH in a VS code environment, which allows for port forwarding from your cloud VM to your local machine. Type the command cd /Solana-Pipeline to cd into the /Solana-Pipeline directory. Login as super user with the command sudo su in order to edit files.
  2. Activate the newly created python virtual environment using the command: source solana-pipeline-env/bin/activate (You may have to wait a few minutes in order for the vm instance to finish running the script and installing all necessary dependancies).
  3. Make sure you update the profiles.yml and schema.yml files in your dbt directory. Change the appropriate fields with the correct google cloud project id, dataset name, location, and keyfile path.
  4. You should now have prefect installed. Run the prefect server locally using the prefect orion start command to monitor flows. This is needed to access the Orion UI. In another terminal, cd into the flows directory and run the command prefect deployment build -n "solana-pipeline-deployment" --cron "0 0 * * *" -a to build the prefect deployment that runs at 12:00 AM every day. Make sure you setup the following prefect blocks before running:
Block Name Description
crypto-gcp-creds Block pertaining to your Google cloud credentials. You need the JSON keyfile you downloaded earlier to set it up
crypto-reddit Block pertaining to the bucket you wish to load the data into
  1. You can then run the deployment using the command prefect deployment run run-pipeline/solana-pipeline-deployment --params '{"client_id":<client_id>, "client_secret":<client_secret>, "reddit_username":<reddit_username>, "bucket_name":"solana_reddit", "dbt_dir":"/Solana-Pipeline/solana_subreddit_dbt/", "subreddit":"solana", "subreddit_cap":100, "bq_dataset_location":"us-central1", "num_days":15}' as an example. The deployment should be scheduled.
  2. Your newly scheduled deployment can be run when initiating a prefect agent. Run the command prefect agent start -q "default" to run your deployment.

Next Steps

  • Add CI/CD tooling to automate the workflow and make it more production ready
  • Take advantage of systemd to run the agent when the VM starts up
  • Add Piperider to allow for data profiling and monitoring
  • Add docker containers to aid with reproducibility of the presented pipeline.